"Strange... Strange thing?!

Chi Xiaoyu's cheeks on both sides flushed a faint flush, and his speech became indifferent, what

was the strange thing? If she guessed correctly, it should be what she guessed, right?

"Ahem... No, Lo... The teacher had been working all night last night and is now sleeping. Chi

Xiaoyu coughed awkwardly twice, and there was still a slight redness on his face.


Suddenly, there was a howl from Luo Geng in the room, which startled Chi Xiaoyu and Qin Qiao, and immediately turned their heads to look at the other side of the room.

And Luo Geng in the room woke up, and then his waist was very stiff, and he stretched out a devilish roar.

If you know that this is stretching your waist, if you don't know, you think that this is about to transform.

Luo Geng suddenly realized that there were other people in the room, so he looked behind him and found that there was no one Chi Xiaoyu on the bed!

"Huh?! Laughing Rain! Laughing rain?

So he immediately stood up and anxiously looked for Chi Xiaoyu's figure in the room, and for a while, he thought that Chi Xiaoyu had woken up and left.

But at this time, Chi Xiaoyu heard Luo Geng calling him, quickly opened the door, and walked in.

"I'm here, I'm here."

After Luo Geng saw Chi Xiaoyu, a happy expression appeared on his face, and Chi Xiaoyu

also threw himself directly into Luo Geng's arms and hugged him....

A loving hug for someone you like as soon as you wake up, for Luo Geng, it is very refreshing and contributes to physical and mental health more than any breakfast!

"That... Teacher Luo..." However

, the two were too immersed, completely ignoring that there was another person on the side who was completely stunned at the moment.

When Qin Qiao saw this scene, his brain was a little confused, and now he urgently needed to get the script and look at what was going on here?

Luo Geng looked at Qin Qiao and said, "Huh? You are here, hurry up and work, our task volume has greatly increased

..." Luo Geng pointed to the drawings he drew last night on the table, and said:

"These are about to be released in a single book, and they will also be adapted into anime, and the publishing house has made a very excessive request, so we have to work non-stop, of course, it will not make you suffer in vain, after the fact, there will be an extra bonus..."

The point is, I want to know..."

Qin Qiao shook his head, then pointed to Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu in front of him and asked suspiciously.

Luo Geng was stunned for a moment, then understood in his heart and said, "Huh? Oh, introduce, Xiaoyu, this is my editor's cousin and my assistant, called Qin Qiao, and then, she is Chi Xiaoyu, my girlfriend.

"Hello." Chi Xiaoyu stretched out his hand and looked at Qin Qiao with a smile.

"Female... Girlfriend..." The corner of Qin Qiao's mouth twitched, and he misunderstood, people don't have a salary, because people are not apprentices at all

, they are still here to put the shelf of seniors, in fact, people's status is higher....

"You... Hello, sorry.. I didn't ask clearly..."

Qin Qiao stretched out his hand, shook Chi Xiaoyu, and scratched his head awkwardly.

When I think of the old mistake I just made, I couldn't help but blush, which was really a little too ashamed.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Luo Geng looked at Qin Qiao and said: "Well, Xiaoyu will also help us, trouble you to take her and do some simple work."

"Oh, good." Qin Qiao nodded and agreed.

However, Luo Geng stepped forward and

whispered next to Qin Qiao: "Don't give her too much work... Just let her play casually, and don't talk about her if she makes a mistake!

"Good: I.. I see..."


"Bang bang-

" "Xiao Ru? Come out to eat..." A

woman knocked lightly on the door of the room, her face very sad.

This is Qi Qianru's home, and this woman is Qi Qianru's mother, Zhao Juanyan.

Her daughter has locked herself in her room for a long time, eating only a little every time she eats, her eyes are always swollen, and her eyes and nose are red.

Asked her what's wrong, she just scribbled and said that she didn't do well in

the test, but they were parents, they had already comforted her, it was okay if they didn't take the test, there was no need to cry so much, but they

still couldn't stop her from hiding in the room and crying.

"I don't eat..."

Qi Qianru's hoarse and faint voice came

from the room, which made Zhao Juanyan's heart tug, which parents will feel distressed when they hear such a voice from their children

, so she can't care about anything, in order to prevent Qi Qianru from doing stupid things in the house, Zhao Juanyan opened the door of her room.

As soon as I walked in, I saw the piles of paper that were thrown, almost soaked with tears, Qi Qianru lying on the bed, the whole person was covered in the quilt, and there were subtle sobs continuously.

"Oh, Xiao Ru, don't cry, it doesn't matter if you don't do well in the test, your father and I just want you to be happy and happy, nothing else matters!"

Zhao Juanyan sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroking Qi Qianru, and her voice was also very small, as if she was afraid of scaring Qi Qianru.

"But... I'm not happy at all, unhappy..." Qi

Qianru snorted softly, her nasal voice was very heavy, she didn't know how long she had been crying, she almost forgot the time.

These days, she has been immersed in sadness, first crying loudly, crying for a long time with

collapse, and then the emo stage of late night, staring at the moon outside the window blankly, her eyes are blank, sluggish, I don't know what to think

, and after several nights of sleeplessness, my spirit has also reached the brink of collapse and has become extremely fragile.

From time to time, she can think of Luo Geng's face, as well as various things before, so that every time she thinks of it, her heart will be like a knife.

"You now, you need to go out for a walk, relax, talk to friends, it will be fine, if there is anything to worry about, just talk to me, talk to friends, say it will feel a lot better."

Zhao Juanyan continued to comfort Qi Qianru, although she couldn't believe it, but she could vaguely detect that Qi Qianru couldn't cry like this because she didn't do well in the test.

In their studies, they never put pressure on her, praised her well, and never reprimanded her for smashing the test.

So what else can make an adolescent girl cry like this? What else could it be besides the emotional side?

Zhao Juanyan is also considered to be a person, such a reaction, is undoubtedly a problem with the relationship

, about falling in love, although they are not so strict as parents, but also reminded her not to fall in love, too early.

But they are just this one daughter, spoiled, really in love, they can't spill their anger on her.

Qi Qianru stuck her head out of the quilt, and she could see her messy hair and bloodshot eyes, which really looked like she was about to collapse.

"Find friends... Chat? "

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