Luo Geng stood in front of the window and looked at Deng Xiaowei, who had left downstairs, and couldn't help frowning.


He squatted down, covered his head, looked like a headache

, he really can't take this cheeky old mother, how can normal people not see for so long, come to the door and say that they came because they wanted to do it themselves?

Who believes? Thinking about yourself and then not coming for years?

Those who know think you have remarried, and those who don't know think that you went in and worked hard inside....

At this time, the intention is too obvious, right?

When I left, I asked for my own phone number....

The indifferent look that stared at his mobile phone, Luo Geng could not forget it for the rest of his life.

"Bang bang bang-"

At this time, there was a knock on the door, Luo Geng stood up with a bitter face, went to open

the door, and after opening the door, standing at the door was Qin Qiao, who still held the last bit of cigarette butt in her hand.

"Good morning, Teacher Luo."

Qin Qiao took one last puff, threw away the cigarette and put it out, and then prepared to walk in.

"Snap!" But in the next second, Luo Geng slapped one hand on the door frame, blocking Qin Qiao's way!

"Ahem!" Qin Qiao was startled, and the smoke choked in his throat and was coughed out.

"How... What's wrong..."

Luo Geng's eyebrows locked, and he looked at Qin Qiao and said: "It's all the smell of smoke, my head hurts today, I can't smell smoke, and I come in again when there is no smell on my body!" "

Bang!" After speaking, Luo Geng closed the door and turned Qin Qiao away.

Qin Qiao directly stood in place dumbfounded, blinked, and looked at the cold gate in front of him incomprehensibly.

She didn't know what was wrong with Luo Geng, but she was obviously in a very irritable state, so why was she angry with herself?

Qin Qiao sniffed his body and muttered, "It's tasteless...?" "

People who smoke can't smell their own smoke, but people who don't smoke can.

Luo Geng was sitting on the sofa in the room, holding his forehead

, just now he was still worried, another guy who worried himself appeared, so can he let it go?

If it weren't for Qin Qiao's series of confusing operations last night, he wouldn't be embarrassed...

"Huh? Seem... The result is not a bad thing..."

Luo Geng suddenly thought of something, Qi Qianru participated in his dinner last night, it was indeed directly related to Qin Qiao

, but after that, Chi Xiaoyu kissed himself..... Is it also indirectly related to Qin Qiao?


Thinking about it like this, Luo Geng was a little hesitant, it was undeniable that Qin Qiao did those things

, but it seemed that it was because of this that Chi Xiaoyu would do those acts, and then later...


Luo Geng coughed, giving himself a psychological comfort, anyway, when the time comes to put on small shoes for her at work, it is a little inappropriate to shut her out of the door like this.

Thinking so, Luo Geng stood up and walked to the door to open the door.


When he opened the door and saw a scene outside-Jia

Mo didn't know when he came, at this time he was holding his coat and fanning Qin Qiao hard... Trying to fan off the smell of smoke from her....

"Uh..." After seeing Luo Geng come out, the two couldn't help but be stunned.

"Early, Teacher Luo." Jia Mo gave Luo Geng a simple salute and smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, come in."

Luo Geng looked at the two of them, really angry and funny, especially Jia Mo's helpless look, knowing that his cousin was a pig teammate, and had to take her helplessness....

"Okay, okay." Jia Mo nodded, then looked at Qin Qiao on the side, and whispered: "You better hurry up and quit your cigarette, there is no benefit in smoking that thing!"

"I can't quit... How can this thing say quit and quit... It's addictive. Qin Qiao also responded in a low voice.

"Huh?" Qin Qiao walked into the house and began to smell the smell of the house, making a puzzled sound.

Then, she looked at Luo Geng and said, "Mr. Luo, there is a woman's perfume smell in this room, not the smell of laughing rain."

Luo Geng frowned and said, "You can't even smell the smoke on your body, and you can still smell the smell of perfume in the house?"

"Of course, I can smell it as soon as I smell it... This seems to have been out years ago... The taste is a bit outdated... Now I will buy this taste, only middle-aged aunts, right?

"I don't understand, but I'm blown away, and you're right." Luo Geng couldn't help but give her a thumbs

up, she is worthy of being a person who follows the trend, this perfume smell can smell this information?

How do you smell it and feel no different from the six gods?

The three of them quickly got into work, especially Qin Qiao, seeing that there was suddenly so much work waiting to be processed on the table, his scalp was numb.

"Isn't the laughing rain coming today?"

She has been ill and rushed to the hospital, these jobs make her tired alone

, although Chi Xiaoyu is still a novice, and she is not doing it quickly, but she can't fault it, she can be regarded as a more talented player.

"I... I don't know, I should come.

Luo Geng looked at the time on his watch, he seemed to have said last night to let Chi Xiaoyu come to him today....

But now after all, it's only eight o'clock, she finally has a holiday, and she hasn't slept any lazy nights, if she is still sleeping, then let her sleep at ease.

After all, sleeping in is the standard for holidays.

But Luo Geng said so, but he still cares very much, when working, he looks at the time on his watch from time to time, as well as the text messages on his mobile phone, and the result has been no movement

, which makes Luo Geng

a little flustered, although he may be sleeping in, but he will still worry ah.

What if she didn't want to come to herself? Was it still too much work given to her yesterday? So she didn't want to come to herself today?

Luo Geng's mood was a little uneasy, so the speed of painting also slowed down

, but even if he lowered his speed a little more, it was not Qin Qiao that they could catch up.

Until noon, Luo Geng looked at the time and found that it was time for lunch, and

he should also go out to buy a box lunch for them.

"I went out to buy a boxed lunch, do you have anything you want to eat?"

Luo Geng stood up and looked at Qin Qiao and Jia Mo and asked.

"I want to eat..."

Jia Mo interrupted Qin Qiao before she could say anything, and also cast a warning look at her

, this person was obviously polite, how could she not hear it?

But in fact, Luo Geng really didn't want to be polite or anything....

"Then I'll buy it casually."

Luo Geng walked out of the room, then opened the door, ready to go out

, but this time he opened the door, he saw Chi Xiaoyu standing at the door!

She was panting, and there was sweat on the corners of her forehead, as if she was in a hurry!

"Laughing rain? How do you..."

Luo Geng was surprised and delighted, looking at Chi Xiaoyu's hand in front of him, it seemed that he was still holding something....

It was like the lunch box she used to bring every day when she was at school....

Chi Xiaoyu handed the lunch box in his hand to Luo Geng and said,

"That... I made it for you with my own hands... Lunch..."

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