Dozens of minutes later, in Luo Geng's room, several people

were eating lunch, Qin Qiao and Jia Mo were eating boxed lunches, they could eat enough, but they definitely didn't match the food.

Qin Qiao, on the other hand, looked at Luo Geng, who was eating the lunch made by Chi Xiaoyu himself, with resentful eyes.


delicious..." Luo Geng was a little surprised, he didn't expect Chi Xiaoyu to cook so delicious, he was worthy of being a person who made his own lunch every day.

With such a delicious lunch, who would go to the cafeteria....

"If you like to eat, I'll make it for you every day."

Chi Xiaoyu was relieved to see that Luo Geng liked to eat the dishes he made so much, and he didn't waste his time to go to the market early in the morning to buy fresh ingredients.

And Luo Geng also knew that this was definitely not something that could be done in a short time, and he thought that Chi Xiaoyu was sleeping lazily... As a result, people get up early in the morning to make themselves lunch....

"Xiaoyu, you better sleep more in the future, it's finally a holiday, it's not very good to sleep in."

Luo Geng was a little distressed about Chi Xiaoyu's lack of sleep every day when she was in school, so she hoped that she could rest enough during the holidays.

Chi Xiaoyu shook his head and said with a smile:

"It's okay, I think making you lunch is more meaningful to me than sleeping."

"Cousin, what's wrong with the box lunch in my hand suddenly not fragrant?"

Qin Qiao stuffed rice in his mouth, and the chopsticks in his hand fell directly into the box lunch, looking at Jia Mo with a blank face.

Jia Mo, on the other hand, picked up the box lunch and said flatly: "Smoke."

Luo Geng ate the lunch made by Chi Xiaoyu clean and wiped his mouth with a tissue.

"Have you eaten enough?" Chi Xiaoyu asked with some worry

, she deliberately made a relatively large amount, her appetite was very small, and she couldn't eat much, but considering that Luo Geng was a boy, and it was so hard every day, she would definitely eat more, so she did a lot, seeing Luo Geng eat clean, it was

inevitable that she would be a little worried that he hadn't eaten enough.

"Full, full."

To be honest, Luo Geng has already eaten enough, it is indeed a little too much for him

, if it weren't for Chi Xiaoyu's own hands, he would definitely not be able to eat it all.

"That's good." Chi Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief, and was ready to take the lunch box to the kitchen to brush.

And Luo Geng thought of Deng Xiaowei's words in the morning at this time, and

after a while, Luo Geng muttered:

"Hmm... I should discuss it with my dad.

"Oh yes."

After Luo Geng saw Chi Xiaoyu come back, he suddenly thought of something, and then took out his wallet from his pocket.

"Xiaoyu, give, this is all my savings, you help me keep it first."

Luo Geng stuffed the wallet into Chi Xiaoyu's hand, not only was Chi Xiaoyu stunned in place, Qin Qiao and Jia Mo were stupid.

What is the situation? Turn in your salary?

Is Chi Xiaoyu's tutoring so strict? All the money Luo Geng earns must be handed over?

"This is... What a situation.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at the bulging wallet in his hand and asked puzzled.

There was not only a thick stack of banknotes, but also a bank card that stored more money from Luo Geng, which was indeed all Luo Geng's savings.

"Uh... This..."

Luo Geng stood up, and then walked out of the room with Chi Xiaoyu and closed the door of the room.

Qin Qiao and Jia Mo looked at each other, not knowing what was wrong with them.

So the two of them continued to work with their heads down, until after a while, Chi Xiaoyu's exclamation suddenly came from outside the door: "Huh? See your mother?!

Chi Xiaoyu quickly covered his mouth, realizing that he was a little too extreme, but this was also too sudden.

She couldn't believe it.

Mainly... His own mother Ren Lan, and Luo Geng's father....

And then he still has to meet Luo Geng's mother? This relationship is also too messy, right?

"Well, she came this morning, she hasn't seen her for so many years, but today

she said she missed me, in fact, she came for my money..." "So in order to deal with her, I casually said that my money is all with my girlfriend, and then she will offer to let me take you with her for dinner on the weekend.... You just go through the motions, there is no need to take it seriously, and then it is, no matter what happens on the table, you just leave it alone

..." "Of course, if you don't want to go, it doesn't matter, I'll just make an excuse..." Luo

Geng can actually take Chi Xiaoyu without Chi Xiaoyu, but he still wants to bring it, he wants to let the woman who looks down on him see his girlfriend.

"It's okay, I'm just scared, I'll go..." Chi Xiaoyu waved her hand, she already understood what was going on

, although the relationship was more awkward, but since Luo Geng needed himself, how could he retreat.

"Hmm... The weekend was... Two days later..." When

Luo Geng worked in the afternoon, he had been thinking about countermeasures, and having a meal with his mother was a normal thing for everyone, but for Luo Geng,

it was simply unusual.

How to cut himself off from that woman was his highest priority.

She definitely can't take a penny of her own money, that's for sure, she can't do anything about herself

, if that cheeky can't come to the door, how annoying is that?

There will definitely be a banner pulled, downstairs with a loudspeaker shouting, saying that he is not filial and so on, disgusting himself.

With my own opinion of her now, I feel that she is fully capable of doing such a thing.

In the evening, Luo Geng finished the day's work, everyone else left, and Luo

Geng also sent Chi Xiaoyu home.

However, downstairs, he met Luo Yongfu, who also sent Ren Lan home.


Luo Geng said hello, walked over and walked with Luo Yongfu, ready to go home together.

Luo Yongfu, on the other hand, glanced Luo Geng up and down and said; "This morning, Xiao Wei didn't go to the house to find you? Want money?

Luo Geng thought that he was worthy of being his father, and he really knew his mother.

"Well, if I want to take Xiaoyu to dinner with her on the weekend, I want to take this opportunity to break off with her."

"Alas, this inhuman one should have filed a lawsuit with her in the first place, but now he really doesn't want a face, why is this person still living more and more finished..." Luo Yongfu's frowning eyebrows twisted into a dead knot, and his mouth continued to curse.

"Daddy, do you have a good way? You should have the best way to deal with your mother, right?

Luo Geng informed Luo Yongfu of his troubles, hoping that he could think of a way for himself

, after all, he could deal with his mother, it is estimated that only his own father.

But Luo Yongfu was not worried at all, he patted Luo Geng's shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, son, you can go with ease, and leave the rest to me, I won't believe it, two people with the same surname can't get a foreign surname?"

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