"Okay, okay, I know, I'll be right there."

Luo Geng hung up the phone, and on the other side of the phone was his mother's urging.

Today is the weekend, she called early in the morning to remind herself that she didn't forget today's agreement, right?

He also repeatedly told Luo Geng to bring his girlfriend.

Luo Geng also understood that she didn't really want to see Chi Xiaoyu, it was just that she said that her money was in Chi Xiaoyu's place.

Luo Geng was dressed more formally, and it was a set of more expensive clothes specially bought in the city yesterday.

Then I don't know what Luo Yongfu's intentions are, and he also instructed him to buy some more expensive watches and brand-name leather shoes, and Luo Geng didn't know what to do, but Luo Yongfu said that these are all necessary, and they are sharp blades that can make Deng Xiaowei's eyes red!

To put it bluntly, it is angry with her.

Luo Geng stood downstairs in Chi Xiaoyu's house, waiting for Chi Xiaoyu to come downstairs.

After a while, he saw the figure slowly walking down.

Chi Xiaoyu wore a white dress, the upper body was close to the body and the hem was slightly fluffy, and the slim silhouette perfectly outlined her curves.

It provides her with that quiet, confident and evocative fashion style.

Moreover, this dress can wear almost any shoes she wants to match, so she chose a pair of wedge heels, which are the most convenient for walking in high heels, and she will not feel tired after wearing them for a long time.

Still wearing gentle light makeup, for Chi Xiaoyu is like a tiger wings.

And her hair, clipped up, was the hairpin that Luo Geng gave her....

After Chi Xiaoyu saw Luo Geng, she was slightly stunned, probably because Luo Geng had specially cleaned up today, she felt that he was so handsome today!

Even if he is used to looking at Luo Geng now, he will not be like before, but after seeing Luo Geng today, he will still be a little moved.

"Long wait."

Chi Xiaoyu walked to Luo Geng and looked at him with a slight smile.

And Luo Geng couldn't hide the corners of his mouth, and said: "It is worth waiting for how long to see such a beautiful you."

He now understands what other people mean when they say they take their girlfriends out to have face in their previous lives.

He was still thinking, it's good to have a girlfriend, and what is faceless, it turns out that because he doesn't have a girlfriend, he doesn't have this feeling.

Now he can understand, this Chi Xiaoyu went out, it is indeed face-saving, and his heart is different!

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu got into a taxi and prepared to go to the restaurant agreed upon with Deng Xiaowei.

Luo Geng has long thought that eating with herself, no matter who her money belongs to in the end, she will not spend her own money, so she chose a very expensive restaurant today!

He had never been to that kind of restaurant, and he believed that Deng Xiaowei had definitely not been there.

The appearance of Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu was indeed very eye-catching, at least before entering the restaurant, they had endured the attention of many people.

"What's wrong?"

Luo Geng felt that he was holding Chi Xiaoyu's hand, trembling slightly, so he looked at her and asked.

Chi Xiaoyu, on the other hand, bit his thin lips, and after hearing Luo Geng ask himself, he looked at him, squeezed out a smile, and said, "It's okay... It's just that it's still a little nervous..."

She also belongs to meeting her parents, but it is not a feeling at all when she first met Luo Yongfu

, because no matter what, her mother was present at that time,

and she also knew a little about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law....

What if Luo Geng's mother can't look at herself? What if you don't agree to the two of them being together?

However, if Luo Geng knew Chi Xiaoyu's thoughts, he would probably feel that this was a bit unfounded.

Because she didn't know that she was coming today, not a simple mother-son dinner, but a war!

Until now, Luo Geng doesn't know where his father is?! Say yes to help yourself? How can I help? I don't know how to talk to myself in advance!

He only said to let himself play freely

, and leave the rest to him, and then asked where the agreed restaurant was, asked him for a little money, said that he wanted to buy clothes or something, and then .... There will be no follow-up....

In the window position of the restaurant, Deng Xiaowei sat here, staring at the staircase

, until she saw Luo Geng pulling Chi Xiaoyu up, she quickly stood up and beckoned: "Xiao Geng!" Here and here!

Luo Geng saw her, so he walked over with Chi Xiaoyu.

Chi Xiaoyu was still a little nervous, did not dare to look directly at Deng Xiaowei's face, and lowered his head.

"Mom... This is my girlfriend, Chi Xiaoyu.

Luo Geng walked up to Deng Xiaowei and introduced himself to Chi Xiaoyu.

Deng Xiaowei glanced Chi Xiaoyu up and down, did not speak, and fell silent,

because she really didn't know what to say....

She only has one feeling now!

Did this kid spend money to find someone to act?

This little girl looks so good-looking, how can she look at her son?

Are you sure you didn't get it for money?

How much does that cost?!

Luo Geng saw that Deng Xiaowei did not speak, so he looked at Chi Xiaoyu and said: "Xiaoyu, this is my mother, just call you Aunt Deng."

"Aunt Deng is good... Just call me Little Rain. Chi Xiaoyu bowed slightly and greeted her.

This made her wake up from her daze.

"Ah! Good, good, good boy, sit down, sit down and talk.

Deng Xiaowei quickly beckoned the two to sit down, while Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu also sat opposite Deng Xiaowei.

Chi Xiaoyu raised his head and looked at Deng Xiaowei's face, and his first feeling was that this aunt was not easy to mess with....

Because that eyebrow seems to have a sense of majesty, there is a bad bully temperament....

But upon closer inspection, Luo Geng's facial features are still a bit similar to his mother.

"Oops... Okay, okay.

Deng Xiaowei's mouth muttered applause, rubbing his hands, as if he didn't know what to say,

but his eyes repeatedly probed on the two of them!

His eyes kept fixed on Chi Xiaoyu's necklace! On Luo Geng's watch! And everything she thinks expensive!

Luo Geng naturally felt Deng Xiaowei's gaze, and couldn't help but admire his father in his heart, he really knew her too well.

"Come, order food, Xiao Geng, you and Xiao Yu, order whatever you want."

Deng Xiaowei took the menu and handed it to Luo Geng, the words in his mouth were so natural, which made Luo Geng a little surprised, how could he say this as if you wanted to treat you? In the end, don't you pay for it yourself?

"Hello, welcome! Sir, are you two? At

this time, there was a waiter's voice from the other side of the stairs, this restaurant is hardly many people come, expensive is a little, followed by the main dinner table here is the characteristic, more ambitious, few people come here to eat during the day.

Luo Geng and the three looked over, and in an instant, the eyes of the three people widened!

"Rub! Daddy is coming! The

corner of Luo Geng's mouth twitched, and Luo Yongfu dressed more grandly! Much more official than yourself!

And it's not alone!

And Chi Xiaoyu's mother, Ren Lan!

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