"Okay, where to go?" Wen Shao agreed without thinking, without any doubts.

Bai Yi thought of Luo Geng's words, and if he wanted to do what he liked, he wanted to play something he liked with Wen Shao...

But can playing ball really be called dating?

"Let's go play

..." Wen Shao was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and asked in surprise: "Huh?" Playing basketball? It's true? Why haven't I seen you fight before? "

Although he hasn't gone out with Bai Yi a few times, he has also been a classmate with her for three years, has

she played basketball?

Bai Yi responded: "Really, I want to learn, you teach me."

Wen Shao touched his chin, thought about it and said: "This way, okay, no problem, what time is tomorrow?" "

Hmm... Ten o'clock in the morning.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you on the park pitch then."


The two hung up the phone, and Bai Yi lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking about what to do tomorrow.

Originally, I really didn't think so much, I just wanted to ask Wen Shao out first, maybe I could play and play... What a different result.

But Luo Geng also said that if he didn't take any action, then even if Elder Yue personally pulled the strings, it was estimated that there would be no results.


She thought about it, and she didn't know exactly what to do, what exactly to do with obvious actions, she didn't know at all

, learning was not difficult for her, but for these things, she didn't know how to solve them.

In the end, I could only sigh, then close my eyes and sleep peacefully.

The next day, Bai Yi woke up early, but fell into a problem

, that is, he didn't seem to have any clothes to wear to play....

At most, wear a half-sleeve and a pair of shorts, and it's not sporty, because I really lack exercise.

According to the agreement, she came to the stadium in the park around ten o'clock

, and found that Wen Shao had already come here, wearing a sports vest and shorts, compared with him, Bai Yi didn't seem to come here to play....

Wen Shao was shooting there alone, and when he saw Bai Yi standing aside at some point, he walked over.

"You came, but I really didn't expect you to ask me to play, I knew that I would find you when no one played with me before."

Wen Shao held the basketball and walked in front of Bai Yi, who was a head taller than her, and Wen Shao had to look down at her slightly.

"I'm too... Seeing that you boys are having so much fun, so I want to give it a try..."

Bai Yi tugged at the corners of her clothes, not daring to look up at Wen Shao's eyes, because she was afraid that Wen Shao would see in her eyes that she was lying.

However, it turned out that Bai Yi's concerns were superfluous, because Wen Shao didn't think elsewhere at all.

"Then come on, you warm up first, otherwise you will be strained in a while."

Wen Shao patted the ball, and then went to shoot by himself, not paying any more attention to Bai Yi.

Bai Yi was a little gambling, and she saw in Wen Shao's eyes that he was more interested in basketball than herself!

After the warm-up, Bai Yi stood behind Wen Shao,

who turned around and passed the basketball to her.


As a result, Bai Yi didn't react at all, didn't catch it, and the basketball rolled aside.

"Uh..." Bai Yi smiled awkwardly, and then quickly went to pick up the basketball.

I wanted to learn how Wen Shao slapped the ball, but I slapped it too hard! Basketballs fly directly higher than people!


Wen Shao looked at Bai Yi's appearance, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, her appearance was like a child who could just walk playing with a ball, unfamiliar as if she was not familiar with her body.

"Don't laugh at me..." Bai

Yi's face turned red, she saw that those boys were playing so simply, how could this basketball be like an untamable beast in her hands, not obedient at all.

Then, she stood in front of the basket, held the basketball in both hands, and pushed it out!


As a result, without even touching the rebound, the basketball flew out and rolled a long way....


"Poofhahaha-" Wen Shao began to laugh, he really didn't expect that watching Bai Yi play could be so funny.

It can be said that Bai Yi's physical strength is not bad, but there are really no motor cells, and the body is not very coordinated.


Bai Yi glanced at Wen Shao complainingly, looking at his laughing appearance, a little angry.

Then she huffed and walked in the direction where the basketball rolled out, and now they all rolled to the other side of the park.

"What's the laugh, it's not normal that I'm not good at it, I didn't laugh when he couldn't do the questions..."

Bai Yi was still chanting in his mouth, looking at the basketball in the distance stopped there, so he quickly took two steps, ready to pick it up.

When she just bent down and was about to pick up the basketball

, a person suddenly appeared in front of her, standing in front of Bai Yi.


Bai Yi picked up the basketball and raised his head to look at the man in front of him, not knowing what he was suddenly standing here for.

The man was also wearing sports clothes, looked about the same age as Bai Yi, and was about the same height as Wen Shao.

"Bai Yi?"

In an instant, the man called out Bai Yi's name, making her instantly stunned in place.

"You... You are?

Bai Yi was a little puzzled, she looked at the man in front of her, a little strange, but a little familiar.

"I'm Meng Yangze, don't you remember me?"

The man chuckled, revealing that refreshing smile, which was particularly dazzling in the sun.


The basketball in Bai Yi's hand fell to the ground, blinked, and looked at Meng Yangze in shock.

When he heard the name, his mind thundered, and it was a little difficult to accept.

No wonder she feels so familiar

, this Meng Yangze is her junior high school classmate, in a sense, or her first love....

It is the one I talked about with Wen Shao yesterday, the love they talked about in junior high school.

"Long time no see, what a coincidence, you are here... Playing ball?

Meng Yangze looked at the basketball on the ground and asked Bai Yi, who was already stunned in front of him, with a smile.

Bai Yi slowed down, picked up the basketball, and said, "Ah, yes, it's quite a coincidence."

She nodded, did not expect Meng Yangze's appearance to change a little, she didn't recognize it

, after graduating from junior high school, he went to other schools, never saw again, and in junior high school

, he was confessed by him, didn't understand anything at that time, so he promised him

, but it lasted for about a month, only occasionally going to school together and leaving school together.

When he wanted to hold hands and hug,

he realized that falling in love was not such a simple thing.

I also realized that I didn't like him, so I eventually broke up with him.

Encountering him again at this time, Bai Yi's inner feeling was only embarrassment....

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