Meng Yangze looked Bai Yi up and down, looking her a little uncomfortable.

"You seem to be looking better."

"Uh, hehe, then I won't get uglier and uglier..." Bai Yi laughed awkwardly a few times, feeling Meng Yangze's gaze, it was really a little uncomfortable.

"It's also fate to meet here, by the way, have you eaten?" I'll invite you to dinner, and we'll catch up.

Meng Yangze hooked the corners of his mouth and had a smile on his face, but Bai Yi didn't think that this smile was very simple.

"Uh, no, no thanks, I'm going to play, bye."

Bai Yi quickly shook his head and rejected him,

now it's embarrassing enough to chat with him here, and reminisce? What is there to talk about, and there is nothing old to talk about with him?

"What's wrong? How did it take so long?

At this time, the two heard a call, looked over, and saw Wen Shao standing there with a dazed face.

Wen Shao stared at the two of them and asked Bai Yi suspiciously: "Uh... Are you friends?

Bai Yi shook his head and said, "It's just a junior high school classmate."

Meng Yangze stared at Wen Shao for a while, then looked at Bai Yi, as if he understood something, and also asked Bai Yi: "Is he your boyfriend?"

"Ah, no, no, no, he's my friend, Wen Shao."

Bai Yi quickly waved his hand and introduced Wen Shao to Meng Yangze, but as a friend.

But when talking about Meng Yangze, he was talking about junior high school classmates.

This made Meng Yangze a little uncomfortable, and frowned slightly.

Then he slowly walked in the direction of Wen Shao

, came to him, stretched out his hand, and said:

"Hello, my name is Meng Yangze, is... Bai Yi's ex-boyfriend. "


As soon as these words came out, not only Wen Shao, but even Bai Yi's eyes widened in surprise,

she didn't understand why Meng Yangze introduced herself like this?

Wen Shao stood in place, not knowing what to say.

Seeing his reaction, Meng Yangze seemed to have verified his guess

, and then slowly turned his head, looked at Bai Yi, and said,

"What's wrong?" Baiyi, did I lie? Am I not wrong?


Bai Yi couldn't speak, because from the fact, what he said was right

, even if he didn't understand anything at the time, didn't he still agree to be with him.

After Wen Shao was stunned for a few seconds, the corners of his mouth rose, shook his hand, and said:

"Hello, I heard Bai Yi talk about it, but after all, it's junior high school, it's all children, they don't understand anything at all, why fall in love or not?" It's just a stupid like. "

Wha-" Meng Yangze smacked his tongue, he knew that Wen Shao was right

, although he had such an identity, but in the end it was the result of a farce, and he couldn't climb the height of love at all.

"What's wrong with these two people..."

Bai Yi watched the two of them shake hands, but why could the muscles contract in his forearm when shaking hands?

Does the handshake need to be that hard?

And obviously smiling, but I can't see a friendly atmosphere.

Meng Yangze suddenly thought of something, let go of Wen Shao's hand, and asked, "I also like to play, let's play together for a while?"

Wen Shao frowned slightly, then smiled and said, "Okay." "

Take a walk."

Wen Shao took the basketball from Bai Yi's hand, and then the two walked towards the court like this, looking impatient

, leaving Bai Yi standing alone behind, messy in the wind.

After a while, Bai Yi sat on a chair next to the court

, supporting his chin with both hands, his expression looked bored

, and the two of them really started playing, so they hung themselves aside.

In the process of playing, Meng Yangze intentionally or unintentionally made some small movements, colliding with Wen Shao's body, and Wen Shao

seemed to detect Meng Yangze's intentions.

Next, Wen Shao dribbled the ball and broke through Meng Yangze's defense, but the goal did not seem to be shooting....

He saw the opportunity and slammed into Meng Yangze's chest with his strong shoulders!


"Shout-" Meng Yangze vomited in pain, and then squatted on the ground, covering his chest.

"Oh, are you okay buddy? Sorry, this game will inevitably have some bumps, right?

Wen Shao looked at Meng Yangze condescendingly, and said some words of concern in

his mouth, but he couldn't see Wen Shao's face, and he couldn't see the corners of his raised mouth.

"Ahem..." Meng

Yangze coughed a few times, this time almost knocked him out, now he is a little chest tight, short of breath.

He raised his head and stared at Wen Shao in the sun with a frown, and he had already closed the corners of his raised mouth.

"What is he doing... Is this rugby..." Bai

Yi saw the scene just now, although he didn't understand the rules of basketball, but Wen Shao was obviously intentional....

Who would hit someone directly while playing....

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" Meng Yangze gritted his teeth, stood up, and stared at Wen Shao viciously.

"No, I'm not doing the same thing as you? Oh, it's just that I'm physically stronger, what's wrong with that?

Wen Shao showed an innocent expression and shrugged

, just now Meng Yangze was also bumping himself intentionally or unintentionally, but his physique was far worse than Wen Shao, and he couldn't shake him at all, in turn, when Wen Shao

hit Meng Yangze, it was like a stone smashing an egg, and it would break when touched.

"Good, good, so playful, good..."

Meng Yangze nodded, gasped a few times, and adjusted his messy breathing.

"If you are uncomfortable, go and rest, after all, I am here to play with Bai Yi, not you."

Wen Shao pointed to Bai Yi on the side and said indifferently.

And Bai Yi heard these words, the cheeks on both sides flushed a faint flush, and she felt a warm current in her heart

, she thought that Wen Shao didn't care about herself anymore

, "Don't, I haven't played enough, come on."

Meng Yangze bent down and beckoned at Wen Shao, letting him continue to come.

Wen Shao's eyes narrowed slightly, his expression became serious, and he thought that since he didn't want to give up yet, let him remember it for a long time.


Wen Shao dribbled the ball and rushed towards Meng Yangze, trying to teach him a lesson in the same way again.

But Meng Yangze's eyes froze, and he did not choose to clash with Wen Shao head-on, but slightly sideways his body, and then stretched out his foot to trip Wen Shao!

He is not stupid, he knows that it is impossible to be an opponent in a head-on collision with Wen Shao, then just play something dirty.


Wen Shao's heart was suddenly shocked, but he couldn't stop it, his center of gravity was unstable, and his impact was relatively strong,

and the whole person instantly fell forward and fell to the ground fiercely!


"Text... Wen Shao! Are you okay! Seeing this scene, Bai Yi showed a worried look, quickly got up and ran over

, she came to Wen Shao and squatted down, and saw that his knee had broken a large piece and bleeding.

"Shh-" Wen Shao gasped, not only hurting his knee, but also twisting his ankle.

"This..." Meng Yangze looked at Bai Yi's reaction like this, stunned, Bai Yi didn't react at all when he was injured just

now, and now Wen Shao is injured, but she has such a concerned reaction.

To be honest, Meng Yangze's heart is now even more hurt...

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