Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter Thirty-Eight Openly Confronting the Federation 719

"As you can see, the federal review officials have arrived at the gate of the base. Let us wait and see what happens next."

The female reporter said excitedly to the holographic projection screen in front of her.

This holographic projection screen is connected to the communication equipment on Mercury City, as well as Jupiter and Neptune.

There was a delay of tens of minutes when the screen was transmitted back to Jupiter, but it was still a live broadcast.

Mercury City and Earth are the fastest to receive.

Everyone is waiting for the final result.

They want to see the picture of Jiang Fan being arrested, and the picture of the Federation getting anti-gravity technology.

"It's so relieved, I can see this guy has been arrested right away."

"Scatter flowers, sprinkle flowers, let the whole world celebrate."

"Catch him and sentence him."

"At that time, we will form a team to visit the prison."

"Add me."

"And me, and me."

Comments kept popping up, and the female reporter became more and more excited.

There are smiles on the face, just like a holiday.

"Look, six members of the review team."

The female reporter signaled her assistant to switch the camera to the center of the venue.

I saw the six members of the review team walk through the crowd like stars.

Everyone makes way for them.

Like a triumphant hero.

Everyone was expecting that they would arrest Jiang Fan, who was outspoken, and put him in prison.

The people who saw the broadcast content were all very anxious.

"Hurry up, it's making my heart itch."

"It's too steady, it should be trotting, let's see this guy who destroys the unity of mankind arrested."

"You said that if human beings have anti-gravity technology, how powerful would it be?"

"We don't need to rotate the space city, we can create gravity by ourselves, and we can create black holes."

"Create a black hole? Isn't that equivalent to a black domain?"

"It's the black domain, so the anti-gravity technology must be in the hands of the Federation."


Under the eyes of everyone's anticipation.

Six officials from the inspection team walked to the gate of the base.

The reporters stood aside expectantly, wanting to see the guy who went berserk last time.

How this time I was deflated and repented.

"Unidentified person detected, please show identification."

A mechanical electronic sound sounded.

Officers from the review team stepped up and produced their federal papers.

"I am the third federal review team, and I am reviewing here in accordance with Bill 178, please cooperate."

The reporters were a little impatient.

Why do you need to check your identity? Hurry up and open the door and let us in.

Look how ugly that guy's face really is.

The green light scanned the examiner's body, and then turned into red light.

"Sorry, unable to confirm identity, please leave in time."

The mechanical voice prompts.

Hearing the electronic sound, the people next to him became anxious.

"Isn't this guy a shrinking turtle?"

"If you want to play such a trick, you won't see anyone. He is deceiving himself."

"Stop talking nonsense, just let the special team break in."

Others also agreed with this behavior, so they should break through the door directly.

Resolutely refrain from any thought of mercy towards this criminal who undermines the unity of humanity.

They should be awakened with a strong iron fist.

The officer of the inspection team suppressed his inner anger, and said again: "I am the third federal inspection team, and I am conducting a search and audit here in accordance with Act No. 178. If you cannot confirm my identity, please ask the person in charge of this base to come out."

"Please wait, I am calling for you."

After the dull mechanical sound, there was a burst of pleasant music.

Everyone can only wait.

But after more than ten minutes, his neck looked long.

I didn't see anyone coming out, and the music was still playing.

The crowd suddenly became agitated, and it was obvious that they were being treated like monkeys.

"It's too much to deceive people, why don't you just attack directly?"

"I feel like we're idiots."

"We have wasted more than 20 minutes here, but we didn't even see his shadow."

Several officials of the review team also discussed in low voices for a while.

I don't think it's an option to wait.

Just about to prepare for someone to break into the door by force.

The music just stopped.

Disappointingly, the door still didn't open.

A holographic projection of Jiang Fan appears in front of the base's gate.

"What's the matter?"

Everyone present felt contemptuous, and the other party just used a holographic projection to dismiss them.

An official of the inspection team suppressed his anger and spoke in a calm tone as much as possible.

I am the third federal inspection team, and I am conducting a search and review here in accordance with Act No. 178. "

"Sorry, there is nothing you want here, please go back."

Hearing this, the censor finally broke out.

Came here and got fooled for over twenty minutes.

At the back, only one projection came out.

It made them feel very aggrieved, and their anger couldn't be suppressed at once.

I saw an official with an angry face and roared loudly: "Mr. Jiang Fan, please make it clear that this is not asking for your consent, please let us in immediately."

"Sorry, you have no right to enter."

"Are you going in flagrant disobedience to a federal law?"


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