The official's face was flushed as if his throat was stuck, and his mouth was opened.

After that, I can't say anything.

Not to mention the officials, even all the media reporters and those who watched the excitement were all stunned.

The hot comments just now stopped suddenly.

It was as if the connection was suddenly disconnected.

When Jiang Fan said yes, everyone couldn't believe their ears.

They just feel that the world is crazy.

Someone admitted to flagrant defiance of federal law.

Is this guy stupid?

Dare to admit this kind of thing.

"Mr. Jiang Fan has some things that should not be said indiscriminately."

The officials of the review team said in a trembling tone.

"I do not recognize the Federation's Proposition 178, so I declare that I am officially independent from the Solar System Federation and no longer accept the restrictions of the Federation's laws. Forcibly entering my base, I will regard you as invaders, which is equivalent to an act of war."

"Even if the anti-gravity technology I own is destroyed, it will not be handed over to the Federation. The survival of human civilization has nothing to do with me."

Jiang Fan's holographic projection spoke word by word.

The sound echoed throughout the scene.

As soon as these words came out, the rustling discussions disappeared.

The scene fell silent, only the humming of the machine could be heard.

Everyone was shocked.

They all looked at Jiang Fan's holographic projection in amazement.

Absolutely no one in the Federation dared to say such a thing.

This is crazy.

Jiang Fan is publicly declaring war on the Solar System Federation! !

How crazy does it have to be to say that.

What confidence does he have?

To say such words to a huge human regime.

A space city may not dare to declare independence to the federal government.

After the beginning of the bunker era, frictions between the space city and the federal government often occurred due to various reasons.

In Neptune and Uranus, two large space cities declared their independence.

Africa II and Indian Ocean I.

But in the end it's all over

Compared with the previous era, the size of the federal fleet has been greatly reduced.

But it's still huge.

Moreover, each space city within the Federation of the Solar System has its own functions, and a single space city cannot achieve production, life, and resources at the same time.

Now, a lunatic declares he is seceding from the Union.

After a brief shock, everyone felt that he was overwhelmed.

"Break in, he must be destroying the technology, the speed must be fast, otherwise there will be nothing."

Someone yelled.

At this moment. The people on the scene reacted.

Jiang Fan just said that he would rather destroy the gravity technology than leave it to the Federation.

If only he knew the fate of his inevitable failure.

Then it must be destroying the products of anti-gravity technology now.

"Quick, don't let him destroy the intellectual achievements of anti-gravity technology."

"We must not let him destroy it."

"Call in."

"catch him."

"Shameless man, break in and grab him."


The voices of bystanders made several officials of the review team realize the seriousness of the matter.

They must act quickly.

"Mr. Jiang Fan, open the door immediately, or we will attack by force."

"Please don't do stupid things, accept federal scrutiny, and everything can be redeemed."

Jiang Fan's holographic projection looked at everyone, "I repeat for the last time, once you try to forcefully enter the base, it will be regarded as an act of war, and I will fight back. I advise people who have nothing to do with this matter to stay away, otherwise I will not guarantee your safety." Safety."

Then, the eyes fell on several officials of the review team again.

"The same is true for you, don't make any drastic moves, this is my last warning to you. Any invasion will be replaced by bloodshed, and you will see war and death."

Jiang Fan's words were so powerful, it seemed that he was the one who had the upper hand.

After the Three-Body Civilization was exposed, human beings realized that there were even more terrifying enemies.

The internal war disappeared after that day.

Even extremist groups have disbanded.

Because all internal wars are meaningless.

Humanity needs to work together to face a more powerful enemy.

Today, the declaration of war that has disappeared for several eras is being shouted out again.

The people at the scene only felt a burst of panic, whether this would be the first wound to tear apart the Solar System Federation.

"Don't trust him, he's just a villain who betrayed humanity. He is a member of ETO in the new era, and he must be arrested."

"Catch him quickly, he's just bluffing?"

"Yes, catch him."

After a brief silence, the crowd at the scene broke out into even more terrifying noises.

Everyone is yelling to grab Jiang Fan.

Several officials of the inspection team, after making eye contact, ordered the special team to start a storm.

Team members quickly installed high explosives.

The onlookers all retreated to a certain range.

With the loud bang, the crowd cheered.

The high-energy explosives blasted open the gate of the base, and also set off a wave of white air.

The reporters scrambled to be the first to rush in after the special operations team members, for fear that they would not capture the video of the arrest of Jiang Fan and the seizure of the anti-gravity vehicle by the Federation in the first place.

But soon, panic and screams sounded. *

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