Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 60 Technology Rolling 1020

Everyone in the Federation Fleet fell into shock and panic as they watched the feedback of the battlefield.

In the data sent back by the battlefield radar, they saw Mercury City, still floating in space intact.

It was not completely destroyed as they imagined.

Someone called up the detailed pictures before and after the attack.

During the intensive attack, milky white light lit up in the void space.

Lasers and EKE rounds can only leave ripples of waves on it.

The milky white light vibrated, as if the surface of the water was being shaken.

It looks very soft, but it has incredible toughness.

It is as immovable as Mount Tai, allowing the storm to impact it.

Mercury City is well protected by energy shields.

Even with such a terrifying attack, it didn't suffer a single bit of damage.

A video communication was connected to the channel of the fleet commander, and it was sent from Mercury City.

Open it and have a look.

Jiang Fan showed a smile, raised one of his hands, clenched it into a fist, and slowly stretched out a middle finger.

Made a common human gesture.

Its meaning is of course needless to say.

"It is absolutely impossible for human beings to survive the terrible blow of the dark forest. Fleeing to the starry sky is the last way for human beings to survive. I..."

Before Jiang Fan finished speaking, the fleet commander directly closed the dialogue.

This guy is absolutely not allowed to talk nonsense.

You must know that it is a live broadcast now, and their call will be transmitted to every terminal in the federation.

Now, Mercury City was not destroyed in the blow, it was intact, and Jiang Fan was still sitting in his seat calmly.

It is conceivable what kind of impact this scene will have on federal citizens.

They will lose faith in the Federation.

The commander of the fleet showed a ruthless expression. He didn't believe that this energy shield could withstand the indiscriminate bombing of twenty star-class warships.

"Fire all and destroy Mercury City at all costs."

The Admiral of the Fleet roared loudly.

His orders echoed in everyone's ears over the Fleet Channel.

All star-class warships and armed spaceships opened fire under his command.

In an instant, the dark and cold space becomes a deadly thicket of lasers, nuclear missiles, and kinetic shells.

Such a huge energy beam even interfered with the electromagnetic radiation in space.

The communications of the battleship made harsh noises.

Stellar-class warships and armed spacecraft detection screens are full of dense spots of light.

The calculation of the huge movement group caused the battleship's calculation system to temporarily slow down.

The fleet dumped all its weapons and ammunition on Mercury City.

Mercury City was once again submerged in countless attacks.

Dense lasers and missiles exploded in Mercury City, making the light where it was located suddenly brighten countless times.

Some missiles and electromagnetic kinetic energy bombs fell into Mercury due to guidance errors, causing an explosion that shattered heaven and earth.

Tower-like flames of nuclear explosions shot up across the surface of Mercury.

A terrible shock wave shook that desolate world.

Huge fireballs kept appearing in the thin atmosphere, all of which were attacks that should have landed on Mercury City.

These weapons are so powerful that even the surface of a planet can be easily destroyed.

The Mercury ground below Mercury City, illuminated by the flames of the explosion, was submerged in flames.

Twenty star-class battleships are enough to easily destroy all living things on the surface of a planet the size of the earth.

Among them, the flames of nuclear weapons were the brightest, flooding a large number of places.

With the development of technology, nuclear weapons have also been enriched.

Each of the miniature nuclear fusion warheads used by the fleet today is equivalent to the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of tons in the past.

The debut of nuclear weapons was the most famous little boy in World War II.

Its equivalent is only 15,000 tons, which can easily destroy a city.

Now, the use of nuclear weapons by human beings is still more terrifying.

The power of each nuclear missile in the fleet is unimaginable, enough to destroy huge cities and shake the continental plates of the planet.

But in such an attack, Mercury City remained motionless.

The milky white light is like the surface of the water being impacted by dense small stones, causing ripples and fluctuations one by one.

But no attack can penetrate it and attack Mercury City inside.

This is a cross-age crush, no matter how powerful the Great Qin Arrow Array is, it is impossible to penetrate a tank.

All members of the fleet watched this scene in despair.

Their attacks are useless.

The current Jiang Fan has unimaginable technology just like the three-body civilization in the past.

Those shields easily resisted all attacks.

Their attack couldn't even push Mercury City.

The fleet commander watched this scene, slumped in the control position.

All attacks are meaningless, even the opponent's defense cannot be broken.

"What should we do now?" A blond woman with a good face looked at the fleet commander with a blank face.

"Besiege first, form a blockade, and resolutely not allow anyone to approach Mercury City, and destroy any aircraft that approach."

The fleet commander issued an order to blockade Mercury City.

He knew that once these pictures were sent back to the Federation, those who supported the construction of spaceships would definitely be excited.

Never allow Jiang Fan's team to grow stronger.

He turned on the emergency communication, ready to discuss the next thing with the federal headquarters.

The battlefield images were also sent back to all the space cities at the speed of light. *

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