Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 61 What is death in front of faith? 1120

space city.

People are watching the live stream from Mercury.

Although there was a delay, it did not affect their enthusiasm.

"It should be fine this time."

"The devil is dead this time."

"Yeah, he has absolutely no hope."

"Let him go back to hell."

The people were talking about it, and the star-class warships had launched an attack. Jiang Fan's death was certain.

Here at the Federal Headquarters.

Lawmakers and the president are waiting for the footage to come back.

"With so much talent, it's a waste to engage in some dictatorship."

"In the future, the Federation must strengthen the cultivation of democratic consciousness, and such people must never appear again."

"We must also classify the learning of scientific knowledge, increase the requirements for degrees, and be picky. The details of the thesis and the cleanliness must be considered. Let them waste more time on these aspects, and they can no longer have so much time to study other things. subject."

"This is a good way to limit people to one circle, and any theoretical results need cooperation to come out. Only in this way can these guys' ambitions be curbed."

Members of Congress discussed and discussed future proposals and ideas.

They are not as eager for the battlefield as those ordinary people.

At their position, they have more resources and a wider range of information.

They are the most clear about the power of a stellar battleship.

According to the current human technology, there is absolutely no possibility for Mercury City to survive the attack of a star-class warship.

Jiang Fan's result was already predictable.

He will drift in the cold space with the wreckage of the space city.

There may not even be any complete limbs to be found.

The outcome is preordained and there is nothing to worry about.

Right in the parliament hall, discussions erupted one after another.

This place is full of people, all of whom are heads of various space cities or departments.

There was a buzzing voice in the venue.

There are also a large number of holographic screens suspended in the air.

Members of Parliament are discussing in low voices.

How to prevent Jiang Fan from this situation in the future?

How can human civilization be thrown into the dark and cold space and become a totalitarian society like cold metal.

What's the point of continuing a civilization like that?

Jiang Fan's thoughts are too dangerous.

When the discussion was in full swing, a woman exclaimed.

"This is impossible?"

The whole venue fell silent instantly, and everyone turned their attention to that woman.

The other party is the person in charge of City No. 1 in North Africa, and she is also a standard western beauty.

The woman's beautiful face is full of fear, and she points to the floating information window.

Everyone looked at her window.

Among the countless flames, a space city was shrouded in white light, and those attacks that could destroy the world were blocked by the light.

And the city of Mercury, which they thought would be shattered, was suspended in Mercury's low-Earth orbit, unharmed.

Battles in space are silent.

They didn't notice this scene immediately.

The minds of many MPs were no longer focused on the outcome of the battle.

They focus more on discussing how to appease and fool the people.

It is also necessary to send people to find those wreckages in the ruins, so as to reverse Jiang Fan's technology.

An emergency science team is already preparing to be dispatched to pick up the wreckage once the battle is over.

There is also the need to formulate a stricter system to restrict those who want to flee.

Strengthen ideological propaganda, and we can no longer allow traitors like Jiang Fan to appear among human beings.

As the person in charge of North Africa No. 1 Space City exclaimed, they turned their gazes to the screen.

The pictures sent back by the fleet plunged the parliament hall into an eerie silence.

They saw Mercury survive the attack of a Stellar-class warship.

I also saw that the commander of the fleet ordered the entire fleet to attack together when he became angry from embarrassment.

The entire surface of Mercury was engulfed in flames.

Mercury City remained motionless, and the white light was disillusioned, deflecting or offsetting waves of attacks from the fleet.

From the beginning to the end, Mercury City was not damaged at all.

This technology has completely surpassed the federal technology level.

The expressions of the councilors and the heads of various departments in the parliament hall at this time were like those of the doomsday war in the past, when human beings saw the horror of the Three-Body Civilization.

Shocked, can't believe it.

A feeling that one's own worldview has been completely defeated.

The Federation President also looked at the screen, looking at Mercury City, with only shock and despair in his eyes.

The technology Jiang Fan has mastered has surpassed their imagination.

In comparison, the big talk they would make when they sent a fleet to destroy Jiang Fan is ridiculous.

The Federation also holds the idea that a star-class battleship is invincible in the solar system.

And Jiang Fan slapped them hard.

And the people in the space city outside were even more speechless.

Those who just now clamored that Jiang Fan must be killed.

They all stared blankly at all this.

The image of Mercury City was suspended in their holographic screen, allowing the fleet to bombard them indiscriminately.

Even if the surface of Mercury below it has been shrouded in flames and has been punched out with big pits.

Mercury City was also unscathed.

The image of Jiang Fan making a mocking gesture was deeply etched in their minds.

Compared to the despair of the public, some people hiding in the secret forum, the club people cheered instead.

They stood up and danced like children.

Mercury City is their dream and their hope.

In Huaxia City, in a dilapidated underground club.

A man stood up, "I will immediately find a way to go to Mercury City. There will definitely be our hope, our hope to go to the starry sky. The descendants of human beings should not be limited to this place, their future should be a vast galaxy."

"Now I'm afraid they have sealed off the star field near Mercury City. It will be very difficult for you to pass. If you are discovered, you will die."

Someone said worriedly.

"No, hope is there now, we must not shrink back. Jiang Fan needs the support of more people, and the time has come for us to stand up. Support him, and absolutely do not fuel the arrogance of those bastards. Even if I die, It will also send a message to him that there are people in the Commonwealth who support him as well."

The man has no fear, he is a firm spaceship faction, and firmly believes that the future of mankind lies in the starry sky rather than the solar system.

But the general situation of the Federation is like this, he can only hate secretly, hide here with a group of like-minded people, and pour out his desire for the starry sky.

Before, he worried that his death was meaningless.

It is different now, even if he died on the blockade, he can still express his support for Jiang Fan and the dream of human starry sky.

Faith has been born, why not fear death. *

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