Wade's introduction made Cheng Xin feel cold all over.

In case of a little carelessness.

The antimatter in the bullet will be triggered, and the positive and negative matter will be annihilated, and the consequences will be extremely terrible.

The entire Star Ring City will be completely destroyed in the flash of annihilation.

Just one bullet on the belt is enough to destroy the entire bunker world.

Seeing these golden bullets, Cheng Xin already knew what to do.

She remembered the feeling of holding a baby in front of the Union Building when she was elected as the sword bearer.

Human civilization is still a baby today and needs its own protection.

Now she also feels that the baby in her arms is facing a group of hungry wolves.

These horrible madmen must be stopped, there must never be another Jiang Fan.

The Federation Fleet is a professional soldier with the help of stellar warships.

Their danger is actually the smallest.

And those ordinary people are the most innocent.

As long as those people shoot the ground, it's all over.

The explosion that annihilates matter and antimatter will instantly tear the space city into pieces.

Everyone in the space city will die.

Regardless of old people, young people, women, or children, all will die in this confrontation.

Vader didn't explicitly say he was going to attack Space City.

But at the last moment, Cheng Xin believed that he would do so.

Cheng Xin's eyes flashed the image of when he pointed a gun at her more than a hundred years ago.

That scene was like being branded in her heart with a branding iron, and she will never forget it.

The core of Vader's spirit is the extreme cruelty and madness brought about by extreme rationality.

Human life is just a bargaining chip in his eyes.

He doesn't care how many people die.

It's just another version of Jiang Fan.

That terrible Jiang Fan who is feared by the entire Federation.

The two of them are all the way.

The same ruthlessness, the same regard human life as worthless, and regard 02 as a bargaining chip.

It is already a terrible thing for the Federation to have a demon like Jiang Fan.

Another Vader, the federation will collapse completely.

In a daze, Cheng Xin seemed to see the younger Vader more than three centuries ago.

He roared hoarsely like a wild beast.

"Go, go, go by any means."

Vader said that this is just a bargaining chip, and he does not want the war to come.

Everything will end in negotiations.

But what if the negotiations fail and the Federation refuses to back down?

What will Vader do?

What will these soldiers who are as ruthless as he do?

When Cheng Xin thought of this, her heart was already frightened.

A soldier of the City Self-Defense Force also spoke at this time.

"Dr. Cheng Xin, we will not give up the struggle.

The warrior pointed his finger at the window.

From the window you can see the space in the distance.

The stars there are bright, and it is the endless world that many human beings dream of.

Angry flames burst from the warrior's eyes.

"Those people deceived us just to take away from us the freedom and future that belong to human beings. For their selfishness and greed, for their so-called beautiful world, they forcibly keep us here.""

"They don't let us go to those worlds, they want us and our descendants to be imprisoned in this prison called the solar system with a diameter of 50 astronomical units, and they have accepted their oppression and fooling for generations. 35

"We are fighting for freedom. We are fighting to be free people in the universe. We have a strong faith, just like those people in ancient times, and we will fight to the end for the dreams in our hearts."5

"We may die in this conflict, but we will not have any regrets in our hearts, because we are fighting for freedom, fighting for destiny, and fighting for all human beings who have not yet come."

"For them not to be born in a cage, for them to have the freedom and happiness that we do not have, and for them not to live in fear and fools, we will not back down nor give in.""

“We fight for faith and freedom, we will never surrender. 39

The soldier's words made everyone start to shout.

"For faith and liberty.

"For Faith and Liberty.""

"For Faith and Liberty. 35

All the soldiers looked at Cheng Xin firmly, their eyes were burning, and the power of faith was rising, making their blood boil.

They have nothing to fear, just because they have lofty beliefs in their hearts.

Faith is like a solid reef, and death is like a crashing wave, which cannot shake the hearts of these people at all.

The firm belief of these soldiers did not impress Cheng Xin.

She only felt that the sky was dim and the earth was dark, and she fell into deep fear.

Every man here is as cold as a hungry wolf.

They will stop at nothing to achieve their dreams.

Once war breaks out, all they lose is the dream of the starry sky.

And those innocent people will die.

The scene of the burning of the space city and the death of countless people emerged in Cheng Xin's mind.

This must not be allowed to happen.

Cheng Xin looked at Wade, "Is the promise you made still valid?"

Vader nodded to him, "Of course, my promises are always valid, and I never break my promises.""

"Well, stop your behavior immediately, hand over your weapons to the Federation, and don't have any thoughts of resistance. Everyone must obey the Federation's arrangements, and there must be no antimatter bullet left behind." 5

Hearing this, those warriors whose eyes were burning with the flame of faith looked at her with incredulous eyes.

Doubt, puzzlement, and then slowly turned into anger.

That terrifying gaze seemed to burn Cheng Xin to ashes.

Standing in front of them, Cheng Xin looked so weak.

The power balance is too great.

She faced a group of ruthless war machines, each carrying a terrifying weapon capable of destroying a world.

Under the command of a powerful madman, these forces formed a huge wave capable of changing the times, violently tearing everything apart.

As Vader said, she is just a weak woman, a little girl in this era.

In this violent wave that tore everything apart, she was nothing, just like a falling autumn leaf, which would be torn apart mercilessly.

But she has no fear, for the sake of the human babies in her arms, and for the innocent people in the space city, these guys must not be allowed to do such terrible things.

Unexpectedly, the tide that was terrifying enough to sweep through the times did not tear her apart in the turbulent waves.

Instead, it stopped surging in front of her.

The suffocating oppressive feeling also eased a little bit.

But she still felt it was difficult to breathe.

Vader didn't return anyone's gaze.

He just stared at the curvature drive platform with Cheng Xin's hair in the transparent cover.

His eyes are very pious, as if he is looking at a sacred altar, which is his lifelong persistence.

He gave up his honor, his family, and everything that ordinary people should enjoy.

Walking like a lone wolf in a dark world, seeking the day when his duty ends.

His only hope is that humans can get out.

Go out of the world of fifty astronomical units to see the wider world.

Let the human being go forward and keep going.

"Think about it again. This is just deterrence, not the final result of the war. There is a great chance that the Federation will compromise.

There was something rare in Vader's tone, hesitation, even helplessness.

It is almost impossible for this kind of emotion to appear on this man who is as cold as black steel.

But it still appeared.

Wade understood that he only needed to wave his hand lightly, and Cheng Xin would be run over.

Cheng Xin didn't care about the change in Vaide's tone, the only thing she thought of was.

What will happen if the Federation does not compromise?

"No need to think about it." Her voice was extremely decisive. "I repeat, let everyone stop resisting and surrender all arms to the Federation.

Vader staggered, and the power of time began to show effect on him.

In just an instant, Vader seemed to have aged a lot.

But that cold heart still persisted against the power of time.

He looked up at Cheng Xin, his eyes became cloudy, showing that rare helplessness and begging again.

He paused every word, and said with all his strength: "If you lose your humanity, you will lose a lot. If you lose your animal nature, you will lose everything."

"I choose humanity." Cheng Xin looked around at everyone, "I believe you are the same.

At this moment, time completely overwhelmed Vader, and he became old all of a sudden.

The whole person became extremely lonely, and his back looked even more hunchbacked.

The lights in the hall pulled his shadow far away.

The lonely wild wolf finally fell on the desolate road, and it failed to reach the destination it believed in after all.

Wade waved his hand to stop Bi Yunfeng who wanted to say something to Cheng Xin.

His eyes dimmed.

Something went out at this moment.

Extinguished forever.

The long years collapsed and weighed on him.

Just for a moment.

The man who was once strong and growled to go on forever lost it all.

He became extremely old.

He held on to the railing of the metal platform with his only hand, as if he would fall to the ground in a second.

With difficulty, I sat down on a chair that someone else had just moved.

Slowly raised his hand, pointed to the platform in front of him, lowered his gaze.

"Concentrate all the bullets here.

All the fighters with the flame of faith flowing in their eyes showed expressions of despair.

They couldn't believe what they heard.

The original firm gaze spread out, and then focused on any place.

Something important has been taken away.

Something is falling apart in their world.

It took a while.

The first person came over and put two chains of bullets on the flat 000 platform.

Then a second guy came up and dropped the belt, and then more.

Soon there was a pile of bright yellow piles on the platform.

After all the bullets are concentrated on the platform.

Vader's face was exhausted, he tried his best to support himself, and said.

"Let the guards of other space cities lay down their weapons. You cooperate with the federal fleet to take over the city, and don't do any irrational behavior."

A member of the Self-Defense Forces nodded and left.

After giving all these orders, Vader waved his hand to let the Self-Defense Forces leave.

After doing all this, he struggled to bypass the pile of golden bullets.

Walk to the smooth and brightly curved platform.

After struggling to open the transparent cover, he took a breath.

Cheng Xin's hair was blown away.

It was like hope was blown away.

It's like the mysterious power in my heart was blown away.

After putting on the transparent cover, he raised his head and smiled at Cheng Xin.

"Little girl, you see I kept my promise."

Cheng Xin looked at Wade, who was originally healthy and healthy, but suddenly aged a lot, and nodded slightly.

She firmly believes that she has done nothing wrong.

Once again, she protected her child.

This civilized democratic society is protected, and those who live and work in peace and contentment are protected.

Cheng Xin strode out, and Wade walked back to his seat with difficulty.

In the hall, the scene he often sees was also automatically simulated.

In a bright star map, countless stars are shining.

That is his hope, and it is his motivation to persevere until now.

Humanity goes to the stars.

But now, everything is over.

Vader just sat there, looking at these star maps.

Until people from the Federation came in and took him away.

When the Federation saw the pile of antimatter bullets.

Even the president was dumbfounded.

If it wasn't for Cheng Xin, I'm afraid they would really have to negotiate with Xinghuan City.

Otherwise, once these antimatter bullets explode in the bunker world, the whole bunker world will be burned.

It is impossible for the Federation to bear such a loss.

The only way is to negotiate with the Star Ring Group and agree with them to build a curvature base.

That would be a major blow to federal authority.

Fortunately, Cheng Xin prevented all this, she is really a hero, a great woman, the savior of the Federation.

The Federation President was thinking about whether to give her an award or something.

This kind of credit is really too great.

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