Sci-Fi War, Start With An Upgradeable Spaceship

Chapter 73 Preparing to Rescue Vader

"The top person in charge of the Star Ring Group, Thomas Vader, has been formally arrested. Dr. Cheng Xin assisted in this matter. This weak and great woman successfully prevented a terrible disaster. She is a real mother, just as As described in the history books, she had a boundless love for human beings."

Several holographic windows floated in front of Jiang Fan.

The biggest holographic window is broadcasting the event news about Star Ring City.

Cheng Xin regained consciousness and stopped Wade.

Nothing has been changed.

For Jiang Fan who knows the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Naturally, she knew that what Cheng Xin did was wrong.

Preventing the research of the curvature spacecraft also cut off the last way of life of mankind.

Cheng Xin wasted thirty-five years of precious time.

If Vader is supported, humans will soon know that the curvature spaceship is an important technology of the black domain.

It is still possible for human beings to gather all their strengths to build a thousand spaceships within thirty years.

It is the best ending for the two parties to have their own destiny.

The importance of the curvature spaceship lies in the curvature engine, not the spaceship itself.

Just fix the curvature engine and install it on other spaceships.

Maybe Cheng Xin wasted more than thirty-five years.

After Vader died, those who remained did not give up.

But they have neither wealth nor sufficient manpower.

I could only study furtively, and there were even several interruptions during the period.

No funds, no manpower, and was targeted by the Federation in various ways.

Under such circumstances, it took a long time to move from theory to technology development.

In the last few years, only three sets of engines were produced.

There is simply not enough time.

If Cheng Xin hadn't intervened, the Federation would have no choice but to compromise in the end.

Vader's answer is simple.

Either let me study the curvature spaceship, and let those who want to leave leave.

Either destroy the bunker world, everyone will stop playing, if you don't make me happy, I won't let you have a good time.

Just like nuclear deterrence, I can't beat you, but I can die together.

Either you sit at the negotiating table with me and talk slowly, or we all die together.

This act of directly demolishing the roof.

All the Federation can do is smash a window for him.

Everyone is safe and sound.

It is impossible for the Federation to gamble with Vader with the lives of 900 million people.

The federal government is willing, but neither are federal citizens.

"This woman really killed people." Jiang Fan looked at Cheng Xin's photo displayed on the floating window and said, shaking his head.

If you escape from the solar system, you must not take this person with you.

Even if all human beings are extinct, such people cannot be brought along.

Because if you don't bring it, you can still be yourself.

If you bring it, you probably won't even be able to leave yourself.

Making the wrong choice is not hateful.

Cheng Xin's biggest mistake was that she couldn't recognize herself.

She doesn't have any ability to promote the development of anything, but she wants to put herself in a very critical position.

Never think about it afterwards.

I was wrong, I was very sad, you can't blame me anymore.

The second time, I continue to make mistakes, I am very sad, you can't blame me anymore.

The three-body invasion incident started with Ye Wenjie and ended with Cheng Xin.

But Ye Wenjie was different, her rebellion was justified, it was a tragedy of an era.

Her father was beaten to death by his own students for insisting on scientific truth.

For her own benefit, her mother threw insults at her father.

Even her younger sister.

Human nature has collapsed in Ye Wenjie's heart, becoming dark and ugly.

For these reasons, she longs for the arrival of the Trisolaran civilization, which can help human beings, and even destroy human beings.

She didn't wake up until she realized that the Trisolaran world was a colder world.

This kind of person is not hateful.

She told everyone very clearly, because I hate you, so I want you to die.

Human beings can only say that you deserve it, you will be the first grader, and I will be the fifteenth grader.

If you don't make me feel better, I will let you die.

More importantly, Ye Wenjie also left a path of salvation for mankind.

As long as human beings can persevere, they may not be unable to win.

Sociology founded by Luo Ji was inspired by her.

She was also the one who reminded Luo Ji of the dark theory.

Cheng Xin is different, this guy is the pig teammate, the kind that beats the king and surrenders, and the werewolf kills and sells teammates.

The surface is very simple and innocent.

As a result, I cheated you to death secretly.

Ye Wenjie is the type, you want her to be your teammate.

Cheng Xin is the type that you want her to be your enemy's teammate.

Jiang Fan shook his head and closed the information window with a wave.

You have to think about how to save Vader.

Timing of entry is critical.

The great philosopher Bian Que said it.

Being a human being is like curing a disease. If you cure someone's problem when it first appeared, they will only think that your ability is not good enough.

People's illnesses, just showing symptoms, and you are cured, people will only think that your ability is mediocre.

And when someone is about to die of illness, or is about to fail, if you act again, they will think you are a peerless genius doctor.

Now Vader is just getting caught.

If you go to save it now, it seems ordinary.

It would be different if he waited until he was sentenced to death and was about to be executed.

That is the savior.

Jiang Fan has now made flesh and blood skins for the T800 model Terminator.

Prepare them to masquerade as normal humans.

He swaggered in and took Vader away.

The federation is now rotten to the root.

There is no need to take care of the face of those federal officials.

The Tiangong spacecraft has been upgraded to level eight, with a diameter of more than two kilometers in length and a height of more than 600 meters.

It is enough to accommodate the species and personnel to be taken away in the escape plan planned by Jiang Fan.

When Vader was rescued and accepted the people from Halo City and those who dreamed of the starry sky, the human empire was formally formed.

The evacuation of related species can be carried out at that time.

The earth is now sparsely populated, a planet reoccupied by nature, and many species have reappeared on the earth.

Moreover, there are only about five million people on this huge planet, which can be said to be very rare.

There's no need to worry about them finding out what the Empire is up to.

Of course, it is also necessary to send people to prepare in advance.

Collect all relevant species.

On the day of evacuation, just take it away.

Jiang Fan scratched his head, now the human empire is established.

But the number of people is too small.

Forcing those federal citizens to join only adds to the instability.

Now the only way to rapidly increase the population is to use mechanical petri dishes to breed human offspring.

No matter how advanced the machinery is, it is impossible to fabricate human genetic information out of thin air.

You have to find a way to grab the federal gene seed bank.

Rescue Vader and grab the gene seed bank to do two things at the same time, in this way, it can save a lot of time.

Otherwise, after saving Vader alone, the Federation will definitely monitor Mercury City.

At that time, if there are other actions, it will be a lot of trouble.

Plan carefully and try to solve them all at once.

Thinking of this, Jiang Fan saw that the time was almost up.

Click on the system panel.

Start today's sign-in.

"Congratulations, you have completed today's sign-in and obtained the halo technology blueprint"~.

Jiang Huan studied it.

This is a super weapon that can fire a powerful biological pulse.

The killing radius of the smallest halo is 25,000 light-years.

It can radiate a very powerful cross-phase neutrino wave.

The halo array has the terrifying combat power to destroy all life in the entire galaxy.

After being charged and adjusted, the halo array can also selectively exterminate higher-order organisms with specific and complex neurological characteristics.

That is, just put this thing all over the galaxy.

Jiang Fan can directly kill all creatures in the galaxy.

Of course, this can only kill those low-level civilizations.

The means possessed by advanced civilizations are too special.

This conventional method of extermination does not work for them.

In addition, the halo can also be used as a living base.

It is a large space station.

After Jiang Fan checked the relevant information, he asked Tiangong to record the drawings.

These are not yet in use.

Reserve it for the time being, and wait until human beings leave the solar system.

Ye Wei pushed the door and walked in, and came to Jiang Fan.

"Another group of people has come, from Star Ring City, do you want to go and see them? There are too many of them, and they are already the sixth group. There are almost a thousand people now, more than our original crew. There are many."

Ye Wei briefly reported the recent situation.

The Star Ring Group researches the speed of light spacecraft, and has gathered many people in the past few years.

Now that Vader has been arrested, they have also left the Star Ring Group.

The only place that can support their dreams is Mercury City.

Like them escaping in groups, it will inevitably have an impact on the original crew structure.

At this stage, the thought stamp and thought chip have not yet officially started.

There is no way to guarantee whether there are any federal agents among these people.

If federal agents sneak into Mercury City under the name of joining Mercury City, that would be a very troublesome matter.

"`" There is nothing to worry about, just go and have a look. "

Jiang Fan said.

Speaking of which, he rarely went to see these newcomers.

V and Ye Wei are generally responsible for this aspect.

This time, just go and see

At this time, Mercury City has changed greatly.

Many of the original shanty buildings have been demolished, and a large number of locations have been cleared.

Some military factories stand here.

Building factories in space can avoid the interference of planetary gravity on some precision parts, and improve yield and speed.

At this time, Mercury City has already become a huge factory.

Countless robots are welding the parts needed for space stations and fighter jets here.

The space station will be able to provide corresponding supplies for the X-wing fighter.

Allow it to defend around Mercury City.

Jiang Fan plans to increase the speed of X-wing fighters to 10,000, forming a huge fighter group.

This is a very resource-intensive thing to do.

But I have to do it.

Now the time is almost over.

Calculating the time, there is still less than a year before humans can observe the two-way foil.

At that time, it is the official time to escape.

The fighter planes that survive (the good ones) will probably be discarded by the space station.

It is a great waste of productivity to waste time building things that are bound to be discarded.

But Jiang Fan can't help it, the disgusting part of the federation can be seen by everyone.

When the crisis breaks out, it is very likely that a major war will break out in the Federation.

The Federation will definitely not sit back and watch the Empire escape successfully.

Jiang Fan must establish a defense system to prepare for his escape.

If the Commonwealth dares to think wrongly, he will use a large number of X-wing fighters to fight a bloody path and kill those who want to die together and not let them go.

There are too many people who have lost their morality, don't want to work hard, and don't see good people in others.

You can't talk about kindness to the people of the Federation. The more you talk about it, the more they will slap their noses.

At that time, only the killer can be killed.

The people from Xinghuan City gathered together, led by several old crew members, to help the robot work.

Their mood is generally very low.

Clearly, Vader's defeat took a toll on them.

Jiang Fan and Ye Wei walked over, and everyone they saw greeted them.

Various voices echoed in his mind three.

This is psionic telepathy.

Jiang Fan is the owner of the twelfth level psionic energy, so he naturally possesses these seemingly mysterious abilities.

"Is he Jiang Fan? He looks so young.

"President Vader fails, will he fail?"

"He is too young, can he lead us out of the predicament?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan, with different thoughts in their hearts.

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