When Xiaolan came back, she had already bought vegetables, meat and fruits at a nearby supermarket.

Plus, they already had some things in the refrigerator.

So, it would be no problem to cook a good meal and entertain the guests today.

Chu Tian was thinking in his heart

"I wonder when that kid Edogawa Conan will be back?"

Chu Tian really wanted to meet this perennial elementary school student to see what kind of person he is.

However, if Conan and the others finish school, it will be after three o'clock. They won't be back for the time being.

At this time, Maori Kogoro looked at Chu Tian, and then at Maori Ran.

A trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

Maori Kogoro, although he is a confused detective, is not completely confused.

Especially when he sees his daughter with a young man, the nerves of a father will immediately tense up.

To be honest, Maori Kogoro even regretted that he should not have made friends with Chu Tian.

Isn't it just a matter of a meal?

Add a few words of flattery...

Although the saying of inviting a wolf into the house is not very accurate.

But for some reason, Maori Kogoro had this idea in his mind.

He always felt that if his daughter got too close to this young man, it would definitely not be a good thing!

It has to be said that in terms of father-daughter relationship. , Maori Kogoro's intuition is still very accurate.

But if you think about it carefully, it's no big deal, it's just a meal.

Although I'm a little worried.

But now that things have come to this, Maori Kogoro can't say anything.

He can only hope that the meal will be over quickly and Chu Tian will leave quickly.

However, although he prays in his heart that time will pass quickly.

But there is a saying that the more you hope time will pass quickly, the time will never arrive so quickly.

Maori Kogoro just feels that time is passing so slowly.

It's not time for dinner yet.

In fact, Maori Ran and Chu Tian haven't said a few words even now.

In addition to saying a few words to Maori Kogoro, Chu Tian was just drinking tea and playing with his mobile phone.

Obviously, there was no plot to hook up with Maori Kogoro's daughter...

But Maori was irritable in his heart.

This irritability made him want to smoke.

However, there were only a few cigarettes left in his cigarette box...

As a result, he finished them all at once.

"Oops, no cigarettes.……"

After looking at his cigarette box, Maori Kogoro couldn't help but frown.

It's still too early to eat.

And he was feeling irritated.

It seems that he should go out and buy a pack of cigarettes!

However, leaving his daughter alone with this young man... seems to be no problem!

"This A Tian shouldn’t be a bad guy!"

"Even if he is really a bad guy,……"

"With Xiaolan's karate skills, she is not afraid of him at all!"

Thinking of this, Mao Li felt a lot more relaxed in an instant.

It seems that he can go buy cigarettes now.

"That, Xiaolan, A Tian……"

Maori Kogoro stood up and said,"I'm going out to buy a pack of cigarettes!"

"Oh well……"

Chu Tian agreed casually.

And Xiaolan also said,"Okay, Dad, go ahead!"

Xiaolan was actually helpless about her father's obsession with cigarettes and alcohol.

But there was no way.

He was middle-aged. He was under great pressure at work.

What should he do if he didn't rely on cigarettes and alcohol to get by?

Xiaolan could understand her father's difficulties.

So, although she was annoyed with her father's addiction to cigarettes and alcohol

, she could only turn a blind eye.

After Maori Kogoro went out.

It just so happened that Xiaolan had prepared all the dishes in the kitchen.

And now it was not time to put them in the pot.

So, Xiaolan didn't have to be busy for the time being.

It just so happened that Xiaolan also wanted to chat with Chu Tian.

"Hello, Tian……"

Xiaolan untied her cooking apron and came over

"Hello, Xiaolan, what's up?"

Seeing Xiaolan coming over, Chu Tian immediately asked politely

"Nothing much, just want to ask, you are not from Japan, right?"

Xiao Lan asked

"Yes, I am from Huaxia!"

Chu Tian nodded and said

"Oh, Huaxia, that's great too!"

Xiaolan didn't care too much and asked,"Are you in college now?"

In Xiaolan's opinion, Chu Tian should be a college student at this age!

Hearing this, Chu Tian didn't lie.

"I am not going to college. I currently hope to build a career in Tokyo!"

"Oh, you are working part-time, that's very hard!"

Mao Lilan didn't care about Chu Tian not going to college.

She just listened to Chu Tian's words.

It seemed that he was working part-time.

Seeing such a handsome and energetic man.

He also had to work part-time.

Although it can't be said to be discrimination.

But at least, in Xiaolan's heart, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

In fact, since Kudo Shinichi disappeared

, Xiaolan's best friend of the opposite sex is gone.

She felt very lonely in her heart.

Chu Tian's handsomeness and confident temperament made Xiaolan think of Kudo Shinichi involuntarily.

It is precisely because of this that Chu Tian's part-time job... well, it is a little unacceptable...

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