Although she felt a little uncomfortable,

Xiaolan certainly couldn't show it on the surface.

"So, A Tian, are you happy with your current job?"

Xiao Lan couldn't help asking.

She didn't know why. She always felt that people like Chu Tian were not suitable for working.

So, Xiao Lan wanted to know if Chu Tian was happy working.

"Actually, I haven't found a job yet!"

Hearing Xiaolan's words, Chu Tian smiled and cupped his hands.

This matter was not a big deal.

He had never thought about going to work in this world!

"Oh, then it must be very hard to find a job now, isn't it?"

Hearing Chu Tian say that he hadn't found a job yet, Xiaolan felt a strong sense of weirdness in her heart.

But what exactly was wrong?

Mao Lilan couldn't tell.

"Hey, Xiaolan, I want to ask you a question too. Can I?"

Chu Tian suddenly remembered something.

Then he looked at Xiaolan in front of him and asked with a smile.

"Oh, Ah Tian, go ahead and ask!"

Xiao Lan naturally didn't mind answering any questions.

Moreover, she actually wanted to know what questions Chu Tian had for her.

"You said you are so beautiful, you must be the school belle, right?"

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Xiaolan's pretty face immediately turned red with embarrassment.

"Ah Tian, you, what nonsense are you talking about?!"

"I, I don't have any boyfriend.……"

Xiaolan's heart was trembling when she heard this.

After all, Xiaolan was shy. She was a very innocent girl.

She would feel trembling when she heard something slightly outdated.

Now Chu Tian suddenly asked her if she had a boyfriend.

How could Mao Lilan not be shy?

"You, you don’t have a boyfriend?!"

Chu Tian was shocked when he heard what Mao Lilan said.

This look of surprise was so realistic.

It seemed like she was really shocked by something.

"This is impossible?!"

"It's incredible!"

Facing Mao Lilan, Chu Tian said, what you said is absolutely impossible.

Seeing Chu Tian's unbelievable face,

Liu Yifei said she was shy.

But in fact, she couldn't help but feel curious.

"I, I don’t have a boyfriend, is that a big deal?"

Faced with Chu Tian’s disbelief,

Xiaolan still blushed.

But she still asked

"This is of course amazing!"

Chu Tian shook his head bluntly and said as a matter of course,"Xiao Lan, you are as beautiful as a fairy. Even compared with those big stars, you are not inferior at all!"

"A stunningly beautiful woman like you, there must be countless people who like you in school!"

"You don't have a boyfriend, what's the good of that?……"

Hearing Chu Tian praise her beauty like this.

Although Xiaolan still felt very shy in her heart

, she also felt a strong sense of joy in her heart.

Any woman would sincerely like others to praise her beauty.

Especially high school girls of Xiaolan's grade.

They are not too averse to sweet talk. However

, the man who was with Xiaolan before. The so-called childhood sweetheart Kudo Shinichi.

He was a typical reasoning enthusiast.

This reasoning enthusiast, apart from discussing reasoning and Sherlock Holmes with Xiaolan every day, had nothing to say to Mao Lilan.

In addition, Xiaolan usually lived a very simple life.

She didn't buy beautiful clothes.

She didn't put on makeup.

Therefore, no one had ever sincerely praised her beauty.

Chu Tianzhen can be said to be the first one.

Moreover, the praise he gave was so exaggerated.

She was as beautiful as a fairy.

She was no less beautiful than a big star.

These compliments were something Xiaolan had never heard in her peaceful life before.

Moreover, they came from Chu Tian.

Such a handsome man's words made Mao Lilan feel a strong sense of joy in her shyness.……

"Ah...Ah Tian……"

"Stop making fun of me.……"

"I'm not as beautiful as you say.……"

Although she was very happy to be praised by Chu Tian

, Xiaolan still kept her head down and said in a shy tone.

"Well, if you say so, then I can't do anything……"

After hearing Xiaolan's words,

Chu Tian shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and then said innocently,"What I said is all from my heart!"

"I can't even blow out a gorgeous lady like you!"

"If you don't have a boyfriend, then I can only say that the boys in your school are all blind!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan became even more shy.

But, she had to say, she also felt that it made sense.

At least, the Kudo Shinichi next to her was a typical example...

With such a beautiful woman like me by her side, she only cared about reasoning all day long.

What a jerk...

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