When she heard Chu Tian asking her if she liked Kudo Shinichi,

Mao Lilan was so embarrassed that she couldn't help but wonder what kind of question was that!

"What nonsense are you talking about, A Tian, stop talking nonsense……"

Mao Lilan blushed.

When Chu Tian said that she liked Kudo Shinichi,

Mao Lilan didn't know what to say. She was very embarrassed.

Chu Tian smiled when he heard Xiaolan say that.

"That's easy.……"

"I'm glad you denied liking Kudo Shinichi!"

Hearing this, Mao Lilan was a little puzzled, not knowing what Chu Tian meant.

"What do you mean, A Tian?"

Hearing Chu Tian's words, Mao Lilan didn't quite understand.

She didn't like Kudo Shinichi, so why was he happy?

Chu Tian smiled and said,"If you don't like Kudo Shinichi, and you don't like anyone else, then don't I have the right to pursue you?"

After hearing this, Mao Lilan was stunned.

After all, this girl's brain is still a little slow in this regard.

After she was stunned for a while, she finally understood what Chu Tian meant. All of a sudden, Mao Lilan's pretty face flushed. At the same time, Mao Lilan's heart was pounding.

What is this? A confession?

Mao Lilan was completely stunned and at a loss!

Seeing Mao Lilan's blushing face, Chu Tian's breathing became a little rapid.

It must be said that this girl is really beautiful.

It would be great if she could really be his girlfriend.

Of course, Chu Tian doesn't want if.

He wants this to become a fact.

Now he and Mao Lilan It is definitely impossible to be done just like that, absolutely impossible.

After all, Mao Li Ran and I have only met twice.

And if you say that Mao Li Ran doesn't like Kudo Shinichi, but likes me, Chu Tian, you won't believe it.

But he has made up his mind today to establish the relationship here first.

Only by establishing a good relationship first, there will be room for further progress later.

Seeing Mao Li Ran's blushing face, she was so shy that she couldn't say a word.

Chu Tian knew that it should have reached the top and couldn't go any further.

Otherwise, this girl would be scared.

It would make everyone feel bad and it would be troublesome.

So Chu Tian quickly smiled and tried to smooth things over:"Okay, okay, I'm just kidding, Xiaolan, I'm just kidding"

"Don't be too nervous."

"I don't have any other meaning.……"

Mao Lilan, who was shy and at a loss, calmed down a little after hearing this.

There was no way, the scene just now was too shocking.

Mao Lilan thought that the man in front of her confessed to her.

If it was just a confession, it would be nothing.

The problem was that Mao Lilan was even more horrified to find that she didn't really want to reject Chu Tian.

This made Mao Lilan unbelievable.

In fact, since the last time she met Chu Tian,

something happened.

Mao Lilan has been thinking about Chu Tian in her heart these days.

She didn't know why, she always felt that no matter what this man was, he seemed to be more attractive than Kudo Shinichi.

It might be because she had been with Kudo Shinichi for too long and it was a bit boring. It might also be because Kudo Shinichi liked reasoning too much, and he didn't understand girls' kindness and how to please girls like Chu Tian. It might also be that from childhood to adulthood, Mao Lilan only had Kudo Shinichi as a friend of the opposite sex who was good to her.

Having never had other friends of the opposite sex, it is inevitable that Mao Lilan has no choice in her heart.

But when Chu Tian appeared, when a new choice appeared in front of Mao Lilan, the situation was completely different.

In other words, Mao Lilan is not a woman who is extremely devoted to love and completely infatuated in love. Not to mention that Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi are not boyfriend and girlfriend at all, but just ordinary childhood sweethearts.

And Kudo Shinichi is missing.

This makes Mao Lilan, an ordinary girl, even more uncontrollable at this time. She will have some emotional impulses.

In short, in Mao Lilan's heart, there is no longer only Kudo Shinichi.

The appearance of Chu Tian made Mao Lilan see a kind of man she had never seen before.

So when Chu Tian confessed, she didn't know how to refuse, as if she could only obey... and when Chu Tian said that it was just a joke.

Mao Lilan seemed to be much more relaxed in an instant.

But at the same time, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"But to be honest……"

Seeing that Mao Lilan's mood had stabilized, Chu Tian smiled and said,"A good girl like you!"

"Any man would like it"

"Maybe one day I will really be unable to resist and confess my feelings to you, Xiaolan.……"

After hearing this, Mao Lilan blushed again.……"

At this time, Mao Lilan stuttered and couldn't say a word.

Although this couldn't be considered a confession, it was enough to make Mao Lilan shy.

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