Finally, the milk tea and snacks were finished.

Chu Tian and Mao Lilan walked out of the snack shop.

"Okay, Xiaolan, I'm leaving first.……"

""Let's eat together again if we have a chance in the future!"

Chu Tian said goodbye to Xiaolan and turned to leave.

Looking at Chu Tian's back, Mao Lilan couldn't help but feel dazed for a moment.

What could she say?

At this moment, Mao Lilan actually felt a strong sense of reluctance.

That's right, reluctance

"Could it be that I no longer like Shinichi?"

The next moment, such a thought came into Mao Lilan's heart.

She was really shocked.

Because the answer seemed to be very correct.

Mao Lilan felt that although Kudo Shinichi had been with her for so many years.

But now she and Chu Tian had not met twice. But it seemed that this man was completely different from Kudo Shinichi to her. Mao Lilan was confused for a while.

"Who is the person I like?"

"Shouldn't I like Shinichi?"

"But how could that be?"

"Why do I miss this man so much?"

Ran Mao didn't know what to do.

But now, Ran Mao didn't have the courage to chase after Chu Tian and talk to him clearly.

Of course, it was impossible to go to Kudo Shinichi to say something.

The only thing she could do was to look at Chu Tian's back for a while, then turn around and leave.


"Mao Lilan, what an interesting girl!"

After letting out a long sigh, Chu Tian walked alone on the street, feeling much more relaxed.

Although the relationship with Mao Lilan has not yet developed further.

But after coming to this world, Chu Tian has actually discovered some things.

That is, the people in this world, the personalities of many people.

In fact, it is not quite the same as in the comics of the previous life.

In the comics of the previous life, whether it was Mao Lilan or Kisaki Eri.

They were loyal to their men.

That's because the plot must be written in this way.

They are completely subject to Uncle 73 or other comics, and animation production.

But this is the real Conan world, the situation is completely different.

Everyone's personality is changeable and uncertain.

Take Kisaki Eri for example!

In the heart of this barrister, for now, he does not have such deep feelings for Mao Li Kogoro.

A confused detective, and earn money again Can't make money.

And for so many years, he has been addicted to alcohol, sex and gambling. He is definitely not a good spouse.

The so-called childhood sweethearts are just like that.

The feelings of so many years are just like that.

And facing herself, Kisaki Eri is easily moved.

For example, Mao Lilan.

According to Conan's comic settings, she should be devoted to Kudo Shinichi.

She doesn't like other men.

But now, Mao Lilan seems to have a deep affection for herself.

And the feeling for Kudo Shinichi doesn't seem to be that deep.

These are somewhat different from the characters in the comics.

If you think about it carefully, it's normal!

This is already a real world, not a world simulated by Uncle 73.

Everyone should not be restricted by the original framework of the plot setting.

Instead, they should develop freely by themselves.

This is also good, and the future plot will be more full and powerful.

Chu Tian is also more comfortable playing in this world!


On the other side.

Hirota Masami's case also quickly attracted the attention of the Black Organization.

Along with the murder of Mr. Hirota, the big guy also died.

The Dark Organization also knew about it at this time.

The money was with Miyano Akemi.

But at this time, what made the Dark Organization feel a little speechless was that

Miyano Akemi disappeared at this time.

Not only did she move away from her original residence, but she also seemed to have evaporated.

In this way, the Dark Organization, which had planned to fish for law enforcement and kill Miyano Akemi, was a little at a loss.

They didn't know where Miyano Akemi went at this time.

At the same time, what kind of plan did he have? What would he do with the 1 billion yen?

However, just when the Dark Organization was a little strange.

Akemi's phone call had come.

On the phone, Akemi said that she wanted to start a transaction.

Hand over her sister, and then the money can be given to the organization.

When this call came.

Gin and Vodka immediately prepared to act.

They have received orders this time, and they must kill Miyano Akemi no matter what.

As for whether they can get the money, no one cares.

After all, considering the financial resources of the Dark Organization, there is really no need to care too much about a mere 1 billion yen.

The point is to take this opportunity to legitimately kill Miyano Akemi.

After Gin and Vodka got the news, they immediately replied to Akemi and told her where to trade.

Of course, the two of them also made all preparations to kill the woman during the on-site trade. However, they didn't know that while the mantis stalks the cicada, there is also someone waiting for them.

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