"Brother Su Yun, I've realized it!" Huang Jianbing nodded suddenly and said in a daze.

Then I started to rummage through my own many Qiankun bags, and finally found a lot of Spirit Stones, "Su Yun, I also want to turn financial resources into strength!! See how much my financial resources can improve my strength?"

According to Su Yun's general survey, there are about 4,000 Spirit Stones, which is quite a fortune for a Foundation Establishment middle stage cultivator.

After careful consideration, Su Yun frowned and said: "You can think clearly, such a sum of Spirit Stones is enough for you to cultivate to the Void Core Realm, do you really want to use it to buy some things outside of your body?"

"Think it over!" Huang Jianbing said firmly, as if it took a lot of effort to make a decision, "Brother Su Yun, I'm not afraid of your jokes, I originally planned to practice with these Spirit Stones Closed Door Training, not Shattering Void Dan Not born!"

"But the road to practice is long, not to mention the shackles that exist in the practice. The world is unpredictable. How long will it be possible to practice safely in Sect? It's better to practice in the floating world and look for opportunities, so you need to prepare some more life-saving s method!"

"I hope Brother Su Yun will be successful!" Huang Jian held his cupped hands, very humble, then rolled his eyes, and said with a smile: "Hehe, it would be great if we could give an internal price!"

"..." Su Yun's face was full of black lines, "I won't act right away, right?"

But Su Yun can also understand that for an ordinary cultivator, no matter how many Spirit Stones there are, it is difficult to fill the gap in qualification, understanding, and opportunity. Huang Jianbing's thousands of Spirit Stones may not be able to improve his strength much.

Money is like Yun Chun, the king of a country, and the cost is huge, isn't it worthy of breakthrough to Foundation Establishment Cultivation Base?

Maybe Huang Jianbing also knows that these Spirit Stones alone cannot allow him to breakthrough to the Void Core Realm. If only Spirit Stones can breakthrough Realm, there will not be so many low-level cultivators.

With a smile on Su Yun's face, "It's okay, I'll treat it as a grand opening ceremony, and I'll give you a discounted price! I'll also give you a set of exclusive and customized power-enhancing plans for free! Let's take a look at your sword first!"

"Magical Item?" Huang Jianbing was quite surprised, and then took out his own long sword.

"Sect's standard Flying Sword?" Su Yun couldn't help but be surprised. He is very familiar with this sword. If there is no accident, it should be his early work.

"The dignified inner disciple actually uses a low-grade spiritual weapon?"

"That's right, I have received a high-grade spiritual weapon, but I exchanged it for a pill recipe. Could it be that you are too?" Wen Bai also leaned forward and interjected.

"Footwork, I used it to change the footwork." Huang Jianbing lowered his head a little embarrassedly, "I don't think I have any talent in swordsmanship. To me, Flying Sword is just a tool for traveling."

"Forget it, it seems that you just need some medicine pills." Su Yun gave Wen Bai a look.

After thinking for a moment, Wen Bai nodded and replied: "There are not many Medicine Pills for trial production, but it is enough to meet his needs."

Then they hit it off, and Huang Jianbing bought seven sets of Zengyuan Pill and Zihuo Shenshu Pill at a price of less than 700 Spirit Stones, for a total of 4,396 Spirit Stones.

After putting away the Spirit Stones, Su Yun said earnestly: "You have to remember, you can't rely too much on external things. There is no shortcut in the journey of cultivating immortality. Your own Cultivation Base Realm is the foundation of everything. I hope you can practice hard and soon Advance Grade!"

Huang Jianbing was a little ashamed, and said, "Okay..."

In his eyes, the words "Peak of Qi Refining" seemed to appear on Su Yun's head.

Hearing this, Wen Bai felt ashamed for Su Yun, did a Qi Refining cultivator have the nerve to say it?

"Are you still talking about others? If someone attacks your face, you may not be able to break your defense at all!" Wen Bai said with his arms crossed.

"That's natural, I have a lot of protective measures!" Su Yun said proudly when he heard Wen Bai's "praise".

"I want to say that you have a thick skin!" Wen Bai was helpless for a while, and then his tone eased, "Aren't you going to continue to improve your Realm?"

"I practice the way of science! I don't have to rely too much on my own strength." Su Yun said with a calm face, "But if I want to practice, it's easy. When I get a suitable book Cultivation Technique above Foundation Establishment, watch my Realm soar into the sky!"

"Don't care what subject you are, learn it, last time your Realm brokethrough too fast, I was worried that your Realm would be unstable and damage the foundation, next time you want to breakthrough, tell me first, I will prepare some stable Realm for you Medicine Pill." Wen Baijiao snorted, but she couldn't get angry even if she wanted to, and in the end it just turned into complaints and worries.

"Then I'll take it easy~ next time I'll breakthrough to the Void Core Realm first!" Su Yun said naively.

Seeing that Su Yun talked about breaking through to the Realm of Xudan so relaxedly, Huang Jianbing's face was darkened, he couldn't bear this kind of stimulation, so he had to leave in a hurry.

After Huang Jianbing left, Wen Bai pulled Su Yun's sleeve, and asked a little timidly: "Is it not too good to only give him two hundred Spirit Stones cheaper? Isn't our cost only more than one hundred Spirit Stones?" ?"

"So what? Once the Medicine Pill becomes a commodity, the value can no longer be measured by cost alone, but determined by the market and the relationship between supply and demand. Rare things are more expensive. Don't you see that he is also very happy!" Su Yun shot Patting Wen Bai on the shoulder, he explained with a slight smile: "Both sides feel that they have made a profit. What is it if this is not a win-win situation?"

"It makes sense!" Wen Bai smiled and nodded.

The price of the most difficult Medicine Pill has already been fixed, and the other two ordinary second-order Medicine Pills are naturally also very easy. One piece of Zhicao Dan and one piece of Spirit Stones, and the second-level version of Zhenmu Yangyuan Dan is priced at ten yuan a piece.

In the end, based on the daily production capacity of the existing production line, the daily income of the Medicine Pill alone is 30,000 Spirit Stones, and with the Yunzi No. 1 Flying Sword assembly line, it is no problem to exceed 40,000 daily.

Although it is not a big fortune, it is already at a well-off level. Only when it becomes bigger and stronger in the future will it be able to make money.

What's more, the part of the power system business is far from being able to generate income.

After a few days of running-in, those craftsmen have been able to produce qualified power system accessories, but the yield rate is not enough, and no one can reach the point of leading the overall situation, and it will take some time.

Fortunately, everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Looking at the sun, Su Yun reckoned that according to the normal cultivator's back and forth speed, Yin Niang was almost here.

But in the evening, Su Yun waited for Yinniang to come.

The sky is dark blue, only blurred into fish belly white at the skyline.

The No. 1 Commercial Building in the World is still the most shining existence in Yanyun City.

On the rooftop courtyard on the roof, a flying boat flew over, which was exactly the one that Yunyao took earlier.

Yun Yao jumped off the flying boat first, and when she ran into Su Yun who was coming up, she cursed, "Why do you make this building so bright? You're blinding your eyes!"

"Of course it's to attract people's attention. You can only sell if you have traffic!" Su Yun explained casually, and then asked, "You haven't been here for a few days, did you deliver the letter yourself?"

"That's right, how dare I neglect what you told me?" Even so, Yun Yao's face was clearly unconvinced, and her chin was raised higher than anyone else.

"I also brought Yin Niang over for you."

While talking, Yin Niang came out of the cabin and jumped down, and Shu Rui, who was in charge of the flying boat, poked his head out from the bow, but did not disembark. "How can the intelligence team leader leave at will? This is not an example." Su Yun responded with a few words, and stepped forward to greet Yin Niang.

"I've been stared at by people, and I haven't gained much recently!" Yun Yao muttered, but seeing that Su Yun ignored her, she had no choice but to move away.

"Yin Niang pays respects to the boss." Yin Niang bowed respectfully.

Wen Bai touched it curiously and hid behind Su Yun.

Although she had heard Su Yun talk about Yin Niang, she was not familiar with her, so she couldn't help but look around for a while.

After a moment, he nodded his head slightly - well, no threat.

Then enthusiastically jumped ahead of Su Yun and helped Yin Niang up, "Don't be so oblivious, we are all companions."

"I also said that there is no distinction between high and low here." Su Yun chuckled and said, "Welcome to Yanyun City!"

Then he asked, "What did Mr. Qian say?"

Yin Niang nodded first, and smiled softly: "Mr. Qian naturally supports it. He said that the title of 'No. 1 Merchant in the World' is up to you. It would be great if you really become the No. 1 Merchant in the World."

"And Mr. Qian and Xiao Muling will come over to take a look after a while!"

"Very good!" Thinking of Mu Ling's appearance, Su Yun smiled, "I don't know how much her strength has increased now."

Hearing this, Yin Niang was a little stunned, and asked timidly, "Boss, haven't you been away from Luoyun Sect for more than ten days?"

"You don't understand, Mu Ling is a little girl, she's different!" Su Yun said in a rather sophisticated way.

For a moment, he thought of something inexplicably, and said sadly: "It would be great if there is a means of remote communication, and I don't need to ask you to bring the message."

"What?" Yin Niang was surprised.

"It's nothing, you go and settle down first, you will be busy in the future!" Su Yun said solemnly, really showing a bit of the attitude of the boss ordering others.

"Yin Niang takes orders!" Yin Niang was surprisingly excited and full of energy, she was a qualified laborer.

Su Yun gave Wen Bai a wink, and Wen Bai knowingly took Yin Niang to choose a room.

Then he looked at Yun Yao solemnly, thinking about something.

Seeing that Su Yun was so serious, Yun Yao stopped playing and frowned and asked, "What? What tricks are you doing?"

I saw Su Yun bowing cupped hands solemnly towards Yunyao, "Third Princess, thank you for your troubles these days, Su Yun, now that Yin Niang is here, I won't bother you, Princess, for those trivial things. "

"What?" Yun Yao's complexion changed drastically, and she frowned tightly, "You're going to kick me away now when you're done with me?"

Hearing this, Su Yun's face was full of black lines, and he almost couldn't hold back. It's easy to be misunderstood by you! Will you die if you say one more word "profit"?

I had no choice but to smile and said: "Third Princess, I definitely don't mean that. It's just that the things at hand are on the right track now, and I'm going to study something behind closed doors. I don't know when I will be able to leave the customs, so I want to thank you in advance!"

"Thank you for saying a few words?" Yun Yao's brows stretched a little, she thought for a long time, then curled her lips and said, "Forget it, I won't make things difficult for you, as long as you fulfill your promise and destroy that Chaos Sect." , and return Ruiguo to a sea of ​​clear rivers."

"It's easy to say." Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, he was just worried that Yun Yao would play his temper.

"There is no movement from the Chaos Cult right now, and Wang Fu can take care of it. If there is any urgent matter, use this to find me." Su Yun pointed to the communicator next to his ear and said, "I can plan something with peace of mind."

"Cut~look at your snarky look!" Yun Yao rolled her eyes, "And 'Wang Fu can also take care of it', obviously Senior Brother Wang Fu is the leader of the team!"

"Hahaha! Help share a little pressure!" Su Yun laughed.

Then, Yun Yao turned around, looked at the bustling Yanyun City and pondered for a long time, then suddenly turned around with a smile, and turned her head very quickly, her hair fanned out.

He said in a curious tone: "Speaking of how much money you earn! Look at your posture, don't you want to wrestle with that green clam?"

"It's said that it is the number one merchant in the world, maybe it will be possible in the future!" Su Yun turned his hands away and said quite proudly.

This time Yunyao surprisingly didn't talk back, but smiled gratifiedly, "In this case, the first store of the world's No. 1 firm is in my Yanyun City, isn't it very popular!"

"Strictly speaking, this is the second shop..." Su Yun corrected rigorously, after all, it borrowed money from the name of the old shop!

"It's really going to ruin the atmosphere, it's boring..." Yun Yao looked disappointed, and then she seemed to be thinking, and said in a light tone: "This green clam business is not easy, behind it are the five most powerful forces on the Immortal World Continent, I don't know if you are a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers or if you really have confidence."

Su Yun raised his head and looked at the Galaxy Cluster everywhere. Although it was not the star field he was familiar with, it was equally deep and charming.

No matter how brilliant the lights of Yanyun City are, they cannot cover the thousands of stars in the sky.

He said sadly: "The goal must be lofty. Didn't the ancestors of mankind stand up because they looked up at the starry sky? That is the meaning of human existence."

"It's strangely esoteric." Yun Yao replied casually, gradually, her face was filled with worry, "Last time you said that there is a Nascent Soul level powerhouse behind the Chaos Cult, are you sure?"

"I don't dare to say anything else, at least the strength at the soul level is stronger than a Nascent Soul senior I know!" Su Yun said with a serious smile.

"Probably so."

After finishing speaking, Yun Yao was silent for a long time, looked at the front and smiled wryly: "I don't know if you are talking big, but if you can..."

Yun Yao turned her head, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes, "Please protect this hard-won world of fireworks."

Hearing this, Su Yun was not moved, because this was what he planned to do, for the people and for himself.

"I don't complain when you ask me to do such a big thing, but you complain all kinds of things when you ask you to do something small. It's not fair, it's not fair!" Su Yun pretended to be heartbroken.

"I... I didn't say I wouldn't help!" Yun Yao was unconvinced, and her tone was a little fierce, even attracting Shu Rui's attention on the boat.

Shu Rui suddenly smiled gratifiedly, found Zhao Fangruo and muttered in a low voice: "Have you noticed that the third princess is very different from before, it seems that she has grown up and is much more stable! Could it be because of Su Yun?"

"Looks like it probably is. No wonder Your Majesty wants to recognize Su Yun as a brother. Su Yun is a good material to be an uncle, and he is very good at teaching!" Zhao Fangruo nodded her head and said firmly.

"This...is that so?" Shu Rui was shocked.

Zhao Fangruo approached, and whispered: "I heard the gossip from Qin Feng that His Majesty wants to appoint Su Yun as a prince with a different surname, but he is still struggling and has not made an order."

"That's really the emperor's uncle..." Shu Rui was momentarily confused.

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