"But..." Zhao Fangruo narrowed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Hehe! If this Su Yun is only superior in strength, he will definitely not be so highly valued by our Emperor Yun, and there must be other tricks in it!"

"Don't speculate on the holy will! Your Majesty has his reasons!" Shu Rui whispered cautiously: "This is not something we guards should worry about! By the way, don't let the princess know about this for now!"

"Yes, we should give her a surprise, a cheap Uncle for nothing, what a great thing!!"



Afterwards, Yun Yao chatted with Su Yun again, before saying goodbye: "Close your door, if the firm needs help, ask Yin Niang to come to me at any time, if you have any information about Chaos Sect, I will help you." Also inform you."

"Then thank the third princess." Against the background of the night, Su Yun smiled brightly.

"You should still call me Yunyao..." Yunyao waved her hand, said calmly, then turned around and left, boarding the flying boat.

The flying boat flew far away and disappeared into the night towards Yunfeng.

Su Yun was not in a hurry to arrange work for Yin Niang, but asked her to rest for a night first, so that she could be lazy.

After Wen Bai returned to his own room, he began to study Medicine Pill again, until he was pulled out by Su Yun.

"Why, if you don't study hard at this point, why are you wandering around?" Wen Bai said angrily.

"Don't be so tense all the time. You need to relax. Get a good night's sleep today to recharge your spirits, and we'll talk about it tomorrow!" Su Yun smiled softly, and he already took out the Flying Sword.

"What? Where do you want to form a team and go to sleep?" Wen Bai looked at Su Yun and asked in a joking tone.

"Well...it's not impossible." Su Yun said with a serious face: "But I have a better plan, come with me to a place!"

Then, he sent the Five Elements sword down at the feet of the two of them, and pulled Wen Bai up, "Hold on firmly."

"Hold on...Where to hold on?" Wen Bai was flustered for a while, not knowing where to put his hands. It was not until Flying Sword flew forward that he grabbed the clothes at Su Yun's waist in a panic, but he couldn't hold on firmly.

As the speed increased, Wen Bai finally stretched out his arms to embrace Su Yun, and buried his face tightly in Su Yun's solid back.

"Hmph, I knew I would take advantage of me~~" Wen Baijiao shouted.

"It's you who hugged me, and you're the one who took advantage of me!" Su Yun argued plausibly.

But Wen Bai didn't continue to say any more playful words, but stretched out his Wenxiang nephrite fingers, and pressed Su Yun's back, or pressed on the breastplate made of Tianxuan iron.

"This breastplate of yours is strong, but it's so cold! It's merciless."

"Really? Then I will turn on the automatic heating function." Su Yun replied wittily: "How is it now? Is it some very thoughtful little design? This is a warm technology!"

"You... are so boring!" Wen Bai raised his head abruptly, shrinking his neck back, "I want to say it separates the two of us!!"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Su Yun's mouth, and he raised his hand to hold Wen Bai's two palms on his waist, "What about now? Is it better?"

"It's so small!" Wen Bai chuckled and said, "So where are we going?"

Su Yun didn't explain, but reminded again, "Hold on firmly."

"Okay!" Wen Bai put on a smirk on his face, and with a passionate tone, he suddenly exerted force and hugged Su Yun tightly.

The strength is so great, if an ordinary cultivator is hugged like this, it will explode...

Fortunately, the breastplate took away the strength, otherwise Su Yun would not feel very well.

And Su Yun was also going to have some fun, he turned on the shield, and flew up vertically with the maximum acceleration that Wen Bai could bear!

Wen Bai screamed all the way, "Su Yun, slow down! I can't take it anymore!"

"Jin Ren is over!" Su Yun was very excited.

In a moment, the two of them rushed out of the clouds and surpassed the height of Yunfeng.

But Su Yun didn't stop, and flew towards a higher sky.

After a while, the two of them reached the altitude when the giant sword flying boat was cruising.

Su Yun tried to untie the shield, and in an instant, a bone-piercing icy cold pierced through his limbs and bones. Wen Bai was shivering, but he didn't have any complaints, he just stared at Su Yun full of resentment.

"What? Not happy?" Su Yun asked with concern.

"I'm not unhappy, you have your reasons for everything you do, I won't talk, I'll bear it!" Wen Bai pouted.

Su Yun restored the shield with a smile, pointed down, "Look down."

"What's there?" Wen Bai said boredly, and then turned to look down. She was confused for a while, but after she collected herself, she was shocked by the scenery in front of her with just one glance.

At this height, it is just enough to see the whole picture of Yanyun City clearly. At night, Yanyun City is brightly lit, peaceful and peaceful, and the layout of the city is extremely square, like a huge chessboard!

It is also like a square oil painting of imagery.


This is a stunning beauty!

And Yunfeng occupies the most central position, but in their eyes, the current Yunfeng has long lost that majestic momentum.

Tens of millions of people live in this capital city, among which there are hundreds of thousands of cultivators.

The country of Rui is just a small country in the southwestern corner of the mainland.

How many mortals and cultivators would there be elsewhere in the southwest of the mainland, or even on other continents.

The splendor of repairing Immortal World is simply unimaginable!

"Does it look good?" Su Yun took advantage of the situation to turn passive into active, hugging Wen Bai's slender and soft waist, with a warm feeling.

"I've never seen such a magnificent scene!" Wen Bai's eyes were full of autumn water, he nodded heavily, and then pointed to the brightest white spot, "Our business is right there!"

"You rarely look at the world from this angle!" Su Yun asked.

"No! But from this point of view, there seem to be more lights on the ground than stars in the sky!" Wen Bai looked away from the city below and looked up at the starry sky.

"That's why you are narrow-minded. There are more stars in the sky than thousands of lights!" Su Yun said quite proudly.

"You know again?" Wen Bai was noncommittal.

"Someone helped me read it. The Universe is vast, far beyond what we can imagine." Su Yun suddenly said with some melancholy.

Hearing this, Wen Bai was so shocked that he couldn't calm down, and said word by word: "So you know the Transcending Tribulation Realm, no, you are an extremely expert in the Indistinguishable Dao Realm!"

"What is this! I'm talking about technological means, such as radio telescopes, space telescopes!" Su Yun explained seriously.

Wen Bai was still in a state of shock, and didn't pay attention to Su Yun's words, "You said that someone helped you see the magnificent and vast scenery of the universe, isn't it only the Indistinguishable Dao Power of Transcend Tribulation who ascended to the outer star field to do it? "

"It's hard to fly out of the mainland?" Su Yun tentatively asked.

"Look at your ignorant appearance!" Wen Baiyu said earnestly: "If Transcend Tribulation ascends soaring easily, how can there be only a few Indistinguishable Dao masters who have successfully Transcend Tribulation in the history of the entire practice world!"

"So rare?" It was the first time Su Yun heard of such secrets, and besides being surprised, he was more puzzled. It stands to reason that it is not difficult to fly out of a planet, as long as it reaches the first universe speed.

The only variables that affect the speed of the first universe are the mass and the radius of the planet.

Although judging by the naked eye, the planet where Xiu Immortal World is located has a very small curvature, a large radius, and an unreasonably large mass, but the speed of the first universe is inversely proportional to the radius, so the speed of the first universe will not be too fast !

What's more, judging by Su Yun's somatosensory, the acceleration of gravity here is not very large, and it may only be a few percent larger than that of the earth.

With the strength of Indistinguishable Dao Power, it should be easy.

At this time, Su Yun suddenly had a bold, even desperate thought, "How about we fly up again?"

Wen Bai and Su Yun met each other's eyes, the expressions on their faces changed, at first it was doubt, then it was relief after a helpless compromise, and finally showed a smile, "Since you want to, I'll go with you!"

"Then hold me tight!" Su Yun said softly.

Waiting for Bai to get ready, Su Yun increased the output of Spirit Power and flew towards Star at a higher speed.

But the higher he flew, the more Su Yun felt something was wrong. Although there was no danger around him, flying became more and more difficult.

Su Yun used Yunfeng as a reference to estimate the height at this time.

When reaching a height of about 12,000 meters, the Spirit Power consumption of Yu Jian's flight directly increased by more than 20%.

When reaching 15,000 meters, the consumption of Spirit Power will be directly doubled.

And the higher you go, the greater the consumption.

After reaching 20,000 meters, Su Yun's current flying limit is already reached. Whether it is the Feiyun stone pattern on the breastplate or the Five Elements sword, they all bear the maximum output of Spirit Power.

If the power is increased, there will be a risk of burning the pattern of the device, destroying the device and killing people, so don't dare to try it lightly.

After quickly lowering the altitude, Su Yun fell into deep thought.

It seems that there is some "something" preventing the human cultivator from flying out of this vast land. The higher the flight, the greater the suppression the cultivator receives.

Is this the catastrophe that crossed?

Ask Wen Bai, she doesn't know, or no one knows what kind of catastrophe the Transcending Tribulation Realm strongman crossed, because the loser fell and had no chance to speak, and the successful Advance Grade Indistinguishable Dao went to the sky, and no one came back What Transcend Tribulation experience did you teach.

However, after climbing high and looking far, Su Yun has gained a lot, especially when he discovered that the surface of the Immortal World is so flat that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is ten thousand miles away at a glance!

There are some plans in mind.

But what we need to do before is to calculate the mass, radius, and acceleration of gravity of the Immortal World planet, so as to calculate the speed of the first universe.

Looking at the sky above his head for the last time, Su Yun smiled and said to Wen Bai: "I'm sorry, I made you take risks with me."

"Whatever it is, didn't you agree to be together for everything?" Wen Bai smiled sweetly, "It's worth it no matter what to see such a spectacle with you!"

"It's all here, why don't you stay for a while?" Su Yun tentatively asked.

"Just stay for a while!" Wen Bai's voice was like a mosquito, and he silently lowered his head.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the piercing cold was outside the shield, and the two embraced each other tacitly inside the shield, and the atmosphere suddenly heated up.

At such a height, the starry sky and the earth meet in the far east, and on the other side, where the sun sets, you can even see the earth in the distance still bathed in the setting sun.

What Wen Bai may have seen is the magnificent beauty of "Yin & Yang cut dawn", and all this is beautiful natural science in Su Yun's view! It is a natural physics formula! It is the endless pursuit of science by human beings!

Not long after, the two returned to the other courtyard. After a while, they each went back to their rooms, and they agreed to have a good night's sleep...

In the early morning of the next day, the mist still persisted.

Su Yun got up early in the morning, excitedly broke into Wen Bai's room and pulled her up. As a result, Wen Bai was only wearing obscene clothes, she kicked Su Yun out in embarrassment.

As a result, most of the white legs were exposed, and Su Yun saw it, and was in a daze...

But when she came out after dressing up and dressing up, her face was still full of smiles, like a normal person, she put her hands behind her back and smiled softly, "Why do you ask me for getting up so early?"

Su Yun noticed the change on Wen Bai's face, and said pleasantly, "You put on makeup?"

"I just smeared on a little powder, and I made it with the scraps left over from refining the Medicine Pill, and it still has a moisturizing effect on the face!" Wen Bai shook his head, quite proudly.

"It's so beautiful with a touch of it." Su Yun smiled knowingly and praised.

Hearing this, Wen Bai's face flushed, he covered his face and said: "There's nothing to be courteous about, tell me quickly, is there anything you can ask me for!"

"I need your help!" Su Yun smiled, and then handed out some tools that he had just refined.

Looking at these unfamiliar objects, Wen Bai knew that Su Yun was making something new again.

The thing Su Yun refines is also different, a pocket watch used to check time, using the earth's time unit "second" instead of the Immortal World's "breath".

There is also a very precise protractor with mirror.

Su Yun quickly flew to a place two thousand miles away. When the pocket watch arrived at the appointed time, Su Yun and Wen Bai measured the angle between the sun and the ground at the two places, so that they could calculate the radius of the Immortal World planet.

In order to exclude the influence of latitude, Su Yun also measured several sets of data, and finally calculated the radius of Immortal World.

The radius of the planet alone has reached 12.5 times that of the earth, just over 80,000 kilometers, and the circumference of the equator has reached more than 500,000 kilometers.

Back in the other courtyard, the two entered the room. Su Yun used large pieces of white crystal to refine a transparent vacuum cauldron, pumped out the air, and used it to measure the gravitational acceleration of the Immortal World.

The measurement method used is very simple, that is, the flat-throwing metal ball that junior high school students have learned.

After observing more than a dozen sets of data with divine sense, Su Yun came to a conclusion that the gravitational acceleration on the surface of Xiu Immortal World is 1.21 times that of the earth, which is 11.858 meters per square second.

This is not a very large value, even if the earthlings come, they will not feel uncomfortable.

However, this is just an experimental result!

The radius of the Immortal World is 12.5 times that of the earth, if the density is similar, it is reasonable to say that the gravitational acceleration should also be such a multiple.

The theory is far from the reality, and Su Yun can only explain the error by saying that the overall density of the Immortal World is less than one-tenth of that of the earth.

Of course it could also be that Spiritual Qi is defying gravity!

Further calculation, the speed of the first universe in Immortal World is about 11.858 kilometers per second.

To be on the safe side, Su Yun also reproduced Cavendish's experiment and measured the gravitational constant of Immortal World. Excluding the experimental error, the value is the same as that of the earth.

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