Xu Mo returned to the store to change into neat clothes, while the three of them stopped at the door of the store, staring at another waitress.

While waiting, Wen Bai curiously asked who Gu Yan was.

Su Yun told what he knew.

"According to Yin Niang's inquiries, Gu Yan is the son of Gu Feicheng, the Sect Leader of the Jiyue Sect. He has a noble status, and his talent can be regarded as intelligent. He has achieved the Void Core Realm in his twenties."

"The most important thing is that the Jiyue Sect is a vassal force of the Supreme Sect, one of the five major powers. It is rumored that the Jiyue Sect Sect Leader is attacking the God Transformation Realm. If the Advance Grade is successful, the Jiyue Sect will be firmly seated in Canglan The throne of the number one power in the continent!"

"It is precisely because of this that Gu Yan will take care of the Qingfu shop in Yanyun City."

"I don't know what kind of person this Gu Yan is, but if he can manage Qingfu's business, he won't be an idiot."

"Cough cough!" The female servant at the side coughed lightly, attracting everyone's attention, and said softly, "Dear guests, don't talk about my master behind his back!"

Su Yun pouted, and saw Xu Mo coming out of the room, changing into light and close-fitting plain white clothes, looking very capable, like a Rivers and Lakes heroine.

The few people didn't delay any longer, and went to the No. 1 Commercial Building in the World together.

From a distance, Xu Mo saw the bustling crowd in front of the No. 1 merchant in the world, and he couldn't help laughing: "There are so many customers that the threshold is about to be broken. It seems that your reputation as the No. 1 merchant in the world is solid." .”

Su Yun smiled at the corner of his mouth, and replied lightly: "The items sold are not high-grade, thanks to those humble fellow daoists in Realm who are willing to come to support them, or they are doing business for ordinary people, and they are all small businesses that are not worth mentioning. "

"But, what if?" Xu Mo looked at Su Yun, with a smile on his face, and said in a serious tone: "I see Mr. Su, you are not a person who is satisfied with small business."

Hearing this, a meaningful smile appeared on Su Yun's face.

Naturally, he is not satisfied with the status quo. The business of No. 1 Business in the World will only expand in the future. What he wants to reshape is the entire Immortal World business structure.

And when his strength grows to the point where he can sell the high rank new Magical Item, won't he be the number one merchant in the world?

Not to mention the small branch of the Qingfu Company, even if it is facing the entire Qingfu Company, it will not be inferior!

Immediately, Su Yun suppressed his smile, and asked tentatively, "Are you afraid that the number one merchant in the world will threaten your Qingfu business?"

Xu Mo shook his head slowly, and smiled suddenly, "I actually hope!"

"At the end of the day, I'm just a little boy in Qingfuhang. It is said that a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a virtuous minister chooses a leader. I also hope that I can have a better place to go!"

"You can't even satisfy you in Qingfuxing!" Su Yun pretended to be surprised, but he had already seen through the twists and turns.

After all, the manager of Yanyun Qingfuxing is just a young Sect Leader of Jiyuezong, and Jiyuezong is just a vassal of the five major forces.

Now that Jiang Muliang has revealed the identity of the "Jiang family", there is no need to say more about the choice.

"Water flows to low places, but people always have to go to high places." Xu Mo smiled coldly, looking at Su Yun with straight eyes, which meant nothing.

From this, Su Yun felt from the bottom of his heart that Xu Mo was not a simple woman, but she was too purposeful, only interested in profit, and she was the kind of person who was like a fool.

Su Yun can't accept such a person to join own firm.

So he tactfully said: "We all know we have to go to a high place, but how many people can stand on a high place?"

Xu Mo was taken aback, and smiled bitterly, "It seems that Boss Su is unwilling to support the little girl."

"In front of real Gold Core, I really dare not use the word 'support'." Su Yun smiled brilliantly.

Seeing this, Xu Mo showed a calm face, smiled wryly, then turned his head away, and did not mention it again.

Soon, the four fell into the other courtyard, and Su Yun asked Wen Bai and Jiang Mu to board the Xuanniao first, while he went straight to the craftsman's workshop downstairs to fetch a mass-produced Baili communicator that had just been trial-produced.

And Xu Mo waited silently in place, like a waiter with his hands down, not daring to move around indiscriminately.

But it was hard for her not to pay attention to the Xuanniao parked in the other courtyard, so she couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

Su Yun retrieved the item and handed it to Xu Mo, "Miss Mo, this is a new gadget that hasn't been launched yet. It's called the Baili Messenger. I'm going to call its product the Tianyi Messenger. There is something in the box." Instructions, read it yourself, you will use it later."

When Xu Mo took the things, Su Yun added, "For you."

Xu Mo opened the wooden packing box and saw the black squares inside. He was dumbfounded for a moment, then thanked him, and began to look through the instructions to figure out how to use it.

Su Yun got into the Xuanniao and began to warm up the electric propulsion engine.

Su Yun yelled when the built-in communicator in the breastplate detected that a new device was online on the short-range offline communication frequency band.

"Xu Mo, look this way!"

Hearing the sound, Xu Mo looked around in surprise, and finally set his sights on the Xuanniao that was launching.

"Boss Su, is that you?"

"It's good if you can hear it. You can go back and figure out other functions by yourself. Now we have to go to a place first." Su Yun commanded through voice: "Do you know that there is a barren stone mountain a thousand miles southwest of Yanyun City. It's a giant pit."

"Of course, you blew up that huge hole with a method I can't understand!" Xu Mo silently accepted this setting, and began to talk to the small box.

"Yo, you know that too!" Su Yun was still a little surprised, "That's good, now please go there as fast as you can, and you must do your best, as fast as you can !"

"This..." Xu Mo paused, although his heart was full of doubts, he still put the communicator into his pocket, stepped on the Flying Sword, and slowly lifted into the air, "Boss Su, can you catch up?"

"Don't worry, go!" Su Yun yelled excitedly.

Immediately, Xu Mo frowned, and started to run the Spirit Power of her peak Gold Core, and the blue light began to cover Xu Mo's body, and then she took the Flying Sword back.

Immediately afterwards, with a dull sound of breaking through the sky, Xu Mo's figure turned into a light blue streamer, the figure was blurred, and flew towards the sky.

Seeing this, Su Yun was shocked, "Cultivation Technique! Is this the peak strength of Gold Core!"

According to the real-time tracking of the radar system, Xu Mo's speed broke through the speed of sound in a very short period of time at the initial stage, and the current speed has reached Mach 2, and is even accelerating, heading towards Mach 3.

For flesh and blood, this speed is extremely terrifying.

Being able to achieve such a speed with the physical body means that he can also achieve such a speed during a battle, which can be said to have an absolute advantage, and this is the only way to be fast!

Even if it was not difficult for Su Yun to reach a cruising speed of more than ten Machs when he was riding the Xuanniao, but at his speed in battle, he might not know how to die.

"Gold Core real people are really extraordinary!" After sighing, Su Yun controlled the Xuanniao to accelerate to fly high into the sky, and only pushed the joystick when the height was enough.

The Xuanniao made a sharp roar like a phoenix singing and a dragon chant, and accelerated towards Xu Mo.

In the radar, the distance between the two was getting closer and closer. After calculation, Xu Mo's speed finally reached Mach 2.5. In the end, the Xuanniao suppressed the speed and followed Xu Mo far behind. The radar system was still tracking, and the mastermind was also taking the opportunity to collect a large amount of data.

"So, we are testing the flying speed of a real Gold Core?" Wen Bai asked weakly.

"That's right, but the flying speed is only the first item, I want to collect all the data of the Gold Core peak powerhouse!" Su Yun explained simply.

Then, seeing that Xu Mo's speed had not improved any more, he activated the autopilot mode and let the Xuanniao cruise on its own, while he freed his hands and stretched himself.

"But..." Wen Bai was full of doubts, his eyebrows frowned, "Xu Mo is a strong man at the pinnacle of Gold Core after all, wouldn't it be impolite for us to order things at will?"

"They're all businessmen, so they should understand the spirit of the contract. Since she agreed, she won't have any complaints." Su Yun patted his chest and said, "Besides, my request is not too much!"

Jiang Mu interrupted suddenly, still speaking for Xu Mo, "Maybe it's because she still has the idea of ​​changing jobs!"

Su Yun paused for a moment, and saw the sincerity in Jiang Mu's eyes, "What do you seem to say?"

"Yes." Jiang Mu nodded blankly, with a look of sadness on his face, "I have inherited the memory of the senior, so I naturally know some secrets about the green clam business."

"Although Xu Mo and the others seem to have a lot of status, and Realm is not low, but in fact they can't help themselves, and they don't have any sense of belonging to Qingfuhang."

"Because, servants like them are actually commodities belonging to the Qingfu Company, not free people. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are high-end slaves. Who doesn't want to escape from the cage and pursue freedom?"

"I'm going! So she wasn't joking! It can really be bought and sold!" Su Yun couldn't help being surprised for a moment, and then frowned, deeply disdainful, "Gold Core pinnacles have been reduced to commodities, it seems that this green clam business is indeed It's not easy!"

"Brother Su, that's all I want to say." After speaking, Jiang Mu lowered his eyebrows.

Su Yun stared and thought for a while, then murmured: "Although I don't like this kind of job-hopping person, but her situation is understandable, and she is not useless, at least her eyesight is still very accurate Yes, discerning eyes and pearls, hehe!"

After speaking, Su Yun nodded firmly.

"Hey!" Wen Bai poked Su Yun, and said angrily, "Are you praising Miss Mo or yourself!"

"At most it's a statement of the facts!" Su Yun said shamelessly.

Then he stared and pondered for a moment, and thought about it: "Our firm really needs some high rank cultivators to support the scene, but to buy her back and pay her a salary, the cost is not low, we have to see if she is worth enough. "


To them, a journey of a thousand miles is nothing more than a conversation.

Soon Xu Mo stopped in front of the big crater blasted by the missile, and the Xuanniao also slowed down slowly, hanging in front of Xu Mo.

A lot of water has accumulated in the big pit, and green has grown on the rocky beach, which shows the tenacity of Xiu Immortal World's life.

Su Yun noticed that Xu Mo had swallowed a Qi-replenishing Medicine Pill, and it seemed that her evasion method was not cheap.

"Boss Su, what do I need to do next?" Xu Mo took out the communicator and shouted in the direction of the Black Bird.

"Wait a minute, here we come!" After Su Yun said, he took Wen Bai and Jiang Mu to fly off the Xuanniao and came to Xu Mo.

"Miss Mo, the next task is very heavy, so I will take care of it." Su Yun stood upright on the sword, and arched his cupped hands respectfully.

Xu Mo didn't know why Su Yun was so polite all of a sudden, so he nodded silently, "Okay."

"Next, I will evaluate your attack power, defense power, and even the recovery speed of Spirit Power, the absorption efficiency of Medicine Pill, etc.!" Su Yun looked serious and muttered for a long time.

"Of course, you don't need to show your strongest cards, you just need to show the strongest strength you can!"

Hearing this, Xu Mo didn't quite understand Su Yun's intentions, and couldn't hide his doubts. He frowned, but nodded heavily: "I will definitely do my best."

Then, Su Yun turned his head away and looked at the mess created by him in front of him. After thinking for a long time, he closed his eyes slightly and let out his divine thoughts.

He used the supernatural power to control the soil and controlled the earth and rocks within a hundred feet of Fang Yuan to converge towards the center, slowly shaping it into a huge stone statue, more than a hundred meters high, and plump and round, like a snowman.

The giant stone statue was connected with Su Yun through Shenwei Yutu Jue, and Su Yun could clearly judge the attack power Xu Mo released on it.

Xu Mo raised his head and glanced at the giant stone statue in front of him, his mouth was slightly opened in shock, and he opened his mouth after a long time: "This is the secret technique of the Jiang family, the divine power and soil technique? It really is extraordinary!"

"And with such a high rank Cultivation Technique, the Spirit Power consumption may not be small..."

She looked at Su Yun again, and felt that with Qi Refining's peak strength, she couldn't control the earth and rocks within a hundred feet to create this stone statue!

I couldn't help giving Su Yun another high look!

"Don't worry about the rest, you can do your best!" Su Yun smiled slightly, indicating that Xu Mo could start.

Without further ado, Xu Mo sacrificed his natal Magic Treasures, a blue jade flute.

Then rushed to the colossus.

Cultivators mostly use swords, and it is rare to use such Magical Items as natal Magic Treasures, and Su Yun can't see through the grade of this Magical Item, only that the material for refining the jade flute is water-attributed.

Xu Mo hung in the air with the escape technique, and began to play the jade flute. A melodious tune came, which made people feel at ease.

But immediately, a tyrannical Spirit Power wave spread, and an invisible blue light flew out like water waves.

After colliding with the colossus, in just a split second, the 100-meter-high colossus turned into dust and exploded into a cloud of smoke.

"The real Gold Core is so terrifying!" Su Yun murmured subconsciously.

In front of the stone statue, Xu Mo's body was almost negligible, but it was such a small body that exploded with such amazing power, it was shocking!

He couldn't help but feel awe in his heart, and at the same time, he also had a stronger curiosity.

"Okay, come again!!" Su Yun communicated through the communicator.

Then, the stone statue recovered and became even bigger. Su Yun also injected more Spirit Power, trying to make the stone statue resist Xu Mo's attack.

But the ending can be imagined.

After continuous experiments, Su Yun has harvested extremely sufficient data, has a deeper understanding of the strength of Gold Core real people, and has a deeper mood.

When it came to testing the defense project, Xu Mo took the lead.

Su Yun used a variety of attack methods to attack Xu Mo, and let her describe the impact of the attack on her, so as to infer Xu Mo's defense.

After the measurement, Su Yun was impressed by the tyrannical defense of the Gold Core peak, and at the same time became more confident in own means. Even without using the light particle emitter, he can easily kill the cultivator of the Gold Core peak.

Xu Mo was also surprised, even terrified, by the various methods Su Yun displayed.

If Su Yun uses more Magical Items that can explode, Xu Mo thinks that he may be killed.

In the subsequent tests, Wen Bai and Jiang Mu helped a lot.

For example, physical strength, self-healing ability, mental range, Spirit Power recovery speed, etc.

The test was tedious and boring, but Xu Mo had no complaints from the beginning to the end, even if he might offend, he fully cooperated.

In the end, it was late at night, and Su Yun finished collecting all the data, and the harvest was full!

On the way back to the city, Su Yun let the tired Xu Mo board the Xuanniao.

Wen Bai glanced back at Xu Mo, and after confirming that she was not in any bad mood, he whispered his own doubts, "Su Yun, so what are you doing?"

"I plan to use the multiple data obtained today to establish a digital standard model of the cultivator's strength, which will introduce various variables such as Cultivation Base Realm, Spiritual Roots attributes, Magical Item grades, and Cultivation Technique levels to quantify the cultivator's strength as accurately as possible. strength!"

"Through this mathematical model, and then import the own strength data, you can calculate the probability of defeating the enemy!"

"However, in most cases, some hidden variables cannot be considered, such as the method of pressing the bottom of the box, various Magical Items, Talismans, Medicine Pill and other things, so there will be a corrective formula!"

"Uh..." Wen Bai listened for a long time, and finally squeezed out a sentence, "Please communicate in Xiu Immortal World Mandarin..."

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