Mathematical modeling is also difficult to explain. Su Yun made a simple analogy: "It's similar to scoring a cultivator. The higher the score, the stronger the strength."

"The so-called standardized model is the scoring standard for summarization, above."

After listening to Su Yun's explanation, Jiang Mu could understand a thing or two. He nodded first, then shook his head, "There are many factors that affect a cultivator's combat power, almost mysterious, and it's not so easy to summarize!"

"Not to mention that the Cultivation Techniques cultivated are very different, the Magical Items used are varied, and there are endless means other than Medicine Pill, Talisman, and Spiritual Pets, and even the state of mind of the cultivator. Sudden epiphany will have a great impact on strength. big impact."

"Just like the three of us, our strength cannot be measured by ordinary standards."

Hearing this, Wen Bai blushed and said with shame, "Stop! You two bragging, don't take me with you. I'm just an ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator."

"Ordinary, it means that you can easily create a Cultivation Technique Medicine Pill that is unprecedented in the Immortal World!" Su Yun frowned and smiled: "You, you are still too modest!"

"Put a Cultivation Technique Medicine Pill in your mouth casually, and no one will be your opponent!"

"Hmph!" Wen Bai hugged his chest, and said angrily, "No flattery!"

Then, Su Yun stared and pondered: "But it is indeed a problem. There are too many hidden variables, and they are usually not easy to show to others, so it is difficult to evaluate."

"However, I didn't expect the model obtained at the beginning to be accurate, not to mention the current sample size is far from enough."

"Therefore, I will build a database to collect all data including various methods of cultivating Immortal World, such as Cultivation Technique, Magical Item, Talisman, etc., as well as recorded cultivator competition data, and even the information of cultivator itself. It is getting smaller and smaller, and it can be corrected through subsequent battles."

"At least we can evaluate the superficial strength of the cultivator. It should be close to ten. If the data samples are enough, we can even calculate the hidden cards of a cultivator!"

Hearing what Su Yun said, Jiang Mu and Wen Bai thought about it for a long time, Wen Bai raised his neck, and said in a daze, "Can you still see through other people's cards? It's a bit exaggerated!"

"This is called big data, you don't understand!!" Su Yun patted his chest and said to himself: "Whether there is a hole card, maybe it can be deduced from the clues of the previous battle."

In the end, Wen Bai nodded his head, no longer trying to understand the strange things in Su Yun's mouth.

What a headache!


Su Yun turned and glanced at Xu Mo who was sitting on the temporary seat in the cabin, and said with a warm smile, "Thanks to the help of Miss Mo, the Gold Core real person, the foundation of the standard model has been laid."

Xu Mo sat very upright on the seat, with a cute face, because he was on Su Yun's "flying boat", he didn't dare to make too many movements, and smiled and said: "It's okay, since I promised you, Boss Su, I will Do your best.”

"You really worked hard, and all your Spirit Power has been emptied!" Su Yun was somewhat apologetic, with a smirk on his face, the dignified Gold Core peak powerhouse was "at will" by a Qi Refining cutie, it's a matter of dignity And backbone, and even Dao heart, the sacrifice is huge!

"You don't seem to keep your hand?" Su Yun then asked.

"Yes, except for the hole card that can only be used once, all other methods have been used." Xu Mo said bluntly, his eyes were as firm as his tone, "My hole card is a move called Yu Sui, which can kill Nascent Soul early stage, and I myself will be backlashed, the lighter ones will be regressed from Cultivation Base to Foundation Establishment, and the more serious ones will be killed on the spot, but there is also a way to break this trick, and the specific countermeasures are..."

"Stop! The cultivator revealed that own cards are taboo!" Su Yun hurriedly stopped, somewhat guilty in his heart, Xu Mo was too sincere!

A Gold Core real person, telling the truth about owning everything, sincerity is not lacking!

Could it be that she really wants to join the No. 1 business in the world? Su Yun couldn't help thinking so.

"Actually is not a big deal to me. After all, I am a female attendant of the Qingfu Company. I know all about the Qingfu Company, and it is written in the product information!" Xu Mo laughed bitterly in a self-deprecating tone. .

Su Yun pondered for a moment, then calmly said: "Seeing that you are so sincere, I will think about your matter."

"Really!" Xu Mo straightened his neck, exclaimed in surprise, then suppressed his joy, and asked cautiously: "But I'm not cheap, I want five million."

Hearing this number, Su Yun didn't blink, but turned his back directly, "That still needs to be considered..."

Hearing this, Xu Mo's expression darkened a lot.

But I heard Su Yun muttering behind the seat: "How about this, after a while, gather up Spirit Stones, I will buy you out first, and give you back your freedom, and then you will work in my green clam bank to earn money, and slowly repay it." Don't worry! Our salary here is very high, for a Gold Core real person like you, it won't take long for the five million to be paid back!"

"You're going to work on a loan! How about it?"

Jiang Mu: "..."

Wen Bai: "..."

"I agree, thank you." Xu Mo smiled knowingly, and looked at Su Yun gratefully.

"Such an outrageous request, Miss Mo, do you agree?" Even Wen Bai couldn't stand it anymore, stared at Su Yun, and said angrily, "Su Yun, you are not bullying Miss Mo!"

Su Yun returned a meaningful smile, "For her, this is the best choice."

"Thank you, Su... Boss..." Xu Mo suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a calm and sincere tone, "Only you don't treat me as a commodity that can be bought and sold at will."

"Hey, what a big deal!" Su Yun said disapprovingly, "Don't think too well of me, I still count on you to help me earn money! When you break through Realm to Nascent Soul, I'll still make money!"

Xu Mo was silent for a moment, with bitterness on his face, he smiled dryly, "I'm sorry, I probably want to disappoint you, breakthrough Nascent Soul, it's not easy."

"After reaching the pinnacle of Gold Core, Realm has been unable to break through the shackles for a hundred years. The hope of breakthrough is very slim. Counting the time, I don't have many opportunities..."

"That's it." Su Yun didn't know what to think of, with a gloomy cloud on his face, "Yeah, it's not easy to break through to Nascent Soul."


While speaking, the Xuanniao returned to Yanyun City.

"Excuse me for finding materials from Qingfu Bank." Su Yun smiled kindly and said politely.

Standing on top of the Flying Sword, Xu Mo smiled dignifiedly, "You've broken me, no matter what's inside or outside, it's what I should do."

After she flew away with Yujian, Su Yun froze in place, with an inexplicable sense of guilt for digging someone's corner...

Back at his own house, Su Yun started to work overnight, sorting out the data he obtained, and deriving the most basic mathematical model framework, and then began to design algorithms and build databases, the next thing will be handed over to the mastermind and Yin Niang .

Originally, the main brain was placed on the Xuanniao, but it is better to place this kind of equipment that acts as a data and computing center in a fixed place, which will be safer.

Su Yun moved the mastermind to the underground of the No. 1 Commercial Building in the World, prepared a room with full security measures as a computer room, and newly refined many computing modules to increase the computing power of the mastermind.

Nowadays, when it is difficult to make great progress in chip technology, the scale of computing units can only be piled up to increase computing power. In the end, a hundred-fold increase in performance can be obtained to meet the computing power requirements for processing big data.

Su Yun also prepared a small computing device, placed it in the original location of the main brain, had a complete data copy of the main brain, and installed a phased array antenna as a backup.

When it is beyond the signal range of the base station or cannot be connected, the second main brain on the Xuanniao will perform temporary LAN communication and offline calculation to meet some basic functions.

At the software level, Su Yun has also made corresponding upgrades.

Compared with electrical signals that are difficult to directly observe with power chips, it is very convenient that Spirit Power chips can directly interact with spiritual thoughts. Writing or reading information can be completed with spiritual thoughts.

Of course, direct operation with Divine Sense is like using the most basic DOS system. The information is abstract and not intuitive. It is like directly reading the binary "0" and "1" machine instruction codes. There is a process of conversion and calculation.

This is actually not difficult for Su Yun, but it is still relatively convenient after compilation and visualization.

It is also convenient for others to use.

It was already seven days after all this was done.

During the period, Chen Zhen even sent someone to inquire about the situation, and after learning from Wen Bai that Su Yun was immersed in refining weapons, he left in peace.

After leaving the customs, the weather in Yanyun City became a little bit colder. When I went out early in the morning, the leaves of the spiritual plants in the yard were covered with a layer of frost except for some fire-type ones.

Su Yun called Yin Niang with a communicator, and in between the frost flowers, he asked, "Yin Niang, you have been a spy before, right?"

"It's been a while." Yin Niang frowned, as if she didn't really want to mention this experience, "Boss, why did you suddenly ask this?"

"Then how is your business ability?" Su Yun smiled seriously, "Just say it, don't have any worries."

Yin Niang calmed down her uneasiness, sighed and said: "It's not bad, it can be considered as a name, and this is the opportunity to enter the Luoyun Sect."

"It's just that this line of work is somewhat disgraceful..." Yin Niang showed a look of didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Hearing this, Su Yun instantly beamed and clapped his hands, "Very good!"

"You take some time to set up an intelligence network for our No. 1 business in the world, and train more talents in this field. The most important thing is to be loyal. If necessary, you can use some extraordinary measures!"

While speaking, Su Yun sent a text to Yin Niang's communicator.

"These are the intelligence they need to collect!"

Yin Niang unfolded the screen, squeezed her eyes and stared at the small screen in front of her for a long time before showing a puzzled expression, and asked in disbelief: "That's all? The Medicine Pill, Magical Item on the market, and the Cultivation Technique owned by the major sects... ...doesn't seem like valuable information."

"The value of the information depends on who owns the information! Let's do it." Su Yun waved his hand, signaling Yin Niang to leave, "At that time, I will refine a special communicator to facilitate the transmission of data to the database."

Yin Niang tried to understand, but she still didn't understand after thinking for a long time, so she simply nodded and left.

Afterwards, Su Yun went to Jiang Mu's room, kicked open the door violently, pried open the coffin board, pulled Jiang Mu up, then called Wen Bai, and the three of them stepped onto the Xuanniao together.

Jiang Muhaqie with a tired face even asked Heavenly Dao: "Brother Su, where are we going!"

"Go and kill the dragon!" After Su Yun replied briefly, he activated the Xuanniao.

"What?" Jiang Mu was relieved of sleepiness in an instant, and suddenly became full of interest, "Go and kill the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon?!"

"Yes, otherwise how much money would be spent to hire Xu Mo, the Gold Core real person!!" Su Yun pushed the joystick and smiled helplessly: "It's not easy to make money!"

Hearing what the two said, Wen Bai was still a little dazed, "A fifth-order fierce beast ~ about equal to a Nascent Soul cultivator... Tsk!"

If someone else heard it, they would definitely laugh at Su Yun as a lunatic who knows no good or evil, but Wen Bai didn't question it at all.

The Xuanniao flew towards the leafy lake, galloping all the way.

When approaching, Su Yun released a Xingyun unmanned detector to take a step ahead to investigate the situation.

I don't know what happened on the lake after winning the Fire Yang Demon Crystal and leaving.

Soon, the probe was over the lake, and Su Yun projected real-time images on the screen.

The lake is still quiet, as it is most of the time, but the location of the lake is farther north than Yanyun City, and the trees around the lake are covered with frost and snow, making it even more silent.

The cultivator that used to be seen everywhere has long since disappeared.

It wasn't until after flying close that dense black spots were seen on the clear lake surface. It was a large piece of incomplete corpse remains, like some Impurities on the surface of azure gemstones.

The body was so soaked that the floating bladder turned white, and the blood from the wound had already flowed out, disappearing in the deep lake.

But most of these wounds were caused by people, and most of them were sword wounds.

After death, he was bitten by fish in the lake and small aquatic spirit beasts, which made his limbs even more mutilated.

Many corpses were still trembling slightly, spreading out circles of ripples.

After the detector went around and confirmed that there were no living people, Su Yun accelerated to the top of the big lake.

After Su Yun preset the program for the No. 3 detector unit below, he plunged into the lake water to find the traces of the Earth Fire dragon dragon, and then led it out.

The Xuanniao was parked in the woods by Su Yun and temporarily hidden.

The three of them flew in the air with Yujian, staring at the lake.

Ten light particle launchers have been deployed in the air, ready to be fired at any time.

This is the second purpose of Su Yun's trip, to test the specific power of the light particle emitter.

However, the underwater detector has not sent back a message for a long time, and it should be disconnected. The only thing to do now is to wait.

Bored, Su Yun fell to the surface of the water, turned on the Spirit Power, and easily stood on the surface of the water.

Every time you take a step, you will step out of a circle of water waves, disturbing the small fish that are cruising below.

"Wen Bai, how long do you think it will take for these small fish to grow into spirit beasts!" Su Yun looked at the groups of fish and asked on a whim.

Wen Bai also fell to the surface of the water, and leaned over to look at the small fish in the water, "I don't know, if it's just a small miscellaneous fish, it won't be able to change into a spirit beast in a lifetime, and if it's a descendant of a spirit beast, it may take decades! "

While speaking, a group of small fish under the water suddenly scattered and fled, and soon disappeared from sight, and the reflections of the two on the water surface also became blurred.

Su Yun frowned, "I found it."

Afterwards, the surface of the lake began to surge, and the two quickly returned to the air. From a distance, they saw a huge water splash exploding in the middle of the lake.

It was followed by a roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Su Yun could clearly hear the anger in it.

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