Then, Su Yun took back many attacking Magical Items and mounted two small electric push engines.

The small electric propulsion engine hardly needs any warm-up time. With a thought, the nozzle will eject blue plasma!

The thrust was huge, and it was only by the resistance of the aircraft pattern that he stabilized his figure, as if pulling the handbrake.

Then, a fine blue-purple lightning arc emerged from the Black Tortoise mech, continuously shooting lightning around, crackling and crackling, as if there was a thunderous force, and the ionized air formed plasma to cover the surface, adding to the majesty.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yun squatted slightly, and stepped back with his right foot. The motor at the joint was ready to go, and then jumped up with the help of force. The thick Qingshi board was dented and cracked into several pieces.

At the same time, the resistance of the aircraft pattern becomes thrust, the power of the electric propulsion engine is also increased, and the jet flow grows to more than four feet!

Under the strength of the third stage, Su Yun turned into a beam of light, flying hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye, easily reaching the speed of Mach 3!

With the arc generator, there is no sound barrier, and the acceleration process can be described as silky smooth!

Su Yun simply flew a few laps, adjusted various functions, and after confirming that everything was working properly, he slowed down and fell back to the other courtyard.

As soon as he landed, he happened to meet Wen Bai leaving the customs.

She saw a human-shaped iron lump falling from the sky, she was startled, took a step back and said vigilantly: "What kind of monster is this??!"

"Wen Bai, it's me!" Su Yun quickly took off the helmet of the mecha, revealing his own face, "How about it, you're handsome!"

Wen Bai circled around the mecha a few times, and Sidu's expression could not help but appear on his face, "It's stupid, big and black, and its shape is not elegant and delicate. If it is pink, it will look better."

"What the hell are you... pink! Is it a Kun-style mecha?" Su Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry immediately.

However, cold mechanical creations such as the Black Tortoise mecha and the Black Bird are indeed contrary to Xiu Immortal World's natural and reserved aesthetics, but for Su Yun, guns, mechas, and steel vehicles are Unique aesthetics of violence! It's a man's romance!

"Just kidding! He's pretty handsome!" Wen Bai stretched out his hand to touch the mecha, feeling its cold touch, and smiled.

"This is the Black Tortoise Mecha, which can greatly increase my speed and defense, and its attack power is also super strong! It can be said to be the pinnacle of my current scientific methods!" Su Yun said quite proudly.

Wen Bai nodded, thought for a moment and said: "Just wear the Magical Item on your body, you really have it!"

"It's not that simple! There's a lot of knowledge in it!" Su Yun mysterious said, but did not explain.

Afterwards, he took off the mecha that covered his limbs and head, and put on a Taoist robe to cover up the breastplate. The existence of the breastplate would not make Su Yun's figure weird, but it would only make Su Yun appear burly.

It's just that the Taoist robe, which seemed very tight at first, is now extremely full, as if it would be split at any time.

"Look at your clothes, can you still see them?" Wen Bai took Su Yun's hand and led it into the room, "Go, I'll help you change it!"

Wen Bai's room, with the door tightly closed.

Wen Bai took off Su Yun's Taoist robe slowly with his own hands, fearing that the force might tear the clothes.

And Su Yun only kept one set of lining.

In fact, he could use the space method of storing Magical Items to take off the Taoist robe very quickly, but he didn't do it... Be careful...

Afterwards, Wen Bai took out tailoring tools such as scissors, needle and thread, sat cross-legged on the ground, buried his head, and began to change Su Yun's clothes leisurely like a kind old grandmother.

It's just that the one who changed the clothes was a young and beautiful woman with bright eyes and bright teeth, and soft and bright wrists.

There is also a dim oil lamp.

Su Yun watched quietly, not wanting to be disturbed.

It's just that Wen Bai would occasionally raise his head to glance at Su Yun, and when he noticed that Su Yun was looking at her, he would mutter a few words.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"Still watching?"

"Let's beat you again!"


However, Su Yun was also thinking about it.

In fact, sewing clothes can also be regarded as the Realm of refining equipment, and there are many Magical Items in the shape of Taoist robes, soft armor, or shoes and hats.

The Taoist robe Magical Item is generally used as a defensive Magical Item, and the shoes are generally used to improve the Magical Item of the Movement Technique, or like the Royal Flying Sword, you can fly directly on the shoes!

But Su Yun didn't like this kind of Magical Item very much before, it's soft, but it's perfect for girls!

It's just that I don't have such soft refining materials at hand. I'll talk about it later when I get it, so I'll write it down first.

On Wen Bai's side, her skills are very meticulous. She also knows Su Yun's body shape like the back of her hand, so the clothes she changes must fit perfectly.

At this time, the excitement after refining the mecha faded, and Su Yun noticed the mysterious Spirit Power fluctuations on Wen Bai's body that hadn't dissipated. This is the aftertaste of breakthrough!

Under normal circumstances, low-level cultivators watch high rank cultivator breakthroughs just to learn from the lingering aftermath of the breakthrough Realm or the opportunity of the breakthrough.

The aftertaste contains many mysteries and is a rare opportunity.

Although the Realm after Wen Bai's breakthrough is not very high, the aftertaste is extremely mysterious, making it impossible for Su Yun to detect it at all, as if being favored by some avenue, the mystery is endless!

It can be said that pill refining is actually a kind of practice.

"You have reached the ninth floor of Foundation Establishment! You are worthy of being an Alchemy genius!" Su Yun praised from the bottom of his heart.

"Although I have broken through several steps and reached the level infinitely close to the peak of Foundation Establishment, I am afraid that I am not your opponent at all! In front of you, I am almost like a kitten or puppy." Facing Su Yun's rainbow fart, Wen Baipo With self-knowledge, he smiled calmly, "Even if I use the various Medicine Pills I have at the bottom of the box, I'm afraid it won't work."

Hearing this, Su Yun smiled inscrutablely, "Probably so."

"Cut~" Wen Bai gouged out Su Yun's eyes.

"However, your Medicine Pill is so miraculous that it allows you to go from the Foundation Establishment early stage to the Foundation Establishment ninth floor smoothly!" Su Yun said seriously.

"That's right! Otherwise, what do you think I've been doing all these days? You're frantically refining weapons and improving your strength, and I'm not idle!" Wen Bai said with a bright smile.

"I tailor-made the pill recipe completely according to my own characteristics! There are nearly a hundred kinds of Medicine Pills in total! And each Realm, and even each breakthrough stage, must take the corresponding Medicine Pill, which is indispensable! Only in this way can Realm advance all the way, without restraint!"

"Some time ago, I gathered all the medicinal materials I needed, refined all the Medicine Pills, and then decided to start upgrading the Realm. It can be regarded as a lot of accumulation!"

In the end, she nuzzled a little resentfully, "It's just that there is a Yin & Yang orchid missing, otherwise I will directly attack Xudan!"

Hearing this, Su Yun's heart was filled with joy, but he didn't know what to say for a moment. After a while, he smiled and said: "Ahem, your breakthrough is so fast, won't the Realm be unstable?"

"Hey! I've learned to use my own way, and I've given it back!" Wen Bai put on a face, and said coquettishly: "Don't worry, I won't be as reckless as you!"

In a blink of an eye, he smiled softly again, "However, you haven't collected all the Medicine Pills you need for breakthrough in the future. Anyway, for you, the level of the Realm doesn't matter!"

"It's just that you are the worst Five Elements miscellaneous Spiritual Roots. If you want to breakthrough Realm without restraint, all you need are some high rank Medicine Pills. The corresponding medicinal materials are hard to find and expensive. You may have to wait Quite a few days!" "It's not in a hurry, you can figure it out." Su Yun said softly.

Wen Bai was silent for a moment, and he was still in the final step, "Okay, let's try!"

Putting on the modified Taoist robe, Su Yun suddenly felt much more comfortable, and even the outline of the breastplate was completely hidden.

Su Yun is still that handsome boy in white! Instead of a burly man with explosive muscles...

After a while, there was a cautious knock on the door.

"Brother Su, Brother Su! Are you done?"

"What the hell is it over?!" Su Yun said angrily, and then opened the door with his thoughts, "You are a child, what are you thinking about all day long!"

The appearance of Jiang Mu waiting obediently caught the eyes of the two of them.

He said awkwardly, "Sorry, Brother Su."

"You're out of customs too? Is there something wrong?" Su Yun said angrily.

"Because tomorrow is the auction!" Jiang Mu said with a dry smile, "And I just happened to be at the breakthrough gate. I came to say hello. I'm going to find a place to breakthrough. I'll definitely be back tomorrow!"

"Breakthrough? Can't you breakthrough here?" Su Yun frowned, thinking.

"Actually, it's because my soul has fully recovered, and even with the help of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, I've come a step closer, and Realm has naturally reached a breakthrough state. At that time, the fluctuation of my soul will be very eye-catching..." Jiang Mu was a little proud Said.

"Go, I'll let the detector go to protect you! Forget it, you can go find a place on the Black Bird!" Su Yun pushed his hand and said with a smile.

Jiang Mu showed joy, and laughed loudly: "Thank you, Brother Su!"

Then, Jiang Mu sat in the main pilot's seat of the Xuanniao, started the electric propulsion engine, and took off slowly.

It was escorted by two detectors equipped with gloom laser weapons.

Even the Xuanniao is equipped with a light particle emitter.

It can definitely provide Jiang Mu with an iron wall of protection!

After Jiang Mu left, Su Yun mysteriously took Wen Bai back to her room, closed the curtains, "I'll show you something nice!"

"What!" Wen Bai said, his face flushed slightly.

Afterwards, Su Yun placed the neon lights refined earlier on the next door to Wenbai's room. When the electricity was turned on, it emitted colorful lights, forming a flickering picture.

It is composed of neon lights, two jumping Q-version villains, one is Su Yun and the other is Wen Bai.

"Oh, this one!" Wen Bai straightened his face, squinted his eyes and smiled, "It's pretty pretty."

"It's just... very pretty." Su Yun pouted, "It's good that you don't hate it."

Wen Bai covered his mouth and smiled, and then smiled even more, "Hahaha...I like it very much..."

Afterwards, Su Yun said goodbye to Wen Bai.

Wen Bai is going to prepare to stabilize Realm, while Su Yun is going to find Yin Niang.

Since we are going to participate in the auction tomorrow, we still need to have more Spirit Stones on hand.

Press the elevator button, and the elevator car quickly reached the top floor.

To Su Yun's surprise, Qi Qi suddenly appeared after the door opened.

She kept her head buried, but after a while she raised her eyes and looked at Su Yun, there seemed to be a sparkle in her eyes.

"Su Yun..."

Su Yun was stunned for a while, but he didn't call him boss anymore?

Then I realized something was wrong, and frowned, "Look for me for something?"

I saw Qi Qi slowly take out a soul crystal from his bosom, the size of a jujube, it seems to be very similar to the soul crystal that Xu Mo said was bought!

"You bought it from the Qingfu shop?"

Qi Qi was in a daze for a while, then nodded after a while, with a low tone, "Yes..."

Seeing this inexplicable situation, Su Yun turned his mind for a while, and finally guessed that Qi Qi knew that he was looking for soul crystals everywhere, so he bought one from Qingfu, and then it was the set of gifts.

However, the timing doesn't seem to be right...

Su Yun hesitated for a moment, then asked puzzledly, "What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!" Qi Qi lowered her head, shook her head quickly, and said in a crying voice.

"You are a good person! But for my lord!! I'm sorry!" Qi Qi shouted with a tearing voice, and then circulated a wisp of Spirit Power, activating the soul crystal.

Su Yun felt bad, so he quickly called out the mecha.

This Qi Qi is an evil cultivator! To be more precise, it is a normal cultivator who has not been corrupted, but believes in Chaos Sect from the bottom of his heart!

A burst of divine and soul fluctuations spread out from the soul crystal. As soon as the mecha was equipped, Su Yun felt his eyes darken, as if his head had eaten someone else's sap, and he was groggy, and a burst of darkness swept over him.


Waking up from the muddle, Su Yun found himself, or his own consciousness appeared in a dark space.

However, he clearly knew that this place was his sea of ​​consciousness, which had been infected like this now.

"Su Yun, you're still on the right track!" A distant voice resounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, but the pronunciation of the words was strange, making it difficult for Su Yun to hear.

"You saved that woman, brought yourself into a dangerous situation! But you have no chance to regret it! Jie Jie Jie!"

"Qi Qi, I don't regret saving her!" Su Yun said casually, "I just don't know how you brainwashed her? She is so pious."

"Naturally, I showed her the truth of the universe, which is a spectacle that people like you can't see in a lifetime!" The leader's voice gradually became condensed, "Do you know that beyond the world of Immortal World, there is an extremely vast Universe? , the stars are shining, and it is also the territory ruled by the Lord!"

Su Yun's complexion sank, and he said sarcastically, "I know all too well."

Of course, he was also surprised that the leader knew so much. Could it be said that the so-called "lord" in the leader's mouth really rules the entire universe?

"Don't talk about Qi Qi, what method are you using?" Su Yun said bluntly, without any fear.

"Naturally, it's the method of the soul! Qi Qi made the move because the kid who seized the house next to you is not there!" Measure and describe.

"I tried my best to separate this ray of divine thoughts, and only a treasure like Soul Crystal can withstand my spiritual thoughts!"

"Hey!" Heiying smiled coldly, "Su Yun, the many means you have are very strong, incomprehensibly strong! But no matter how powerful you are, they can't stop my soul attack!"

"I just want to erode your soul and make you a part of me! From now on, all your means will be mine! Hahaha!"

Su Yun looked indifferent, and said with a smile, "Thank you for telling me so much, but why haven't you made a move yet, what are you waiting for?"

"Hehe! Why do you think I'm talking so much to you? I'm waiting for the means to take shape, what are you dawdling about?" While speaking, the leader's black shadow completely solidified.

Looking at it, the black figure is exactly the same as Su Yun!

Su Yun had a sneer on his face, and said with a smile: "Coincidentally, I'm also waiting for your tricks to take shape!!"

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