Immediately, from the face of the black figure, Su Yun clearly saw a cold smile.

Sombra's facial features were distorted into a weird look.

Su Yun never imagined that Own's face would be so terrifying!

Immediately afterwards, Su Yun felt a tyrannical fluctuation of the soul, and the sea of ​​consciousness trembled. Countless dark thin lines were produced out of thin air, one end was connected to the body of "Dark Su Yun", and the other end was wrapped around Su Yun's consciousness incarnation.

For a moment, Su Yun only felt that his mind was being filled with countless chaotic, messy, dirty and incomprehensible information! Reason is being eaten away by countless ants, and negative emotions are being magnified infinitely!

It was like walking towards the abyss, stretching out countless bone claws into the darkness of the abyss, trying to drag him into the abyss!

It was pure darkness, extreme chaos.

The leader tried to erode Su Yun's sanity, and wanted him to degenerate into a part of evil cultivators!

"Su Yun, give up resistance and join our sect! Become the master's subordinate!" Black Shadow laughed wildly.

The black silk thread became more and more dense, and it was about to completely envelop Su Yun's consciousness avatar.

However, Su Yun's expression was still indifferent, he slowly closed his eyes, sticking to his heart, with a clear mind, making it difficult for the leader to advance any means.

At this time, Heiying also noticed the strangeness, with a surprised expression on his face, and shouted: "Why are you not affected at all? Why are you not corroded?!"

Hearing this, Su Yun grinned crookedly, stretched out his hand and tore off the heavy black silk thread, and broke free from the shackles with ease, and said calmly, "I used the sword of asking the heart before, but it didn't affect me at all. Only then did I know it was because my mind and soul were pure and unmixed."

"I think you should have nothing to do with me."

Then he smiled wryly, "No wonder the sect master dragged me to deal with your Chaos Sect!"

"Ridiculous! I don't believe it!" Then, the black shadow resorted to more ferocious means, vowing to devour Su Yun's soul.

The black air raged in the sea of ​​consciousness, like a violent thundercloud when a storm comes!

But Su Yun stood still, standing like a lighthouse in the storm.

After a while, the clouds disappeared and the rain disappeared, and the sea of ​​consciousness returned to tranquility. The black shadow lowered his head and smiled sadly, "It seems that what you can't get can only be destroyed!!"

"It's a pity, what a pity!" Then the black shadow sighed and shook his head, "If you can't corrode your soul, it can only be destroyed! The power of Qi Refining Realm's soul is just wiped out at will."

Su Yun's eyes were fixed, and the corners of his mouth curved into a smile.

What the leader said is true. With his own soul Realm, it is at most similar to the Foundation Establishment cultivator, but isn't there Jiang Mu's senior living soul left in his sea of ​​consciousness?

If you want to kill a strand of soul of the leader in front of you, you can only use Jiang Mu senior's soul power!

And the sword that five Elder Li Qingran left on Su Yun's forehead!

5. The sword intent of the Elder asking about the state of mind is absolutely lethal to the soul!

Under the dark and deep background of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, a phantom of a graceful woman emerged behind Su Yun. Both her movements and demeanor were exactly the same as Su Yun's, and a pale lightsaber was condensing in the hands of the two!

At the same time, the black shadow also started to move, he made weird postures, like dancing when Wu Zhu prayed!

Su Yun only felt that the sea of ​​consciousness was overwhelmed, and his soul seemed to be torn apart. It was easier for him to use the power of his soul to resist.

The lightsaber transformed from the Sword intent in his hand has solidified, and Su Yun's Sword intent is also infused into it.

As the saying goes, the sword cuts the body, the heart cuts the soul, this sword is the most effective against ghosts and evil spirits! !

Su Yun adjusted his state to the peak, rushed forward suddenly, his figure turned into a phantom, and slashed towards the black shadow. Sword Ray flashed as a dazzling bright line across the dark sea of ​​consciousness space.

"Master, get out of my sea of ​​consciousness!"

Sword Ray flashed, and from that bright line, the dark background was divided into two, and the clear white began to counterattack.

As the leader's distracted soul gradually disappeared in the unwillingness, a mournful cry spread in Su Yun's sea of ​​consciousness.

Su Yun could even feel the leader's anger, unwillingness, and even despair.

When the hierarch's wailing faded away, its aura also completely dissipated, and Su Yun's sea of ​​consciousness regained a clear sky and a piece of pure white.

"Finally..." Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, but he still didn't dare to relax. To be on the safe side, he checked the own spirit carefully, and after confirming that it was safe, he sighed, ready to wake up, return to the present world, and face Qi seven.

Since the mecha was summoned before fainting, Su Yun was not worried that Qi Qi would take the opportunity to plot against him.

But as soon as he recovered his consciousness, Su Yun found that the time in the outside world seemed to have only passed for a moment, and he was still in the process of equipping the mecha.

At this point the helmet has just been closed.

All kinds of sensors were connected to the divine sense, and in the field of vision, Qi Qi collapsed powerlessly, covering his face and crying: "Su Yun, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry...I can only do this..."

Faced with Qi Qi's real or fake crying, Su Yun didn't know whether it was crocodile tears or a heartfelt apology.

He unfolded the helmet, looked down at Qi Qi expressionlessly, and said coldly: "You killed me, and now who are you crying for?"

Qi Qi looked up and saw the coldness on Su Yun's face, wiped away the tears on his face instantly, bent down, and kowtowed: "Welcome, Master..."

Still crying.

"Your leader's plan failed, and I'm your boss." Su Yun said heavily.

Hearing this, Qi Qi raised his head slowly, swayed his body lightly, and looked at Su Yun with extremely complicated expressions, including shock, fear, and even a hint of joy?

He said in a tentative tone: "Su Yun, is it really you?"

"Who else could it be? Even your leader can defeat me?" Su Yun sneered.

But what happened next made Su Yun puzzled.

I saw Qi Qi bursting into tears into a smile, her eyes turned into crescent moons, but a tear slipped from the corner of her eyes, dripping down her pale face and onto her collar, "It's good that you're fine."

Su Yun pondered for a moment, then said coldly: "Are you seeing the leader's failure, and you want to ask for my forgiveness?"

Qi Qi shook his head, smiled wryly and said, "I know I'm not qualified to ask you to forgive me, I'm just happy to live without guilt..."

Hearing this, Su Yun stared at Qi Qi for a moment, "Get up, tell me why you did this?"

Qi Qi nodded without refusing.

Afterwards, Su Yun took off the mech, picked up the jujube-sized soul crystal on the ground, and invited Qi Qi to the tea table. He did this not because he trusted Qi Qi, but because he wanted to ask something.

Moreover, the Haipojing defense Magical Item is also installed in the breastplate, which is enough to protect Qi Qi from other possible means.

Su Yun poured tea for Qi Qi himself, and said with a smirk: "Try this tea, it is the tea grown by the old woman in that family when I met you and Huang Lang."

Qi Qi picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said with a wry smile: "Good tea..."

"I remember, at that time, you said that if you found the location of the evil god statue, you could go to you to receive the reward, so I went to investigate the Chaos Sect!" Qi Qi narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"It seems that I'm sorry for you?" Su Yun mocked. But Qi Qi didn't care, bent his eyes and smiled, and shook his head slightly, "Actually, I don't regret it, I don't regret any of this! Including helping the leader deal with you..."

Su Yun's eyes froze, and he glared at Qi Qi, "Explain?"

Qi Qi did not refuse, but lowered his brows, and smiled wryly: "Su Yun, our Rogue Cultivators are different from you Sect geniuses, with mediocre aptitude and shallow fortune. The future path of cultivation and even life can be seen at a glance. .”

"It wasn't until the leader showed me the wonders beyond the Immortal World! I didn't know that the Immortal World was just a small world, a cage that was artificially imprisoned!"

"Besides the Immortal World, there is an extremely vast world. Every dusty star point you can see at night is actually a huge world!"

Su Yun's movement of pouring tea was sluggish, and he couldn't help frowning.

What Qi Qi said was consistent with what the leader said, but she said that repairing the Immortal World was artificially banned, which Su Yun had never heard of.

And Qi Qi also noticed the strangeness on Su Yun's face, and said with a smile: "It's hard to believe what I said! It's normal that you can't understand, but I am sure that everything the leader showed me is true."

"The Universe is huge, but it's vast, and the stardust is separated by a distance we can't imagine! It can only travel quickly through some kind of huge dark star that the Lord lives in!"

"I also saw the magnificence of the stars and the wonder of all things..."

Hearing this, Su Yun chuckled and nodded, it seems that the leader is indeed from the universe.

As for the immensity of the universe, how could Su Yun not know it? Who didn't stare blankly at the stars and enjoy the vastness of the universe when they were young?

He said calmly: "So, what benefits did the leader promise you?"

Qi Qi shook his head slightly, "If it wasn't for the leader, I might not have known this all my life."

"The universe is so big, I want to see it! Even if it will eventually become a part of the leader. Instead of spending my whole life, I can only be confined to this small Immortal World and be a mediocre person."

"Although..." Qi Qiwei narrowed his eyes and smiled bitterly, "During the time I was working in the No. 1 business in the world, I actually regained hope, but it's a pity that I didn't become your employee sooner!"

Hearing this, Su Yun was inevitably moved.

"It's okay." Su Yun sighed and stood up, "Let's leave this matter at that, and I'll pretend nothing happened. The information you provided and this soul crystal are enough to change your life."

"Go back to work, and be careful not to deduct your salary!" Su Yun then said in a joking tone.

After saying that, Su Yun raised his foot to leave, but within a few steps, he heard Qi Qi's deep and calm words behind him, "Thank you, Su Yun, but... I'm sorry..."

Then there was a long silence, in Su Yun's divine sense, Qi Qi's vitality was dissipating, it was she who wanted to end the Meridians by herself.

Su Yun stopped in his tracks and was stunned for a while.

In fact, Qi Qi could be rescued with Medicine Pill, but Su Yun didn't do it.

Perhaps, this is the best destination for Qi Qi...

Su Yun got through the communication with Yin Niang, and said in a deep voice, "Qi Qi is dead, cancel her employee status."

Yin Niang was silent for a long time before replying briefly, "Okay."

Soon after, Su Yun and Yin Niang surrounded Qi Qi, and Qi Qi collapsed on the tea table, like a nap after being sleepy.

From the infrared perspective, her body temperature has dropped, and her soul has also begun to slowly dissipate.

"Boss, please punish me. It was my negligence that allowed traitors from Chaos Sect like Qi Qi to sneak into the firm." Yin Niang lowered her head and blamed herself.

Su Yun waved his hand casually, and said calmly, "Don't say that, you are right, but she is also right..."

"Then I'll arrange someone to bury Qi Qi." Yin Niang raised her head slightly and said.

"Okay." Su Yun said indifferently, "Remember to find a high mountain, unobstructed by trees, where you can see the starry sky."


Qi Qi's body was taken away in a coffin, Su Yun went to Yin Niang to withdraw some Spirit Stones, and Wen Bai consolidated the Cultivation Base, and heard Su Yun talk about Qi Qi.

She worriedly checked Su Yun's condition, and after confirming that there was no problem, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Su Yun talked about what Qi Qi said, which was the shocking remark that repairing the Immortal World was artificially banned.

Doubt hangs on the warm, white and ruddy face, "So, what kind of Power can seal the huge Xiu Immortal World!?"

"In short, this person is extremely powerful!" Su Yun said solemnly: "And his banning method is actually to restrict various Spirit Power methods, that is, cultivators aimed at repairing the Immortal World, so that throughout the ages, cultivators who have successfully ascended to the outer space Only three people."

"If that's the case, it must be done by someone stronger than the Indistinguishable Dao realm!"

"But his ban is not perfect, even I have noticed the loopholes."

Wen Bai nodded, pouted and said: "Yes, as far as your magical Magical Items are concerned, you are cheating!"

Then, Su Yun smiled deeply, "It is certain that he has a close relationship with Xiu Immortal World."

"However, no matter who it is, what is his purpose?" Su Yun paced back and forth, thinking: "Could it be that the cultivation of the Immortal World is actually a huge cage?"

"So we're prisoners?" Wen Bai tilted his head in disbelief.

Su Yun shook his head, unable to figure it out, and finally sighed sadly, "At least, he doesn't want the cultivator to leave this Immortal World! But whatever, let's own!"

"Yes, own!" Wen Bai hugged Su Yun and smiled sweetly.

Afterwards, Su Yun started some idle things, and the time soon came to the next morning.

There was fog in Yanyun City, and frost formed on the green plants in the other courtyard.

With a huge roar, the Xuanniao broke through the tranquility of the morning, drawing a tunnel-like channel in the fog.

When the Xuanniao was approaching the other courtyard, it turned off the electric propulsion engine, became calm, and landed slowly against the pattern of the aircraft.

And Su Yun and Wen Bai were waiting in the other courtyard early.

Soon, the hatch opened, and a strange yet familiar person stepped down.

Wen Bai stepped forward happily, pinching Jiang Mu's face, "Hey, I grew taller overnight! I already look like an adult!"

At this time, Jiang Mu has changed from a child in his early ten years to a teenager of fourteen or fifteen!

Jiang Mu was not bored either, but opened his mouth and said vaguely: "After all, I am not a child. It is normal for the Realm to improve and the body to develop accordingly!"

His Realm has already rushed to the Void Core Realm!

And his eyebrows and eyes seemed familiar, with the charm of that senior.

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