Su Yun hurried to the detector production line workshop located underground.

Two brand new detectors have already been built, with one more in production.

It happened that the engraving pattern and the Spirit Power circuit were in progress. After comparison, Su Yun confirmed that the Magical Item fragment was a part of the mass-produced Xingyun unmanned detector.

Which one it is is unknown.

Su Yun is still at a loss as to how the detector was damaged and how it reached the ancient times.

According to Einstein's deep-rooted view of time and space in his cognition, it is impossible to go back in time through time, at least under the known theoretical system. As for whether there are factors beyond the scope of cognition, Su Yun unknown.

But that piece of Magical Item that has been inexplicably gone to antiquity still became a thorn in Su Yun's heart, and the thorn was so scratching!

After filling the two newly refined detectors with ammunition, activating the system, and connecting to the network, Su Yun had no choice but to leave with the detectors.

In the courtyard, Wen Bai was playing with Mu Ling. The scene of two girls playing, one big and one small, was really eye-catching, like two elves jumping happily in the forest.

It has to be said that Mu Ling's ability to adapt is quite amazing, looking at Life who has completely adapted to Yanyun City.

Sensing Su Yun's gaze, Wen Bai responded with flickering eyes, signaling to leave everything to her!

So Su Yun was relieved, and went into the house again, and began to refine the own large storage Magical Item.

Under Xu Mo's "bundle sale", all the materials are ready.

After three days and two nights, the storage Magical Item was refined and embedded into the breastplate.

Using the divine sense for the first time, Su Yun could only see a vast space, boundless and bottomless. He raised the Realm and condensed the enhanced divine sense into a strand, only then did he find out the size of the space inside the spar , a spherical space with a radius of more than a thousand feet.

Moreover, with a storage Magical Item of this capacity, the utilization rate of the spherical space also rises linearly, and there is no need to divide the available space into cubes like the low-level storage Magical Item, leaving a large number of unusable areas.

This is because the curvature increases near the curved surface of the space boundary, making it impossible to store items stably.

Su Yun's storage Magical Item has a huge space. Although a part of the space needs to be shielded, the usable space is still close to a spherical shape, and the space utilization rate can reach more than 97%.

In addition to encryption methods such as soul binding and device pattern encryption, the storage Magical Item also has a "lock" to prevent disassembly.

At the same time, Su Yun also used the soul crystal chip to create a set of digital item management system, which encodes all stored items, records the storage location, and presents them in the form of an item list. When used, it is automatically taken out according to the code, eliminating the need for Trouble searching Magical Items stored with divine sense.

Most of the items have been transferred in by Su Yun, and it will be more convenient and quick to pick and place items in the future.


Afterwards, Su Yun thought about refining more light particle emitters as a backup, but he noticed several unkind auras coming from outside the door, followed by threatening words, "Su Yun! Refining a token Why does it take so much time? Could it be that you are deliberately procrastinating?"

Su Yun thought for a moment, opened the door and walked out of the house, and when he looked up, he saw five figures standing above the other courtyard.

Today's weather is gloomy, the sky is covered with thick dark clouds, and the figures of the five people are even more depressing.

The leader is naturally Chen Zhen, and there are three Gold Core powerhouses behind him, who are also at the peak of Gold Core. It is not necessary to think that they come from several forces that are in league with Chen Zhen.

According to the information provided by Yunyao, two of the men were from the Qianren Sect and the Tianmen Sect respectively.

Zhang Mo of the Qianren Sect, as his name suggests, is black, tall and thick, looks wretched, his hair is scattered, his beard is thick and shiny, and his hair is slightly curly, knotted into a ball, like a steel wool ball, although he is one of the most expensive Long, but her reputation in Canglanzhou has always been bad, and she is only fond of women, so she is despised by others.

However, Wang Negwen from the Tianmen School is the complete opposite. He is an extremely elegant middle-aged man, wearing a light gray Zhu Zishen suit, looking like a white-faced scholar, shaking a folding fan in his hand. For a cultivator, he is full of contradictions. He Gan, his red phoenix eyes are slightly squinted, his eyes are sharp and fierce, and he is also a ruthless character.

At the same time, Daoist, the underworld fire that he had seen last time, stood out, still hiding the Cultivation Base, but standing in the void, he must be a strong Nascent Soul, and he might have come to attend the appointment instead of Zhang Qian.

There was an inexplicable smile on his ferocious face, and his eyes fell on Su Yun, which made Su Yun feel disgusted.

The Qianren Sect, the Tianmen Sect, and the Fenhuo Valley are the three forces that were suppressed by Yunrui, the ancestor of Ruiguo.

However, different from Ruiguo, the three factions have grown rapidly over the past Hundred Years, and they all have Nascent Soul powerhouses, whose status is equal to that of Luoyunzong. The underworld fire Daoist.

The three forces and Ruiguo are regarded as feuds, and now they are colluding with Chen Zhen to overthrow Ruiguo, which is also expected.

However, Chen Zhen must have benefited them, and it might have something to do with the ruins they were going to explore.

And the only female cultivator on the field is from Feihong Pavilion. She is not tall and has exquisite features, but she exudes a heroic spirit. She is dressed in black clothes and hides her beauty well. She looks quite decent, but she looks like a girl. A Rivers and Lakes heroine dressed as a man.

This person's name is Shangguan Huan, and as the head of Feihong Pavilion, she promised Chen Zhen to come here this time, it should be purely for profit, and she wants to get the opportunity in the ruins, breakthrough to Nascent Soul Realm, so that she can take Feihong Pavilion to escape. The ranks of the influx of forces.

The way she looked at Su Yun was rather complicated, with pity, curiosity, and more playfulness, Su Yun's mere Qi Refining peak Cultivation Base really couldn't make her look high.

Xu thought that Su Yun was a tool person who helped refine the relic token.

And Su Yun fought back and forth with Divine Transformation powerhouses, how could he be afraid of such a battle, Feng Qingyun said calmly: "Working for Chen Xiangguo, it is natural to strive for excellence, in order not to make any mistakes, you must be careful Grind!"

As he said that, Su Yun threw the relic token that he had prepared a long time ago. There were minor changes inside, and there was no shielding method, so the internal structure could be seen at a glance.

But as the saying goes, a small mistake can make a thousand miles away, and it can guarantee that the final token cannot open Restrictions, but the cracking process is still the same.

After receiving the token, Chen Zhen flipped it to Zhang Mo.

After Zhang Mo inspected it carefully, he nodded with satisfaction, "This token Magical Item can be described as exquisite, and there is such an opportunistic way! The token's texture is not clear, and the flexible mechanism is used, and it contains a variety of textures. , you can test out the correct pattern, as long as you have some time, you will definitely be able to crack the Restrictions!"

Hearing this, Chen Zhen felt relieved, and smiled coldly, "It's better that way, I think, Su Yun, you don't dare to play any tricks!"

"Chen Xiangguo is as powerful as Tongtian, and there are many eagles and dogs to help him. How dare I have any wrong thoughts!" Su Yun lowered his head and saluted with standard movements.

"Hmph!" Chen Zhen's face was gloomy, and he looked at Su Yun more fiercely, but in the end he didn't do anything, he just said in a threatening tone: "Don't think that you can do whatever you want with some good refining methods, I Don't put you To put in one's eyes."

Then he turned around and said in a trembling voice: "Everyone, please follow me to explore the ruins, thank you." Several people symbolically cupped hands with each other, and then turned into five rays of light, and flew to the northwest.

In the picture displayed by the divine mind chip, the positioning signal on the relic token suddenly disappeared, which should be stored as a Magical Item by Chen Zhen.

However, Su Yun did not expect to be able to trace the whereabouts of the group.

After all, with the signal strength of the base station, as long as the distance exceeds the range, or enters places such as underground or caves, it is easy to lose the signal.

A while later, Wen Bai came out of the room with Mu Ling, and when he saw Su Yun with a sad face, he stepped forward to comfort him, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, but my mind is a little messed up." As he said, Su Yun hugged Wen Bai, "Holding you, I feel more at ease, don't move, let me think for a while."

"Oh, good." Wen Bai was also quite surprised, the temperature of his face began to rise, and his body fragrance was exuded more intensely.

Mu Ling watched from the side, winking, as if to say that they were immoral or something.

After a while, Su Yun cleared his mind, but his eyes gradually revealed cruelty. When Mu Ling saw it, he was so frightened that he took a few steps back.

Su Yun let go of Wen Bai, and dialed Yunyao's call.

And Yun Yao seemed to be waiting for a long time, her tone was not surprised at all, "Su Yun, Chen Zhen has already looked for you, right?"

"A group of five people, just left!" Su Yun asked anxiously after a short reply, "How's your plan going?"

"Unexpectedly, it went smoothly. A lot of power has been taken back, so we can proceed to the next step." Yun Yao said quite seriously.

There was another moment of silence over there, "Su Yun, are you sure?"

"After all, four other factions are involved, so we can't let the matter be exposed." Su Yun's tone was low, with a bit of a sinister smile, "But when exploring the ruins, casualties are inevitable, and it's not uncommon for the entire army to be wiped out .”

"You just need to stabilize the situation in Ruiguo. If you need help, you can come to the firm to find Xu Mo, and she will help."

There was another long silence on Yunyao's side, and it took a while to reply, "Okay, then be careful."

Hanging up the call, to Su Yun's surprise, Wang Fu also sent a call request in a hurry.

As soon as the connection was made, Wang Fu became anxious, and a terrified voice sounded in Su Yun's mind, like a thunderclap, "Junior Brother Su Yun, something serious happened!"

"There are news from all over the world that all evil cultivators and a large number of mortal believers are gathering in one direction. I don't know where it is yet, but it is roughly in the direction of Yanyun City!"

It has been Wang Fu who has been in contact with Sect disciples in other places.

"When did it happen?" Su Yun suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and had a terrible guess in his heart, as if he had fallen into some kind of trap, and gradually felt a feeling of suffocation.

"Just now!" Wang Fu hurriedly replied: "Since Xie Xiu has a secret method to suddenly increase his strength, other disciples have not dared to act rashly for a long time. They just followed the actions of Chaos Sect closely. The mortal believers began to gather, as if waiting for some order."

"Just less than a stick of incense, the evil cultivators and mortal believers in the entire Ruiguo started to act! They said it was a pilgrimage, seeing the five-eyed true god or something like that."

"It's less than a stick of incense..." Su Yun muttered, "That's when Chen Zhen left."

There must be some inexplicable connection between Chen Zhen and the leader of Chaos Cult!

At this time, Wang Fu continued to ask: "Junior Brother Su Yun, what's next?"

"Let's all follow, pay attention to safety, and don't expose it easily." Su Yun said in a deep voice.

Those disciples with low Cultivation Base can't deal with evil cultivators at all, and they will only lose their lives if they try to force them.

Hanging up the call, Su Yun asked Wen Bai for a Medicine Pill that can enhance the power of the soul. After taking it, he sat cross-legged on the spot, closed his eyes, and sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, checking the data collected from various places about the distribution of the statues of evil gods.

A sand table of the Rui Kingdom slowly emerged in the sea of ​​consciousness, covering an area of ​​up to ten feet, and the returned coordinate data were projected on it one by one.

There are more and more red bright spots, and they are scattered and scattered at first. As the data increases, the pattern begins to appear.

It does look like some kind of formation.

Su Yun began to use all means to deduce.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Yun suddenly had an epiphany.

This formation borrows the power of the earth's veins. It can be said that every statue of the evil god is the eye of the formation. Now there are more than 50,000 statues of the evil god. the dragon!

The soul power absorbed by the evil god statue is transferred through this large formation, and then gathers at the dragon's head!

Su Yun was shocked when he saw the position of the formation dragon's head.

The place where the soul power gathers is the location of the ruins! ! That big swamp.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Su Yun's surprise overflowed his eyes.

But what he didn't know whether to laugh or cry was that at some point, several figures appeared in the courtyard.

It was a group of people from Yanyun City's team, and even Yun Yao was among them.

"What are you doing here?" Su Yun asked first.

"What are you doing? Of course you are doing what you are supposed to do!" Yun Yao ran over, crossed her hips, condescendingly looked down at Su Yun, who was sitting cross-legged, and said angrily, "Are you the only one to deal with the Chaos Cult? Sect, where do you want us to put our faces?"

As soon as Su Yun exerted his strength, he jumped up, landed firmly, and pressed Yunyao's head again, "This trip is dangerous, isn't it for you to stay in the palace and stabilize the overall situation?"

"And you!" Su Yun looked at the others and said.

Yun Yao refused to accept it and said, "I've handed it all over to elder brother! I'm also a disciple of Luoyun Sect after all, so I can't do this without me."

"Su Yun, we are sorry to obey!" Wang Chong said proudly, although he still had an unruly smile on his face, but he didn't seem to be as annoying as before, "I won't listen to you this time, no matter what the result is, it's our own responsibility." What does it have to do with you?"

"Hehe, it's serious, it's serious." Wang Fu hurriedly pulled Wang Chong back, and said with a playful smile, "Junior Su Yun, don't get me wrong, what Wang Chong means is that we all want to help, and we have our own sense of propriety, and we won't rush forward. Just do what you can, and never hold you back!"

Su Yun was helpless for a while, and sighed with his hands on his forehead.

At this moment, Su Yun suddenly felt a chill on his cheek, and he reached out his hand to touch some water.

Looking up, the drowsy sky began to fall down like heavy snow, falling in pieces, as if pulled from the gray dark clouds, or as if the gray was diluted into white.

Curiously, Mu Ling stuck out his little tongue to catch the snowflakes, but in the end he could only catch a puddle of ice water.

The people in front of them were also quickly dyed white-headed.

Su Yun said disappointedly: "It's snowing, do you still want to go?"

Wang Fu looked puzzled, "Does it have anything to do with whether we go or not?"

Su Yun frowned deeply, and said deeply: "The heavy snow has exaggerated a sad atmosphere, implying the tragic fate of the characters..."

Everyone: "..."

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