At this time, Wen Bai came out to smooth things over, "There has always been a saying in our place that the auspicious snow heralds a good year, and this heavy snow is an auspicious sign!"

"Yes, it seems that we have to go." Wang Fu replied.

"Hey." Huang Jianbing also smirked a few times.

Su Yun was also very helpless, "Hey, why are you so honest, why are you so relentless?"

Wang Fu stood upright, bowed and said: "If you are timid, covetous and afraid of death, then what about Dao heart, it's better not to cultivate immortality, go home and farm!"

"Su Yun, you don't want to be an obstacle in our cultivation, do you?" Wang Chong said unexpectedly.

Seeing that several other people were equally determined, Su Yun could only reluctantly agree, "Life is a matter of life and death, so take care of yourself."

The departure time was agreed upon, and the team members dispersed separately.

Su Yun brought all available means, and armed the Xuanniao with the three newly produced detectors.

When the heavy snow covered the height of the ankles, a group of people emerged from the snowstorm and gathered in the other courtyard.

Stepping on the Black Bird, the eight of them went straight to the ruins, which is the direction of the Chaos Cult's lair.

In the white snowstorm, the Xuanniao drew a fleeting trajectory, so inconspicuous that it would not even be noticed by outsiders.

The Xuanniao accelerated slowly, and soon reached the cruising altitude and speed.

The interior of the Xuanniao was surprisingly quiet. I don't know if it was because of embarrassment or because of the upcoming things.

After a long silence, Yun Yao suddenly reminded: "Su Yun, I see a dead zone in the direction of the Chaos Cult's lair, remember to avoid it."

"Dead zone?" Su Yun had never heard of such an existence in Ruiguo, "What kind of dead zone?"

"The dead zone is like a scene of purgatory. There are invisible ghosts that can kill people in an instant. Every intruder will die, and the death is tragic, so it's better to be careful." Yun Yao Frowning tightly, he said worriedly.

Su Yun had never seen her pass by like this.

"Is it the dead zone? It's okay, it should have flown over." Su Yun reassured, and at the same time couldn't help but wonder what kind of place the dead zone is.

But at the speed of the Xuanniao, before everyone could react, they had already arrived at the sky above the destination. Su Yun smiled and said, "Here we are, ready to land."

While speaking, the Xuanniao was circling and descending. At the same time, three detectors popped up and entered a hidden state to investigate the situation.

"That's it?" Yun Yao turned pale, "Don't you give me time to prepare mentally!?"

"What? Are you scared?" Su Yun showed a playful smile, "Should I send you back again? Anyway, it's only a moment."

"Who's scared? Nope." Yun Yao shook her hand, frowning deeply.

Afterwards, the Xuanniao shut down its electric propulsion engine and hovered quietly in the air. At the same time, various Restrictions were activated, and it entered a hidden state, ready to explore the situation first.

Just below the Xuanniao, there is a large swamp called Broken Mirror Lake, which stretches for hundreds of miles. The entire water body is turquoise, distributed along the hills and ravines, and the shape is messy. But in Su Yun's opinion, it is more appropriate to say that it is a bowl of seaweed egg drop soup spilled on the ground.

But it seems too quiet, not even a shadow of cultivator.

There should be not a few people who know that there are ruins here.

And there is not even a trace of evil cultivating activities.

What's even more exasperating is that there was no sign of Chen Zhen and his party.

Su Yun couldn't help but start to wonder if he had been fooled by Chen Zhen!

After thinking about it, Su Yun said it was terrible.

Just as the blueprint of the token he disseminated was wrong, the location map given by Chen Zhen was also wrong. This place is not the location of the ruins, but the home of Chaos Cult! !

Moreover, unlike the drawing rubbings made by Su Yun, Chen Zhen originally posted the original animal skin scroll with the location map on the bulletin board.

Su Yun has judged that the location map animal skin scroll is exactly the same as the original scroll of the token blueprint in his hand. Now it seems that the location map and the token scroll are both made by Chen Zhen.

The purpose of Chen Zhen's doing this is to find a refiner who can restore the pattern of the token device! !

But Chen Zhen must have other plans to lure the cultivator here who wants to explore the ruins!

As for where Chen Zhen and the others went, they don't know at all, unless they wait for the token to reconnect to the base station signal! !

Seeing Su Yun's face getting more and more gloomy, Wen Bai took Su Yun's hand and comforted him softly: "What's wrong?"

Feeling the smoothness and softness from his hand, Su Yun felt much more at ease, and told everyone about his own guess.

"I didn't expect Chen Zhen to collude with the Chaos Cult. Hmph! The guy who eats inside and outside!" Wang Fu said angrily, and then stared at Su Yun with a serious face, "Don't we have to face Chen Zhen and his gang Gold Core, The powerhouse of Nascent Soul!"

Su Yun nodded and didn't reply.

"Hehe, since that's the case, Brother Su Yun, we won't stay here to hold you back!" Huang Jianbing cupped fist said: "Please be careful in everything!"

"Huang Jianbing, I didn't expect you to be such a guy who ran away!" Wu Siyue squinted and gave Huang Jianbing a disdainful look.

"Okay, I didn't make it clear in advance, but since Chen Zhen and the others are not here, let's settle the matter of Chaos Cult with peace of mind." Su Yun said sadly, "If you want to leave, you can do so at any time."

Several people were about to open their mouths to answer, but Su Yun blocked them back, "Don't rush to talk, after I investigate the situation, it's not too late for you to make a decision, you still have time to think."

Subsequently, Su Yun controlled three detectors, dived into the bottom of the water, and used sonar to detect the situation below.

The scanned 3D images were sent back continuously, but the waters of the lake were complicated and the waterways were scattered, so the progress of the scanning was not fast, and the next step was to wait.

But just at this moment, two small dots appeared on the radar, two cultivators, a man and a woman, were coming with their swords.

They are dressed in uniform blue Azure Taoist robes, the color is particularly bright, and they look young, but their Realms are not low, they are all Void Core Realms, and the men's Realm has five layers of Void Core.

It must be the proud disciple of some Sect, who formed a team to explore the ruins.

Su Yun sent a detector over there, concealed his whereabouts, and approached slowly.

Soon, the two of them stopped, and one of the girls on the second floor of Xudan said lively: "It must be here, but it doesn't look like there are relics! And there are no traces of them, Not even a breath left!"

She wasn't quite sure, so she took out a roll of animal skin, unfolded it for a closer look, and then looked suspicious, "It's right here!"

At the same time, when Su Yun saw the animal skin roll in the man's hand, his guess was confirmed.

This animal skin scroll is exactly the same as the ones that appeared in Luoyun Town!

Chen Zhen should have spread location maps and token drawings in different places.

"Junior Sister Hongyi, don't be fooled by appearances, maybe they're all hidden under the water!" The male cultivator stared at a direction in the sky, "Besides, it seems that we, Sect, are not the only ones who know about this ruin exist."

Zhang Hongyi hurriedly took back the blueprint, looked flustered, looked left and right and said, "Senior Brother Wang, don't scare me, you like to tease me the most on weekdays!" Wang Haichao's face was still cold, staring at one direction, which was the detector Hidden body position!

"Your Excellency, we are disciples of Tianshui Pavilion. We are here to explore the ruins. Please show up."

After a while, he couldn't wait for the reply, and his face became even colder, "I am an upgraded Spiritual Roots of wind attribute, and I am the most sensitive to gas flow. But my investigation!"

After all, in an instant, Wang Haichao sacrificed his own natal Magic Treasures, a light blue long sword, and swung it in the direction of the detector. Several sharp air blades flew out and hit the detector.

Su Yun didn't intend to hide, but activated his shield and resisted the attack forcefully.

And the detector also appeared.

"Magical Item?" Wang Haichao was startled at first, and then said in a deep voice, "It seems that you still don't want to show up, so I have to guess whether you have any malicious intentions?"

Zhang Hongyi's temper was very hot, and she also sacrificed her own Magic Treasures, angrily said: "If you dare to let your own Magic Treasures come out to face us alone, let him see how good we are!"

Her natal Magic Treasures and Wang Haichao's are carved out of the same mold, only one size smaller, and the color is golden red, which should be male and female twin swords.

One wind and one fire, the wind borrows the power of the fire, and the fire assists the prestige of the wind. Together, the strength should not be underestimated.

Su Yun thought about it for a moment, since the calm had been broken, after discussing with others, he simply led a group of people out of the Xuanniao, hanging in the sky condescendingly, and the Xuanniao did not appear.

"Everyone, look up." Su Yun shouted loudly.

Seeing a cultivator at the peak of Qi Refining dare to look down on him, Wang Haichao was so angry that he didn't show a face, "It's too cold to be high, and with your Realm, don't stand too high."

And Zhang Hongyi began to look at the strength of several people.

There are eight people in the group above, the one with the highest strength is only at the third level of Xudan, but he looks like a child, only fourteen or fifteen years old, looking immature but possessing such strength, it can't help but make people feel vigilant.

But the overall strength of the few people is not high, and they can still be dealt with, so Zhang Hongyi instantly gained confidence, and said hotly: "The ones above, why don't you come down?"

"Here we come!" Su Yun spoke kindly and flew close with a group of people.

Su Yun turned against the guests and asked first, "Is there anyone else here?"

"This is not something you should ask about." Wang Haichao put on a face, turned the offensive again, and said angrily, "Are you also here to explore the ruins?"

"Of course, don't be too surprised for the two of you. I want to know that there are not a few people in this ruins. As far as I know, there are at least a few hundred people." Su Yun folded his hands and replied in a deep voice.

"This..." Wang Haichao looked skeptical, as if he didn't believe Su Yun's words, "We got the map of the ruins by chance from several Rogue Cultivators!"

"Then I ask you to help refine the Magical Item, the relic token, right?" Su Yun shouted angrily.

Wang Haichao was surprised, his eyes wandered, his mouth opened slightly, but what he wanted to say was finally swallowed back, as if he was thinking about the stakes.

"But they were all wiped out in the end! Don't lie to us like this!" Zhang Hongyi questioned confidently.

"It seems that the plots are similar!" Su Yun took out the drawing of the animal skin scroll in his hand and threw it to Wang Haichao.

At the same time, I also lamented the depth of Chen Zhen's city mansion. In order to finally refine the token, a good show was put on and staged everywhere.

It is estimated that the Rogue Cultivators named Zhang Fuyi that Su Yun met don't know how many token maps were distributed out!

Everyone hides the secret, thinking that they are people with profound opportunities! In the end, it was just Chen Zhen's pawn.

Wang Haichao took out another blueprint, and after comparing it, his face instantly turned ashen. Although Su Yun's scroll was damaged by him, it is not difficult to compare whether it is from the same source.

The location of the initial defect is the same.

He then said in a low voice: "I'm sorry everyone, my attitude was a bit off just now, but I didn't mean anything malicious. I was just on guard against everyone, and I was attacking Wang Haichao."

"Zhang Hongyi."

Seeing that Wang Haichao is an open-minded person, Su Yun also said generously: "Let me tell you one more thing, this is not the location of the ruins, but the lair of a cult called Chaos Sect."

"It's not a relic?" Zhang Hongyi opened her mouth wide in surprise, and stammered, "Then that... where are our classmates? We were delayed by something, so we arrived a few days late!"

Then I panicked, "Aren't they...dangerous!"

"Chaos Sect... I have heard a little about it, but it is just a small sect in the territory of Ruiguo. The Elders only have the Foundation Establishment Cultivation Base. With their strength, it should be fine." Wang Haichao calmly analyzed: " Maybe they are exploring the old lair of Chaos Religion as a relic!"

"I hope..." Zhang Hongyi frowned and replied softly.

Su Yun and the people around him looked at each other, wondering whether to tell them the truth, Wen Bai saw Su Yun's hesitation, helped Su Yun make a decision, and nodded.

"Actually, your companions may be in danger. The Chaos Cult is not as simple as you think. We also investigated for a long time before we understood the situation." Su Yun said in a deep voice: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, you should leave as soon as possible. good."

But this time it was Wang Haichao's turn to be helpless, he said with a sneer: "Since this is the case, we have to find out more, we can't leave our classmates alone, not to mention, my Realm is not weaker than yours."

"Since you can keep it, why can't we keep it? Maybe we can help!"

Knowing that it was pointless to persuade, Su Yun turned to ask: "Have you refined the relic token?"

Wang Haichao gave a wry smile, shook his head lightly, and said bluntly, "Our Hundred Artifacts Sect claims to establish itself by means of refining weapons, but in the end we can't recover a single token Magical Item, which has countless possibilities. Without the correct orientation of the pattern on the vessel, everything is empty talk."

"That's why we came here to investigate the specific situation of Restrictions first, and maybe we can find some clues."

Su Yun is not surprised, the thinking of an Immortal World refiner is still too limited and not flexible enough.

Only someone like him who has seen a computer before can let go of his mind and think of a way to forcibly crack it.

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