Scientific Cultivation Of Immortals, Mechanical Ascension

Chapter 172 Undecided, Quantum Mechanics

It's just that the consumption of repairing the Butterfly Sword is not insignificant. In the end, it took a lot of spiritual cores to restore the Butterfly Sword.

If it weren't for artificial Meridians and spirit cores, Su Yun's Realm might not be able to repair the Pink Butterfly Sword for several Hundred Years.

The aura of the restored Fendie Sword has gone up to a higher level, far superior to the other fairy artifacts. Perhaps this is the difference between the fairy artifact with the artifact spirit and the ordinary fairy artifact.

Su Yun sacrificed it out of the inner palace and held it in his hand. Although it is a handle kun sword, the texture is not bad, and it is just right to wield. The only drawback is that it is a little bit girly.

Fortunately, it is the fairy sword that gave birth to the spirit, and it has the law of change.

Su Yun summoned the awakened sword spirit, and three pink swallowtail butterflies flew out from the void, dancing around Su Yun, exuding a strange and dazzling brilliance.

Su Yun can feel the intelligence of the three swallowtail butterflies, but it seems to be about the same as that of a child, but it is enough to make some basic changes.

With a thought, the pink color of the swallowtail butterfly began to fade, turning into a sparkling dark black with a silky blue reflection.

Also changed is the sword body itself, the pink color of the sword body began to fade, and there were countless tiny scale-like patterns on the surface of the sword body, and finally became Su Yun's favorite colorful black.

The Pink Butterfly Sword becomes the Black Butterfly Sword.

Having a handy weapon is indeed a lot of peace of mind.

But Su Yun is more concerned about the spirit itself, the three black swallowtails!

Like the Nascent Soul of the transformed spirit beast, the weapon spirit is also a divine soul.

Connected with the sword spirit, it can just be used to study the new technology that connects the soul and matter.

But first you need to figure out what the essence of the soul is!

This point, even Jiang Mu, who is very good at divine and soul methods, doesn't know it, and for Su Yun, it is even more impossible.

Su Yun had no choice but to ask Jiang Mu for help, trying to find out what the soul is through experiments.

The so-called "I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I live in this mountain", needs to use other means to analyze the soul.

The only external method that can be used now is the soul crystal.

Su Yun is very proficient in the use of soul crystals. He can use soul crystals to refine spiritual chips and interact with divine souls. However, he can only use spiritual means to communicate between cultivators. There are too many restrictions, and it is not spiritual and material. means of direct connection.

The way of the spiritual chip is not feasible, so Su Yun can only use the most essential characteristic of the soul crystal - to accommodate the soul.

As Jiang Mu said, the soul crystal can be used as a place for the soul to live. If the soul exists independently and is not attached to anything, it will continuously lose the power of the soul, which is fatal.

As the substance that can carry the soul, the soul crystal must have some connection with the soul.

Su Yun took out a small piece of newly purchased soul crystal, the dark blue crystal was irregular, only the size of a thumb, but it was also very valuable.

A soul crystal of this size is more than enough to hold the Black Butterfly Sword's weapon spirits. Under Su Yun's instruction, the three weapon spirits flew out of the sword and drilled into the soul crystal.

At the moment when the spirit of the weapon drilled into the soul crystal, Su Yun felt a strange wave that was fed back from the spirit of the weapon, but he himself failed to notice it.

I asked Jiang Mu, but the answer was still no.

After communicating with Qi Ling, Su Yun discovered that this fluctuation is continuously changing, like a reflection of the activities of the soul!

If the soul crystal is a calm lake, then the soul residing in it is the cruise ship that stirs the lake water, and the movement of the cruise ship is displayed in this undulating form.

The next thing to do is to read this continuously changing fluctuation.

But Jiang Mu still can't detect the existence of this kind of fluctuation, so how can he observe it through measurement methods?

After measuring the soul crystal at various physical and chemical levels, no changes corresponding to this fluctuation were found, even electromagnetic waves, radioactivity and other levels.

The same is true at the Spiritual Qi level.

After more than a dozen days and nights, Su Yun's research fell into the bottleneck, and he couldn't even touch the threshold.

So much so that after coming out of the laboratory, Su Yun lay down on the turf of the small courtyard, emptied his mind, and stared blankly at the clear and high sky in late autumn, watching the clouds come and go. The leaves on the side are rustling under the blowing of the wind, making people sleepy.

In a daze, soft footsteps sounded beside her ears, and the rustling sound of her dress rubbing against grass leaves, a beautiful face appeared in Su Yun's vision.

With his hands behind his back, his body hooked, his hair hanging on his chest, Wen Bai looked at Su Yun on the turf with gentle eyes, "I heard from Jiang Mu that your research doesn't seem to be going well?"

"It's a bit, it's like meeting a high wall that's hard to get over." Su Yun said a little gloomily, then patted the lawn, motioning for Wen Bai to lie down too.

Wen Bai was lying on Su Yun's left side, twisting his body, leaning towards Su Yun, hugging his arm, "Isn't it normal to encounter a bottleneck? Wasn't it also difficult for me to develop the Medicine Pill?"

Su Yun said with a sad tone: "Yes, but the bottleneck is not so easy to break through."

"I understand! But many times the great difficulty you think is actually just a very small problem, it's just that you didn't expect to go there!" Wen Bai explained with a smile: "It means that your brain didn't turn around!"

"A very small...problem..." Hearing this, Su Yun fell into deep thought, "How small?"

"It's just a grain of rice, so small as a grain of dust! I'm just making an analogy!" Wen Bai traced the outline of the cloud with his light-white fingers, and said with a sweet smile: "If you can think so, that's a good thing! It's better than feeling sorry for yourself!"

"Yes, smaller than dust, smaller than cells! Even smaller than molecules!" Su Yun sat up excitedly and said with high spirits.

Wen Bai followed suit, but he was unavoidably surprised, and said with a sneer, "Huh? Your mentality is too good, I just persuaded you a few words!"

"No!" Su Yun hugged Wen Bai's shoulders, his eyes brimming with excitement, "You just woke me up, there is still a road I haven't taken, and that is to conduct research at the microscopic level!!"

"The microcosmic level... I don't understand..." Wen Bai stared wide-eyed, and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "But it's good to find the direction. Look, I'm right."

Then Su Yun hugged Wen Bai into his arms, held Wen Bai for a long time before saying goodbye and going into the laboratory.

Exploring to the microscopic world is indeed a feasible path!

If there are no detectable features at the macro level of the soul crystal, it seems that the only way to go is to go to a smaller scale!

Su Yun decided to find out what the essence of the soul crystal is.

In fact, the strength of the soul crystal is far below the average level of the sixth-order Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, and its high price is entirely due to its characteristics and scarcity of carrying the soul.

Su Yun easily took off a little soul crystal powder and placed it under a high-power optical microscope.

He found that the crystals of soul crystals are actually very regular, that is, the crystal form of a cube, and soul crystals are like countless small cubes.

Nothing special can be seen under the optical microscope, Su Yun is going to build a sophisticated equipment - electron microscope.

The shorter the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave used by the microscope for imaging, the finer the picture naturally displayed, and the higher the magnification. However, the electron beam is a matter wave with an extremely short wavelength, so the resolution is extremely high, and the arrangement of atoms can be seen. kind of. Since the principle of the electron microscope is not difficult, it only took Su Yun three days to refine one.

Under the electron microscope, the lattice characteristics of the soul crystal can be clearly seen.

Like the crystal form on the macro level, the atoms of various elements in the soul crystal are arranged in a relatively regular cube shape, but the special feature is that every three atoms, there is a hole without atom distribution, whether it is This feature is present in either direction.

But the "hole" is not empty, there are still electrons, and they are locked electrons, which cannot escape from any direction.

Su Yun also studied other materials with an electron microscope. All kinds of Spiritual Qi materials have nothing special under the electron microscope, and they are all composed of ordinary atoms. Their extraordinary features may be due to things at the Spiritual Qi level.

However, other materials have a complete crystal lattice and do not have a "hole" structure.

So the holes in these lattices are likely to be the key!

And there is only one trapped electron in the hole!

After measuring the electrons, Su Yun found that these electrons are actually in a quantum superposition state of spin up and spin down!

Under his measurements, it will eventually collapse to one of the results.

"The electrons are in a quantum superposition state... a superposition state..." Su Yun muttered to himself.

And Jiang Mu, who was helping at the side, didn't understand what Su Yun was talking about at all, and looked confused.

After a long deduction and thinking in the spiritual space, and experimental verification, Su Yun came to a shocking conclusion-the essence of the soul is quantum!

In the soul crystal, the electrons in the holes are all in a quantum superposition state, and all these electrons are in a state of quantum entanglement with each other.

Soul crystal is like a natural quantum computer with a large number of qubits, which has unimaginable computing power, but it cannot perform meaningful calculations with only hardware and without software. software" can have practical significance.

Of course, it is not right to say that the soul is completely software. It also has an entity composed of "power of the soul" and has its own quantum characteristics.

But there is indeed a "connection" between the soul and the soul crystal at the quantum level, or quantum entanglement.

This is the connection between the soul and the material world.

In the human body, the material basis for the connection between the soul and the human body should be the nervous system, and there should also be a corresponding room-temperature quantum structure at the microscopic level of nerve cells.

In this case, the lowest level of interaction with the spirit becomes feasible.

The soul is a whole formed by the entanglement of countless superposition qubits, which can be described by a wave function. The so-called observer effect is the quantum collapse caused by the mutual influence of two wave functions, one of which is the consciousness body and the other is the matter wave.

Therefore, it only needs to be measured to induce the collapse of the wave function, and the content can be read; correspondingly, it can also be used to influence it and input the content.

Since different quantum units are quantum entangled with each other, the measurement of the local part will affect the overall change, which will lead to the change of other local positions, resulting in inaccurate measurement.

In order to obtain the required results, the accuracy of measurement must be improved, and multiple samples must be taken to eliminate errors.

The result with the highest probability is the correct result.

But to measure, besides electron microscope and other physical means, Su Yun has a better method, that is divine sense!

You only need to refine an ultra-high-precision spiritual chip to measure the soul crystal!

Therefore, Su Yun had to pay close attention to the chip production process.

So it's another month.

With the help of Spirit Power's means and financial capabilities, Su Yun's chip technology has directly developed from the micron level to the ten nanometer level!

A pea-sized soul crystal is enough to produce hundreds of millions of soul crystal spiritual units, and can precisely control the release position of the spiritual mind, and there is no need for manual resonance. It is completed with other soul crystal units in the automated production process. .

The final completed soul connector used up a large piece of soul crystal, with hundreds of billions of soul crystals and spiritual units, evenly distributed on the inner surface of a sphere.

Put the soul crystal into the soul connector, inject a butterfly spirit, and Su Yun activated the measurement function.

The fluctuations that could not be detected by any means are now clearly presented in the holographic screen.

That was a huge amount of information, even more complex than the twinkling stars in the entire starry sky!

And this information is an analog signal, which needs to be decoded to understand the content and manipulate it.

After decoding the fluctuations of the soul, the interactive information can be encoded as a subtle disturbance of the fluctuations of the soul, and the connection between the soul and matter can be constructed.

Of course, to decode the soul, the computing power required is simply astronomical!

Su Yun has established more than a dozen Spirit Power chip production lines, producing chips with high computing power day and night.

In the end, a huge supercomputer was built underground in the No. 1 business in the world, and the scale of the computing core is still expanding.

Jiang Mu and the others took care of the supercomputer, while Su Yun entered the spiritual space and synchronized with the supercomputer through the spiritual chip.

Because Su Yun can intuitively understand the thinking of Qi Ling, he can compare and correct the results calculated by the supercomputer. It can be said that he is now acting as a bridge between the two.

With the progress of the calculation, the results calculated by the supercomputer are getting closer and closer to the actual situation, which means that a complete mathematical model is being established, and it will be much easier to read other spirits in the future.

Until one day three months later, Su Yun found that the results calculated by the supercomputer were completely synchronized with the results obtained by communicating with Qi Ling, and what Qi Ling thought was displayed on the screen fed back by the computer.

Qi Ling: "Master, how long will I stay in this rock~ I miss my sisters!"

Computer: "Master, how long will I stay in this rock~ I miss my sisters!"


Qi Ling: "Master, I am a sword. When will we fight the enemy together! I haven't fought for more than a thousand years!"

Computer: "Master, I am a sword. When will we fight the enemy together! I haven't fought for more than a thousand years!"

With excitement, Su Yun typed a line into the computer: We will find someone to discuss with others later.

The soul connector finally entered this sentence in a way of interfering with the local state of the wave function through the transformation of the mathematical model.

Qi Ling: "Okay, okay, I've been upset with that man named Jiang Mu for a long time, and I just want to teach him a lesson..."

Computer: "Okay, okay, I've been upset with that man named Jiang Mu for a long time, and I'm about to teach him a lesson..."

"Haha, it's done!" Su Yun exited the spirit realm space, dancing in the laboratory ecstatically.

The significance of this technology can be described as groundbreaking!

Su Yun finally called the soul connector and the soul crystal that carries the soul together - the core of the soul.

It is an artificial consciousness carrier.

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