As for the actual application of the soul core, there are many tricks!

Through this technology, the spirit can be controlled, and it can also provide extended receptors and functional devices for the free spirit.

To put it simply, it is possible to create mechanical lifeforms!

In this research, the spirit of the Black Butterfly Sword is indispensable, and its little wish should be fulfilled.

"Jiang Mu! Where's Jiang Mu?" Su Yun ran out of the laboratory and shouted in another courtyard.

But now it is the middle of the winter night, a good time to sleep, Jiang Mu woke up from his sleep, rubbed his eyes and pushed open the door, and saw Su Yun standing murderously in the wind and snow, holding a black handle in his hand. And a fairy sword shining with phosphorescence!

The light was dim, and the expression on Su Yun's face could not be seen clearly, but his posture was full of murderous looks.

"Su...Brother Su? What...what's wrong?" Jiang Mu said tremblingly while holding the door frame.

"I have a friend who wants to compete with you! Come on!" Su Yun said in a cold tone without any emotion.

"Friend? Who?" Jiang Mu was confused for a while.

Suddenly, a little girl appeared in front of Su Yun. She was only half of Su Yun's height. Wearing Ribbon, the small face like a porcelain doll looks more fair and handsome at night.

"Is she the incarnation of your fairy sword?" Jiang Mu said with a sigh of relief.

"Exactly, the name is Die, the big sister of the three spirits!" Su Yun said seriously: "Go, Die! Beat him up!"

As soon as the words fell, Die suddenly shrank her hands and ran behind Su Yun, holding Su Yun's clothes corners timidly, hiding behind her, with only her head sticking out, her brow twisted into twists, not daring to go forward.

Su Yun turned around to look at Die, frowned, and reached out to touch her half-solid and half-empty head. It felt almost like a real person. It should be a body temporarily shaped by borrowing Su Yun Spirit Power, a virtual substance.

He laughed and said, "Die, aren't you going to teach Jiang Mu a lesson? Why are you hiding behind me?"

"But he is so scary~" Die trembled and said: "We are not happy with Jiang Mu because he makes us feel very dangerous!"

After a long time, it turned out that it was a child's mouth!

Su Yun could also understand the reason. Qi Ling, as the soul body, was naturally afraid of Jiang Mu, who was burdened with countless soul means.

If Shenhun is a balloon, Jiang Mu feels like a sharp needle!

"Jiang Mu, how about you restrain your breath on weekdays?" Su Yun spread his hands helplessly.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Mu agreed, and then took his breath away.

Butterfly blinked, and her brows instantly relaxed.

While she was looking at Jiang Mu curiously, Su Yun simply put the Black Butterfly Sword into her hand, "Hold it."

"Go teach him a lesson, the best way to overcome fear is to face it!"

Butterfly nodded heavily, "Yeah!"

After saying that, Die raised his sword and stepped forward, his figure turned into a phantom, and appeared in front of Jiang Mu in an instant. The sword was fierce and cold.

Jiang Mu turned into a black mist, barely dodging Die's attack!

When Jiang Mu appeared in the air, Die also followed at a ghostly speed.

One person and one weapon spirit fought back and forth in the air.

Although Die's wisdom is like a child's, her combat power is not weak, and she lives up to the name of the fairy sword and sword spirit.

In the end, after a fierce battle, Jiang Mu took the initiative to lose, allowing Die to heave a sigh of relief.

Because of this battle, Su Yun also discovered a hidden danger in the Black Butterfly Sword.

He took the Black Butterfly Sword back to his own inner mansion, blocked the inner mansion from connecting with the outside world, and found Jiang Mu.

"Jiang Mu, can you help me?" Su Yun asked shyly.

"Brother Su, you hit me and asked me to help!" Jiang Muxian Yin & Yang said strangely, and then said bluntly, "What do you need my help for?"

Su Yun pinched his chin and thought: "I didn't realize it before, but after this battle, I found that the Black Butterfly Sword's possession of three weapon spirits has actually become a drag."

"Although the Spirit Power consumed is exactly three times, it does not reach three times the strength! Because only Die is considered a complete tool spirit, barely having the wisdom of a child, but the rest of Xiaodie and Xiaodie are like A baby who can't talk and a hamster who only knows how to eat, drink and sleep."

"You can control them, but there's not much they can do."

Hearing this, Jiang Mu thought for a moment and said, "Maybe it's because they were originally split from a weapon spirit. Maybe it happened when the fairy sword broke, and they did a very good job to keep the weapon spirit immortal." Law."

"Then..." Su Yun pondered for a long time before asking, "Can you separate the remaining two spirits?"

Su Yun added: "Without hurting them."

"I can try." Jiang Mu nodded slightly.

Moments later, in Su Yun's laboratory, two fingernail-sized soul crystals were placed next to the Black Butterfly Sword, enough to accommodate the stripped-out Artifact Spirit.

Even if Su Yun already knows that the connection between the Dao Item spirit and the fairy artifact occurs at the microscopic quantum level, there are ways to separate it, but it will be difficult to keep the complete artifact spirit.

Because it involves a lot of things about the soul itself, which Su Yun doesn't understand.

With Jiang Mu's comprehension of the soul, it didn't take long to separate the Qi Ling, and soon separated Xiao Xiaodie, but once the Qi Ling was separated, it meant that the connection with Su Yun's soul was broken, and it was impossible to control it. It can only be forcibly poured into the soul crystal.

But the pouring process was not smooth, Xiao Xiaodie, like a ghost, actually split in two, occupying both soul crystals.

"What's going on?" Jiang Mu himself couldn't believe it. Seeing the two faintly glowing soul crystals, his color faded. "Isn't this my Supernatural Power? How can a small weapon spirit do it?"

"You mean to separate the soul? Incarnation outside the body?" Su Yun asked in surprise.

"Exactly." Jiang Mu nodded, then observed for a while, finally confirmed, and said firmly: "The ones in these two soul crystals are all Xiao Xiaodie, that's right!"

Then enlightened in an instant, suddenly said: "It may be because Qi Ling's soul is relatively single, and simply dividing the soul will not have any negative effects. In fact, there is no need to rely on means of incarnation outside the body."

Su Yun narrowed her eyes slightly, and smiled at the corner of her mouth, "In other words, she can maintain a stable quantum entanglement state even when she is scattered to different places!"

"What quantum? What entanglement?" Jiang Mu scratched his head, puzzled.

"It's okay! Thank you for your hard work, go back to sleep!" Su Yun said excitedly.

Jiang Mu looked at the sky, the wind and snow had stopped, and there was a faint morning light on the sky, and it was already morning.

"It's morning!" Jiang Mu stretched, and Haqie even said to Heavenly Dao, "But I can still get a good night's sleep."

Jiang Mu left, Su Yun continued to be busy.

Feeling Die's excitement, Su Yun finally released Die, and a little girl appeared in the laboratory.

"Master, Master, Xiao Xiaodie is gone!" Die said anxiously, stretching her hands behind her back, leaning slightly forward.

Su Yun picked up two soul crystals, stroked Die's head and comforted her: "It's okay, just move her to another house, she will be fine."

Feeling the familiar wave of spirit in the soul crystal, Die smiled sweetly: "Then I don't worry." Su Yun was a little soft-hearted, and Xiaodie's stripping should be put on hold for now, and some spirits in the fairy have been vacated. Qubits may give them some room to grow.

After taking back the butterfly, Su Yun disassembled the soul core into two sets to test the quantum entanglement stability of the spirit in the two soul crystals.

Su Yun observed and interfered with one of the soul crystals, and the corresponding disturbance instantly appeared in the other one.

It's like the movements of butterflies flapping their wings in different places are exactly the same!

After he took one of them and flew thousands of miles away, the transmission of this disturbance also arrived instantaneously, and the state of quantum entanglement was extremely stable.

The reason may be that only part of the qubits of Qi Ling was observed, so the overall quantum entanglement state was not affected.

And this disturbance can be encoded, that is, it can be used to transmit information.

Quantum instantaneous long-distance communication technology, it is done!

Su Yun cut the two soul crystals and divided them into dozens of pieces, fifty-nine pieces to be precise, and each piece was the size of a mung bean.

This is the optimal solution determined after the experiment. If the soul crystal is cut too small, it will not be able to stably maintain the existence of the spirit, let alone use it for communication.

The quantum communication modules made of these soul crystals can form a huge quantum communication network, the communication bandwidth can reach TB level, and the communication process will not affect the existence of the device spirit itself, and the communication will not be disturbed by the subjective consciousness of the device spirit.

The communicator made of quantum communication modules has one person next to Su Yun to ensure that there will be no situation where he cannot be contacted.

The most important application of quantum communication is on weapons and equipment.

The supercomputer used to decode the soul is now a part of the main brain system, coupled with the delay-free quantum communication, it can provide Su Yun's combat system with real-time super computing power!

And there will never be the dilemma that multiple attack methods cannot be used due to signal interruption!

In order to adapt to the new communication protocol, Su Yun spent some time rewriting part of the underlying system of the master brain, so he also discovered some shortcomings of the master brain system.

Due to the wide variety of weapons controlled by the mastermind and its fine-grained functions, the data collected and generated by the big data system is too complicated, resulting in lower and lower execution efficiency and even errors.

With the main brain's current artificial intelligence algorithm, it is impossible to filter and delete this part of redundant data, because in the main brain's view, these data are absolutely correct at the algorithm level.

For example, when an artificial intelligence algorithm is faced with a train problem, it can't figure it out.

On the two rails, one person is tied to the No. 1 rail, and five people are tied to the No. 2 rail. A speeding train is coming at a high speed, and "you" have a joystick in your hand, which can determine which side the train goes from. The track runs over.

The artificial intelligence algorithm will choose the track with the least sacrifice, because it is the most mathematically reasonable and the sacrifice is the least.

But what if "your" relatives are on the No. 1 rail?

At this time, the artificial intelligence algorithm may add the identity weight of "person" and then measure it.

But people have a "selfish" mentality. Similarly, they also have the spirit of sacrifice of "giving up the small family for everyone", which is very complicated.

Therefore, absolutely rational artificial intelligence algorithms often cannot make appropriate decisions.

Errors caused by similar situations continue to accumulate and eventually lead to system crashes.

Therefore, the main brain needs a real "artificial intelligence" to coordinate everything.

After leaving the laboratory, Su Yun knocked on Jiang Mu's door again, it was still a snowy day, late at night suitable for sleeping...

Regarding this, Jiang Mu was already helpless.

The snowflakes fall on the eaves silently, but the snow accumulates on the green bamboos in the yard, which will crush the bamboos and occasionally make a crackling sound.

In Jiang Mu's room, there are two coffins, one is the bed where he sleeps, and the other is the coffin where A Zhu and A Lian sleep peacefully.

Lifting the coffin board, the lifelike appearances of A'Zhu and A'Lian were revealed in front of their eyes.

The expressions of the two were calm, as if they were in deep sleep.

Usually, Wen Bai will feed them Medicine Pill to ensure the body's Spirit Power supply.

Jiang Mu and the two of them are not very familiar, but heard Su Yun and Wen Bai mention it by chance. All I know is that A'Zhu is very kind, too kind to live in this Immortal World, and A'lian is exceptionally rational, and she does things in a particularly organized manner.

"So brother Su, why did you move them into my room?"

"Of course there is something for you to help!" Su Yun patted Jiang Mu's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Is there a way for you to extract the souls of the two of them into soul crystals?"

"But they are already dead!" Jiang Mu couldn't help frowning.

Su Yun tilted his head, looked at Jiang Mu, and said with a meaningful smile: "But you didn't say no, so you can!"

"I can only try." Jiang Mu reluctantly agreed: "But after all, they are dead people, and their souls are forcibly sealed in their bodies, and their souls may have been irreparably damaged."

"Just try it, if it doesn't work, I'll find another way." Su Yun said in a calm tone, and then handed over two cut soul crystals.

Jiang Mu stretched out his left hand, A'Zhu and A'lian's bodies floated in the air under the lock of thought power, the fluctuation of Spirit Power on their bodies gradually became weaker, and then two faint blue smoke-like spirits were pulled away out.

The Realm of the two of them is not high, their souls are very weak, and they don't have a human form.

Immediately after, under Jiang Mu's soul method, the souls of the two were injected into the soul crystal.

"I replenished some soul power for them, but it is still too weak to wake up actively." Jiang Mu said in a low tone: "The soul that has not formed the form of Nascent Soul cannot spontaneously condense the power of the soul, so it cannot maintain an independent existence. In the future, we need to inject the power of the soul regularly."

"Thank you." Su Yun said politely.

"Brother Su, which one of us is with whom!" Jiang Mu waved his hand, and said calmly, "Just don't wake me up at night in the future!"

"Hahaha, you really have resentment!" Su Yun laughed.

Afterwards, Su Yun returned to the laboratory with two soul crystals and started his next plan.

Although the spirits of Azhu and Alian are extremely weak and cannot be awakened actively, the quantum entanglement at the micro level is still there, which means that they can use the core of the spirit to make passive contact.

Su Yun re-prepared two soul cores, embedded the soul crystals of Azhu and Alian into them, and started the translation.

With the advancement of the progress bar, Azhu and Alian are not far from "resurrection".

The soul core has long been connected to external devices, so that Azhu and Alian can gain the ability to perceive the outside world and communicate with the outside world. Su Yun even restored the voices of the two and displayed them in a holographic projector. Avatars of the two are shown.

This is Su Yun's idea to make them more human, in case they can't accept the fact that they have become "digital beings".

After waiting anxiously for an unknown amount of time, Su Yun heard his familiar voice.

"Su Yun, is that you? Su Yun!" A'Zhu's voice was still a little unnatural, which was the result of insufficient training of the voice algorithm.

"And Alian! How did you become a phantom?"

Through the visual signal, she found that she had also become a phantom floating in the air, and her tone was a little sad, "Why should I?"

Alian's calm voice sounded, "We should be dead. As for what happened, we can only ask Su Yun."

Suddenly, the avatars of Ah Zhu and A Lian glared at Su Yun at the same time.


"Yes, you are already dead." Su Yun breathed a long sigh of relief, and said with a deep smile: "But whether you have been resurrected or not, you will have to go through a test to know."

"You need to pass the Turing test."

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