"Turing Test? What is Turing Test?" Alian's tone was slightly puzzled.

"Very good, you can ask this question, which means that there is a great chance of passing!" Su Yun smiled and said with satisfaction.

But facing the two incomplete spirits in front of him, he felt somewhat strange.

After calming down, he said, "Your souls are extremely weak and do not have independent thinking ability. It is a special form of existence after supercomputer interpretation and computing power support. It exists between natural life and digital life."

"So you need to be tested to make sure that you are really you."

"Make sure you are self-aware, not logical machines that just answer questions."

Both A'Zhu and A'lian fell into silence, and after a while, A'Zhu said slowly, "Thank you, Su Yun! Anyway, thank you for giving us another life, and we will fully cooperate with your Turing test. "

And Alian's avatar's expressionless face suddenly showed a trace of hesitation, "Su Yun, what will happen if we fail the test?"

"I will declare you to be completely dead." Su Yun shared the picture of their corpses in the past, and at the same time said in a calm tone: "You have been dead for almost two years, we have preserved your spirits with special methods, but there are still inevitable damages .”

"If you fail the Turing test, you will be considered dead. If you want, you can choose where to be buried?"

"But..." A'Zhu's tone hesitated, "I can feel that I'm still alive, living in a... a strange body."

After saying that, A'Zhu's figure shook his head, "But is this still alive?"

A-Lian wanted to stretch out her hand to hold A'Zhu, but because the two pictures couldn't interact with each other, she could only comfort her, "A'Zhu, let's do our best."

Then Xu Ying turned to Su Yun and joked: "But just in case, let's explain the funeral!"

"We don't have any family members, and we don't have many friends, so we don't have any regrets or worries. If it doesn't work out, we will be buried together under the peach blossom tree. There is no need to erect a monument, and the mountains and forests will be our companions, and the sun and the moon will be our companions."

"Then can I eat the peaches you have produced?" Su Yun asked with a serious face.

A-Lian was silent, Su Yun could see that she was speechless...

After a while, A-Lian changed the subject, "Su Yun, please start."

"Oh, it started a long time ago." Su Yun said with a sudden smile: "Test, continue."

Su Yun didn't ask those classic Turing test questions, saying it was a test, but it was more like a small talk, or a heart-to-heart talk with good friends,

Su Yun therefore learned about their lives.

They have known each other since childhood.

In the family, A'Zhu is the distinguished eldest lady, and A'lian is just A'Zhu's servant.

When she was a child, Ah Zhu was always bullied because of her kind and weak personality, so it was A Lian who had a strong personality who stood up to support A Lian.

Later, in their ignorance, the two had a strange relationship, but they were not tolerated by the family, so they eloped resolutely. When traveling abroad, the days were hard, and Ah Zhu was always forgetful, so A-Lian learned to be good at planning and handled everything in an orderly manner.

Until he entered the Luoyun Sect by chance.

A Zhu, who is particularly emotional, knew that he was not suitable for the road of cultivating immortals, but with the encouragement of A Lian, he also persevered.

They just supported each other along the way.

After asking a bunch of miscellaneous questions, Su Yun deliberately showed a puzzled expression, "Ah Zhu, when you encountered the Chaos Sect, A-Lian risked her life to save you, why did you go back to die?"

A'Zhu smiled slightly and looked at A-Lian, "Without her, how can I live alone."

A-Lian's phantom flickered irregularly, and the tone of her voice suddenly became strange, "You are so stupid, I ¥...*...*%%!"

The words became incomprehensible until A-Lian only opened her mouth and could not make any sound.

"What's wrong? Su Yun, what's wrong with A-Lian?" A'Zhu couldn't help asking anxiously when she saw A-Lian's strange behavior.

Su Yun brought up Alian's status interface on the holographic projection screen, and his expression gradually became serious, "How could this happen? Such a thing should not have happened!"

"I am using soul crystals to store your remaining souls, but A-Lian's soul is even more damaged, unable to maintain itself, and is disintegrating and dissipating! Therefore, A-Lian's state can no longer be maintained stably... The simulated five senses cannot working normally……"

In the end, Su Yun looked sad, "I'm sorry, A-Lian, I thought I could bring you back to life, but I failed."

Alian's language system recovered for a while, she shook her head, and said with a smile: "I don't blame you, I have to thank you for letting me see Azhu again! But I hope you promise me One thing, must let Ah Zhu live."

She looked at A'Zhu and opened her mouth slightly, but she couldn't hear what she was saying. After a while, the phantom in the holographic projection dissipated without a trace.

"A-Lian! A-Lian!" A'Zhu roared, but the limitations of the hardware did not allow her to express too strong emotions.

But the core of the soul detected the violent fluctuation of A Zhu's soul.

Ah Zhu must be very sad and desperate now.

"Su Yun~" A'Zhu said in an almost pleading tone: "Su Yun, let me let her go! Please."

"But I have to obey A-Lian's last wish, and I must let you live." Su Yun frowned slightly.

"But I have the final say on my life! How can you let me live alone?" A'Zhu then begged bitterly.

Su Yun's tone became cold, "No, your life is mine now, you are now a precious new life form, an important experimental subject."

For a moment, Su Yun smiled helplessly, "And you are completely under my control now, you can't help but die if you want to, why don't you take A-Lian's share and live together."

Despair appeared in Ah Zhu's illusory eyes, "No~no~no... Su Yun, why do you want to give us hope, and finally take away hope, why don't you care about our lives! Su Yun! You are so cruel! "

"Huh? Is it cruel?" Su Yun said calmly, "There are even more cruel ones!"

"Congratulations, you have passed the Turing test, and will exist as an intelligent program of the main brain in the future, and you will be given free work for me forever and ever!"

Ah Zhu was still immersed in grief and resentment, but suddenly realized something, the expression on his face stretched instantly, as if he was stunned, "'You'? Su Yun, you mean 'you'!"

"That's right! This is also part of the Turing test." Su Yun sighed and said, "I didn't expect to be scolded by you!"

A'Zhu lowered her head, was instantly discouraged, a little ashamed, "I'm really sorry..."

"Ah Zhu, Su Yun won't blame you." Alian's phantom appeared again, with relief and gratitude on her face, she turned to Su Yun, nodded her thanks, "Thank you, Su Yun."

A'Zhu looked up, saw the familiar figure, and subconsciously wanted to hug him, but this time was different, the two phantoms finally managed to embrace each other.

After a long time, A-Lian frowned, looked at Su Yun and said seriously: "Su Yun, what kind of mastermind and intelligent program you just mentioned are our responsibilities!" "Yes, I will let you enter next." Mastermind, by then, you will understand everything without explaining." Su Yun smiled with satisfaction.

Immediately afterwards, the two soul cores carrying Azhu Alian's soul were successfully connected to the master brain. With the blessing of the master brain's powerful computing power, they will have super thinking ability and learning ability, and can easily understand all of Su Yun's methods!

And their consciousness can even reach Yun Zhou on the synchronous orbit of Xiu Immortal World through the communication network.

Every unmanned probe can be their incarnation; the weapon system will become the sword in their hands; the space lens telescope will become their eyes; the daily engine will become their footsteps.

They will become the people with the broadest horizons, and they will be the unprecedented life forms in the Immortal World!

Of course, the premise of all this is under the control and authorization of Su Yun.

With the results returned from the main brain self-test, the compatibility between Azhu and Alian's souls and the main brain system has almost reached 100%.

Su Yun chose to "resurrect" them in this way and become the main brain of the artificial intelligence program, which must have been carefully considered.

The personalities of the two are almost two extremes, one is emotional and soft, and the other is rational and firm, which can just form a complementarity and restraint, so that the mastermind can make the most correct decision based on the combination of rationality and sensibility.

It will not work without any one.

With Su Yi's effort, the two went through all of Su Yun's means, and after mastering the knowledge in the database, they concentrated their consciousness in the laboratory.

The phantoms of the two of them seemed to have changed their aura at this moment, and became much quieter, and A'Zhu even calmed down a bit.

"How do you feel? Is there a sense of renewal?"

After opening all computing power to them, the avatars of Ah Zhu and A Lian are no different from real people, and they look much more agile.

"This feeling is very strange. I clearly know that I am still me, but I am not me anymore!" A'Zhu frowned, trying her best to find a description that fit her own thinking.

"Because you have expanded the cognitive boundaries of own." Su Yun joked with a smile: "In other words, your structure has been opened!"

"Cognitive boundary, does it mean the world of Transcend Tribulation ascenders——Universe?" A-Lian analyzed: "I never thought that the Immortal World would be like this, and the huge Immortal World in the Universe is nothing but a specks of dust."

"The so-called ascension...is just the first step out of civilization." Su Yun said with deep eyes, which seemed to be able to hold the sea of ​​stars.

"So, Su Yun, what do you need us to do?" A'Zhu said lively.

Su Yun pondered for a moment, then popped out two words, "A lot."

Then he wrote Ajualian's authority into the system log and asked them to read it by themselves.

All in all, it is to do everything that the mastermind artificial intelligence program needs to complete.

They will first take over the construction and production of all intelligent production lines, assist Yin Niang in managing the entire No. 1 Business in the World, and help the development of Scientology. In short, the first priority is to make science the primary productive force in Immortal World!

It only took the two of them a day, and all the work was on track.

Su Yun originally wanted to continue researching quantum computers to further increase the computing power of the main brain, but in front of the "natural" quantum computer with a huge amount of qubits, "Shensoul", any artificial quantum computer pales in comparison.

Moreover, quantum computers can only be used to solve specific problems, and the difficulty of developing a general-purpose quantum computer can be imagined.

It's better to explore the limit of the soul!

So Su Yun was able to relax.

On a sunny day after many days of snowfall, a group of people from the other courtyard on the roof of the No. 1 Commercial Building in the World got together rarely.

Su Yun cooks by himself and prepares a table of hot pot.

In the snow-covered yard, Su Yun swept out an open space and lit the fiery charcoal. After a while, bubbles bubbled up in the copper pot, and the spicy fragrance permeated, hooking everyone's gluttons.

Also invited to the meeting was Zhang Qiang, the first chief scientific executive officer of No. 1 Business in the world.

As a mortal, his talent must be outstanding. In just one or two years, his knowledge has grown to the doctoral level, and he can already carry out research on his own projects.

Under his leadership, the world's No. 1 business has already possessed certain scientific research capabilities, can design and develop new products by itself, and has a complete industrial chain.

Basic computing equipment for civilian use is also popularized in commercial firms.

And Ah Zhu and A Lian arrived in the form of small flying robots.

Two small robots, one red and one green, have a cute appearance and a furry feel. The arc-shaped display screen used to display portraits occupies 70% of the front area.

Equipped with four flexible robotic arms and mind generators, it can flexibly complete various tasks, and can also interact with holographic projections.

Su Yun designed the mechanical avatars they control to have such a cute appearance mainly because they need to serve as "preschool education machines"...

Except for Mu Ling, Monk Die, who cannot manifest human form, is also a child who needs proper guidance and education.

This task is mainly done by Arjuna.

Of course, since it is in the territory of Yunguo, a certain distinguished guest will definitely not be left behind.

"Empress Yun, you have grown a lot in the past year, I am very pleased!" Su Yun said deliberately.

Yun Yao, who was dressed in everyday attire, slapped her chopsticks on the table and snorted coldly: "Dare Yin & Yang to blame the emperor, be careful and punish you for disrespect!"

But then it was she who couldn't hold it back anymore, and burst into laughter, "Haha! I'm very majestic now!"

"You have the appearance, but you lack the soul! You still have a lot to learn!" Su Yun said in a slightly joking tone.

Then he gave Wen Bai a wink, and Wen Bai immediately took out a small box.

"This is the Medicine Pill I prepared and refined for Her Majesty the Queen, it will be of great benefit to your practice!"

"Even you beat me down like this!" Yun Yao said resentfully, after taking the Medicine Pill, she looked at Su Yun, thought for a long time before slowly opening her mouth, "Su Yun, are you leaving?"

Su Yun smiled softly, "I suddenly remembered that I am still a disciple of Luoyun Sect. I have been out for so long, so I should go back."

"However, it only takes an hour or two to go back and forth. I can come back anytime. Don't try to take advantage of my absence to bully the employees of my No. 1 business in the world!"

Yun Yao rolled her eyes at Su Yun, just like before.

"The No. 1 merchant in the world is the pillar industry of Yunguo. How dare I offend him? It's almost as good as offering!"

"Ha ha!" Hearing this, Su Yun always felt like a bad company engaged in a monopoly, so he had to change the subject, "What about your father? Where did you go?"

"After I ascended the throne, he went out to travel." Yun Yao looked at a direction outside the city, and said in a low tone: "In his condition, he should pass away suddenly and lonely one day."

At the same time, at a small river ditch tens of thousands of miles away.

The river ditch is located in a valley, the snow-covered valley is silent, only the river at the bottom of the valley is still dancing with cheerful water.

Where the water flow is slightly slower, a thick layer of ice forms on the surface.

A hole was cut in the ice, and a fishing line hung down.

The man sitting on the side has the appearance of a middle-aged man, but his head is white. This is not a trace of snow dyeing, but the true color of his hair.

He sneezed suddenly, and snow fell from the surrounding tree branches, rustling and rustling, accompanied by a few complaining birdsong.

"Ouch, the fish are scared away!"

Then there was a sigh, "Hey, the bones of the body are really bad, and they are all infected with the wind and cold."

Then he slowly raised his head and looked in the direction of Yun Guo.

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