Yan Yan was not happy with his mouth, but his body was still very honest.

forced to be honest...

"Senior, why don't you open the space channel and go straight to Luoyunzong, otherwise you can only fly there so slowly." Su Yun said while riding on the dragon's head, hugging the cold metal dragon horn.

"Do you think I will listen to your orders? Huh!" Yan said coldly.

Hearing this, Su Yun turned to look at Mu Ling and said, "Little Mu Ling, I heard that there is a small town nearby that is rich in sugar Calabash. There are hundreds of flavors of sugar Calabash. Are you interested in going to see it?"

"Let's go for a stroll around riding the giant dragon wind and scenery light!"

"Okay, okay! Candy Calabash is the best!" Mu Ling said excitedly.

Yan immediately said angrily: "Su Yun, don't bully Long too much!"

Then, Yan suddenly detected that he could call Spirit Power, and through the digital navigation map built into the mechanical dragon, he could clearly find the location of the target, and other permissions were also opened one by one, he was startled!

Although this body is far less powerful than his original body, it does have something impressive! Some aspects even made him unable to understand.

Without saying a word, he used the power of the law of space that he had comprehended to open the space passage to Luoyunzong, and led a few people into it.

It is said to be a space passage, but the entrance is more like a space "bubble", a three-dimensional "object", which can be entered from any direction.

On the other side of the space passage is Luoyun Town, which I haven't seen for a long time.

A huge reinforced concrete building suddenly stood up in the town. It was built on the former site of the No. 1 Merchant in the World, and it is now the branch of the No. 1 Merchant in the World in Luoyunzong.

"Phew~ I'm finally back! The place where it all started!" Su Yun stretched his waist and said lazily.

There is always something reassuring about coming back to Sect.

Realizing the situation, Mu Ling frowned, and said unwillingly: "Su Yun, didn't you say you were going to eat Calabash? Why are you back?"

"Here." Su Yun took out a stick of refined sugar Calabash from the inner mansion, and handed it to Mu Ling.

The refined sugar Calabash is not only rich in spiritual Qi, but also more delicious.

At this time, Yanzheng'er explained in a straightforward way: "Su Yun, I didn't directly open the exit of the space channel within the Sect, because I was afraid of affecting the stability of the space rift, and it is even too close here, next No matter how difficult it is to let you ride a ride, it will not be an example.”

"Thank you senior!" Su Yun flattered with a smile, "senior is indeed a magnanimous dragon!"

"Cut~" Yan snorted unhappily, and then continued on his way.

During the conversation, the mechanical dragon flew over Luoyun Town, attracting countless people to look up.

"This is a dragon!!"

"I know Azure Dragon, Flood Dragon, Five-Clawed Golden Dragon! How can there be such an iron dragon!"

"The Immortal World is vast and boundless, so it's not surprising that there is an iron lump dragon!"

"Could it be a flying boat in the shape of a dragon!"

"Which Sect has such strength!!"


Naturally, the comments from the people below cannot be transmitted to the top. Su Yun was silent for a while, and asked: "However, senior, what kind of existence is this space rift? How is it different from your space channel?"

Yan couldn't help raising his head high, "Oh, ignorant little boy!"

"My space channel is an application of the power of my space law. Within ten thousand miles, I can travel freely! I'm sorry you can't understand the specific principle, as long as you know that the space itself has not been destroyed."

"The two spaces are pulled together by the power of law, and the manipulation of the space is carried out on a higher level." Su Yun replied casually.

"You!! Hmph, so what if you know it, but you can't use it!" Yan said unconvinced.

"Senior, what about the space rift?" Su Yun continued to humbly ask for advice, "Shouldn't it be as simple as space shattering?"

"Naturally." Yan pondered for a long time, "No matter how powerful the space Supernatural Power is, it is to manipulate the space, but it can't destroy the space itself. It's like a fish in the water, no matter how it beats the water surface, it stirs up the space again. A lot of waves can't destroy the water itself, can't it? In the end, the water will return to calm when the water falls."

"And the space rift is the space itself being torn apart, which is something we can hardly imagine! And in the deepest part of the space rift, the law of space doesn't even exist, leaving only the abyss of endless chaos!"

"It's unimaginable what kind of handwriting it is! You should know by now how much I was hit at the beginning!"

After thinking for a moment, Su Yun abruptly changed the subject, "senior, your space means can't open the exit of the space channel outside the sky!"

"How do you know?" Yan's tone was not surprised, just like a casual question.

"Sure enough, it's related to the repair of the Immortal World barrier." Su Yun muttered.

As for more things, maybe we have to wait until later to explore.

The road from Luoyun Town to Luoyunzong is neither short nor long. Even though the giant mechanical dragon has a huge body, its speed is not slow. It didn't take long to see the buildings of Luoyunzong scattered on the mountain. between.

The bright posts and dark sentries everywhere have long noticed a giant steel dragon approaching menacingly, and the entire Luoyun Sect is in a panic.

"Enemy attack enemy attack!"


"A dragon! Iron dragon!"


The enemy's information reached the ears of Jiange Elder Li Qingran through the Jiange disciple's message, and she contacted the head of the Jiange through sound transmission through Divine Sense.

Soon, a group of experts from the Luoyun Sect stood ready in front of the mountain gate, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The head of the sect stared at it, and saw a mechanical dragon churning in the clouds and mist in the mountains. The silver-white metal reflected the golden yellow of the sun, as if inlaid with a circle of gold, majestic and majestic!

To his surprise, several familiar figures stood on the dragon's head.

"This..." The leader's face was blackened on the spot, "What a boy, come back to Sect, and make such a big show!!"

"Hmph, let's go away!! Junior sister, tell them to go to the Great Hall for questioning later!"

The headmaster waved his sleeves and flew away unhappily.

"Yes, Senior Sect Master." After Li Qingran cupped his hands to see him off, he looked in the direction of the giant dragon with great interest, "Su Yun, interesting!!"

The other Elders have different looks, but they all have their own measurements.

At the same time, when the giant dragon flew close, the rest of the disciples could clearly see the people riding the dragon.

"Su Yun! That's Su Yun! They're back!! And Goddess Wen Bai!!"

"Hmph! Going back to Sect made us tense, what a shame!"

"I heard that Su Yun's strength is now Transcendent, and the leader dare not underestimate him!"

"How is it possible? When he left Sect, he was not at Qi Refining level. In the past two years, Cultivation Base can still go to the sky? Even Foundation Establishment is not bad!"

"In a few days, the Sect assessment will be held. Disciples from all walks of life must participate. You will know if you are a mule or a horse! Why don't you challenge it?"

"No, no, no... I am a person who does not contend with the world..."...

The mechanical dragon flew above the main peak of Sect, suspended in the air quietly.

Ahead is the stone platform on which several Elders ride.

Su Yun led Wen Bai's cupped hands and said: "Su Yun, a disciple of Luoyun Sect, Wen Bai, return to the Elders."

"Hmph! You still know that you are a disciple of Luoyun Sect?" Big Elder Li Yan grumbled, "Why didn't you think that you were Luoyun when you offended those forces in Yanyun City?" Zong disciple?"

"What? Are they attacking Sect?" Su Yun immediately changed his face, "It seems that they still need to teach them a lesson!"

"Stop, stop!" Li Yan waved his hand to stop it on the spot, "It's better to let go of enemies than tie them up, but you've managed to clean up your tail, no one dares to attack Luoyunzong!"

Hearing this, Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

And the three Elders stared at the giant dragon for a long time, and then said: "It is said that Su Yun, your art of refining weapons is very good. Looking at it now, it is really extraordinary. This metal long worm must be made by you!"

"I am an ancestor dragon! Not a long bug!" Yan immediately became unhappy, but then found that he was silenced by Su Yun, and the mechanical dragon could not make a sound.

Su Yun replied consciously: "Hi! Senior, your background is extraordinary, don't scare them!"

"Hmph, now I can say good things!" Yan said unhappily: "Go down quickly, I'll check the situation of your Sect's space rift!"

"Then trouble the senior!" Su Yun said politely.

Immediately afterwards, the four jumped onto the stone platform, letting Yan act independently, and flew towards the forbidden area.

Several Elders watched the mechanical dragon go away without asking why.

At this time, the four Elders, Yun Mu, frowned deeply, and took the bait, his voice was still cold, but he said softly: "Su Yun, if I have offended you before, I am sorry, but my apology is nothing more than that."

"It's okay." Su Yun said calmly, now he doesn't care about these things, the situation is different.

But he still had some doubts in his heart, but after pondering for a long time, he still didn't speak.

Seeing Su Yun's tweaking, Wen Bai smiled lightly, and asked respectfully: "Si Elder, I wonder how Li Su is doing?"

"Li Su?" Su Yun stepped down from the donkey, pretending to be surprised: "Yeah, Li Su, I'd almost forget it if you didn't tell me! Si Elder, how is she doing recently?"

Fourth Elder Yunmu thought about his words in his heart, but suddenly realized that Su Yun's Realm had reached the Void Core, his heart sank immediately, and he said with some embarrassment: "I, Li Su, have been slack in my practice for the past two years. It's time to breakthrough to the peak of the Foundation Establishment, follow the chief Ye Buxiu to experience, and look for the opportunity to breakthrough the virtual core."

"Lazy? Fourth, how can you say that about your apprentice?" Li Yan said bluntly with some displeasure: "As for who is the most hardworking in cultivation, who in the entire Sect is better than Li Su? I feel distressed when I see it!"

"Eldest brother, you are still very bad at observing words and expressions." Yun Mu glared at Li Yan like a boudoir.

"Hehe!" Fifth Elder Li Qingran covered his mouth and laughed a few times, looking at Su Yun, "Su Yun, the master, please go to the Great Hall to ask questions, should you go now? Or will you go later?"

"What's the difference?" Su Yun tilted his head in confusion.

"If we compete first, we will go later!" Li Qingran explained seriously.

"Hahaha! I heard that Su Yun is very powerful now, and that's exactly what I want to do!" Li Yan arched his fire and said, "It just so happens that everyone is on alert, and all the disciples have put down what they are doing, just in time to watch the battle! It is also a good opportunity!"

Three Elder Wang Ming also spoke up: "Su Yun, I also want to see your Magical Item method!"

The only one who complained was Er Elder Zhengqing, who said with a straight face, "Do you want the master to wait for us?"

"Why are you so rigid? If the head is angry, I will take the responsibility!" Li Yan patted his chest, his voice vibrating.

Then he looked at Su Yun, "Boy Su Yun, tell me, who do you want to compete with first?"

Seeing this scene, Su Yun was a little ashamed, and said with a dry smile: "Big Elder, isn't the master still waiting?"

"What? Prime Minister Su, who is so beautiful in Yanyun City, doesn't dare to compete with us now?" Li Yan Yin & Yang asked angrily.

"No, since I'm in a hurry." Su Yun put away his smile and said seriously, "How about you all come together?"

Everyone: "..."

"Huh! Good boy! You're so arrogant, let me teach you a lesson!" Li Yan acted as a substitute, saying what the Elders wanted to say.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, the huge mechanical dragon


Moments later, Sect's martial arts arena.

In the arena, Su Yun was surrounded by several Elders, forming a one-on-five situation.

The periphery of the arena was full of disciples who came to watch the battle. It was extremely lively. It had not been such a grand occasion for a long time!

They are roughly divided into two factions, one faction knows about Su Yun's deeds in Yanyun City, and the other faction is very contemptuous of Su Yun's ignorant attitude.

The representatives of the "pro-Soviet faction" are naturally several teammates of the team.

"Yo ho! Brother Su Yun, look here, look here!" Wang Fu waved his hands in the crowd and shouted loudly.

To Su Yun's surprise, Wang Chong and the others were also on the sidelines, casting their gazes.

Su Yun looked back, but was drawn back by the big Elder's cold drink.

"Su Yun, don't you underestimate us? How dare you fight Fractionated Divinity against us!"

"It hasn't started yet!" Su Yun scratched his head and smiled, then looked around, slightly bowed his head and said, "Everyone Elder, please?"

The five Elders didn't hide their clumsiness either, they sacrificed all their natal Magic Treasures, and a tyrannical aura instantly swept across the audience.

"No way! Elder are they here for real?"

"Should we stay away! A random blow, I'm afraid it will smash us into pieces!"

"Don't worry, the Elders have a sense of proportion and won't hurt innocent people!"

"I'm worried that Su Yun's shots are not light or heavy..."


Although some people were worried, it did not affect the enthusiasm of the overall atmosphere at all!

Seeing that the Elders had sacrificed their natal Magic Treasures, Su Yun couldn't show weakness, so he immediately armed with Black Tortoise mecha!

Black Tortoise was born, and the audience was silent!

Even those who despised Su Yun praised the mecha.

"What a handsome armor! The quality is absolutely extraordinary!"

"Sure enough, if you cover Su Yun's face, you are much more handsome!!!"


The pro-Soviet faction was even more excited, "Just this armor Magical Item, but it made a big splash in the battle of Yanyun City! It fought back and forth with Chen Zhen from Nascent Soul Realm!"

The opposition sniffed, "Oh! The armor Magical Item is just powerful, what does it have to do with Su Yun!"

"This was made by Su Yun himself, it must be Su Yun's formidable skill!"


The discussion off the court was intense, and the smell of gunpowder on the court was also very strong.

Suddenly, Su Yun sensed something and smiled helplessly.

"Hey! You are going to hurt my master!!" Die suddenly appeared, holding the black butterfly sword, and appeared on the field.

Yidie's momentum is not weaker than anyone on the field!


"It's a fairy weapon!!"

Several Elders were shocked one after another and looked at each other in blank dismay.

On the sidelines, Wang Fu sighed wryly: "Although I heard that Junior Brother Su Yun possesses a fairy weapon, I'm still very surprised to see it!"

"No." Huang Jianbing seriously analyzed: "This is not one of the few fairy artifacts we know, but another source!"

"Hmph!" Wang Chong was still unconvinced, "Su Yun's luck is really enviable!"

And at this moment, the five Elders who had already been prepared for battle suddenly accepted their own Magic Treasures, and frowned and said: "Forget it, forget it, I can't beat it, I can't beat it."

"Fifth Junior Sister, haven't you never been timid to fight? Why did you take the initiative to admit defeat?" Li Yan asked puzzled.

Li Qingran pouted, and said helplessly: "My sword heart told me that we are definitely not opponents!"

Then came a rather profound and mysterious sentence, "What we are facing is the luck of the entire Immortal World!"

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