Before the Elders had time to be amazed, the headmaster's anger came from the sky, "Have you guys had enough trouble, quickly bring Su Yun and others over for questioning!"

"Let's go!" Li Qingran raised his hand and shook his wrist, and flew away with his sword without looking back, forcibly ending the sparring that she had brought up.

Several Elders also had no intention of fighting, and fled one after another.

The interest of the onlookers plummeted, but after all, they saw the demeanor of the fairy weapon, and it was not a loss, so they dispersed.

Only Die couldn't figure out the situation, her black eyes were rolling around, why did the enemy leave suddenly?

Su Yun patted her head to comfort her.

Afterwards, Su Yun and his party arrived at the Great Hall Of The Sect, where only the head of the sect was waiting.

"Su Yun, are you here?" The head of the sect turned his back to several people and said without turning his head.

"Reporting to the head, after the task is completed, Su Yun failed to return to Sect in time, please forgive me." Su Yun saluted respectfully.

The headmaster was silent for a long time. In the warm color of the setting sun, his silver hair was dyed with golden edges, and his back seemed a little lonely for no reason, but when he turned his head to look at the group of people, the kindness on his face was three points warmer than the setting sun.

He didn't care about Su Yun's absence for a long time, but said in a calm tone: "Su Yun, with your obsessed temperament, you must have never read the history books of Sect!"

"Hehe! No." Su Yun was a little surprised, scratching his head and saying embarrassedly.

"Then I'll talk to you." After saying that, the headmaster turned around and offered a Magical Item, which was exactly the ink landscape screen used in the Outer Sect assessment.

The flow of ink brushstrokes on it actually shows the mountains, seas of clouds, pavilions, pavilions and pavilions within the scope of Luoyunzong. It is an exquisite ink painting style map.

On the right side is the location of Sect, with large and small buildings scattered here and there, and the peaks where the Elders and disciples live are marked one by one, which can be described as meticulous.

Su Yun saw the words on Cuizhufeng, with the names of Su Yun and Wen Bai written on the side, and their names were specially circled in red.

And the far left is the range of the Sect forbidden area.

What Su Yun was particularly concerned about was that the positions of the thirteen town god steles were outlined with black strokes on it!

This is a total of thirteen town god monuments!

The God's Monument of Township is to suppress the space rift. From this point of view, the space rift in the Sect forbidden area can be described as dangerous!

So much so that in the very center of the forbidden area, a group of black ink was painted with almost violent strokes, which is exactly where the space crack is located.

The head looked at the area where Sect was, and said with emotion: "The Luoyun Sect, the establishment of the sect has exceeded a thousand years, and I am already the third head!"

"But so far, there is one rule that has never changed."

The headmaster's eyes suddenly turned sharply to the leftmost side of the picture scroll, the location of the forbidden area.

"That is to conduct the assessment of new disciples in the Sect forbidden area!"

"Su Yun, what do you think it's for?" The headmaster turned around, stared at Su Yun with deep gray eyes, and asked with a smile.

"Because..." Su Yun frowned, his throat was slightly dry, "Because of the existence of space rifts."

"Be more specific!" The headmaster's eyes were fixed, with a somewhat aggressive posture.

"Because of the parasitic species that came from the space rift!" Su Yun let go of his voice and replied.

Perhaps because he got a satisfactory answer, the leader nodded slightly, his brows slightly stretched, "Hehe, very good, you have indeed reached that level."

Then the master continued to turn his head to look at the picture scroll, and the content of the picture scroll changed accordingly, becoming a vivid animation.

Su Yun "first time" saw the appearance of the devouring star through the picture scroll. It was a worm-like creature with a huge mouth, spikes and big eyes, and the five devouring stars had different appearances. There are two tentacles on both sides of the mouthparts, some have five tentacles, and some even look like sea urchins!

"More than 1,200 years ago, several huge star-devouring species descended from the sky and fell into Xiu Immortal World. After that, space cracks began to appear, and Xiu Immortal World faced an unprecedented catastrophe!"

Then the picture continued to change, and there was a continuous outline of black air masses escaping from the "space rift", and a piece of black spread from the space rift, like leaked oil spreading on the sea.

"Countless parasitic species and worm-like chaotic creatures have invaded the Immortal World from space rifts. The worm species can fight against them with force, but this parasite species is hard to defend!"

Su Yun pondered for a moment, and said, "Because He can infuse people's souls."

"That's right!" The headmaster turned to face Su Yun, the expression on his face was not only dignified, but also sighed, "It is said that cultivation is the heart, heh!"

"Any cultivator with some strength must climb up by stepping on the corpses of countless cultivators. Who can guarantee that the own heart will be flawless?"

"If the heart is smeared and the mind is confused, it is the easiest way to fall into the way of parasites!"

Su Yun looked into the head's eyes from a distance of more than ten steps, and said in a low tone: "So in the battle before Thousand Years ago, most of the enemies that the senior Powers faced were their own brothers and sisters."

"Hey!" The sect leader sighed, "The real ancestor of our Luoyun Sect fell at that time."

"So after the great war, the surviving Immortal World cultivators poured out their last knowledge, consumed most of the Immortal World's world Spirit Power, and cast artifacts to suppress the divine steles! A total of ninety-nine squares!"

"At the price of Xiu Immortal World falling into the doomed age, in exchange for Thousand Years of peace! But so far, we don't know what kind of enemy we are facing? Why are they harassing Xiu Immortal World!"

When it comes to the township stele, Su Yun happened to have the control authority of one of the township stele, so he said truthfully: "Master, I actually control the authority of one of the township stele."

"That's good." The headmaster smiled with inexplicable relief, "However, this sacred stele is not a comprehensive method. It can only suppress the space crack and prevent it from spreading, but it cannot close it!"

"Therefore, there are often parasitic species sneaking in from space rifts to study Immortal World!"

Then, the headmaster's tone became fierce, and he said passionately: "This is the meaning of our Luoyunzong's existence! And our Luoyunzong's disciples are the gatekeepers of the Immortal World!"

Then the headmaster's expression became a little unbearable, "It's a bit cruel to say, we send our disciples into the trial regularly, and we use them as bait to lure possible parasitic species."

"The parasitic species that have just parasitized do not have Supernatural Power, and will dissipate as the infected disciple dies."

After saying that, the headmaster was silent for a while, and suddenly said with a bit of self-blame: "Su Yun, do you think I am ashamed of being the headmaster for not telling all the disciples about this?"

Su Yun shook his head slowly, with a smile on his lips all the time, "Even as the head of the sect, he has no right to risk other people's lives, but since it is for the sake of the Immortal World plan, it is also meritorious. Ashamed."

"If it was you, Su Yun, would you do this?" The headmaster asked with some expectation in his tone.

Su Yun pinched his chin and thought for a moment, then replied not quite seriously: "If it were me, I would strengthen the spiritual civilization of my disciples! Reduce the chances of disciples being infected by parasitic species."

"If he is still infected by the parasitic species under such circumstances, it can only be said that his intentions are not righteous, and his death will not be punished." Hearing this, the leader thought for a while before he suddenly realized, and blamed: "Good boy, you are better at taking responsibility Give it up to others!"

"Thank you for the compliment!" Su Yun said with a stern face.

"Am I complimenting you?" The headmaster shook his head for a while, then smiled helplessly, "Forget it, you have your own way, since that's the case..."

Before the master could finish speaking, Su Yun took the lead and solemnly declared, "Master, do you want to pass on the position of master to me? Please forgive me for refusing!"

Hearing Su Yun's words, the sect leader didn't seem surprised, but let out a long breath of relief, "It really is like this."

Then the tone was drawn out, "Your ambition is so lofty, you must not look down on this small sect, and my Luoyun sect can't tolerate your big Buddha!"

"Forget it, I grant you the right to freely choose whether to stay or not."

"Master, what do you mean?" Su Yun said with a shy smile, "I have just returned to Sect, and you are going to drive me away?"

"I just can't bear the headship, but if I can continue to play fish and fish in Sect, I'd be more than happy to make Sect bigger and stronger, and create another glories!"

The headmaster had deep eyebrows, stood with hands behind his back, and stared at Su Yun for a long time, "It didn't disappoint me, go back, I'm old and tired."

Su Yun is ashamed, the majestic Nascent Soul True Monarch, tired after just a few words?

And the leader seemed to be able to hear what Su Yun was saying, and suddenly added, "Talking with you is really tiring~"

Su Yun: "..."

Afterwards, Su Yun led a group of people to the hall to say goodbye, "Master, all Elders, Su Yun will leave."

"Hey, how did you notice our existence!" Big Elder Li Yan suddenly appeared, and said in a rough voice: "I even took out the formation disk at the bottom of my box!"

"Hehe!" Su Yun didn't know how to explain the difference in the human body's absorption of the electromagnetic spectrum, so he changed the subject and said, "Big Elder, no! If I choose to leave Sect, wouldn't you all show up and detain me abruptly?" Down?"

"What is deduction! This is called using abnormal means to let you compete with us!" The big Elder glared.

"Okay." The master frowned and said, "Stop teasing Su Yun, he's such an adult, he's not serious!"

"Hehe! It's just fun!" said the big Elder, touching his head.

Looking at several Elders who appeared one after another, Su Yun's heart warmed.

After respectfully bidding farewell to a few people, Su Yun left the Great Hall.

And the head Elder watched Su Yun go away in astonishment.

Big Elder Li Yan shook his head and said regretfully: "It seems that Su Yun doesn't want to take over the authority of the God's Monument controlled by the few of us! It's an artifact!"

The rest of the people didn't talk, Li Yan continued: "Let me just say it, Sect Leader! Fortunately, we didn't show up at first, otherwise it would be so embarrassing! When this kid declined, only you, Sect Leader, were present. Only you are in charge!"

"Hehe!" Li Qingran covered her mouth and giggled, "Senior Brother Li, your level of self-deception has really increased!"

"Actually..." Yun Mu clasped her hands, still looking cold, but she analyzed quite rationally: "Actually, your idea is really wrong, Senior Brother Sect Master, and it's okay for your Realm to assume the authority of the Divine Monument of Wufang Township." It's the limit, let alone Su Yun?"

"Actually, this is actually not the main problem." The leader stood in front of the people, smoothing his gray beard as usual, "I think Su Yun also understands the reason, so he didn't agree."


As for Su Yun, since he left Great Hall, his brows have never been relaxed.

Wen Bai couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Su Yun, what are you worried about?"

"I guess, the head wants me to inherit the authority of the Godly Monument of Thirteen Directions." Su Yun raised his head to look at Wen Bai in a daze, but his eyes were not focused, and he was still in a state of ecstasy.

Wen Bai thought for a moment, frowned slightly, a little incomprehensible, "The Stele of Zhenyu is a divine weapon! What's wrong with carrying a divine weapon?"

"This town monument is said to be an artifact, but it is of no benefit to the authority holder." Su Yun shook his head resignedly, "Although the town monument is indeed a powerful Magical Item that can be used by imperial envoys, it is invincible, but there are Who dares to move it?"

"The side of Yanyun City is alright, it's only used to stabilize the space, it doesn't suppress the cracks in the space, that madman Chen Zhen dared to make a move on it!"

"But if you move the God Monument in the forbidden area of ​​Luoyun Sect, it will undoubtedly put the entire Xiu Immortal World in danger!"

"Thus, the authority of the town's sacred monument is actually a shackle, and it may be a hot potato in the entire Immortal World."

"Aww!" Wen Bai suddenly realized and nodded, and smiled sweetly, "Sure enough, you thought everything through, you learned it!"

Su Yun scratched his warm white and soft nose with his hands, and his brows stretched, "I refused not because of the advantages and disadvantages, but because I feel that I am not qualified yet."

Following the direction of the setting sun, the group quickly returned to Cuizhufeng, the residence Su Yun was very familiar with.

After two years, the changes in Cuizhufeng are not obvious.

It's just that the special bamboo forest on Cuizhu Peak is even more luxuriant, and two rounds of withered hay have accumulated in the mountains. Under the care of the simple robot refined by Su Yun, the medicinal materials are not bad, but two years are not enough. Can't accumulate much medicinal power.

There was only one change, which Su Yun noticed at a glance.

"Where are the chickens I have raised for two and a half years? There are several of them, why are they missing!"

Wen Bai thought about it, and helped to analyze: "Before leaving, let the chickens out of the fence for free-range breeding. They should not be able to get out of formation! It stands to reason that other spirit beasts can't get in either."

"So there is only one possibility, could it be the refiner of formation, the four Elders!!"

"Yeah, it's very possible!" Su Yun nodded in agreement, and he and Wen Baixiang looked at each other with a smile, and they both understood their thoughts.

Jiang Mu on the side was quite helpless, and said with erratic eyes: "No way! A dignified Elder, don't covet a few chickens that are not even a spirit beast!"

"You actually took it seriously..." Su Yun blinked, stared at Jiang Mu and said, "We're just joking!"

"They have spirit devouring worms parasitic in their bodies, so it's normal if they can't bear it for the past two years."

Jiang Mu: "..."

The disappearance of the chicken was nothing more than a trivial matter, and then Su Yun selected a Fengshui treasure site within the range of Cuizhufeng, dug a hole with a shovel, piled up a grave, and buried Azhu Alian's body. corpse.

Because Jiang Mu said it was more formal.

But because Ajualian's body is unconscious, it was taken out of the storage Magical Item, and it became an object that can be taken and placed at will.

Perhaps the death of a person and the disappearance of a chicken are just trivial matters.

Fortunately, the two survived in another form.

Su Yun told A'Zhu and A'lian with his thoughts, his tone was flat, "A'Zhu, A'lian, quickly call out your little robot, come here and burn incense for yourselves!"


"Su Yun, this is a bit weird! But is there a tribute? I like peach cakes!"

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