According to the proven theory at this stage, the particle that transmits the electromagnetic force is the photon, the one that transmits the gravitational force is the Higgs boson, and the one that transmits the strong force is the gluon.

There are three types of bosons that transmit the weak force, namely w+ bosons and w- bosons that are positively and negatively charged respectively, and z bosons that are not charged.

The w and z bosons, in turn, decay into leptons and neutrinos like electrons in a very short time.

Murong Sui's experiment actually restored the decay process of the w boson, and then controlled the weak force.

Among them, Xizi can be manipulated by turbid air, and photons can be manipulated by Spiritual Qi. According to the established unified theory of weak electricity, Spiritual Qi should also be used to manipulate particles related to the weak force, including neutrinos and w and z bosons , and then control the weak.

As for how to control the strength, it is still impossible to say.

To fully understand this mechanism, further research is needed.

Because the weak force is extremely weak and has a short range of action, it is not easy to study it.

The first thing to do is to separate individual neutrinos.

Neutrinos in the universe are everywhere, just like its nickname "ghost particle", they can pass through almost any object without leaving a trace.

Therefore, only spatial means can be used, and this will be an extremely large-scale experiment.

There are continuous neutrinos flying from all directions in the universe, so it is necessary to build a huge space lens group covering 360 degrees to gather neutrinos and guide neutrinos to other places, so that neutrinos A neutrino vacuum is created in the region through which neutrinos do not pass.

Other energetic particles are also shielded.

This step is just to eliminate interference.

There is also a need to obtain controllable single neutrinos.

This also needs to use a space lens, but it needs to use a concave mirror, so that the almost parallel neutrino beams are in a divergent state, and then nest more space concave mirrors, just like diluting liquid, reducing neutrinos step by step concentration.

Up to the final first-level lens, the number of passing neutrinos per second is equal to one.

The completed experimental device is located at the Lagrangian point of Aino, the axis of the concave mirror faces the sun, and the other directions are covered by a large number of space lenses.

The axial direction is as long as 3,000 kilometers, and the radius of the sphere composed of lenses around the space laboratory is also 500 kilometers.

And because neutrinos are produced from radioactive decay or nuclear reactions, all materials used to build the laboratory are extremely pure and do not contain any radioactive elements, and amethyst is used for energy instead of controllable nuclear fusion devices.

Radioactive elements are also unavoidably present in the human body, as well as in the cells of the living skin.

Therefore, there will not be any experimenters in the laboratory, and all tasks will be done by robots.

The physical process used for verification is naturally the conversion of mercury to gold, but now it occurs on the scale of a single atom.

After debugging, the experiment officially started.

Su Yun and Murong Sui were concentrating on repairing the Immortal World, controlling every step of the experiment.

"Xiao Xiao, release the neutrinos."


A space lens designed to control individual neutrinos directed them toward the test facility millions of kilometers away.

The electromagnetic probe in the experimental device is extremely sensitive, and can detect the type of atom, and then detect the occurrence of the reverse process of beta decay.

With the introduction of neutrinos one by one, the experiment can be reproduced, and statistics show that the probability of inducing mercury atoms to gold atoms is one third.

Looking at the probability obtained from the experiment, Murong Sui was quite puzzled, "Sect Leader, what's going on!? Could it be that this process is just luck? Didn't it happen 100%?"

Su Yun didn't panic at all, with a faint smile on his face, "I think I may understand the reason."

"In fact, there is not only one kind of neutrino, but also m-neutrino and t-neutrino. The only difference between the three is the mass."

"The three types of neutrinos correspond to electrons, muons and tautons respectively, and participate in the weak interaction force of the three generations of fermions."

"The neutrinos emitted during solar fusion are all electron neutrinos, but in fact, there is a phenomenon called neutrino oscillation."

"Neutrinos will spontaneously transform into two other types of neutrinos as they propagate, so that each kind of neutrino accounts for one-third. I think it is the electric neutrino that actually reacts. son."

"Furthermore, each type of neutrino has a corresponding antiparticle, but that's unnecessary for now."

After Murong Sui's small face was shocked, he began to frown and ponder, "That is to say, all neutrinos are actually the same, but they behave differently under different circumstances?"

"Or the frequency is different!" Su Yun had a sudden inspiration and had this idea, "Since all particles can be described by wave functions, the existence of neutrinos is just different values ​​of wave functions."

"The only thing with this characteristic is the neutrino, maybe the neutrino can be the key to the unification of the four major forces!"

"At the same time, based on this oscillation mode of neutrinos, it may be possible to use Spiritual Qi to control neutrinos!"

"So what role did Spiritual Qi play in the reaction?" Murong Sui couldn't help thinking.

Su Yun shook his head, "Physics is a science based on experiments, or that sentence, true knowledge comes from practice."

The next step is to work hard.

Over the course of several months, they discovered a Spiritual Qi resonance caused by neutrinos, which produced a vibrational mode that had never been seen before.

It is this resonance that reverses the decay process of the w boson, which in turn produces the weak force.

It has been clear for a long time that Spiritual Qi with different attributes are essentially the same, but the frequency of vibration or fluctuation of Spiritual Qi is different, resulting in different attributes.

The different frequencies of Spiritual Qi also determine what kind of wave functions it can resonate with, interfere with, and diffract.

It is manifested as the relationship between the eight Spiritual Qi attributes and the corresponding substances or phenomena.

Another ten months later, the Spiritual Qi property interacting with two other types of neutrinos was also discovered.

Therefore, there are more than eight types of Spiritual Qi, a total of eleven types!

Apart from the usual gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and ice, there are three other creations, Spiritual Qi, which can truly change the types of physical elements!

So far, the principle of Spiritual Qi generating virtual matter has also been revealed.

Virtual elementary particles such as virtual quarks and virtual electrons appearing in the self-quantum field, under the action of Spiritual Qi, form virtual particle pairs that can exist stably.

According to the theory, the virtual matter that these elementary particles can form can only be the simplest form of hydrogen.

But the creation Spiritual Qi can control the weak force, transform virtual protons into virtual neutrons, and finally put together various complex substances!

This process is similar to fusion, but does not require a harsh temperature and pressure environment, it can be called "cold fusion"!

Therefore, to produce this kind of cold fusion, you need to obtain the creation Spiritual Qi, and this is what Su Yun is good at, and it can be done through the weapon pattern or the soul!

It took another year, and Su Yun created the device pattern and the Cultivation Technique that produced the three kinds of creation Spiritual Qi, and successfully mastered the means of controlling the w and z bosons and using the weak force.

Through this technology, a material reactor has been created, which can use hydrogen as a raw material to produce almost all elements! So far, Xiu Immortal World has almost endless resources!

At the same time, it adopts atomic 3D printing technology, which can directly print out any required Spiritual Qi material or Magical Item.

However, if you want to print out such a complex assembly as the human body, it will be difficult to achieve.

Because it takes an uncountable amount of bytes to accurately record the position and state of each atom.

But then again, when the cultivator uses the Cultivation Technique, all kinds of utensils, people, and spirit beasts are extremely complex objects, but they can get what they want, without knowing their material composition and structure, they can It is visualized.

It's almost like calling an existing api!

In this way, it involves the existence of the mysterious soul again.

The soul is quantum, so as the number of quantum units increases, the computing power and information storage capacity will increase exponentially, almost infinitely. Perhaps all the mysteries are in the realm of the soul.

It's just that there's no way to spy on it yet.


Through this research, in two years, a variety of technologies such as neutrino three-dimensional scanning and neutrino communication have been derived.

Neutrino three-dimensional scanning technology is of great significance for scanning the internal structure of large celestial bodies. Due to the existence of neutrino oscillations, the type of neutrino is related to the distance traveled.

The interaction strength of different neutrinos and matter is not the same, which will lead to the change of the number and type of neutrinos when the nearly parallel neutrino beam passes through the object. After scanning multiple sections, the inverse Fu The Liye transform infers the internal structure of the object.

And because a large number of neutrinos fly by in the universe at any time, this scanning technology does not require a source of emission, but only a receiver.

At most, it is to measure the number and types of background neutrinos in space.

However, because the interaction between neutrinos and matter is still too weak, resulting in low scanning accuracy, neutrino three-dimensional scanning can only be used on large-scale objects, at least on the order of several kilometers in size.

During the experiment, the internal structure of the new Aino planet was scanned.

Needless to say, neutrino communication is a means of using weak force to receive and send neutrinos to communicate. The super penetrability of neutrinos can make up for the problem of electromagnetic wave attenuation in electromagnetic wave communication.

After the prototype was developed, Su Yun unfolded the space lens antenna connected to the neutrino communicator and aimed it at the vast deep space.

Murong Sui asked curiously, "Sect Leader, what are you doing?"

"See if there is any civilization in the universe that has mastered the neutrino communication technology." Su Yun said with a meaningful smile: "Maybe we just joined the universe group chat now!"

With the activation of the neutrino communicator, after filtering out all kinds of disordered neutrino signals produced by Star or other planets, only a smooth straight line remains.

There was a long silence.

"It seems that there is not." Su Yun was speechless, "Technological civilization is not common in the universe."

"Isn't this something that was verified last time? I mean, no meaningful gravitational wave signal was detected."

"It's hard to say, but we can't underestimate the potential of civilization." Su Yun said deeply: "This must be something that Ancient God is afraid of."

In the future, the only thing that can be done is application-level research.

Speaking of which, except for the strong force, the other three forces in the universe have been incorporated into a brand new system, and the grand unified theory is just around the corner.

Even Spiritual Qi and Shenhun are part of this system.

Su Yun and Murong Sui fought day and night again, trying to find out what kind of monsters and ghosts the "strong interaction force" is, but the scope of action of the strong interaction force is smaller than that of the weak force.

And due to the existence of the phenomenon of quark confinement, it is impossible to study the strong force through particle colliders.

Unlike virtual matter, if you try to blast away the quarks that make up protons in real matter, the energy provided is enough to generate a pair of new quarks, so you cannot directly study the strong force.

After several years of research without any progress, Murong Sui was a little discouraged, "Sect Leader, our research on strength seems to have entered a dead end, and there is no way out."

Su Yun thought for a moment, then said with a smile: "Actually, when the dead end comes to an end, can't we still climb over the wall?"

"Over the wall? An unimaginable path!" Murong Sui blinked, "How?"

"Let Ancient God give us a push behind our ass!" Su Yun spread his hands, "I can only go to Ancient God to learn from it."

"When the tentacles of the Ancient God attacked the Falling Cloud Sect, I detected a gravitational anomaly. The density of the matter that makes up the tentacles is extremely high, ninety million times that of water."

"Such matter can only be made of force."

"Then let's find fault with Ancient God?" Murong Sui said playfully.

"I'm going to ask for advice!"


Due to the mastery of the material reactor technology, and the Xiu Immortal World has a "resource bank" as large as Youxing, energy, Spiritual Qi, soul power, and even Spiritual Qi materials are inexhaustible.

A small repair Immortal World no longer needs supplies.

Therefore, Su Yun didn't wait for the stargate network to be completed, and went directly through the wormhole to the farthest stargate, heading towards the real wild universe.

According to the plan, a stargate will be placed every ten light-years as a space node, just like building a subway, and a universe high-speed passage will be built.

As for the direction, it is towards the center of the big galaxy where the Immortal World Galaxy is located.

The first-level civilization can use all the energy of a planet, the second-level civilization can use all the energy of the star system, and the third-level civilization can naturally use the energy of an entire galaxy!

The diameter of the large galaxy where the Immortal World is located is slightly smaller than the Milky Way, only 80,000 light-years.

But the density of stars is more than ten times that of the Milky Way, reaching five trillion stars.

How many civilizations will be hidden in it is simply unimaginable.

How much danger is hidden?

What is certain is that it will be a wonderful world like never before.

After embarking on a new journey, Su Yun once again felt his own insignificance.

Under his leadership, the cultivation of Immortal World civilization has barely crossed the boundary of second-level civilization, at least in terms of technology.

But the size difference is too big.

Perhaps, this universe can no longer give birth to new spirits, because some existences want to limit the development of civilization.

In this case, the small universe created by Su Yun plays an important role as a "nursery".

Therefore, during the long voyage, most of the people on the Xiu Immortal World entered Su Yun's small universe or "cloud realm" to recuperate.

The first sequence of tasks - giving birth to a baby.

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