Five Hundred Years after its departure, the Immortal World has taken a small step from the edge of the large Galaxy to the center, traveling one hundredth of its radius.

Even if it is only such a short distance, the surrounding stars are much brighter, as if entering the junction of urban and rural areas from the countryside.

The big galaxy where Xiu Immortal World is located has eighteen cantilevers of light blue, and at the very center is a group of extremely dazzling bright yellow light clusters. I don't know if it is a group of Stars or something else.

In comparison, the light blue of the cantilever looks dull.

But the good news is that there was no crisis along the way, not even a space crack appeared.

And because there are stargates opened along the way, every ten years the entire ship personnel can go back to repair the Immortal World to recuperate for a period of time, and more importantly, send the people born from the cloud world to various places through the wormhole network to participate in the Immortal World. Civilization construction work.

According to the usual practice, the Immortal World slowed down and parked, and the accompanying Universe probes were in charge of vigilance outside the range of five astronomical units. The stargate components were also released into space, ready to open the space wormhole.

After five Hundred Years of scientific and technological progress, the diameter of the current star gate can reach the order of 100 kilometers, and the folded star ring is gradually unfolding, and it is installed in place independently.

The whole process will last for several days, and Su Xiaoxiao will take over the whole process.

As the installation was nearing completion and the star gate was about to be activated, Wen Bai and Murong Sui couldn't wait, and were discussing where to play during the months-long rest and bathing period.

Now Xiu Immortal World's fleet is spreading in all directions of the universe. Taking Xiu Immortal World as the origin, it has reached a star field close to two hundred light years away. It has discovered a large number of planets with wonderful sights, and even found many A planet where civilization was born.

It's just that the difference in technology levels is too great, and all of these civilizations have been included in the jurisdiction of Xiu Immortal World.

"Sui Sui, let's go to this planet with the word Gen one, two and five stars!" Wen Bai slid the holographic screen and said happily: "This planet has the largest waterfall we have discovered so far!"

"It can be said that it is flying straight down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way is falling into Nine Heavens!"

Murong Sui hesitated a little, "But I want to go to Xunzi 1128! This is a planet directly irradiated by gamma ray bursts, and there may be some new scientific discoveries."

"Or the word "998". The Star in the Galaxy where it is located has collapsed into a white dwarf star, which is of great research value!"

Wen Bainu pouted, "You guys really have different ideas about scientific research!"

She turned to Su Yun, who was concentrating on all the data, and asked, "Su Yun, what do you think?"

"I..." Su Yun froze for a moment, then smiled, "It's fine, or you can spend more time, let's all go there!"

Su Yun is very glad that he still has the opportunity to play around now, and he is very glad that Xiu Immortal World, a solid rear, can provide support.

He cherishes this rare quiet time.

"In this case, I just happened to stop by Kanzi Seventy-two Star. The people of Ainuo who plant medicinal herbs there seem to be infected with some kind of plague. I'll go and have a look!"

"Alright, you are good at treating vegetative people." Su Yun joked.

"Ahem!" Su Xiaoxiao said suddenly, "Su Yun, you are destroying racial unity! I want to sue Hal and the others!"

"They won't be so stingy, activate the star gate."

"Okay!" After that, Su Xiaoxiao continued to mutter, "When will you give me a vacation!"

"You don't know about multi-threaded jobs? Half are on vacation and half are working!"

"That's a great idea!"

At this time, the star ring on the inner circle of the star gate began to rotate, and under the action of Xu Xizi, the space slowly rippled.

The complete activation process of a stargate of this size will last for several hours, but for them, it is only a moment.

Suddenly, a sharp buzzing resounded throughout the Immortal World.

Su Xiaoxiao shouted angrily: "Su Yun, the enemy is attacking!"

"An iron egg was damaged, but no suspicious signals were detected! Note that it was damaged, not taken into space."

The leisurely atmosphere on the Xiu Immortal World disappeared instantly, and everyone entered a state of preparation for battle.

Although many contingency plans had been promulgated long ago, this was the first time in the past five years that Su Yun encountered such a situation, and Su Yun couldn't help feeling tense.

"No abnormalities found in all frequency bands?" Su Yun's tone was inevitably a little fierce.

"Electromagnetic waves, neutrino signals, gravitational waves, Spirit Power fluctuations, and soul fluctuations, all failed to detect the approach of the enemy!" Su Xiaoxiao replied eagerly.

"Could it be that the iron egg is broken?" Wen Bai guessed.

"You know, iron eggs can't be broken." Su Yun's eyebrows and eyes were serious.

"Xiao Xiao, launch an attack with the Star Cannon, aiming at the direction where the iron egg is damaged!"

Su Xiaoxiao hesitated slightly, "But it's hard to predict the consequences after the Star cannon is emptied!"

After Su Yun thought quickly, his heart was hardened, and his face showed determination, "There is no other way, just do it according to the parameters I gave."

Because he is facing an enemy beyond his cognition, he can be "invisible" in various detection methods, so there can be no slack.

Fortunately, the location of the universe detector is five hours away from the Immortal World, so there is enough reaction time.

Under Su Xiaoxiao's control, the star cannon on the bridge began to deploy.

Since the star cannon will use all the energy emitted by the unitary star, the energy density is extremely high, and even fairy-level materials cannot withstand the impact of light and high-energy particles, so only space lenses can be used.

Just above the bridge, the first-level lens with a diameter of five kilometers has been deployed, followed by the second-level, third-level... A series of twelve space lenses are reduced step by step, and eventually all the energy emitted by the unitary star will be reduced. Converged in a near-parallel beam with a diameter of 100 meters.

"Target locked, pulse lasts two seconds, request to launch!"


After Su Yun's authorization, the Magical Item of Youyue Space opened a fully nested space door behind the first-level lens, and the energy accumulated for a long time in the Magical Item was ejected, forming more than 600,000 energy in two seconds. kilometers of light pulses.

However, the speed of high-energy particles cannot reach the speed of light, and they will be gradually pulled apart, forming a long wake.

And because the light beams are not completely parallel, the light spots will gradually spread to increase the strike range, and at the same time prevent the light beams from reaching other stars in the universe.

Such an energy density is enough to easily blow a planet of the size of Immortal World into powder.

"By the way, little one! Close the star gate, and you cannot open the wormhole." Su Yun suddenly thought of this.

If this incomprehensible paranormal enemy reaches the Immortal World through the wormhole, all will be in vain.

What followed was a long torment, and the time passed by every minute and every second, and Su Yun was almost counting the milliseconds to wait.

But at this time, the optical sensor of Xiu Immortal World sent a signal, and Su Xiaoxiao notified it, "The enemy has arrived at the defensive circle of Xiu Immortal World, right at the star gate!"

The screen was synchronized in real time, and just near the huge star gate, an inconspicuous light spot lit up, and it was gradually getting brighter, and finally the brightness was stable.

The screen is pulled in, and it is a humanoid object wrapped in white light!

"He surpassed the speed of light!" Su Yun exclaimed in surprise. If the enemy who destroyed the universe detector was the "light" person in front of him, in just a quarter of an hour, he had crossed the distance of several light hours and arrived at the star gate.

The speed reached more than thirty times the speed of light!

"Could it be that you have encountered a technological civilization that is more powerful than ours?" Murong Sui said with surprise.

Su Yun shook his head, "I can't be sure."

The only superluminal method he could think of was curvature propulsion.

This is a technology that even Immortal World cannot master.

And because Universe expansion has strict directionality, the use of curvature propulsion can only move outward along the expansion center.

This expansion center can be all high-curvature points including black holes, or it can be the large-scale space extension produced by hypochonium pairs.

To master the curvature propulsion technology, the technical difficulty that must be overcome is "space anchoring". Only by "connecting" the spaceship and the space together can it move at superluminal speed in space like surfing.

"But the space here does not have the conditions for curvature advancement!" Su Yun shook his head.

At the same time, the light man suddenly turned to repair the Immortal World, disappeared in the same place in an instant, and appeared in the control room where several people were in the blink of an eye.

In the 100-meter-long control room, the white figure of light is like a holographic projection, making it difficult to distinguish the real from the fake. Only through various detection methods can it be confirmed that he is real.

"Wen Bai, hide behind me." Su Yun confronted the light man in the air, and said vigilantly.

The results of Su Xiaoxiao's analysis sounded in Su Yun's mind, "The light emitted by this light man seems to be produced out of thin air, without any material entity. The only thing worth noting is that the wave of the soul has been detected."

"Could it be the soul body?"

But the person in front of him didn't seem hostile.

Su Yun tried his best to use a kind tone: "Your Excellency, why did you visit Woxiu Immortal World?"

At the same time, I told Su Xiaoxiao in my mind, "If he replies, try to decipher his language."

However, to Su Yun's surprise, the light man directly bypassed all his protective measures, ignoring the Spirit Power and even the alertness at the level of the soul, and entered a piece of information through the divine sense.

This stream of information was not in any language, but it made him instantly understand the meaning of the light man, and at the same time enlightened this mysterious way of communication.

Su Xiaoxiao also completed the deciphering of it in an instant, and sent the mapping relationship between this communication method and Xiu Immortal World language.

Guangren was stunned for a moment, and then he spoke directly, asking in Immortal World language, "Are you the owner of this giant ship?"

"Leader." Su Yun changed his words, and asked instead, "Your Excellency, what do you mean by coming here uninvited?"

The light slowly dissipated, revealing a man-like soul body, whose appearance is quite similar to that of a human being. The clothes are just streamers in the shape of clothes, but there are three pairs of eyes on the face, which is quite intimidating.

"Are you human too?" Su Yun wondered.

"All higher life forms are human." The man said: "This is determined by the realm of the soul."

"Where do you come from?"

"Create the Immortal World from more than five hundred light-years away." Su Yun also made no secrets.

"The outer edge of the Guangji Galaxy?" The man was a little puzzled, "How could a civilization like yours be born in such a barren place!"

"Outer edge?" Su Yun couldn't help squinting at the man, "It's just over 500 light-years, and the outer edge is distinguished? Besides, isn't this location in the middle of the galaxy you call Guangji?"

"The area outside the joint defense line is called the outer edge." The man landed in front of Su Yun and began to explain, but then he asked in a questioning tone: "Without the protection of the joint defense line, how did you develop such a high-level civilization?" of?"

"It's only been less than 100 million years since Ancient God's last major cleanup. It's impossible for a powerful civilization like yours to appear!"

"One hundred million years?" Su Yun was startled, even the Ainuo civilization only has a history of Ten Thousand Years, and the Immortal World has only started to develop in Ten Thousand Years, and it has only been a few Hundred Years!

And behind the man in front of him seemed to be a civilized union.

"Isn't there a Heavenly Dao barrier?" Su Yun wondered, "It's enough to protect our civilization and develop stably for a long time."

"It's another ridiculous Heavenly Dao barrier." The man remained expressionless, as if all his emotions had been worn away by the long time. significance."

"If the Heavenly Dao barrier is really useful, more than 90% of the universe will not fall into eternal darkness." The man shook his head regretfully.

"Ninety percent!?"

"To be precise, 9.50%."

"Dragged into a dark area by the Ancient God, everything inside will disappear forever, and its existence can only be found on the gravitational level."

"Dark matter and dark energy!!" Su Yun asked in surprise.

Dark matter is a substance that does not participate in electromagnetism, so it is difficult to observe its existence, but it does provide an extremely strong gravitational force.

"Not exactly, but almost. To be precise, it also includes space." The man was still expressionless, and his six eyes couldn't spell a trace of emotion. "Therefore, there are very few oases in the universe that are suitable for life."

"It is even impossible for a new civilization to emerge in the future."

The man should be saying that a new soul cannot be born.

"Actually, we have only developed for more than ten thousand years." Su Yun asked after pondering: "So for you, are we strong?"

Hearing this, the man's tone was inexplicably unkind, "Very strong, you have mastered the ability that only the Ancient God possesses."


"I thought it was the appearance of the star-swallowing species, trying to open the space rift, but I didn't expect it to be your means of some star gate." The man became a little afraid, "Even, the beam of light you just had is enough to cause a fatal blow to Guangji's union." hit."

"Very strong, very strong!"

Su Yun was suddenly afraid that if he hadn't intentionally made a certain angle between the supposedly parallel light beams and accidentally hit some planet, he might have offended the "Guangji Union".

"Sorry, but we meant no harm."

"Whether there is malice or not, you can decide for yourself." The man paused, "It needs to be decided by the Lord Council."

"Who are you?" Su Yun asked bluntly, "What would the lord be?"

"You can call me Ming, the Indistinguishable Dao Realm." Ming didn't hide anything, and told everything, "The authority is the soul, the body, and the body of light."

"I am the scout of the joint defense line. The area within a radius of 20,000 light-years can be reached in an instant, and everything in it cannot escape my detection."

"It turned out to be a method of the soul!" Su Yun suddenly realized and nodded.

The soul body is actually a method for the soul to leave the body, which can create a soul body that is not weak, but after gaining power, it is really terrifying to be able to move freely within a range of 20,000 light-years.

It can only be said that the probability cloud of the quantum body of the soul is too great!

"And the so-called Lord Council is a council composed of thirteen Indistinguishable Dao Lords including me, which decides everything about Guangji's union."

"Thirteen Lords of Indistinguishable Dao..." Su Yun couldn't help muttering.

It seems that the existence of "dark space" can only keep the lingering intelligent life together for warmth.

"What will we face?" Su Yun asked tentatively.

"Either you are included in the Guangji Union, or you are expelled." Ming sighed, "Today's Universe can no longer lose its life."

Su Yun pondered for a moment, and said firmly: "Actually, I am also an Indistinguishable Dao, can I join your lord association!"

Ming fell into silence.

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