Scientific Cultivation Of Immortals, Mechanical Ascension

Chapter 231 A Journey To Otherworld From Zero

"Yes, only the soul." Su Yun felt that it was very funny, and his emotions became a little more excited.

Wen Bai lowered his brows and began to think, "But although the spirit you have differentiated has the rules and means you have mastered, it is weaker after all. Even if it grows to the Transcending Tribulation Realm, it can't kill the Indistinguishable Dao powerhouse!"

"And he is just a clone of your body, unable to control the authority of the Dao!"

Su Yun shook his fingers, "Naturally, he didn't intend to let him seize the authority of the Dao, but he can do a lot of things, one is to obtain information, and the other is to find a way to lead their civilization."

"After all, we didn't aim to destroy civilization in the past, but to unite civilization."

"But..." Wen Bai thought of something, and after organizing his words, he couldn't help frowning, "There are huge differences between civilizations, wouldn't it be very abrupt for you to appear suddenly?"

"I mean, were you discovered by the lords? After all, they have all seen you before, so they must be familiar with your breath."

Su Yun nodded slightly, "You reminded me."

After much deliberation, Su Yun decided to go to Ming again to ask for clarification.

In the cloud world, Ming is doing nothing on a planet ruled by green plants.

After listening to Su Yun's narration, Ming was quite surprised, and his six eyes widened, "You want to attack Carlo Wenming first?"

"It's just that Carlo's civilization happens to be the closest to us!"

Furthermore, the Carlo civilization is just above the connection between the star gate and lx-3.

"Unfortunately, you have encountered a hard stubble." Ming shook his head, his eyes full of solemnity, "The lord of Carlo's civilization masters the way of Good Fortune, he can create all things with a single thought, and his strength is among the twelve lords. It is the strongest."

"Creating all things..." Su Yun was not surprised by this, and Xiu Immortal World has mastered the "Material Reactor" technology, which can easily create any material, and can also create extremely complex Magical Items.

He still hesitated to ask: "What is the highest level of authority of the way of Good Fortune?"

"The method of Good Fortune is called alchemy in their civilization. The pinnacle of alchemy is the creation of life." Ming paused, "It can be said that Carlo's civilization was created by their lord Carlo."

"Did you create the body, or the soul?" Su Yun was puzzled.

"Whether a created thing can be called a life depends on whether the created thing can spontaneously communicate with the realm of the soul and gather the soul." Ming explained.

"The Magical Items in your universe are indeed exquisite, but can they spontaneously produce spirits?"

"No." Su Yun stared and shook his head.

"Carlo ignored natural evolution and artificially created a race." Ming Xiao smiled, "This is the Good Fortune!"

"Then where did he come from?"

"He is actually the only surviving seedling of a certain civilization. After winning the power of Good Fortune, he created the Carlo civilization based on the own race." Ming's tone gradually became low, "He also created a set of strength systems. From the magic apprentice corresponding to Qi Refining, to the apostle Mage corresponding to Transcending Tribulation Realm."

"And the apostle Mage is Carlo's apostle, God's agent, and Carlo is naturally the only god."

"In this way, the people of Carlo's civilization will never be able to reach the level of the Indistinguishable Dao, and will not be involved in the cruel disputes of the Universe."

"Won't their people wonder what the stars in the sky are?" Su Yun couldn't help but looked up at Heavenly Dao, and many stars in the cloud realm were twinkling.

Ming also looked at the starry sky, "Carlo has woven a system called astrology, which can explain everything."

"But Carlo hid the truth from his people." Su Yun's eyes flashed with thought.

"But it's also a protection."

Immediately, Ming folded his hands and smiled, "In short, the Carlo civilization is a civilization with fanatical religious beliefs, a civilization created by gods, and only believes in one and only God, Carlo."

"If you kill their god, I'm afraid you will become the enemy of the entire civilization."

Then Ming frowned, "So what? Will the entire civilization be destroyed?"

"If this is the case, I won't hesitate." Su Yun said without thinking.

Hearing this, Ming was shocked for a while, because Su Yun was too calm when he said this, and after a long silence, Ming said: "So that's what you mean by building Samsara, you are really dark."

Su Yun just smiled.

But this conversation also gave Su Yun a new idea.

After a hasty farewell, Su Yun started a new job in the Immortal World's laboratory.

A few months later, Great Completion, a collection of Immortal World technologies, was completed.

Suspended in front of several people is still a silver and white metal sphere, which is exactly the simple geometric style of the scientific Divine Sect, with a volume close to one cubic decimeter.

But the surface of Silver White is not absolutely smooth, it is slightly dull, and the surface is covered with fine hexagonal lines.

"Wen Bai, why don't you poke and see?" Su Yun smiled and pushed Wen Bai forward.

"Poke?" Wen Bai hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his white jade-like index finger to touch the metal ball.

The hard touch she expected did not appear, but it was like touching a soft water polo. The surface of the metal ball was sunken. When she let go, there was a burst of "water waves".

"How can it be soft...and bouncy..."

Murong Sui explained with a smile on the side: "Because this is a sphere composed of nano worker bee robots! They are extremely flexible. As you can see, they can simulate the touch of soft materials and can be locked into a whole sphere. We can separate and act separately."

"And it has the ability to anchor in space."

As he said that, the metal ball seemed to have volatilized, forming a cloud of smoke, and every particle of dust was a nano worker bee robot.

The atoms inside these nanorobots are arranged extremely tightly, and the extremely high concentration of Spiritual Qi compresses the distance between the nucleus and electrons by more than 99%, which is enough to realize various complete functions in a very small volume.

It can be said that although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs.

When the nano-worker bees disperse, a soul core made of soul crystals is exposed in the center, which is used to store the soul.

"Su Yun, you want to use it to send your soul to Carlo civilization?" Wen Bai turned around and asked.

"Of course, but it's not just a means of transportation." Su Yun smiled and said ostentatiously.

"Cut~" Wen Bai rolled his eyes and said.

Immediately afterwards, he condensed the Medicine Pill from the palm of his hand and handed it to Su Yun, "Fortunately, you have me, otherwise you will die of mental exhaustion!"

"You have lost a lot!"

"Not in shape..."

After taking the Medicine Pill, Su Yun began to condense a new soul.

But different from previous ones, this time Su Yun forcibly severed the divine-soul connection with the sub-soul, making him a completely independent individual. Memories from before the World.

So in his self-cognition, he is still the social animal who stays up late and works overtime, the hard-working Su Yun.

The breath of the soul has also been modified, and there is no connection with the previous one.

After casually sending the souls into the core of the soul, Su Yun added layers of Restrictions to ensure that the souls could not use the power of the Three Thousand Ways, and their strength was suppressed to a level worthy of entering Qi Refining. Su Yun's operation made Wen Bai very puzzled, "Why do you still block your soul-dividing strength? If you don't have strength, what's the point of sending him there?"

Su Yun replied with a smile: "I do this for only one purpose, and that is to let him fully integrate into Carlo's civilization!"

"Fully blend in?" Wen Bai muttered a few words, the doubt on his face instantly turned into shock, "Could it be that you want to!"

"Yes, that's right." Su Yun's words paused slightly, "He will have a lot of things to do in the Hundred Years before my other split soul Realm is promoted to the Transcending Tribulation Realm."

Su Yun's eyes stopped on the soul core, and there was a look of unbearable in his eyes.

Then he collected himself, "Xiao Xiao, execute the launch order!"


Countless particles of dust re-condensed into a metal ball, wrapping the core of the soul, and at the same time locked it in a firm state, and the atoms could not vibrate.

The metal ball slowly flew away from the laboratory, and finally sped up to escape to the star gate, ready to step on the space expressway.

And this super-light speed technology is called "space quantum tunneling" by Su Yun.

The metal ball flew between the two spherical metal components that restrained Xizi, opened the space anchor, and firmly grasped the space.

"The direction is locked. It is estimated that Su Xiaoyun will arrive in the Galaxy where the Carlo civilization is located in two months."

"The launching procedure is being executed..."

"The wormhole is about to close..."

"biu~ The launch was successful." Su Xiaoxiao dubbed playfully.

And that metal sphere has long since disappeared, heading straight for the Carlo civilization at a speed of 30,000 times the speed of light.

Carlo had no way of noticing the arrival of the metal sphere.


two months later...

A metal sphere shuttled out of the space.

After the metal ball closes the space anchor, it is instantly thrown off by the space high-speed channel, and the supercavitation will gather at the midpoint of the star gate and the space rift, and finally dissipate with the annihilation of the voxel pair.

Like bubbles disappearing in water.

The metal ball is hovering in the deep space, not far from the Star in the Galaxy at this time, and the silver-white surface is reflecting the foggy orange-yellow light.

After a brief self-inspection, the nano worker bee robot started to work, combining various sensors to find out the surrounding conditions.

The miniature space Magical Item stretches a space lens of 100 meters to observe the situation in the Galaxy.

These space crystals are extremely small, small enough to be packaged into a nano worker bee robot, but a special high-density atomic stack material is used, so the interior can curl up into a space as large as a hundred meters.

After a round of exploration, the situation in the Galaxy was roughly figured out.

The position in the gravitational network map is also determined.

This galaxy is located in the hinterland of Carlo's civilization territory, and there are two planets in the habitable zone, both of which are distributed by Carlo's own people.

Moreover, the center of the connection between the two planets is the sun, so that they cannot discover the existence of each other.

And there are countless such galaxies under Carlo.

Even in different galaxies, the situation on the planet is very different, but they all have similar forms of civilization and believe in the same god.

In the Immortal World, a group of people monitored everything four thousand light years away through the holographic screen.

"Su Yun Su Yun, which planet shall we go to?" Faced with such a choice, Su Xiaoxiao still let Su Yun make up his mind habitually.

"Come closer." Su Yun said indifferently.

After receiving the order, the metal ball launched its engine and rushed towards one of the planets.

It was only later that Su Yun found out that this planet has a nice name called Xi Ya.

A few days later, there was a quiet small village above Shiya called Dapaya.

Dapaya Village is located on a 2,000-meter plateau. As far as the eye can see, there are secluded green pastures. Winter has just passed this season, and there is still snow falling on the higher ground.

But many small yellow flowers have emerged from the grass.

Dewdrops have accumulated on the buds, and they are shooting star-like spots under the sunshine of early spring.

An old man and a young father and daughter are driving a cart to a distant mountain to pull wood. The cart is a kind of animal that looks like a cow and a horse. Four small horns like bamboo shoots are distributed near the eyes and ears. Covered with dense and curly white hair, the hooves are extremely thick, and the footsteps are steady but not fast.

Let's call it a cow and a horse.

The father and daughter were wearing windbreakers made of cow and horse leather, which was very warm.

The old father had gray beard and hair, and was very strong. He sat in front of the wooden cart and drove cattle and horses. His clothes and trousers were made of thick linen, which had not been washed for a long time, and they were faintly shiny. He stretched out his left foot, and the leather boots kept colliding with the ground, making a rattling sound, and also shook the dewdrops on the yellow flowers.

Sitting in the bucket of the ox-drawn carriage is a young girl who, from the perspective of people on Earth, is only 15 or 16 years old, but in fact she is already in her twenties.

She was curled up in the corner behind her father, her whole body was wrapped in a fur windbreaker, and two strands of chestnut-colored hair slipped out from the hood, fluttering with the cold wind down the mountain.

Her face was flushed with cold and her lips were chapped, but even so she took off her small woolen boots, and her feet were so cold that they buckled their toes and turned pink.

But she just arched her body into the windbreaker again.

Suddenly, her blue eyes saw a bright spot across the sky, falling in the direction they were going, and then her eyes fell on the foot of the high mountain in the distance.

It was a stretching high mountain, the mountain was made of limestone, so the mountain was treacherous, and sometimes you could see cliffs hundreds of meters high.

The top of the mountain is covered with snow and ice all year round, giving birth to the dense coniferous forest at the foot of the mountain.

"Abba, meteor, meteor!!"

"Hoho! It must be God's guidance to us, which indicates that our trip will be smooth!"

"Then why don't you let the car go faster!"

"Nonuo, hold on tight! Drive, drive!"

After a few whips, the cattle and horses are only a little faster...

at the same time.

The metal ball that fell into the atmosphere stopped its falling trend in an instant between the mountains and forests, hovering in the air.

After several investigations, a small group of nano worker bees drilled into the soft humus layer, went deep underground, opened up caverns, and began to take out the components that had been prepared to build various basic equipment.

The metal ball went straight to the corpse of a young man who was bitten to death by wild beasts. The corpse was already stiff, and his soul had already reentered the Samsara constructed by Su Yun, but the corpse could still be used!

The nano worker bee drilled in from the neck with the soul core.

Then it releases the Medicine Pill from Wenbai to repair various damages.

After the physical condition improved, the nano worker bees began to build artificial Meridians and connect to the soul core.

By the way, scan the neuron structure of the corpse, trying to restore some memories that remain on the material level.

Soon, most of the nano-worker bees left from the seven orifices, as if puffing out a puff of blue smoke.

A small fraction of the rest activated the newly repaired heart.


The sound of the heartbeat became stronger and stronger, and the heartbeat pumped blood to all parts of the body, and this "Xiya man" slowly regained consciousness.

At the beginning, Su Yun's consciousness was still a little fuzzy, and he suddenly woke up when he felt the chill around him, "Hu~hu~hu~", panting heavily.

"Where am I? Have you crossed?"

"Ding dong!" Su Xiaoxiao's voice sounded.

"The system of controlling the magical world has been loaded!"

"Hello, master!"

Hearing the voice in his head, Su Yun's first reaction was that he was crazy, and the second reaction was that he had really time-traveled and unexpectedly awakened the system!

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