After trying to stand up, Su Yun found that the side was covered with black blood, like own, and the fallen leaves were lifted to reveal the soft floating soil, and the ice water after the snow melted accumulated in the messy footprints and pits, showing a cloudy The khaki color is the trace of struggle and struggle.

Then some fragmentary memory fragments flooded my mind. The original owner was a hunter from the Dapaya village, named Roy Kahn, seventeen or eighteen years old, and unsurprisingly an orphan.

That's why he went hunting alone on the mountain, and met a lonely steppen wolf. After several fights, he slashed and wounded the steppen wolf, and successfully left himself a whole body.

And now the land of Shia is a magical world. As long as you save enough gold coins, you can go to the Holy See to perform the Resonance Ceremony. If you can receive the mercy of God Carlo, you can gain the power to control magic and be promoted to a magic apprentice!

Even a magic apprentice has a good status among the common people, at least he can live a prosperous life.

However, everyone wants to become a magic apprentice, but not everyone can become a magic apprentice, and there is no one in a hundred who can receive the gift of God Carlo.

Therefore, the Holy See can make a lot of money by charging a lot of resonance fees.

But Roy was about to save the two gold coins he needed, but unfortunately he was in trouble.

Su Yun regretted for a while, "Forget it, you can rest in peace."

I found a bright ditch, the big trees beside the ditch were felled, and the trunks were transported away, leaving only stumps and some dead branches and leaves.

The water in the ditch is formed by melting snow, and it is bitingly cold, but it is glowing with warm scales cast by the rising sun.

Su Yun endured the cold and washed briefly. When the water flow stabilized, he saw himself in the reflection. It was a handsome man with black hair and white skin. His hair was long and slightly curly, and it was simply tied into the style of a warrior's head.

The pupils are dull gray, extremely deep, as if you can see the soul inside through the eyes.

The lips are thin and purple from the cold, and the tip of the nose is dotted with freckles, which look like mud spots that have not been washed.

Su Yun's eyes are soft at this moment, and if he narrows his eyes slightly, there is a sense of sternness that strangers should not get close to, coupled with his burly body, it makes people feel difficult to mess with.

This is a common face of Orion.

After a while, blood-colored and yellow sand floated from the upper reaches of the creek, and Su Yun's instinct as a hunter was instantly awakened. The Steppenwolf is not dead yet!

Wolves are very vengeful animals!

Hearing it carefully, there seemed to be rustling noises coming from the surroundings. The source was unknown, and the wolf was not seen, but the Steppenwolf is a cunning animal, and it must be hiding somewhere, ready to move.

Su Yun quickly found Own's hunting knife, and also recovered a lost iron crossbow and scattered crossbow arrows.

Although it's not very useful against a flexible beast like the Steppenwolf's crossbow, it's still a handy weapon.

Simultaneously call the system in your head.

"System, isn't there a novice gift pack? It's all in the novel, and you swallowed it?"

"Ah? Good good! Here we come!" Su Xiaoxiao hastily replied.

Su Yun was a little stunned, feeling that the system was not very proficient...

"Ding dong! You have a novice gift package in the account, and you have got three chances to draw a lottery. Do you want to use it?"

"Use it, draw a prize immediately!" Su Yun urged.

There can be no chances in the current situation, the danger is not only the injured lone wolf, but the bloody smell in the forest!

In Su Yun's mind, a temporary lottery roulette was projected. The roulette began to rotate slowly, and finally the pointer stopped on a Green grid.

"Congratulations to the host, I got a storage bag, which has a storage space with a diameter of ten meters, and can access items at any time. This is a good thing that has never been developed in this magical world! PS, you can't store living things!"

"Storage bag! It's a good thing!" Su Yun said happily.

The storage bag is an Otherworld survival tool, which can store luggage, reduce the burden, and be safer!

At the same time, the nano-worker bees located deep underground used the erected material reactor to create a simple storage bag, and the space crystals used came from the nearby rock formations.

The space spar formed in the universe fell on Shia along with meteorites or interstellar dust, and after a long period of time, it was deposited into the stratum.

A nano worker bee flew out of the ground with a storage bag, activated the optical cloaking system, and flew near Su Yun.

At this time, Su Xiaoxiao asked: "It has been temporarily stored in the system warehouse, do you want to withdraw it?"

"Extract!" Su Yun excitedly said.

While speaking, the optical invisibility was released, and a storage bag appeared out of nowhere, and fell into Su Yun's hands.

According to the operation method given by the system, Su Yun tried to store the crossbow bolts in it.

After storing the heavy iron crossbow, the burden on his body was instantly reduced a lot.

Then the lottery continues.

The roulette emerged, still spinning slowly, but Su Yun suddenly heard the deep roar of the Steppenwolf, and turned to look.

Half of the huge gray-green figure was exposed behind the thick tree trunk, and the height of lying on its stomach reached Su Yun's crotch, and its gloomy eyes shone coldly in the dark forest.

The fur was stained with blood, some of it, some of Roy Kahn's, just wading in the river, still dripping.

The mouth was slightly opened, and thick and transparent saliva dripped from between the yellow tines, with traces of blood.

It stepped forward and pressed towards Su Yun.

"Skip the lottery process, hurry up!!"

"The lottery is over! You got a fireball rune! The magic power stored inside can cast fireball three times!"

With a thought in Su Yun's mind, after a short time, a dark fire Red rune appeared in his hand, and he mastered how to use it instantly.

This fireball rune is also a magic prop temporarily produced by the nano worker bees according to Shia's world view.

At the same time, the huge Steppenwolf rushed towards Su Yun with a slightly staggering pace.

He no longer hesitated, used the fireball rune, chanted a formula, and played a huge fireball move, so that he flew backwards.

And the fireball just happened to collide with the oncoming Steppenwolf, and a scorching flame erupted, shaking the surrounding woods, and the loud noise echoed in the forest.

Su Yun got up from the dirt, looked at the Steppenwolf, and was greeted by a strong stench and the smell of burnt protein.

The Steppenwolf's abdomen was exploded, its internal organs spilled all over the floor, and the fur on the other side was burnt until it was scorched black.

This skin is worthless.

But at any rate, he saved his life.

After all, Su Yun is not an experienced Roy in hunting, and he really may not be able to defeat the injured Steppenwolf.

After making such a big commotion, the smell of blood would quickly attract other ferocious beasts. Su Yun was about to cut off his fur, so he took the time to leave, and he couldn't return empty-handed.

At this time, he suddenly heard another sound coming from the woods behind him.

He immediately took out the iron crossbow, loaded the crossbow arrows, aimed at the shadow of the forest, and held the trigger tightly with his fingers.

But what came out after a while was not a beast, but a lovely girl with chestnut-colored braids hanging on her chest, and raised her hands on her chest in a panic, like a frightened fawn. Su Yun quickly moved the sight of the iron crossbow, and then put down the crossbow.

Then, a strong old man walked out from behind the girl and said in a threatening tone, "You shouldn't have pointed the crossbow at my daughter."

Su Yun got used to it for a long time, and said in the language here: "Sorry, I thought it was some other beast."

"Have you ever seen such a cute beast?" The old man suddenly smiled kindly.

"Abba, you hate it!" the girl said angrily.

Su Yun had a brainstorm and confirmed that he didn't know the two people in front of him, or that Roy had always been withdrawn and had limited communication circles.

Then, the old man looked behind Su Yun and saw the blown-up Steppenwolf, he was puzzled, "Why is there a Steppenwolf here?"

Su Yun shook his head.

"But it's not a good omen." The old man looked at Su Yun with gray eyes, and asked, "Are you a Mage?"

"Not for now." Su Yun said truthfully, after all, as a foreigner, nonsense is easy to reveal.

"Magic rune?"

Su Yun hesitated for a moment, "Yes."

"So, you have to put away the runes. In Dapaya Village, magic runes are rare." The old man squinted at Su Yun and kindly reminded him, "But today I can't log anymore, and the smell of blood will linger." There may even be Magical Beasts that attract other predators."

The girl murmured: "I thought I would be lucky today, but I didn't expect it, hey! There is no way!"

The old man put his generous big arms around the girl's shoulders, and was about to turn around and take the girl away. Su Yun thought for a moment and said, "I'm sorry for affecting you. If you don't mind, I'll give you this Steppenwolf."

The old man turned his head, smiled jokingly, and shook his head, "My old John never takes advantage of people, especially strangers."

At this moment, the girl suddenly slapped her forehead, and her twisted braid trembled, "I remember, you are also from the village, and your name is... what Kahn."

"Roy Kahn, you can call me Roy."

"It seems to be? Oh, I forgot, anyway, there are people like you." The girl tilted her head and said.

Roy went down the donkey and said with a smile, "They're all from the same village, so don't be too polite. I only need the fur. The rest is useless to me. Just take it."

"It's more dangerous to put the wasteland wolf's body here."

Hesitation flashed across Old John's face, and he finally frowned and said, "Alright, my family owes you."

A whole Steppenwolf is enough to feed the father and daughter for a long time.

So Old John helped Roy, dissected the Steppenwolf, cut off its fur, emptied its internal organs, and loaded it into the ox cart.

Old John was driving the car in front, and Roy inevitably sat in the back of the car, opposite the girl named Noel George, separated only by a skinned Steppenwolf.

The car was dripping with blood all the way.

Noel's eyes flicked around, but they always stayed on Su Yun's face for a moment.

Roy didn't tell the truth, and smiled to himself.


Light years away, in the main control room of the Immortal World.

Su Yun frowned tightly.

He looked at everything from a third-person perspective, and it was inevitable that he would have a wonderful sense of déjà vu, all of which was just like what Xuan did to himself back then.

Wen Bai turned his head to the side, his lips moved slightly and asked, "Su Yun, so why did you do this?"

Su Yun folded his hands, staring and said: "After seizing the Way of Good Fortune, they will definitely take over Carlo civilization, but external rule will only invite resistance, so they can only be ruled by their own people."

"But in the end it's up to you."

"Maybe." Su Yun didn't seem to care, "The most important thing is that he needs to lure Carlo out."

"It's as strong as Indistinguishable Dao, but it's really difficult to hide in the own Minor World every day."

"Xiao Xiao, I will leave the rest to you."

"Don't worry! I'm sure I can play the role of the system well!" Su Xiaoxiao's projection was ok, "According to the detected information, the optimal route for Su... He releases various tasks and gradually unlocks the corresponding Restrictions to make him stronger."

"What was the first task you set for him?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"Fix Noel!" Su Xiaoxiao excitedly said.

"What? What kind of outrageous development is this?" Su Yun was stunned.

Su Xiaoxiao hastened to explain, "I'm not messing around! The nano worker bees scanned the ciphertext engraved on the parchment at Old John's house. In fact, Noel and John are not father and daughter."

"Noel is the princess of the Kingdom of Eton, and John is the knight commander who is loyal to the king. When the kingdom was in turmoil, John escaped with the infant Noel and lived in seclusion in this small village."

"If you get Noel done, you will have a way to establish a relationship with the Kingdom of Eaton, and it will be much easier to integrate into the Holy See. In the end, you can hope to get in touch with Carlo!"

Su Yun lowered his head and thought for a while, then said with a smile: "That's true, but it's too utilitarian. Let everything take its course. I believe in his charisma."

Su Xiaoxiao and Wen Bai: "..."

Only Murong Sui giggled, "Sect Leader, you really have a way of deceiving little girls."

Su Yun: "..."

Then Su Xiaoxiao said solemnly: "Change the task to join the Magic Academy!"



On the horse-drawn carriage, a simple system interface popped up in front of Roy's eyes.

【Host: Roy Kahn】

[rank: Muggle]

[Magic props: None]

[Physical condition: young and vigorous]

[Number of lottery draws: 1]

A blinking exclamation point pops up in the upper right corner.

Accompanied by Su Xiaoxiao's voice, "Ding Dong! Host, you have a new mission!"

"Successfully join the magic academy, you can receive powerful magic props!"

Roy was overjoyed, "I was planning to go, and I can get extra powerful magic props, I'm so happy!"

Then he noticed the number of own lottery draws, and with a thought, he started the lottery roulette again.

But the pointer eventually stops at a blank space.

"Thank you for your patronage."

Seeing that the number of lucky draws was reset to zero, Roy could not help complaining in his heart, "Why do you still bring a thank you for your patronage!"

But it took a moment to accept the fact.

When he came back to his senses, Roy found that Noel was looking at himself with strange eyes, and even retreated to the corner near John, hugging his chest.

"Roy, why are you smirking?" Noel asked warily.

"Hahaha!" Roy scratched his head embarrassingly and explained, "I thought of something funny!"

"It's so strange why you still showed disappointment in your eyes!" Noel shrugged his nose, "Did you look at something you shouldn't look at!"

Hearing this, Roy realized something, and focused his gaze on that part.

Unremarkable, really disappointing...

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