As a result, Roy couldn't help being stared at for a while, and even kicked by Noel's bare feet, leaving shameful foot marks on his face.

John didn't care about this kind of playfulness between Juniors, and he still drove the car calmly, but he couldn't help but look at Roy a few more times, and the corners of his mouth covered by the gray and white beard curved imperceptibly.

After a whole morning of bumps, I can finally see the shadow of the village. The sparse stone houses are built in a forest that has been cut down, which is particularly conspicuous in a grassland.

The outermost circle is built with a low stone wall, which can be regarded as a psychological comfort level fortification, and it is difficult to defend against ordinary beasts.

Roy doesn't live here, though, he lives alone in a valley behind the village, without even such a stone wall.

Soon, the cattle and carriages stopped in front of a simple courtyard with reinforced courtyard walls, and the house was a bit higher than other houses, like a two-story blockhouse. Old John pushed open the courtyard door, led the cattle and horses in and tied them up. , carried the dissected Steppenwolf into the house, threw it on the stone platform, and with a "click", countless blood spots splashed on the wall.

After bending down and holding the door frame to get out of the low door, Old John said to Roy who was walking in the yard: "Roy, you are allowed to enjoy wolf meat with us today, but I have to go to the lord's house first , Steppenwolf should not appear near Dapaya village, I have to report the situation."

"Leave it to you, Nuonuo, don't let those annoying guys come and bother her."

"Especially that bastard Big Dick!"

Roy didn't hesitate, nodded and said in a few words: "Okay, no problem, and thank you."

Old John smiled nonchalantly, patted Roy on the shoulder, and walked over.

John was a full head taller than Roy, and these few shots made Roy feel that John's hands were like stones.

In comparison, Old John is more like a seasoned hunter.

The two watched Old John leave. Noel put the fur trench coat on the shelf by the well, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared to enter the house to deal with the wolf meat.

"Cut some to roast and eat, and make the rest into bacon!" Noel gestured on the Steppenwolf.

"Need my hand?"

Noel picked up the machete and shook his head, "Don't underestimate our women from George's family!"

After Roy was blown out, there was the sound of knives and axes chopping inside, making people instantly understand the reason why Noel threw him out.

Roy had no choice but to carry the wolf skin to the well, ready to wash the wolf skin and then dry it.

The well water was slightly steamy, and it wasn't too cold. Roy cleaned and tanned the fur according to the method in his fragmentary memory, while looking at the courtyard in front of him.

The two-story stone house has a kitchen and barn downstairs, housing and warehouses upstairs, the yard has been tidied up, and a pile of crude iron tools are leaning against the wall.

Whether it is architecture or tools, they are all extremely traditional, and the level of civilization here will not exceed that of the Middle Ages.

It's just that it's not clear what the world looks like at the magical level.

Roy woke up the system panel, saw the word "Muggle" in the rank column, and smiled unconsciously, "The magical world is really exciting!"

Soon, the bloody water was washed off the Steppenwolf fur in hand, and the charred parts were scraped off with a knife.

The Steppenwolf fur that could have been sold for one gold coin may now only be worth a dozen silver coins, but it was enough.

The sun is just right today, so if you spread out the wolf skin, it will dry in a day.

Just as the wolf fur was being spread out, there was a discordant sound behind him, the sound of horseshoes in disarray.

Roy got up and looked, and a group of fully armed cavalry appeared in front of the yard. The bright silver chain mail was a bit dazzling in the noon sun, and the horses were a little restless. " muffled.

"Hey, where is John George?" The little chieftain, whose face was hidden in his helmet, couldn't see his face clearly, he shouted, "I heard he lives here."

"Out." Roy frowned, then pointed in a random direction.

The leader glared at Roy and led the people away.

Only then did Noel stick his head out from behind the door curiously, "Is someone looking for Old John?"

"But I don't think they are kind." Roy murmured inwardly.

Noel's chestnut-colored eyebrows twitched, and he bit his lower lip, "Old John can take care of everything, he always can."

For the rest of the afternoon, Roy felt uneasy. Fortunately, nothing happened, and the team never came back.

It was already night when Old John came back, and when he entered, Roy clearly smelled a smell of blood, which was different from that of wolves.

The old John did not look injured.

What happened is not hard to guess.

"Father, no one is coming to trouble you, right?"

"Haha, can someone trouble the most powerful lumberjack in Dapaya Village?"

"That's good." Noel said reassuringly, patting his chest.

The three of them were sitting around the firepit. The fire had just been lit, and the pine wood burned quickly. The scent of turpentine mixed with black smoke spread out and slipped away from the cracks in the wall.

Old John took out a dagger that he carried with him, the blade was shining brightly in the firelight, and there was a fresh gap.

He cut strips of wolf meat from the divided wolf meat, hung them on an iron rack and grilled them until they were sizzling with oil, and sprinkled some salt at the end, it was a rare delicacy.

The first piece was given to Roy. He hesitated at first, but he was not afraid of wolf meat.

"Let's eat, after washing." Old John smiled deeply, staring at Roy with bright eyes, with the light of firewood burning inside.

After being aroused by the smell of meat, Roy broke through the obstacle in his heart, and started to eat regardless of the burning mouth.

I don't know if Old John did it on purpose or accidentally, this piece of wolf meat was not cooked through, it was raw inside, and there was still wet blood, Roy swallowed it with the feeling of nausea.

The expression inevitably becomes ugly.

Old John smiled and patted Roy on the back, seeming to have deep meaning.

Then he asked while grilling the meat, "Little Roy, I went to the town to ask you, you often sell your prey, you are an excellent hunter."

"Must praise..." The current Roy is really hard to say.

"But I heard you want to be a Mage?"

Roy was stunned when asked, "Who doesn't want to be a Mage?"

"Anyway, there are not many in this town, and it is not easy for most people to save enough two gold coins." Old John turned his head to the fire, turning over the barbecue, "Even if there are two gold coins, they will be used to buy food, Wine, women, why bother to gamble on that slim hope?"

"Not everyone can get Carlo's gaze."

Roy smiled, "It's not a loss to go to the outside world to see."

Hearing this, Old John didn't answer, but just used barbecue to gag Roy's mouth.

This time it was baked and it was extra fragrant.

On the other side of the fire, Noel hugged his legs, put his head on his knees, and chewed on the barbecue. He was thinking about something blankly, and occasionally looked at Roy with his eyes, and then looked back timidly, being noticed by Roy Then he frowned.

At the end of the month, Roy opened the door and left. The outside was covered with frost, and he refused the torch that Noel pulled from the firepit. Came to the courtyard, picked up the wolf skin, waved away.

When no one was around, Roy put the wolf fur into the storage bag and hurried home.

A meadow grows in the valley carved by the glacier, and a river formed by melting ice and snow flows through the middle.

A simple wooden house on a slightly higher ground is all Roy has.

In addition, the savings of one gold coin, eighty-nine silver coins and twelve copper coins hidden under the bed board, and more than ten silver coins, will be enough for two gold coins, which can go to the Holy See to resonate.

Selling the wolf fur should be about the same.

The original Roy never thought about not being favored by Carlo, he firmly believed that he would become a Mage.

After stuffing the coins and other valuables into the storage bag, Roy lay back on the bed made of sheepskin jacket, creaking and creaking for a long time before calming down.

The surroundings were so quiet that only the distant sound of water remained.

Through the slit in the window, Roy could see a very different moon from Earth, this one was much smoother and therefore brighter.

Roy rested his head on the pillow, the moon in front of him gradually became unreal, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long I slept.

"Brother Su..."

A short and weak sentence suddenly exploded in Roy's mind like a thunderbolt, waking him up from his sleep.

These words seem to come from the depths of the soul, with a tearing pain.

"System, is it there?"

Roy subconsciously called out the system panel.

【Host: Roy Kahn】

[rank: Muggle]

[Magic props: None]

[Physical condition: slightly tired and restless. 】

[Number of lottery draws: 0]

"Ding dong! The system of dominating the magical world is at your service!"

"It's okay, thank you."

Panting heavily, Roy closed the system interface.

And Su Xiaoxiao just recorded this mental fluctuation in the diary, counting it as a nightmare.

Roy looked serious, and he was sure that the sound just now had nothing to do with the system, not even on the same level.

The sound of the system is like whispering in the ear, but those two words are like the brain wave noise produced by someone directly touching the nerve cells in the brain.

Roy doesn't remember anyone ever calling him that, usually by his name, or by nicknames "Little Su" or "Old Su".

Or maybe I heard it wrong, "crispy chest", "koala"?

Putting aside the absurd thoughts in his mind, Roy looked at the sky outside. It was still dark in the valley, but half of the plain in the distance was already shining in the sun.

There is a clear line between Gold and Black.

Roy came to the river and washed his face with ice water. After waking up for a while, his mood gradually calmed down, so it was just a nightmare.

After washing up, he took a few mouthfuls of dry and hard black bread in the snow water, and headed straight to Clay Town down the mountain.

The three-hour journey was easy for Roy, who is strong and strong. He was close to the town, so he found a place where no one was around, took out the wolf fur, rolled it on his back, and entered the town.

The town of Clay is the seat of the lord.

It is said to be a lord, but it is actually a down-and-out noble who was exiled. Once dispatched to a remote place, send some slaves and guards, and separate one side, you can live in peace and stability.

The down-and-out aristocrats are also the existence that Common people look up to.

Entering the town, the surrounding buildings are much more refined than those in the village, with black walls and red tiles, cone-shaped roofs, and very small windows, from which dirty water of unknown purpose is often poured out.

Moreover, the stone slabs paved on the road were pitted by cars and horses, and the accumulated water could not dissipate, and it was mixed into black mud, which could be splashed several meters away with one foot.

Following his vague memory, Roy found a shop that sold beasts.

The entrance of the shop is lower than the street, the inside is dark and damp, filled with a dry smell between rancid and fishy, ​​the wall facing the door is covered with various animal heads, and the eyeballs are covered with Buckle down, it's scary in dim light.

There was also a human head mixed in.

The skin is dry and black, the eye sockets are deep-set, there are only a few curly hairs on the head, and a few teeth protrude.

But the boss keeps claiming it's the head of a goblin, a type of Magical Beasts.

Roy couldn't help but look a few more times.

A thin and short old man came out from the back room, bent into a fishhook shape, looked at Roy with cloudy eyes, and said hoarsely: "It's not a human even if you look at it."

"If you can hunt it down, I'll buy it for ten gold coins, a full ten gold coins! It's enough for you to buy a house in Clay Town, marry a wife, and buy a few slaves."

The old man is called Bart Malcolm, he is a well-known eccentric, half of his head has been buried in the ground, and he is still so obsessed with money.

Roy was not surprised, and straight to the point: "Boss, Steppenwolf skin."

Bart stretched his neck to take a look, and said flatly: "Ten silver coins, your wolf skin has been burnt, it's worthless."

"Fifteen." Roy frowned slightly, "This is a Steppenwolf, and it's rare in Clay Town."

"Twelve, no more." Bart smiled darkly, "You are the most diligent hunter I have ever seen, and this is a discounted price."

Roy nodded in satisfaction, the deal was happy, and by the way, he helped Bart carry the wolf skin into the warehouse.

The warehouse is full of various body parts from beasts, many of which Roy does not recognize, and may be the Magical Beasts that Bart said.

There was even an incomprehensible breath in the air.

Roy was fascinated, and Bart knocked on the door panel of the warehouse with his animal bone crutch from behind, "Hey, kid, come out quickly."

"What are you using these corpse parts for?" Roy couldn't help asking curiously.

"Materials for potions, do you know about alchemy?" Bart smiled, "The secret of immortality is hidden in potions!"

"In the future." Roy smiled and walked out of the warehouse.

After getting the twelve silver coins, and the high resonance fee of the two gold coins, Roy thought about saying goodbye to Noel and the others before embarking on the journey.

There is a church in Clay Town, but the Resonance Ceremony cannot be performed. The nearest city, Carlville, is roughly 500 kilometers away.

After leaving the shop, Roy saw several groups of soldiers and horses rushing away from the crowd on the street, heading out of the city, which seemed to be from the lord's manor.

Among them can also be seen a man wearing a gray robe with a hood covering his head and holding a staff in his hand. It is a Mage.

This is rare in Claytown.

In addition to complaints on the street, there are also voices of discussion.

"Magic Mage? What are they going to do?"

"I heard from the servant of the lord's house that there is a rebel leader of the Kingdom of Ston in Dapaya Village who kidnapped the princess. The lord has been ordered to kill her!"

"Rebel leader, princess?" The more Roy thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and he couldn't help but think of Old John and Noel.

"Ding dong! You have a new mission!" Su Xiaoxiao turned into the system and said, "Save Princess Noel, and you will be rewarded with three lucky draw opportunities!"

"I'm going, it's true!" Roy was shocked, and couldn't help running, chasing the end of the team.

What he didn't know was that there was an open secret letter on the table in the lord's house, which came from the king of the Kingdom of Ston, and there was only one order in it: behead John George, bring back Princess Noel, and be exempted from punishment, return to the king capital.

Signed with the so-called unforgeable magic bronzing stamp - Edin Stone.


Of course, this letter was forged by Su Xiaoxiao through the material reactor, and sent to the lord's house by the nano worker bees.

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