Back in the dormitory, Roy took off the burlap clothes he had mended for a long time, and changed into the student uniform of Violet Academy.

Generally speaking, the uniform is still a revised version of Magical Robe. The corners and sleeves are tightened to make it less cumbersome. The color is a combination of black and pig liver. It looks like a dress, but it is very convenient for fighting.

The only thing that remains the same is the black hood.

Roy looked at various poses in front of the full-length mirror for a long time, and was a little strange to himself in the mirror.

Sure enough, people rely on clothes, and he himself has some so-called aristocratic demeanor, so he can't help but smile bitterly.

After changing his clothes, while there was no one around, Roy took out the stick of truth from the system warehouse.

A long silver stick appeared in his hand, and the familiar shape made Roy dumbfounded, "God, the stick of truth, isn't this just a machine-aimed sniper rifle?!"

"Wrong, host, this is the stick of truth!" Su Xiaoxiao quickly corrected, "Magic props that can be used to release magic!"

Roy held up the stick of truth, and found that the barrel was solid, and there was no movable mechanical structure, so he reluctantly thought that the silver stick in his hand was a magic wand...

However, apart from the peculiar shape of this staff, it is actually quite handy.

And it fits extremely well with him, presumably it won't be weak when used.

Su Xiaoxiao then sent a reminder, "Congratulations to the host for obtaining powerful magic props. The supporting magic system has been activated, and the corresponding super-level magic can be unlocked with the increase of the magician's rank!"

"The current status of the host—magic apprentice."

"Ultra-level magic has been unlocked - magic power aggregation (passive skill)."

As a series of messages popped up, a new function, the super magic module, was unlocked in the system.

This is a brand new skill tree. There are only nine skills in total. Now the first one is unlocked, and the others are still gray.

"Magic power aggregation can compress the amount of magic power cast to the extreme, and then emit it through the stick of truth...and it is a passive skill..." Roy read the short text introducing magic, and he could roughly understand its meaning, but he could There are too many possibilities to achieve specific effects, and we still have to experiment to know.

Roy walked out of his room and found that the door of Noel's room was wedged and the oil lamp had been blown out. He leaned over to take a look and found that Noel had not had time to take off his clothes, and he was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

Roy didn't want to disturb her either, so he went to the rooftop of the dormitory alone.

The dormitory of Violet Academy has thirteen floors. It is considered a high-rise building in the entire Unrukhba. It can overlook the whole city, and you can also gaze at the palace of the Taloy Dynasty hidden in the mountains and forests in the distance.

Unruheba is very quiet at night, the traditional oil lamp lighting makes the whole city very dark, the sky is a low-hanging star curtain, and the night is quiet, perfect for experimenting with magic.

Different from ordinary magic, magic aggregation is passive magic, which is activated when other magic is cast.

Roy held the stick of truth in his hand, and without using the magic power to gather, he chanted the text slightly in his mouth, and shot a fireball into the sky.

The fireball rose into the sky rapidly, but without attacking the target, it finally dissipated silently, like a flare that appeared briefly.

Then, the magic power is gathered, and it is turned on!

It is also a fireball technique, but there is a difference in the chanting stage. The magic power does not condense the fireball technique in the air, but converges towards the "gun muzzle" of the stick of truth.

Although it was still a fireball technique, the supposedly huge fireball was solidified into a small orange-red light spot at the muzzle of the gun.

With a click, the trigger of the stick of truth became movable.

Roy chuckled, raised the stick of truth with one hand, and shot a fireball into the sky.

After the detonation, an orange bright line crossed the sky vertically, and then dissipated in an instant.

"System, you still say this is not a gun!?"

"Host, I need to reiterate that this is the stick of truth, not a gun! A firearm is a kinetic energy weapon that fires high-speed projectiles to cause damage. Obviously, this is not it."

Roy doesn't have the heart to argue with the system, but this magic item is indeed very powerful, at least full of magic power!

Putting the stick of truth away, Roy walked through the dark and quiet stairs and corridors, and returned to his room.

Perhaps it was because after a long journey, he finally settled down now. Roy suddenly felt sleepy. He couldn't bear it, so he lay down on the bed after a simple wash.

The bed at Violet Academy was so soft that one-third of his body sank into it. It was very comfortable, and Roy soon fell asleep.

He slept soundly, and even had a sweet dream, and the smile leaked from the dream to his face in reality.

The dream scene happened on the earth. Roy, or Su Yun did not travel to this magical world, nor did he die suddenly. After working overtime as usual, he squeezed onto the last subway and returned to his rented apartment in the suburbs. House of.

Such a life is very hard, far from being a dream, but all the good things start from the moment he pokes in the key and opens the door to enter the house.

Originally, the air in the room was cold and stagnant, making it suffocating, but now it has become more popular out of thin air.

There were several bulging garbage bags stacked by the door, and the stains on the floor that hadn't been cleaned for a long time disappeared completely, revealing the light yellow color that the wooden floor should have.

Moreover, all the furnishings in the house have been carefully wiped, and they are unprecedentedly clean.

But the biggest change is on the cabinet in the living room, where a family portrait is placed.

The original family portrait was fixed when he was sixteen years old. During the Chinese New Year, the family of four had left relatives and asked someone to take this group photo in front of the courtyard in the countryside.

Parents are still very young, put on newly bought clothes, and their faces are full of joy.

Su Yun was admitted to a key high school in the city last year. After a semester of study, when it was time to classify, he resolutely chose science.

Because science really fascinated him, he longed to become a scientist when he was young, and wanted to explore the truth of the world.

And Little Sister, who was five years younger than him, was wearing a new red padded jacket, holding candy Calabash in one hand, and comparing scissors in the other. His cute face was flushed from the cold, but he still had a pleasant smile on his face.

This family portrait is also the only family portrait of the family, because Little Sister passed away in the second year.

Su Yun has long been used to the reality that there are only three people left in his family. Now that his parents are old and his life is in the countryside, he has not been able to become a scientist. After graduating from university, he started working early to earn money to support his family.

But now everything is different, the parents on the family portrait are still no match for the invasion of the years, but the little sister is still alive, she looks slim, wearing a pair of glasses, quietly, holding the admission notice of Qingbei University , very proud.

In college, she will definitely be a goddess-like existence!

"Brother? Brother! Why did you get off work?" Su Rui poked his head out cautiously from behind the kitchen door, and after confirming Su Yun who opened the door, he took off his apron carelessly, ran over and jumped up Hang on Su Yun.

Just like when I was a child.

But the difference is that the current Su Rui is much heavier than he remembered.

"Su Rui, you're getting fat."

"Brother!" Su Rui immediately let go and fell down, glaring at Su Yun unhappily, "Don't you know girls mind this?"

"Haha!" Su Yun smiled happily, "But she has also become more beautiful."

The happiness that was lost in childhood has returned.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at school?"

"Are you forgetful at a young age? I've already graduated and I'm looking for a job!!" Su Rui turned back to the kitchen, put on her apron, and muttered, "If Mom didn't tell me to come and join you I didn't know your life was so bad!"

"The room is dirty and messy, cockroaches are fatter than mice, mice are almost as big as cats!"

"I eat takeaway every day, and I don't clean up the stinky takeaway boxes..."

"Isn't this working overtime every day?" Su Yun scratched his head embarrassingly.

"If you say you are working overtime, if you continue like this, you won't know when you will die suddenly!" Su Rui complained while working in the kitchen, "Aside from making your boss live a better life, what else can you do by working overtime?" use?"

Su Yun was speechless for a moment.

But then Su Rui changed the subject, "But it's alright now, I'll join you, you pay the rent, and I'll be in charge of cleaning and cooking. It's definitely more delicious and healthier than takeout!"

"This time, I specially brought the old bacon and dried bamboo shoots from home. They have been stewed for a long time, and they are delicious!"

"I'll help!" Su Yun rolled up his sleeves excitedly and got into the kitchen.

"No! Daba! No!" Su Rui directly drove Su Yun out of the kitchen, "This is my Realm now!"

After struggling several times, Su Yun had to compromise and lay back on the sofa.

Complaints came from the kitchen non-stop, but it was unexpectedly pleasant to Su Yun's ears.

Su Yun also kept talking.

They hadn't talked to each other like this in a long time.

But soon, the sound in the kitchen suddenly disappeared. Su Yun got up and looked. Su Rui was still thinking, but he opened his mouth and couldn't hear the sound.

Immediately, a burst of darkness struck, gradually engulfing Su Rui's figure, and spreading to the entire room.

All good things come to an abrupt end.

From the darkness came words that went straight to the soul again.

"Brother Su...they are here..."

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