Watching his own Little Sister being swallowed by darkness, Su Yun found himself unable to move, unable to do anything.

"No! Su Rui!!"

The nerve-pricking voice never stopped, and it was still repeating the words, "Brother Su...they are here..."

"Brother Su...they are here..."

"Brother Su...they are here..."


Su Yun panicked, even terrified, and roared, "Who the hell are you? Who are they?! Speak up!"

In the end, there was only indifference, and soon there was only darkness in the entire room, except for those six words that were still playing endlessly.

Su Yun seemed to be locked in this cage, unable to escape, and time lost its meaning.



In the ear, Noel's voice became more and more anxious, but gradually became clearer.

Roy felt that there was a light in the dark, like an open sky gate, his eyes lit up, and he finally woke up from the nightmare.

Sitting up, panting heavily, beads of sweat soaked out of the skin, falling into streaks of water.

When waking up from the dream, many things faded instantly, and even Cheng She in the dream room could not be recalled, but the joy of reuniting with Su Rui briefly, Su Rui's helplessness and grief when he was swallowed by the darkness, and the repeated stabbing of him The words of the soul seemed to be scalded into the brain with a soldering iron.

All kinds of strong emotions were intertwined. Roy immediately hugged his head and cried bitterly. His throat was locked tightly, making it difficult to make too much noise.


Just whimper.

But at this moment, he felt someone hugging him, and the scent of a girl came from him.

"It's okay, you're just having a nightmare..."

After a long time, Roy finally suppressed the turbulence in his heart and stopped crying. The girl let go, and Roy looked up. Noel's silhouette was in his tearful eyes. The faint light coming in from the window made Roy barely able to see her movements clearly. Kneeling on the own bed, he stretched out his hands to straighten Roy's messy hair that was wet with sweat.

Then, Noel got out of bed and lit the oil lamp beside the bed with a product of alchemy called a match, and the warm yellow and gentle light instantly filled the room.

Noel was wearing the silk pajamas issued by the college, which had been soaked with Roy's cold sweat.

She saw Roy with his upper body naked, a moment of embarrassment flashed across her face, and then she comforted, "Are you feeling better now?"

"It's not very good..." Roy shook his head, falling into deep self-doubt, "In the dream, someone called me Brother Su... I don't remember anyone ever calling me that."

"I seem to have forgotten some people and lost some memories..."

Noel tilted his head, and didn't understand why Roy had such a strange address that was not "Xia", so he continued to comfort him, "But it's just a dream! There are all kinds of strange things in the dream, so don't pay too much attention to it. "

"I'm sure, it's not as simple as dreaming."

Roy frowned tightly, turned his head slightly to look at the full-length mirror placed in front of the left, and looked at himself in the mirror with a more serious expression.


"It's not good, it's not good!"

On the Xiu Immortal World, which was sailing towards a pulsar, Su Xiao's adult image was projected onto Su Yun who was conducting new research in the laboratory.

Usually when something important happens, Su Xiaoxiao will show this solemn image to others.

"What are you doing in such a hurry? It's disturbing my research on the Higgs Boson Oscillating Knife." Su Yun said calmly and calmly.

Murong Sui blinked beside him.

"Roy was detected to have violent mental fluctuations, and such a situation has been detected once before!" Su Xiaoxiao said eagerly: "It all happened when he was dreaming."

"Because of nightmares?"

"More than a nightmare."

Su Yun thought for a moment, "What is the incentive?"

"I didn't know it before, but I know it now." Su Xiaoxiao paused, "It might be because of Jiang Mu!"

"Jiang Mu?!" Su Yun frowned, knowing that the matter was not simple, and even felt a chill down his spine, feeling very uncomfortable that things were out of control.

"Is there any change on the Wandering Urn?"

Su Xiaoxiao immediately called up the surveillance holographic image of the Wandering Urn, "Here, it's still quietly suspended in space, like a coffin."

"Didn't that Shenhun Rong Self Union take the initiative to establish contact with the outside world?" Su Yun said with a drum in his heart.

"Do you want to take the risk of directly reading the soul? This will inevitably cause an irreversible disturbance to it, and this will cause it to have a connection with the material world. What will happen is unpredictable."


After receiving Su Yun's affirmative reply, Su Xiaoxiao immediately controlled it remotely and began to read the soul information on the wandering urn.

Then he was startled and said: "It's over, the soul of Self Union is lost!!"

"Huh?" Without waiting for Su Yun to speak, Murong Sui who was at the side said, "Can a soul lose its soul?"

Su Yun looked even more worried, and explained: "Shenhun is a quantum body, but there is orderly quantum information, which is the essence, consciousness, and soul of the Shensoul individual, which means that this Shensoul fusion Self Union does not have Orderly information, no longer has subjective consciousness.”

"In other words, dead, dead without warning."

Su Xiaoxiao spoke up, "But Jiang Mu seems to be on another level, living in a form of existence that we don't know!"

"The realm of the soul? The dream? There must be some connection between the two." Su Yun was lost in thought, and finally shook his head helplessly, "Jiang Mu found Roy through the dream, which is me...but why?"

"The scariest thing is that we don't have the technology to read the content of dreams, which is something we didn't expect."

Su Xiaoxiao's tone was serious, "So, Roy is not completely under our surveillance."

"Why don't you try dreaming? See if you can contact Jiang Mu?" Su Xiaoxiao suggested.

"With my current Realm, I have long lost the ability to sleep, let alone dream." Su Yun regretted.

"But I boldly guess that the dream is a fusion of some fragments of information projected into the conscious body by the realm of the soul, plus the memory of the conscious body itself."

"Next, we need to carefully seek proof."

Immediately, Su Yun was introverted and began to communicate with the Soul Realm, but as usual, the Soul Realm was chaotic and difficult to figure out. Even if he could get some information, it was dominated by Su Yun's subjective consciousness, and he couldn't influence other people, let alone Interfere in other people's dreams!

"Jiang Mu must have contacted Roy in the dream through some means."

"Shall I ask to clarify?"

"You can inquire about the content of the dream, but don't intervene too much." Su Yun said in a low tone, "We can't help him, he needs to find the answer by himself."

"What about the homeless urn?" Su Xiaoxiao asked seriously.

"Recycle it, format it, and merge it into the main brain computing power network, it will become the most powerful soul computer in Xiu Immortal World!"

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