"Noel, Roy, come here."

"Noel, Roy, come here."


This sentence was played in a loop in the magic music box, and the tone seemed to be speaking calmly. At the bottom of the box, a note was pressed with the music box, and the address of the meeting was written on it.

In John's handwriting.

Noel was very sure that it was John's handwriting.

Jonah on the side found it strange and asked a few words, and Roy picked and said some reasons.

After analyzing it for a while, Jonah spread his hands and said, "This is clearly a trap, no one will go into it, right?"

Roy and Noel glanced at each other without replying.

Seeing the performance of the two, Jonah was inevitably surprised, but his eyebrows darkened, and he said in a deep thought: "This John is very important to you."

Roy replied without thinking, "Yes."

Noel didn't have time to answer.

Jonah frowned, and then waved, ready to call his own soldiers, "I will help you."

But Roy shook his head and resolutely refused: "Sorry, General Jonah, I can't involve you and the soldiers."

Roy thought for a while, then added with a deep frown: "We can't implicate others anymore..."

Jonah didn't understand the meaning, and only guessed that Roy had an unpleasant past.

"Okay, I understand." Jonah showed a smile on his scarred face, "You guys have to hurry up, don't miss the drinking appointment at night, when the time comes, let's have a drink and eat meat, and I will drink you to the party Come down!"

As he spoke, Jonah stretched out his fist, and the two of them clashed. Roy nodded and smiled, and agreed, "It's a deal."

"Go!" Jonah waved his hand and led the team away, while Roy and Noel turned around and rushed to the place on the note.

It was a tavern called Dawn Memories, at the other end of Moswell.

After several inquiries, the two finally found the alley where the tavern was located.

At this time, it was already dark, and the alley where the two of them walked together was very dark, and only two kerosene lamps were lit at the entrance of the tavern.

Two sloppy drunks supported each other, walked out staggeringly, passed by Roy reeking of alcohol, and were very dissatisfied with the horse blocking the way, cursing a few words.

Dim lights, drunken guests, this place seems to be a normal tavern.

The two got off their horses and hesitated at the entrance of the alley.

"Could it really be John?" Noel couldn't help but have such expectations, but she herself couldn't seem to believe it, "The voice may be imitated, but the handwriting is really his! I learned to write from him since I was a child, and I will never admit it wrong. "

Roy couldn't directly veto it, and was even thinking about the many possibilities that John might still be alive, and finally said with a dry smile: "It is theoretically possible, such magic exists."

Noel's throat tightened, he bit his lips and said, "Roy, let's go in."

Roy nodded, and squeezed into the alley with Noel.

The two stood side by side, bumping into a wall in the narrow alley, rubbing dust on their shoulders.

The sanitation in the alley was poor, filled with the smell of urine and vomit mixed with alcohol, Nuoer subconsciously covered his mouth and nose, and arrived at the entrance of the tavern inadvertently.

Roy became vigilant, chanted something silently, and after making sure that there was no abnormal flow of magic power around him, he took a step forward and entered the tavern.

The interior of the tavern was also dim, and a burly man was sitting on the outermost high stool next to the bar counter, holding red wine in his hand, and the red wine in the glass was bleeding red under the light of the candle on the lamp stand.

Roy never expected to meet in such a direct way.

"Noel, Roy, you are still here." The man turned his head and said with deep eyes, "Sorry."

"Old John!" Noel was very excited. He trotted a few steps ahead of Roy, but he came to his senses in an instant and stopped, "Is it really you? John!"

John hesitated a little, smiled, "It's me."

Then he looked at Roy, smiled and said, "Roy, I really didn't miss it, you have grown to such a degree."

Both the tone and expression were exactly the same. Suddenly, Roy was very sure that the man in front of him was John. He frowned and asked, "John, I buried you with my own hands. Why?"

"Yes, I'm dead." John looked gloomy, looked at the surprised bartender, and squeezed out a smile, "Another glass of ale and a glass of milk."

The tavern fell silent, and the bartender took ale and milk from the vat with a little embarrassment under the eyes of the three, and handed them to John.

Immediately afterwards, he walked towards the quiet corner of the tavern with the red wine in his hand and two other clay cups, and Roy and Noel naturally followed.

"Cheers." John raised his glass with a smile.



The atmosphere was a little strange, Roy only took a symbolic sip, but John was seriously tasting the wine in his hand.

"Ten silver coins a glass, it's really good wine." John put down the wine glass in disappointment, looked up at Nuo Er, and said with a wry smile: "It's great to see us Nuo Nuo."

While speaking, John stretched out his big rough hand and gently rubbed Noel's face. Noel couldn't help crying, and raised his hand to hug John's arm, "Old John, what happened?"

John was silent for a long time, with reluctance in his eyes.


"They didn't give me much time." John frowned and said, "Although I don't want to do this, this is the only way... sorry."

Suddenly, John withdrew his hand and crushed the glass containing the red wine. The blood and red wine mixed together and dripped sticky.

Then he stabbed the fragments of the wine glass in his hand into his neck, and blood spurted out like a pillar, and he shouted in a vague voice: "Noel, go, go now, the farther away from the Kingdom of Eton, the better!! Remember, Be sure to bypass Lake Char!! From the commercial road to the east..."

Then he dumped his eyes on the wine table in a daze.

The sudden change made Noel stunned in place. After a while, he recovered and shouted in horror: "No, John!"

Roy immediately used healing magic and healed John's injury.

But when John raised his eyes again, everything changed. The familiar firm eyes disappeared, and turned into sharp and dirty eyes.

"This old thing really won't be obedient." John touched Own's neck, and after confirming that the wound had healed, he smiled grimly: "Roy, let's meet again."

"Who are you?" Roy stood up and stood in front of Noel, asking in a questioning tone.

"A small character, seen in that dragon's lair."

While speaking, the magical camouflage on his body began to fade, his hair turned silver, and his figure shrank and became thin, unable to support John's attire.

"Hi, Blair, Wayne."

This person was the silver-haired magician who chased Roy and the others back then, and he actually appeared here.

Roy said unhappily: "I remember that you are just an apprentice magician, and it is impossible to cast this kind of high rank disguise magic that even I can't see through."

"That's natural. I've said it all. I'm just a small character. This disguise is the work of a great magister." Blair said without any hesitation. "However." Blair said almost conceitedly: "I am a mysterious necromancer."

"So that's the case." Roy thought everything through in an instant.

"It was you who killed John and imprisoned his undead!"

"Haha, that's right! Blair fell back and crossed his legs, "But that old guy is really a ruthless person. Under my torture, he didn't reveal a single useful piece of information. If it wasn't for Noel Your Highness, he is unwilling to show up this time. "

"There are no other magicians hiding around, are you afraid that I will kill you?"

"You can't kill me, and you won't kill me, or John will die too." Blair said confidently, "Don't forget, I'm a rare necromancer!"

Roy calmed down, comforted Noel with his eyes, and took Noel back to the chair, "What do you want to do?"

Blair looked at Noel, "Your Highness, the king wants to see you. And you, Roy! On the battlefield to the north, the king can even call for a truce."

"How did you find it?" Roy asked.

"Intelligence work is the foundation of warfare."

"That's what you're all about, sending a message?"

"But it's very important." Blair said cheerfully, and then slowly got up, "Let's go, the sooner the better, otherwise more people will die."

But at this moment, Roy suddenly noticed that the magic power around him began to stir, and then a dangerous breath came from the direction of Lake Char.

Someone is singing extremely powerful magic!

"Hahaha, it's started, it's started!! Incomparably powerful magic!" Blair laughed wildly.

Roy suddenly thought of the great magister that Blair was talking about, and felt uneasy, "Not good!! Jonah!!"

Blair's real purpose is to lure them away!

When Roy realized it later, he felt a little regretful. He didn't expect that the enemy had already penetrated Taroy's interior!

And the Blair in front of him, as he himself said, is just a small role, he has no value.

Without saying a word, Roy used the Enhancement magic that he had already sung to increase his own power, and stretched out his hand to clamp Blair's neck tightly.

While struggling, Blair still laughed maniacally, "Hey, you dare not kill me!!"

Roy frowned slightly, "Wrong, I dare."

Then he murmured something, singing a mysterious magic text.

Roy spoke so fast that Blair could only hear a few words clearly, but the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and panic emerged.

"Undead magic, you are also a necromancer!!! Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

After singing, Roy said lightly: "Nothing is impossible."

With the operation of the magic power, Blair's eyes widened, the eyeballs almost popped out, he whimpered, unable to utter a complete sentence, and then his eyes glowed with a faint blue light, forming an illusory figure like smoke Floating from between Blair's eyebrows.

Roy reached out and grabbed John's undead, dragged it out, and transferred it into Noel's body.

A moment later, after Noel nodded for confirmation, Roy broke Blair's neck with all his strength.

Blair's body softened and collapsed on the chair. Roy then took out a candle from the storage bag, raised his sword finger, lit the fire at his fingertips, and lit the candle.

The warm firelight brightened this corner of the bar a lot.

Roy continued to sing, with the purpose of restraining Blair's soul and letting him experience the feeling of being at the mercy of others.

And this candle is a magic tool used to seal the undead, a product of alchemy.

Roy wasn't going to put Blair's filthy soul into Noel's body.

Soon, the flame of the candle changed from orange to a strange green, and Roy blew it out, put away the candle, and put it in his arms.

At this time, the restlessness of the magic power was enough to affect the weather. The people in the tavern noticed something strange and ran out to check the situation. Before leaving, Roy found some gold coins from Blair and put them on the wine table. Get on your horse and head straight for Lake Char.

He looked up at the sky from time to time, and there was a strange colorful halo among the dark clouds, like the cloudy reflection caused by gasoline dripping into the water, and it seemed that the clouds were slowly rotating counterclockwise with a huge radius .

A gust of wind blew through the Moswell houses.

Soon, everyone could faintly hear a woman's chanting. This voice echoed between the heaven and the earth. The voice was not loud, but it filled the ears like a magic voice.

"Heaven and earth resonate, this is a forbidden curse!"

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