In Shia, magic is divided into five levels, elementary, mid rank, high rank, forbidden spells, and world annihilation.

The magic of the forbidden level is already restricted.

Even a great magister cannot use it easily, and it will cost a lot.

And the center of this magic trick is in the direction of Lake Char.

At the same time, around the camp where Jonah and the others were stationed, five black-robed magicians lined up in a regular pentagonal array, enclosing the entire camp from a distance.

Three were located on the shore, hidden in the dense forest, and the remaining two used magic to step on the lake, their figures covered by the diffuse mist.

The chants they chanted were neat and uniform, but the leading one was a white-haired old woman on the shore, with more wrinkles on her sallow face than buns, and even her figure was a bit stooped.

Roy has seen this man, or he has seen all five of these magicians. They are the wandering merchants who sell Eaton's specialties outside the city.

It was only later that Roy found out that this old woman was the strongest magician in the Kingdom of Eaton, the great magister Kallen.


Two army horses galloped crazily between the gray and black houses in Moswell. Roy was extremely anxious, and he never stopped waving his whip.

"Roy, let's use the wind elf secret technique to fly over!! Maybe we can stop the singing in time!!"

Roy observed the flow of natural magic power, shook his head, stopped the whip in hand, and reined in the rein with the other hand, the speed of the horse slowed down, and he straddled the horse slumped.

"Once the forbidden spell is cast, it cannot be interrupted, has already is too late, we can't do anything..."

Roy should have known that this would be the result. He just didn't want to believe the reality, and rushed to the magic center desperately. It was just a futile move he made to make up for the unrecoverable debt in his heart.

Nothing makes sense.

While speaking, the singing between heaven and earth stopped abruptly, and it was so quiet that only the wind was blowing, but Roy knew that a massacre was beginning. He looked up at the vision in the distance, as if he could hear the wailing of the soldiers.


Just beside Lake Char, above the camp where the soldiers were stationed, an invisible storm of magic power spread out, even unable to make ripples on the surface of the lake, but it was an incomparably powerful magic power, formed by the natural magic power of the surrounding space. , almost draining the magic of nature above Lake Char.

The soldiers who noticed the strangeness formed a battle array, and the magicians built a magic barrier to try to resist the coming magic.

And right next to each team, there is a fire that has just been set up, roasting large pieces of beef skewered with branches, the cork on the ale barrel has been pried open, and the aroma of wine is overflowing.

Jonah's lieutenant general is a magician. He whispered in Jonah's ear, "General, this is forbidden magic... Forbidden magic!!! Defense is meaningless!"

"Forbidden spell? Eaton actually dispatched the power of that level..."

Jonah stared deeply in the direction of Moswell, his eyes became sharp, and he roared:

"All soldiers obey the order! Stop defending and run away!! How much you can live is counted!!"

This is undoubtedly a difficult decision.

But all the soldiers were unmoved, Jonah couldn't help shaking his head, and finally turned sour, "What a bunch of stupid soldiers..."

"Sorry, I'm a failed general..."


Before the words fell, the forbidden spell magic was activated. Starting from the central point, the god of death came, and the body of the soldier affected by the magic power became shriveled in an instant, and the moisture in the body was forcibly stripped out, and it dispersed into a hazy mist in the air. With the flow of magic power, it rotates counterclockwise, gradually turning into a violent storm.

They didn't even let out a whimper or howl.

But this was only the beginning. As the soldiers were dried to dryness, the curse began to strip away the bound water that made up the substance.

The dry human body gradually turned black, which was a sign of carbonization. The carbon on the surface was swept away by the storm and scattered into black smoke, which gradually eroded them away, revealing the white bones.

But even the bones couldn't withstand the erosion of magic, and eventually turned into a pile of inorganic salt, which dissipated with the storm.

This is a water-type forbidden curse magic, but without a name, the forbidden curse will not be given a name.

It strips moisture from everything in range, leaving only Death.

After one night, the residual power of the forbidden curse completely dissipated.

In the early morning, before the sun climbed the mountain, the sky and the earth were gloomy, Roy and Noel came to the lake.

The formerly lush lakeshore has now turned into a desert. The armor and weapons of the soldiers are buried in the mottled yellow sand and gravel, and nothing else can be seen.

Lake Char in the distance was more than half muddy, and there was still a group of low dark clouds in the sky. As far as the eye could see, they were all them, all those familiar faces.

Roy froze in place, gusts of wind blew by, and the wind hit his stiff face with a grainy feel.

Noel stood behind Roy, separated by a few meters, and there was only numbness in his eyes.

After an unknown period of time, the sun pierced the darkness, and Roy's eyes were dazzled by the light. After adapting, he looked directly at Chaoyang and said softly:

"No matter what happens on Shia, the sun still rises as usual."

Noel didn't understand, tilted his head and asked, "So?"

"It's okay, let's go."

"Where are you going?" Noel's eyes were confused.

"North, go and end this war that was waged on us."

After speaking, Roy leaned over and grabbed a handful of floating soil, put it in a glass bottle and took it away.

Before departure, Roy returned to the Holy See of Mossell to re-certify the rank of magician. The achievements he and Noel had made had already spread throughout the Holy See with the pigeons released by the messengers. Now he is enough to be promoted to senior magician.

Returning to the familiar Holy See of Moswell, Roy only saw a scene of depression.

The door of the Holy See was open, and the golden sun slanted into the hall. A thin figure was sweeping the dust with a broom.

But this should not be the job of Reese as a bishop.

"Bishop Rees, I'm back."

Reese raised his head, the furrow on his forehead deepened, and a kind smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Roy, Noel...I'm so proud of you."

Roy remained silent, shook his head after a while and said, "You know, we didn't do well enough."

"No one can do anything about that level of things. It's good that you're still alive." Rees freed his hand and patted Roy on the shoulder.

Roy looked at the broom in Reese's hand and asked in confusion, "Bishop, why are you doing these chores?"

Hearing this, Rees held on to the broom and said with a wry smile: "There are only five people in the entire Holy See to maintain the most basic operations."

"What about the rest?"

"On the battlefield, maybe he's already dead." Rees said expressionlessly.

Roy was stunned for a moment, and chanted a move of wind attribute magic. A whirlwind blew up in the hall, and all the dust was blown up, gathered in Roy's hands, and merged into a ball. He turned and threw the ball of mud into the flower bed outside the door.

"Hehe, it's good to have a full-attribute magic Talent." Reese laughed a few times, "Otherwise, I really don't know how to deal with the dust." We have to close the door at night."

Reese walked in with his hands behind his back, stepped into the topic and asked, "Roy, are you here to participate in the divine grant?"

"Yes, Bishop Reese."

Divine bestowment is a promotion ceremony. The necessary way to advance from a junior magician to a higher rank will be granted more powerful magic power by God Karoll.

"God Carroll will recognize your achievements, he will." Reese said in a low tone.

The oracle was still held in front of the original statue, and all five people from the Holy See of Moswell arrived, and they were to witness the birth of a senior magician.

Roy stood under the statue of God Carroll, like a divine enlightenment, a stream of light poured down, covering Roy and Noel, followed by a quiet divine grant.

The process of divine granting was fast and smooth. Roy obtained a more profound magical inheritance, and Noel, who was a magician, also became more powerful.

"Roy, congratulations." Reese congratulated sincerely: "You will be a powerful senior magician."

"In the future, if you successfully teach a student who has reached the level of an advanced magician, you will be awarded the title of Magister and receive the bestowal from God Karoll again."

"Thank you, Bishop Rees." Roy bowed down and said respectfully.

After a short farewell, Roy and Noel simply left, and probably won't have the chance to see Rees and the others again in the future.

The two continued to head north, towards Patin Heights, which was also the last battlefield of the Taloy and Eaton Wars.

On the marching route that had been planned, there were only the two of them left.


three months later.

The two climbed up to the Patin Plateau at an altitude of 2,000 meters along the road left by the march.

Patin City, the capital of Eaton, was built on the Patin Plateau, and the national border is also on the plateau, so this is also the place where the battle is most intense.

Arriving at the battlefield in Taroy, you can see the messy scene after the war along the route. The black soil under the turf on the fertile grassland was uncovered and turned into a devastated desert, the river was cut off, and the water soaked in the desert, forming swamps where it was difficult to walk.

Fortunately, the relief of pressure in the south allowed the Taloy army to successfully push the battlefield back to the border.

On the border line is a rugged granite slope, covered with spherical weathered granite blocks, like countless stone balls inlaid on the grassland.

Eaton also has a geographical advantage, but this is also the only way to go to Patin King City, with towering and steep hills formed by granite rock masses on both sides.

Both sides have established a strong line of defense here, and the stalemate has turned into a long war of attrition.

But between the defensive lines of the two sides, two thin figures suddenly appeared, riding a horse from Taloy to Eaton.

At first, the soldiers on duty in Taroy thought they were delusional, and after taking out their binoculars to observe, they rushed to report to their superiors.

The defending general who got the news walked out of the tent, looked at the two small black dots in the distance, his pupils trembled, "It's them!"

"The whole army is ready to support the two of them!!"

There is no doubt about the execution ability of the soldiers, and soon the team assembled, rode their horses and galloped, and chased after Roy's position. From a distance, it is like a raging tide on the shore.

Hearing the faint movement, Roy and Noel looked back and were stunned for a moment.

Roy shook his head helplessly, took out the stick of truth, and used magic power to create a 100-meter-high wall in the distance, blocking the two, enough to stop their progress.

"Let's go." Roy greeted indifferently.

Noel withdrew his gaze and continued on his way.

The high wall rising out of nowhere extended to both sides, and there was no end in sight. Seeing this scene, the Taloy soldiers were startled from ear to ear, and the team became scattered. They didn't know whether to continue or stop.

"General, what do the two of them mean!?"

"I don't know, how would I know?" The general shook his head and said.


At the same time, in the eyes of Eaton's army, the steeply rising wall is far more noticeable than two inconspicuous dots!

Then I saw two faint figures.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!!"

People who can cast such a level of magic are definitely not good people!

The news of the enemy's invasion spread among Eaton's army, and the whole army was soon put into combat readiness.

At such a distance, the magician will always be the first to try.

Various arrays of magicians attacked Roy and Noel.

The magical moves all over the sky drew tracks in the air like meteorites, hitting the two of them.

Ice, fire, wind, earth, dazzling thunder, spinning flying spurs, mixed together are more gorgeous than blooming fireworks.

Roy raised his head slightly, looked at the incoming magical attack, and silently took out the stick of truth, just on a whim.

"Fifth super-level magic, magic mirror."

"Fourth super-level magic, magic power increase..."

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