And, the third super-level magic - magic matrix!

Roy used three super-level magics at the same time as never before.

When the magic attack that was supposed to kill Roy approached the range of 100 meters, it seemed to hit an invisible mirror, and suddenly turned its direction. After the magic power was amplified, the matrix was replicated a hundred times, and it was heading towards the source of the attack. !

The magical clusters that were originally scattered like fireworks are now densely stacked in the air, covering the sky and covering the sky, with a mixture of various colors, almost gathering into a white light cluster.

It didn't fan out in the air until it was close to Eaton's position, covering most of the position like a gust of wind and rain.

Magic barriers lit up one after another in the Eaton magician array, and then they were overwhelmed by the light produced by various magic explosions.

The intensive magic bombardment was like washing the ground, not letting go of any corner.

The light disappeared, the smoke and dust were blown away by the wind on the plateau, less than 30% of the vitality of the attacked position remained, and the dead body was not left behind, it had been torn to pieces and burned.

The surviving people looked at the two people in the distance in horror, as if they were watching the god of death walking slowly, waving a huge sickle in their hands.

And Roy just watched what happened indifferently, and the two horses were still swaying there leisurely.

Eaton no longer dared to attack easily.

Soon, Roy and Noel approached the front of the formation, separated by fifty meters.

Eaton's army would not be defeated so easily. The alternate force came up and regrouped, but every time Roy took a step forward, they would take three or two steps back.

"Your Majesty has an order, Your Majesty has an order, don't attack, don't attack, don't attack!"

At this time, an orderly rode a fast horse and galloped among Eaton's forward troops, and not far behind him, followed a luxurious car, drawn by six maroon BMWs, with two horses on both sides. Guarding cavalry.

"You really dare to come." Roy joked, then subconsciously looked at Noel.

"What are you looking at me for?" Noel frowned, "What does he have to do with me, Eaton III?"

"Hey, I'm just curious." Roy looked back.

After a while, Luanjia rushed past the soldiers in the front row and appeared in front of Roy.

After the car stopped, there was no movement for a long time. Just when Roy was a little impatient, a hunched figure supported a "crutch" and stepped down the steps from the car first.

It was none other than the old woman I met at the beginning, one of the wandering merchants selling Eaton's specialties.

Roy's face darkened in an instant, and he looked straight at it. He should have expected this to happen!

The old woman was wearing a blue-black magic robe that dragged the floor, and the "Great Magister" badge on her chest was very eye-catching.

But the old woman smiled kindly, she was no different from an ordinary old woman, and then she stood beside her silently.

Under Roy's scrutinizing gaze, a graceful and luxurious middle-aged man got out of the carriage, wearing a golden armor that was extremely flamboyant, like some kind of magic item.

He was holding a younger woman by the hand.

When Queen Hera opened the curtain of the car, she saw Noel riding on a horse in a dusty environment. She immediately broke away from Aidin's hand, held the corner of her silk skirt, and rushed down the Luanjia.

"Noel, my Noel!!" Hera ran towards Noel like crazy.

"Hera, come back!" Aidin shouted anxiously out of some scruples, but got no response.

Roy looked back and forth between Hera and Noel, and some things were confirmed.

Noel is already twenty-four years old, and he is already an adult in Shia's age. His facial features are open, and his eyebrows and eyes are very similar to Hera's, noble and glamorous.

Noel is only a little more heroic.

Even Noel was a little surprised, and the trace of luck in his heart was completely shattered.

"Noel, Noel! It's me! Your mother!" Hera stumbled to Noel's horse.

"Mother..." Noel is very unfamiliar with this word, but for some reason, some soft spots in his heart are still touched, like a biological instinct.

But out of reason, she still drew out the dagger of Own, pointed at Hera, and said forcefully, "You, don't come here!"

The dagger has been soaked in human blood during the war, even if it is cleaned frequently, the dead corners of the handle and the depressions of the pattern are still covered with blood.

Hera was terrified, but more of a sorrow, a mother's sorrow.

Her calf went limp, she slumped on the ground, covered her face and began to cry.

Two servants accompanying the car came to help Hera back.

And at this moment, Aidin looked at Roy, and said in a flat tone: "Roy Kahn?"

"It's me." Roy replied.

"I think we should talk about Noel, about all the bad things that have happened recently." Aidin frowned, "According to what I have learned, you are a native of Eton, and your father is Mocha, John George's lieutenant general. Si Kahn, my personal guard, whose mother is the daughter of the Orion family in Dapaya Village."

Roy hesitated for a while, he felt that there was no need for Aidin to lie to him about this matter, "Thank you, I don't even know about this."

"So why did you betray your country?" Aidin's tone remained calm, "Because of John George's bewitching? It's a pity, John was my most trusted personal guard."

"John didn't betray anyone!!" Noel grabbed the conversation and shouted emotionally.

"But he did abduct my only daughter!" Aidin showed grief, "And my daughter is now slaughtering her own people!"

"I believe he has his own reasons." Noel's eyes were firm, "But you killed him, that was the beginning of everything!"

Aidin raised his eyebrows, lowered his head slightly and said in a low voice: "I know something about it, but I swear to God Carol, I have never issued such an order! Someone is forging my secret letter, and there is a way to get me of the magic bronzing seals, but I don't know him, or who they are."

"What a crude lie." Noel couldn't help sneering: "In any case, you started the war!!"

"This is the duty that a country's leader should perform. I want to ensure the country's security." Aidin spread his hands and said, "Whether it's by Lake Char or just happened, both sides have suffered a lot of casualties. So it's fair."

"Fair...what an ironic word." Roy shook his head sarcastically.

"You..." Roy looked at the old woman who was standing unsteadily aside, "You could have caught both of us directly."

"Hehe, I'm just an old woman, and I only follow orders." Karen still had the friendly look of the neighbor's old woman.

At this time, Aidin looked at Noel and explained in an eager tone, "Noel, you know, you are my daughter, I will not treat you so rudely, so come back, you are the only crown prince of Eaton! Eaton needs you!"

"This way, the war will end!"

"I won't come back, and the war will end, that's why we are here." Noel's eyes were firm, and the blue eyes were full of unyielding.

" shouldn't be so stubborn!" Aidin raised his head and pressed his brow bone, and there was a trace of despair in his words. Roy instinctively felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say why.

"Your Excellency Karen, please." Aidin looked sideways at Karen and said politely.

"Okay, okay, let the old lady come and meet Roy for a while." As she said, Karen raised the magic wand used as a crutch in her hand, and then slammed it on the ground.

Kallen's staff is a dusty wooden stick, a head taller than her. The surface is full of cracks. It is very old and will break into several pieces at any time. There are two milky white round stones hanging on the top. With the shaking, there is a crisp impact sound.

But a cobweb-like crack suddenly appeared in one of them, and apart from that, nothing seemed to happen.

Until Roy turned his head and found that there was no one on the horse beside him.

Noel was gone.

"How did you do it?!"

Roy has never seen such an unreasonable thing, but the magical induction with Noel has not been disconnected, at least Noel is still alive.

It was at this time that Roy felt his body lose weight for a while, and the scene in front of him also changed in an instant, and his body was falling.

After adjusting his posture and landing steadily, Roy found that he had reached a vast grassland, the grass was knee-deep.

This place is at least a thousand meters lower than the location just now, so the plants are so lush.

There is also a large sky-blue lake in the distance, echoing the White Cloud in the sky.

Standing across from him was still the old, bent figure.

The only difference was that the two stones hanging from her magic wand had been shattered, and even turned gray and dull.

"I've kept these two non-singing magic runes for most of my life, and I finally used them up... Hehe, that's fine, it's better than being buried in the grave with me." Karen shook her head, feeling depressed.

"What kind of magic is this?" Roy couldn't help asking.

"Space magic, teleportation magic? Call it what you want." Karen stared at Roy, "You deserve it."

Roy froze for a moment, "Thank you for your compliment."

"Don't be so polite, we are enemies."

After speaking, Kallen chanted a few words clumsily, and tentatively launched a water blade attack.

The flying blade made of condensed water stabbed at Roy. Roy subconsciously used the fifth super-level magic to bounce the water blade back, but deliberately missed the direction.

The water blade exploded in the grass behind Karen, and a large pit where people could be buried appeared.

"Ordinary magic really can't help you." Kallen smiled on her face wrinkled into a bun, "I'm an old man, and I'm not good at speaking. I can't beat you young people, so I'd better stop messing around here. "

"Your enemy is not me."

Roy saw calmness in Kallen's eyes. It was the calmness left by the years on her face. She might not have planned to go back alive at all.

"Come out, King's Orochi—Naga!" Kallen called softly.

Before the words fell, the ground shook, especially the large lake in the distance. The water surface was like a raging sea tide, the waves were tens of meters high.

Amidst the turbulent waves, a giant snake revealed a section of its body, roughly estimated to be more than 30 meters thick, with blue scales on its surface, and two rows of fin-like points on its back. prick.

In a moment, the snake's head broke through the lake water and rose up to a height of 100 meters.

The giant snake seemed to be sleeping at the bottom of the lake, the scales were covered with water plants at the bottom of the lake, and the muddy mud was dripping down the snake's skin.

The big snake spit out a bright red letter, and its two slit eyes stared at Roy with a cold glow.

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