The spacecraft carrying the fragments of Carroll and Ming Shenshen sailed alone in space for more than a Hundred Years. The cruising speed close to the speed of light was enough for them to cross a large star field and find thousands of planets belonging to the Carroll civilization.

But without exception, these planets were "infected" by Ancient God, giving birth to lesions called star-swallowing species.

Some have even broken out of their shells, opening a space rift belonging to Ancient God.

Fortunately, they can no longer summon Carol through Supreme devil armaments'.

It was right for Su Yun to ask Ming to come out, at least he could help comfort Carol...

The worst was already a reality, and Carroll had to accept it.

Finally, the spacecraft put down the star gate and returned.

In Su Yun’s Minor World, Ming and Karoll’s soul fragments merged into the body, Ming shook his head and sighed a few times, “This is no longer a disaster for Karoll’s civilization, it will even be a disaster for the entire Guangji union !"

"The Ancient God was able to use the planet of the Carroll civilization as a springboard to invade the Guangji United! A new round of cleansing has begun, and it is more serious than ever!"

As Ming said, the planets to which the Carroll civilization belongs are scattered over half of Guangji's Galaxy, so the defense line jointly established by Guangji has become meaningless.

The enemies are all inside!

Carroll was silent for a long time, and he no longer showed his haughty demeanor.

Su Yun quietly waited for Carol's decision.

In the end, Carroll looked up at Su Yun, "If I was wrong, I will make up for it, but Su Yun, I hope you will do what you say."

"You can trust me." Su Yun returned his sincere eyes.

So Carroll decided to die.

In the main universe, Carroll takes one last look at the planet called Luna, which hosts two merging civilizations.

"Su Yun, it's done!"

Right in front of Su Yun's eyes, Carroll's body began to disintegrate, his soul began to crack, and finally dispersed into a golden halo, and the power of the avenue named "Good Fortune" was passed on almost in the form of a gift It's on Su Yun.

What Su Yun has to do is to comprehend it and control it.

After mastering the way of Good Fortune, Su Yun realized a new form of information storage, which is the quantum information string extracted from the realm of the soul.

Quantum information strings can store an extremely large amount of information, which is the essential reason why cultivator can get what it thinks and Carroll can create everything so complex.

Soul Realm is a huge object library, which only needs to be called when it is used.

At the same time, catastrophic upheavals have begun on almost all Carroll civilization planets, traces of life are being lost, and everything created with the power of Good Fortune is dissipating and turning into a pile of meaningless messy matter.

In the end, the planets are barren and dead, just like when Carroll found these lifeless planets before.

The minions of Ancient God naturally discovered the mutation on the Carroll civilization planet, which means that the power has changed hands, and the plan to fight for the power of Good Fortune has failed, and the next step is to start a large-scale invasion.

Naturally, the minions of Ancient God were not affected by the change of power of Good Fortune, and they showed their most essential appearance one after another, turning into the apostles of Ancient God.

The deserted planet has become their stronghold.

Thus, a protracted interstellar war is kicking off.

The territory of the Immortal World civilization is rapidly expanding with the large-scale construction of the Stargate network.

Moreover, the space rift traversal plan has also found many unconnected space rifts. By setting up star gates, a lot of "space quantum leap" nodes have been added. Repairing Immortal World civilization can reach more places, and the connection of nodes can almost Covering 70% of Guangji Galaxy.

The civilization of the Immortal World has entered a period of rapid development, and it is only a matter of time before reaching level 3 civilization.

Ming provided the coordinates of all of Carroll's planets, and the plan to exterminate the star-swallowing species is also proceeding smoothly.

Neutron star cannons, embers, induced supernova explosions, and even gamma ray bursts caused by the collision of two neutron stars have become the big killers for destroying the star devourers!

Guangji Galaxy has never been so lively!

Most of the time, the warships repairing the Immortal World civilization have an absolute advantage, and can even completely smash the enemy before they notice it.

For the opened space rift, the stability of the space rift can be destroyed until it is destroyed by interfering with the operation of the virtual Xizi pair.

For a long period of time, everything went extremely smoothly, until one day in the 725th year of the Immortal World Space Calendar, a Star-class battleship with the hull number 21515 passed through the star gate to clean up a starship transformed by the Ancient God. stronghold planet.

In the picture sent back by the sensor, the planet is in deep darkness, with a huge space gap between it and Star, and all the sunlight leaks to other places.

Due to the good conditions for the attack, the captain of the 21515 ship, Niels, decided to use the neutron star cannon to simply kill this stronghold.

Nils is a remnant of Aino, and now he is a loyal soldier in the Immortal World civilization.

Although Su Xiaoxiao can remotely control all warships, each fleet is equipped with a full crew, and she is only as an assistant.

Never underestimate the role of "people" on the battlefield.

"Mo Lan, prepare the neutron star cannon in advance. I need the neutron star cannon to be fully charged when the battleship enters the attack position!" Nils ordered to the deputy captain own.

"Yes, sir!" Mo Lan said in a capable voice.

Then start to manually control the neutron star cannon, and execute the deployment and charging procedures.

At this time, Su Xiaoxiao suddenly reminded: "Insect attacks have been detected, the number is more than five billion, and they are expected to collide in half an hour."

"Bugs again! This kind of bug that can fly in space is really disgusting!" Mo Lan complained.

"I can't agree anymore! Although they are not threatening, they will interfere with the attack, which is really annoying!" Nils said.

The Immortal World civilization science team has done detailed research on the insect species. This is a dark black insect composed of heavy elements, with various sizes and shapes. Due to the strong turbidity contained in it, the constituent materials can barely be regarded as It is a 1.5th generation fairy-level material, which is slightly stronger than the first-generation fairy-level material.

The only advantage is the large number.

The battleships repairing the Immortal World civilization are all built with second-generation fairy-level materials, which can be completely immune to insect attacks.

Mo Lan looked at the various data, frowned and said: "The worm population is located in the orbit of the neutron star cannon, which will interfere with the attack, resulting in an offset coefficient greater than one percentage point, which cannot meet the attack accuracy requirements."

"Then use the vector jump and go around to the side." Nils ordered decisively.

Mo Lan started the operation on the holographic dashboard, "planning the target location."

"The planning of the jump target location is completed, and new attack parameters are being calculated. After the jump is completed, the attack can be performed instantly to reduce the time for high-risk exposure."

Seeing the past data pushed by Molan, Nils finally authorized, "Execute."

"The preparations for the vector jump are complete, the momentum binding of the crew is complete, and the countdown is"

The built-in momentum balance ring instantly adjusted the direction and speed, and the battleship 21515 turned into a streamer. At 99% of the speed of light, it took a few minutes to circle to the other side of the planet and stopped instantly.

The neutron star cannon was also launched from electromagnetic orbit at the same time.

"Prepare to leave the risk area and start the vector jump again." Nils quickly issued an order.

"Preparing..." Mo Lan also said a little nervously.

There are necessary preparatory procedures for starting the vector jump. It is necessary to temporarily unify the various loads in the battleship, including the crew, into the momentum system of the battleship, otherwise the personnel and objects will be smashed into a second-generation fairy by the instantly accelerated battleship. A layer of film on the surface of grade materials.

The countdown continued, and Nils subconsciously looked at the space rift that occupied half of the holographic image.

The light blocked by the space rift did not completely lead to the other end of the rift, so the space rift was seen by them in the form of a rotating orange-yellow halo.

The destruction of the Aino civilization was due to ignorantly approaching the space rift, so Nils had an instinctive fear.

But suddenly, Niels' eyes went dark, and the familiar fear struck again.

It was a huge black shadow rushing towards the 21515 battleship!

Before he could see it clearly, the battleship made of second-generation fairy-level materials was instantly destroyed!

The bad news was transmitted to the Xinxiu Immortal World through the quantum communication module, and Su Xiaoxiao hurriedly said in Su Yun's mind: "Emergency! Battleship 21515, lost contact."

Su Yun, who was busy in the laboratory, hurriedly said: "Expand the last returned data!!"

Afterwards, Su Xiaoxiao began to play a surveillance video, which was captured by the femtosecond image sensor mounted on the front of the battleship.

Although it is only a few seconds, it can be divided into one quadrillion frames, which is enough to see the movement of photons clearly.

Cutting off the useless images before and after, one can clearly see a huge, nearly pure black tentacles protruding from the space rift at a speed close to the speed of light, and surrounding the 21515 battleship within a second, eventually destroying the battleship.

"Ancient God... made a move..."

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