So far, Su Yun doesn't know what kind of existence the Ancient God really is, but only knows that He is a creature born from the turbid air.

His tentacles can easily crush battleships made of second-generation immortal-level materials. With such flexibility, they also possess such enormous strength and structural strength. It is hard to imagine what kind of material his tentacles are made of.

"All ships maintain a safe distance to fight, and only ultra-long-range attacks are allowed!"

"At the same time, establish a linkage defense mechanism, so that they cannot break through the defense line."

"Also, various detectors need to be in place at all times to obtain detailed observation data of Ancient God's tentacles."

"Xiao Xiao, pass it on."

"It has been written into the fleet operating specifications!"

"Go back to the voyage, let's go back and repair the Immortal World!"

"Back to Immortal World?"

Wen Bai and Murong Sui present were all stunned, and Murong Sui couldn't help asking: "Why are you going back to your home planet? Is there something important?"

"Go back and study the tentacles of the Ancient God."


Su Xiaoxiao said: "Remind me, the Ancient God once came to repair the Immortal World, and saved a hand."

Wen Bai suddenly realized, "I really saved a hand!"

Xiu Immortal World is now the mother planet of the entire civilization, and its symbolic significance is far greater than its actual significance. Whether it is industry, technology or population, it is not comparable to many interstellar cities. However, as a cultural center, it is a pilgrimage for many citizens of Immortal World civilization. place.

Therefore, for safety reasons, going to Xiu Immortal World requires a transfer, and cannot go directly. The nearest transfer station is naturally the Ainuo transfer station.

The newly repaired Immortal World arrives at the Aino transfer station through the star gate, and then turns to the star gate leading to the repaired Immortal World.

Along the way, the newly built Immortal World enjoys the highest level of authority, and other warships or cargo ships will give way.

Because they were all informed of the purpose of Su Yun's trip.

Soon, the huge newly built Immortal World passed through the lunar star gate.

The moon that repaired the Immortal World had been excavated long ago during the development of civilization, leaving only a shell, supported by fairy-level materials.

Now simply install the star gate directly inside, transform it into a space port, and leave a channel for ships to enter and exit on the back.

After the newly repaired Immortal World flies out of the moon, you can see Xiu Immortal World after turning a corner!

But it is different from before, the current Xiu Immortal World has been covered with circles of star ring cities, densely packed, rotating like an armillary sphere, and the highest star ring city has reached the distance between Xiu Immortal World and the moon. half!

After all, it is Jerusalem where the Immortal World civilization is being built, so it should be equipped with more supporting facilities around it.

As citizens of the Immortal World civilization, besides the necessary work tasks, they have a lot of free time at other times, and many people will come to the Immortal World for vacation.

Obviously, Su Yun is an enlightened leader.

The newly-repaired Immortal World is slowly flying to the Immortal World, and it is inevitable to attract people's attention during the process.

In the process of repairing and expanding the Immortal World civilization, it is inevitable to absorb other large and small civilizations, and the living people of these civilizations have completely equal rights and status, so they all love Su Yun very much.

Seeing Su Yun's battleship passing by, they all expressed their respect in their own civilized way.

There are also some new forces who have repaired the Immortal World civilization and began to talk about it with great interest.

"I heard that the commander came back this time to study the Ancient God!"

"Ancient God! As the base camp of civilization, this place should be very safe, why would there be an Ancient God here!"

"Hey, of course it's something left over from before, a tentacle! It seems that your study of Immortal World civilization history is not very good!"

"But my science scores are close to perfect!"

"Cut~... However, it must be very difficult for the commander to deal with the Ancient God. I hope I can help him sooner."

"He's always like this, and he has taken on everything silently... I really want to know what kind of person the commander himself is! It would be great if I could meet him once."

"You...don't you want to put Deputy Commander Wen in one's eyes!!"

"I didn't mean that,'s just..."

"Hold on, I understand everything!"


The class who came to study Immortal World for a study tour was noisy and full of energy, just like studying Immortal World civilization.


But Su Yun never paid attention to these things, he was just trying his best to protect this civilization.

This is also the truth that Su Yun only realized when he saw the face of Universe.

Ever since he opened up his own Minor World, he has understood that the Universe is never eternal, but is in a cycle of constant destruction and rebirth, and between rebirth and destruction is the whole meaning.

Even the smallest things can leave traces in the universe, it is a part of the universe.

The newly repaired Immortal World slowly approached the repaired Immortal World, and even directly entered the atmosphere.

This is usually not allowed.

In the end, the newly built Immortal World hovered over the Luoyunzong ruins.

It is said to be a ruin, but in fact there is no trace of a sect, but there used to be a sect called "Luoyunzong" here.

The cracks in the earth that were shot by Ancient God's tentacles have long since healed into a valley, the ecological environment has been fully restored, even worse, and the forest is more lush than ever.

The only trace of the disaster may be the beaded natural hot springs...

"Xiao Xiao, activate the neutrino scanner and determine the location of the Ancient God's tentacles."

After a while, the three-dimensional scanning of the Immortal World has been completed, and the layers of the density circle are clearly separated, and the mantle, the core, and even the most central Ancient God tentacles are clearly visible.

The tentacles of Ancient God sank into the center of Immortal World, and the shape flow became spherical.

A substance with such strength is still fluid! This is simply an extremely incredible thing!

It's as incredible as a piece of soft bread with the strength and hardness comparable to steel.

Next, you need to transfer this pile of Ancient God tentacles.

But the first thing to do, is to dig it out.

Plan one is to let digging-type worker bee robots go deep into the center of the earth, use the space Magical Item to store them, and bring them out.

Su Xiaoxiaotiao sent a digging worker bee robot to dig directly from the center of the valley.

Digging is more like swimming in rocks. It uses high-energy lasers to melt all obstacles into liquid, which can pass through extremely fast.

"The worker bee robot is close to the target... It is building a work platform... It is going to activate the Space Magical Item!"


"It seems that the space Magical Item cannot accommodate this mass of matter."

"Can't store it?" Su Yun couldn't figure it out for a while, "Check the activity of the tentacles!"

"The target doesn't have a complete soul, so it can be accepted theoretically."

"Does it include Xu Xizi's pair? Xu Xizi's pair can't be accepted." Su Yun continued to ask.

"Spatial fluctuations are normal, and there are no pairs of hypochondriacs."

"That's weird..."

While being puzzled, Su Yun's heart became even more excited, and his thirst for knowledge was frantic.

It's actually a good thing to discover something that you don't understand!

"Use plan two and dig it out!"


The so-called second plan is to open a hole in the Immortal World, go straight to the center of the earth, and then pull out the tentacles of Ancient God.

Fortunately, this tentacle is not big, and it has become a regular sphere, with a diameter of only more than 150 kilometers.

Next, is the long construction period.

The civilization has developed to the point of repairing the Immortal World civilization, and it can easily destroy planets, even Stars, so when starting construction on the home planet of civilization, everything is so cautious.

All excavated earth will be given a number and properly preserved for future restoration.

The walls of the excavated pits that lead directly to the center of the earth will be supported by fairy-grade materials, and a gravity adjustment device made of neutron star materials will be used to dynamically adjust the gravity of Immortal World to prevent adverse effects caused by gravity fluctuations.

More detailed technical issues such as the processing of magma, the balance of geocentric pressure, etc., will not be repeated one by one.

In this way, a month later, a pipeline made of fairy-level materials has penetrated into the center of the earth.

Because the atoms of the fairy-grade material have almost no thermal motion characteristics, the inside of the pipe is very cool.

The off-the-shelf 3D-printed second-generation fairy-level material trawl net has engulfed Ancient God's tentacles, and the traction spacecraft and cables are also in place.

In addition to the six dedicated towing spacecraft, the newly built Immortal World is also the main force of towing.

Its momentum control propulsion system can directly convert energy into kinetic energy, and can complete the dragging work efficiently and silently.

On the day when the Ancient God tentacles were dragged, many people came to watch. Spaceships, large and small, or the cultivator flying by Yujian, all stopped outside the holographic cordon to watch the excitement.

With the operation of the propulsion system, the cable was straightened and began to move out bit by bit.

After measurement, the density of Ancient God's tentacles is not very high, only 90 million times that of water, far smaller than that of a neutron star, but the strength it exhibits is extraordinary.

The strength of the second-generation fairy-level material is close to that of a neutron star, but in front of the tentacles of Ancient God, it is just like a paper shell, which is simply unimaginable.

Soon, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Ancient God tentacles were pulled out, a big black lump, like a liquefied group of fibers.

And this might be their only chance to get this close to the Ancient God.

The Ancient God tentacles were gradually pulled out of the repairing Immortal World, and headed for the deep space. Along the way, Star Ring City automatically avoided the newly repaired Immortal World.

Until the newly built Immortal World passed through the lunar star gate and completely disappeared from sight.

The Ancient God Tentacle will be taken to a newly established research center where the Ancient God Tentacle will be studied in detail.

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