The abyss hole in the deep space is an extremely empty universe area. Except for some dust clouds, there are no celestial bodies within two light years. It is quiet and lightless, just like an abyss.

In the center of the abyss is quietly suspended a hollow spherical space experiment station, and the white light emitted by the searchlights placed on the spherical surface will soon be swallowed up by darkness.

The Ancient God tentacles are placed in the center of the ball.

Su Yun was alone, and slowly flew close to the Ancient God's tentacles. All the researchers, including him, held their breaths, and the various sensors were also adjusted to the highest sensitivity, in order to detect any slightest change.

Although Su Yun was very sure that the Ancient God's tentacles had already disconnected from the Ancient God and there was no threat, he had to be careful.

In front of the tentacles of Ancient God, Su Yun was as insignificant as interstellar dust.

When Su Yun approached the Ancient God's tentacles less than ten meters away, it was still quiet, and there was no movement even in each sensor.

It was like a black hole had been dug out in the huge space.

But it's not completely black, and it can be seen that the surface has fiber-like textures of different shades, and at certain angles, it can even reflect the lights on the space test station.

The mass of Ancient God's tentacles is equivalent to that of the earth, but the diameter is only over 150 kilometers, so the acceleration due to gravity is huge, exceeding 7300 g.

Su Yun gave up resisting gravity, and fell to the surface of the sphere in an instant, and the touch from his feet was extremely solid.

He tried to bend down and poked with his hand. With all his strength, even if he used the law, he could only leave a fingerprint on the surface of the tentacle, and this fingerprint was slowly becoming shallower until it was completely smoothed out.

"This thing is really fluid!" Su Yun couldn't help muttering in his heart, "Xiao Xiao, broadcast the observation data."

"The density and gravity are consistent with previous observations, and thermal radiation, electromagnetic radiation, radioactive decay phenomena, and gravitational fluctuations were not detected."

"It's so stable!" Su Yun was a little stunned, and some of the original guesses in his heart were overturned.

He originally thought it was a group of unstable matter between the electron degenerate state and the neutron degenerate state.

"And what's even more strange is that although it has a strong gravitational force, the surface does not accumulate matter firmly. The interstellar dust adsorbed during the transportation process is easily cleaned up. It seems that there is some kind of film on the surface that isolates the outside matter. direct contact with the tentacle constituting matter."

"Membrane?" Su Yun hesitated for a moment, planning to conduct further research.

"Enable the single-photon scanning microscope."


Then, under the drag of the transfer robot, a huge cone-shaped device approached the surface of Ancient God's tentacles, and then deployed the mechanical arms for support, and docked on the surface of the tentacles.

When the probe is stretched out, it first overlaps with the normal direction of the tentacle surface, and the light particles that are strictly controlled in the form of single photons are emitted evenly. This step is to confirm the light absorption rate of the tentacle surface.

After multi-point sampling, it is concluded that "the absorption rate is 0%, and the reflectance rate is 100%."

"This is unreasonable, the reflectivity is 100%, but it looks black?"

"Begin scanning diagonally."

Immediately, the probe of the single-photon scanning microscope is tilted at a certain angle and begins to release single photons.

"The angle of incidence is 1°, the absorption rate is 100%, and the reflectance rate is 0%."

"The incident angle is 2°, the absorption rate is 100%, and the reflectance rate is 0%."


"The angle of incidence is 89°, the absorption rate is 100%, and the reflectance rate is 0%."

" is this possible?" Su Yun couldn't help but fell into deep thought, "It is totally reflected in the vertical direction, but fully absorbed in other directions? No wonder it's so dark!"

Su Yun has never seen such a strange substance.

"Raise the energy level and scan the three-dimensional structure of the tentacle surface!"


After a while, even Su Xiaoxiao's voice was a little unbelievable, "The photon elastic collision phenomenon is uniform, without energy loss, showing that the surface of the tentacle is absolutely smooth."

"Absolutely smooth..."

The single-photon scanning microscope has extremely high precision, reaching the femtometer level. It can even see the gap between neutrons on the surface of neutron stars, but it cannot see the structure on the surface of Ancient God's tentacles.

"It's impossible to be absolutely smooth. It can only be that our microscope is not precise enough to scan the three-dimensional structure of the tentacle surface." Su Yun analyzed: "The photon is already an extremely small particle, and even the photon cannot be seen clearly, so its The composition of matter can only be smaller than a photon, or at the same scale as a photon."

After Su Yunsi thought about it, there was only one possibility.

"Quarks! This thing is made of quarks!"

"Quark?" Murong Sui, who participated in the experiment remotely, said dumbly: "Impossible! If it is made of quarks, its mass is wrong! It should be many orders of magnitude larger!"

As one of the most basic building blocks of matter, quarks are the elementary particles that directly make up neutrons and protons.

If the neutrons are all crushed to expose the quarks, then they will be directly cemented by the strong interaction force, called the quark degenerate state, which should be extremely close, as Murong Sui said, the mass will not be so small .

"This is the real strong interaction material!" Su Yun couldn't help feeling.

"So is there a way to deconstruct it?" Murong Sui continued to think: "How about trying to use Jin Mie to try to decompose it?"

"That's exactly what I mean. If it's made of quarks, then Jin Mie should be able to decompose it! In short, try all kinds of methods."

After Su Yun and the equipment were evacuated, a phantom antihydrogen atom was released, and the quarks in the phantom antiproton were naturally phantom antiquarks.

No matter how powerful matter is, it cannot escape the iron law of "annihilation of positive and negative matter"!

Like erratic ghosts, virtual antihydrogen atoms are slowly attracted by the gravitational force of Ancient God's tentacles.

Everyone was nervously waiting for the result, and their hearts went up and down along with the invisible antiatom.

They didn't seem to realize how much time had passed, until Su Xiaoxiao's prompt sounded, "Failure, there is no reaction after the virtual antihydrogen atom comes into contact with the tentacles of Ancient God..."

Su Yun's expression could not help being dignified, but he was not discouraged, but began to think about more possibilities.

Various ideas flashed through his mind one by one, and a sudden flash of inspiration made him feel as if he had caught something.

"Small, quick! Detect how absorbing neutrinos the Ancient God tentacles are! Accurate to the type of neutrinos!"

"Okay! The neutrino scanning equipment is being deployed!" Su Xiaoxiao said energetically.

Not long after, Su Xiaoxiao returned the detection results.

"It is detected that the absorption rate of neutrinos by Ancient God's tentacles is 0.9121%, among which, the absorption of electron neutrinos accounts for 1.221% of the total absorption, the absorption of m neutrinos accounts for 12.754%, and the absorption of t neutrinos Volume accounted for 86.035%."

"Haha, that's right!" Su Yun said excitedly.

Murong Sui also thought about it for a while, and suddenly realized, "So! Ancient God's tentacles are not composed of ordinary up and down quarks, but are composed of second-generation strange quarks or even third-generation top-bottom quarks!! "

"The absorption peak of matter composed of up and down quarks to neutrinos should correspond to electric neutrinos!"

"Moreover, the overall neutrino absorption rate is close to 1%... How dense is this mass of matter! It is even several orders of magnitude larger than neutron stars!! From this point of view, it is really amazing that the density is so high and the gravity is so small. Weird!"

"Haha!" Su Yun laughed boldly: "This is what we have to figure out. If we can figure out the composition of Ancient God's tentacles, then we can know how to deal with him!"

"Okay! I'm already looking forward to it!" Murong Sui responded positively, then calmed down again, "But what exactly should I do?"

"As the saying goes, miracles can happen with great force... In this case, you can only bombard him with high-energy particles! To separate a single quark."

"But but..." Murong Sui immediately questioned: "If the Ancient God's tentacles are really quark-degenerate matter, then it is impossible to obtain a single quark through bombardment with high-energy particles!"

"Because of the existence of quark confinement, the strength of the strong interaction force between quarks increases as the distance increases within a certain distance! The energy required to cut off the strong interaction force is enough to give birth to new quarks!"

"Moreover, the Ancient God tentacles are made entirely of quarks! It is simply an extremely huge neutron! The quarks are paired with each other. How much energy is needed to separate a single quark! I am afraid that the energy of the entire universe is not enough. Bar!"

"You are wrong!" Su Yun lowered his tone and said mysteriously: "Don't forget, the range of action of strong force is limited, even if it is quark-degenerate matter, not all quarks have huge gaps between them. It’s powerful! Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to make the mark.”

"Moreover! If these quarks are top and bottom quarks, their mass will be 870 to 75,000 times that of up and down quarks! To generate new quark pairs, the energy required is extremely high! And off It is still unknown which energy is more or less to open the strong interaction force!"

Murong Sui's brain began to spin rapidly, but he couldn't react for a while, only to hear Su Yun said sadly: "However, the energy required will definitely not be low, it seems that an extremely huge particle collider is needed!! !!"

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