In the past cognition, space is carrying matter, not forming matter, but now, everything seems to be rewritten.

If the space is compared to the water surface carrying the ship, then the ship is the material, and the two should exist independently of each other, but now there is a small boat made of water, and this small boat can sail stably on the water surface.

In order to understand the mystery of the matter in space, Su Yun had to encrypt the sensors in order to accurately measure the changes in matter and space during the impact.

In the following Hundred Years, the surface of Ancient God's tentacles was finally hit with a small hole, but the size of a fist.

Su Yun made an astonishing discovery by counting the matter that was spilled in the form of high-energy particles during the counting process.

The density of Ancient God's tentacles is extremely high, far greater than neutron degenerate matter, such existence can only be theoretical black hole matter!

However, due to the fusion of black hole matter and space microbubbles, the gravitational force it exhibits is much smaller than the theoretical value.

It is the space that "dilutes" the gravitational force, rather than what Su Yun thought at first, it is the mass of matter that is changed by vector manipulation.

Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a new concept, molar mass, the real quantity of matter, and the quality counted by the number of microscopic particles that make up matter.

The molar mass of an object also determines the upper limit of its mass obtained through vector manipulation.

This is the reason why black holes or neutron stars cannot be formed by increasing the mass of objects through vector manipulation.

During this period, Su Yun was also able to carry out detailed research on the black hole itself, and the small juvenile black hole just happened to be a perfect research object.

Fifty years later, there is finally light.

As we all know, the reason why a black hole is called a black hole is that light cannot escape from it, but to be precise, the escape speed from a black hole is greater than the speed of light.

If it is normal matter, it will definitely not be able to escape from the black hole, even through vector manipulation.

Unless it is the space itself that is escaping!

The small black holes produced by colliders decay and disappear by ejecting top and bottom quarks that fuse with space.

It's just that these top-bottom quarks also decay instantly, leaving the fusion state with space.

This process is far more violent than Hawking radiation.

The tentacles of Ancient God merged with the space, so that they can protrude from the black hole, and the composition of its matter has been highly coupled with the space itself.

Therefore, there is no so-called point of infinite density in a black hole, that is, a singularity, but the density is high enough that even light cannot escape.

The extremely high mass crushes neutrons in ordinary matter, exposing quarks directly, and these quarks fuse with each other to form heavier strange quarks and eventually top and bottom quarks.

The huge gravitational force can maintain the stability of the strong interaction matter composed of top and bottom quarks.

As for how these substances finally merged with the space, Su Yun still doesn't know.

So he had a bold idea to let the soul fall into a black hole!

Matter will inevitably be shredded by the black hole, but the soul may be able to maintain stability!

Su Yun immediately told everyone about his own thoughts.

Wen Bai was the first to be unhappy, and hurriedly said with a white face: "No, the risk is too great! Just losing a part of the soul is fine, if it affects your body, what should you do?"

"You reminded me." Su Yun pinched his chin and began to think, "If you want to know the situation in the black hole, the soul must maintain a connection with the main body, so the change of the soul will definitely affect the main body, but if The connection is completely disconnected, and the information cannot be sent back."

When Su Yun was at a loss, Su Xiaoxiao's holographic image suddenly appeared, "Su Yun, don't forget about me!"

"In terms of the strength of the soul, I am the strongest in the Immortal World! And I can split the soul body at will, and I can isolate a special area to keep in touch with the soul body without affecting the main body."

"Little..." Su Yun fell into deep thought.

Su Xiaoxiao, as the soul quantum mastermind of the entire Immortal World civilization, has her soul everywhere, and these souls are a unified whole!

Through nourishment for so long, her soul body has become unimaginably strong.

"Then be careful! Remember to use physical isolation methods and use third-party detection methods to obtain the information returned by the soul body."

"Don't you still believe in my technology? I have isolated a separate soul device, which transmits information digitally, and has multiple firewalls." Su Xiaoxiao patted her chest and said.

"Okay, leave it to you!"

Soon, Su Xiaoxiao separated a tiny wisp of soul body, and after the soul body established a separate connection with the soul device, it slowly floated towards the impact point of the particle collider.

The small black hole formed by the impact will decay within ten seconds, and the harsh environment for a period of time after the impact will destroy the spirit, so Su Xiaoxiao doesn't have much time, so he needs to be on time.

Just as a new wave of proton beams flew in, Su Xiaoxiao's soul suddenly accelerated, and the moment the danger factor dropped below the warning value after the impact, she rushed into the event horizon of the small black hole.

But in less than a second, Su Xiaoxiao's sub-soul was crushed, dissipating the power of the soul.

Other than that, nothing happened.

But Su Xiaoxiao was silent for a long time.

Just when Su Yun was worried, her voice came slowly, which seemed a little unbelievable, "Su Yun, that Shenhun device has gone down, the reason is information overload! In short, my brain is burnt out. "

"Information overload? But isn't your sub-soul destroyed instantly?" Su Yun was puzzled.

"But the fact is true. My split soul sent back a huge amount of data, far exceeding the processing power of that divine soul device, so we only know that the split soul does know a lot of things, but we have no way of knowing, because the data The amount is huge and can only be stored in the form of quantum bytes. If you want to convert it into traditional byte digital data, no device can store it.” Su Xiaoxiao explained: “Unless I lift the isolation of that device, I can know what happened."

"So, if you want to know what's in the black hole, you can only find out for yourself! Can't make a transit?"

"Yes, but there are bound to be unforeseen risks in using the soul to receive information directly." Su Xiaoxiao hesitated, "Do you need to lift the isolation of the soul?"

Su Yun focused his eyes and thought for a while, then sighed: "Let's put it on hold for now, none of us can take risks, let's proceed to the next step of research first."

"What are you studying?"

"Create black hole matter!"

The key to making black hole matter, that is, to make top-bottom quark matter is to keep this matter stable, that is to let matter merge with space.

When the particle collider collides with the tentacles of Ancient God, it can separate the top and bottom quark matter, and even smash them into pieces, releasing talons, Spiritual Qi, divine soul power, and space microbubbles.

What Su Yun wants to do is to reverse this process! In this way, the principle of the combination of matter and space can be clarified.

So Su Yun activated the collision mode of the particle collider, allowing two beams of high-energy protons to collide with each other!

And provide all the conditions needed to restore this substance.

The synthesis of top and bottom quark matter requires high-energy proton beams, Spiritual Qi, spiritual power, and space.

Needless to say, high-energy proton beams, followed by extremely high concentrations of Spiritual Qi and soul power.

The first thing Su Yun thought of was the Ultimate Medicine Pill, which was the highest concentration of Spiritual Qi and Soul Power that they could prepare.

As for the space, Su Yun plans to set the location of the impact in the space spar.

There is a vast space curled up in the space spar, and the curvature is extremely high. If the space has a density, then its space density will be extremely high, only inferior to a black hole.

Everything is ready, but the east wind is the only thing. The ultimate Medicine Pill has been stored in the space spar, and the two beams of high-energy proton beams are also ready. There is a time difference of three minutes between them, so the former beam of protons needs to rotate in the secondary circular orbit for three minutes. Turn around.

Soon, the two proton beams headed towards each other, and crashed into the space slit opened by the space spar.

Finally collided inside the space spar space.

In just a split second, extremely powerful energy erupted, the space spar was even shattered, the inner space was released, the space began to expand, and the surrounding detectors retreated millions of kilometers in an instant.

After the space stabilized, Su Yun discovered through measurement that a part of the space disappeared! !

To measure the size of the space in the space spar is to make it expand to the same curvature as the current universe space.

Obviously, after the space in the space spar reintegrated into the universe space, it lost part of the size of the space.

Well, the experiment might have worked!

The detector went to the impact position, used gravitational adsorption, and successfully captured some stable top and bottom quark matter!

Before conducting a detailed study on it, Su Yun conducted another collision experiment, this time purely by colliding high-energy proton beams without providing other conditions.

As expected, only small black holes formed.

Although such a small black hole is also composed of top and bottom quark matter, the degree of space fusion is not high, so it is not stable, and will decay by releasing top and bottom quark matter.

Unless it is a massive black hole that can form a stable substance of this kind, or the extremely harsh conditions of the experiment.

And the matter that completely merges the space no longer has the characteristics of a black hole, so the top-bottom quark matter that completely merges the space may be renamed—the ultimate matter!

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