According to the theoretical model summarized by the experimental data, not all matter in the black hole can be stably fused with space. Although most matter exists in the form of top-bottom quark matter, it can only be kept stable by the huge gravitational force and will not decay. .

Immediately afterwards, Su Yun started research on the captured little bit of ultimate matter.

However, there is really only a little bit of this ultimate substance...

Although they are gathered together, they are composed of extremely small particles, which can be easily separated.

The volumes of these particles are also different. According to the weak gravitational force of the smallest particle, it contains only one top quark and two bottom quarks, which can be regarded as the third generation of neutrons.

But its volume is less than one millionth of that of ordinary neutrons.

It is an excellent experimental subject.

The ultimate matter is almost only shown to interact with the gravitational force, so the isolated particle containing only three third-generation quarks can only be fixed in the center of the experimental instrument by gravitational restraint.

The previous impact experiments could not isolate the stable ultimate matter, so many research methods could not be used.

Now, I can get a glimpse of it!

Because on the tentacles of Ancient God, the ultimate matter is extremely smooth and flat, almost a two-dimensional plane, but now the ultimate matter particles can observe the three-dimensional structure, so the meaning is different.

Next, it's time for the Divine Sense Lens to show its might.

The only thing Su Yun could think of that was smaller than a photon was the divine sense.

Condensing the divine thoughts layer by layer allows it to focus on an extremely small range.

The choice of spiritual thoughts as the experimental method is also because the spiritual thoughts can have a strong interaction with Spiritual Qi and the power of the soul.

After the lenses of all levels of the spiritual microscope are in place, the entire instrument is more than ten kilometers long and can release the most powerful beam of spiritual thought in history!

When the divine thoughts beam focused on the ultimate particle of matter, the data was obtained in an instant.

It's just that the current data has been severely disturbed, which is the disturbance from the quantum field in space.

After filtering out the interference, the three-dimensional structure in the particles of the ultimate matter can be revealed.

"This is...quantized Spiritual Qi and soul power...Spiritual Qi particles and soul particles!" Su Yun said in surprise.

A three-dimensional image represented by a grayscale depth map appears in the holographic projection. In a trapped space, a large number of point clouds are distributed around the "triangle" formed by top and bottom quarks!

These point-like clouds are the flashing Spiritual Qi particles and soul particles! Moreover, they are still in a state of continuous combination and division, and when they combine, they become turbid air.

Moreover, the entire structure is in constant change, and even the trapped space follows the rotation of the quark triangle, vibrating, distorting, and flowing!

Space would converge at the quark's location and diverge away from the quark.

The whole is like three space rings nested together.

And in the space ring, there are still Xu Xizi pairs stably, like countless small petals floating on the water surface, able to undulate and wave with the water surface.

If you don’t filter out the quantum fluctuations in the quantum field of space, you will find that all elementary particles will appear and disappear in this enclosed space. The frequency of fluctuations is extremely high, and it can almost be said that they can also exist stably.

What's even more strange is that the volumes of all the elementary particles that make up this particle are changing randomly at any time. It seems that the perspective law of near big and far small is invalid here!

Of course, their overall size is still extremely small.

The so-called spiritual thoughts are just the state of "wave" of Spiritual Qi particles and soul particles.

After that, Su Yun also observed other ultimate matter particles, and found that their structures were similar, but their shapes were different with the forms of the intermediate quark pairs.

But without exception, all contain all sixty-three kinds of elementary particles! It is simply a pot of primitive elementary particle soup!

This situation will only appear at a certain stage shortly after the universe big bang.

According to the observed results, these elementary particles seem to have a tendency to fuse completely!

Su Yun was terrified in his heart, the ultimate matter was extremely close to the legendary singularity that triggered the universe explosion!

The fusion of all elementary particles is the singularity!

But there is no doubt that there can only be one singularity for the birth of the universe, that is, all the elementary particles in the universe can eventually fuse together, including the entire space of the universe!

After reaching this conclusion, Su Yun fell into a daze, his eyes staring blankly:

"So, is the purpose of Ancient God to destroy the civilization in the universe, get back the matter and space, reassemble the singularity, and restart the universe? Are we stopping the Samsara of the universe?"

"Maybe Ancient God is stopping Samsara from Universe?" Wen Bai was also uncertain, but couldn't bear Su Yun to fall into a state of self-doubt.

"If the Ancient God has mastered most of the matter, space, Spiritual Qi, and soul power, then the means to restart the universe is in His hands, and no one else can restart the Universe. As long as He does not restart the Universe, He can make the universe The universe will sink into darkness forever!"

Su Yun said in a low tone, "If this is the case, there are already more than 95% dark matter and dark energy in the universe, and he is almost successful."

He seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and hurriedly said: "Xiao Xiao, expand the panorama of the observable Universe!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge holographic image unfolded in the huge control room of the space test station, showing the panorama of the universe observed by the Immortal World civilization.

This universe panorama has been corrected and is very close to the real situation now. The space rift traversal project enabled the Immortal World probes to go to extremely far places and observed the universe from multiple angles.

In the image, the glowing galaxy or other interstellar matter is connected into a network of veins under the influence of gravity, which looks like giant neurons.

And beyond these luminous connections is the deep darkness, which occupies more than 95% of the entire universe.

"Little, mark the Star that is less than a billion years old."

In the image, a large number of light spots began to dim, but there were still many bright spots, colorful and magnificent.

"These are young Stars that have been formed for less than a billion years. They are distributed in various universes, and there are even many newly formed Stars. That is to say, the Universe is still very young and should not come to an end now."

"So we must find a way to stop the Ancient God, right!!" Wen Bai said emotionally.

"At least the means of restarting the universe cannot be allowed to fall into his hands!"


In the next two thousand years, the resources of the entire Immortal World civilization were poured into the research of the ultimate substance.

Unfortunately, the final conclusion is disappointing.

The ultimate matter that makes up the Ancient God's tentacles cannot be effectively destroyed.

The current power of the avenue cannot threaten the Ancient God.

For more than 2,000 years, the tentacles of Ancient God have crossed the range of the Xingluo civilization and are about to threaten the territory of the Immortal World civilization.

All one can do to repair the Immortal World civilization is to escape.

But what if he escaped? The universe will eventually fall into darkness, and the development of Immortal World civilization will only last for a while.

The lost Su Yun simply left the space test station and wandered around with Wen Bai.

The current location of Su Yun and Wen Bai is a planet in the Xingluo civilization that was unfortunately destroyed by the tentacles of Ancient God.

They are sitting on the satellite of this planet, looking at the wreckage of the planet from a distance.

Looking from a distance, huge tentacles stretched across the starry sky, and only by covering the starlight behind could his outline be revealed, like a black dragon, destroying everything that stood in his way.

The unlucky planet has been scattered into interstellar dust, and all the strong are not spared, and become one of the dust.

Under the illumination of the Star, this cloud of interstellar dust is unexpectedly beautiful, floating in space like a strand of golden tulle.

Su Yun and Wen Bai sat on a rock with a small battleship behind them.

Seeing that Su Yun was fascinated, Wen Bai said in a soothing tone: "What's the matter, what are you thinking?"

"I'm wondering if we're going in the wrong direction." Su Yun looked thoughtfully at the seemingly real and illusory dust cloud in front of him.

"The universe is material, but it is also metaphysical. Perhaps more mysteries lie in places we cannot touch."

"Is there a place we can't go to? You mean inside the black hole?" Wen Bai tilted his head, wondering.

"No, it's the surface of the black hole." Su Yun stood up suddenly, with a solemn expression, "I think I already understand what the surface of the event horizon of a black hole looks like."

"It is a two-dimensional plane. After any object enters the black hole, all information will be erased, but the information does not disappear, but goes to other places."


"The realm of the soul! The surface of the black hole leads to the realm of the soul!"

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