After delivering the farming robot, Su Yun went to the Flying Sword production workshop to inspect the situation.

Five finished Flying Swords have been neatly arranged in the product stacking place, and Su Yun subconsciously put them into the Qiankun bag.

Such a subconscious action gave him an instant enlightenment, and he had an idea!

How can the produced Flying Sword be automatically stored in the Cosmos Bag?

Under normal circumstances, if you want to use the universe bag, you must pass the cultivator's divine sense to open and close the storage space and pick and place items.

A cold machine has no divine sense!

If you want to realize this idea, you need to consult an expert in the soul, that is, Jiang Mu.

Came to Jiang Mu's small tomb room, knocked on the stone door, and only saw Jiang Mu open the door after a while. The dark circles under his eyes have disappeared, and he looks more refreshed.

"Brother Su, what advice do you have?" Jiang Mu opened the door, surprised, and then invited Su Yun inside.

"I'm here to ask some questions." Su Yun glanced at the dark stone room, swallowed his saliva, and walked in, saying some polite words, "Your Immortal Cave is quite big, and there are two ear rooms. The inner and outer coffins in the main tomb are actually made of nanmu, which is magnificent! There is also this ever-burning lamp in the shape of a maid, so beautiful!"

Hearing these words, Jiang Mu was overjoyed, "Brother Su is absurdly praised, I don't know why Brother Su came to my place?"

Su Yun didn't hide any more, and said directly, "I don't know if Brother Mu knows some methods to control the Qiankun Bag to pick and place items without using the cultivator's divine sense personally?"

"It's good to call me Jiang Mu, I can't be called Brother Mu!" Jiang Mu invited Su Yun to sit down, and said, "It's easy! You only need to separate out a wisp of divine sense and inject it into the Qiankun bag, and then you will be able to recover." According to your thoughts, control and activate the universe bag when needed, and take and place items."

"I know this, it's a way to divide the divine thoughts, but only cultivators above Foundation Establishment can do it, and the divine thoughts don't last long enough, and the number of times they work is also limited." Su Yun sat on the cold stone bench and explained road.

Hearing this, Jiang Mu's eyes darkened, and he pushed over a plate of pastries that are often used as tributes, thinking for a moment.

Then he frowned, and said in a daze: "With the strength of Brother Su Qi Refining, there may be only one way!"

While talking, Jiang Mu pulled out a small pendant from his collar. The shape of a petal is a necklace style that women often wear. Looking closely, it is actually a space Magical Item, and it is a high rank space Magical Item that can bind the soul!

Although the space spar on it is not as big as the one in Su Yun's hand, it is as big as a pea!

"This is the senior's storage space. After she was hunted down and injured, she hid this necklace. It contained all of the senior's belongings. I found it back later." Jiang Mu closed his eyes slightly, and activated his divine sense. Probe into the necklace, the pendant lighted up slightly, spreading out bursts of strange fluctuations.

"Is this the binding of souls!!" Su Yun's eyes widened, as if he had never seen the world.

What surprised him even more was that the fused soul could unlock the senior's storage Magical Item.

After a while, Jiang Mu took out a strange dark blue crystal, the size of a fist, with an irregular shape, like a sphere that was deliberately gouged.

Jiang Mu looked at the crystal, as if looking at an old friend.

"The first time I met a senior was when I picked up this stone, and the remnant soul of the senior resided in it, and it survived only because of the warmth of this stone."

"Later she tried to take me away, but she failed in the end, and we have been together for a long time after that..."

"But now, this soul crystal is of no use to me, so give it to Brother Su!"

"Soul crystal?" Su Yun vaguely remembered seeing this word in some classic, and suddenly realized after a while, "Soul crystal! Sixth-order Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, soul crystal!"

With the collection of Luoyunzong's books, it is no longer possible to involve such high-rank materials, and the rare records are only a few words.

Then he looked shocked, "You just give away such a precious thing? You don't know the value of the sixth-order material, do you? At least it can sell a million Spirit Stones!"

"But this is a relic that the senior's spirit once lodged, so there's no reason to sell it?" Jiang Mu said with a smile. At this time, his smile was no longer so stiff and awkward, and it already had some warmth.

"It's better to use it to perfect Brother Su. I can sense it in the dark, and she agrees with me to do this."

Hearing this, Su Yun got up, bowed to Jiang Mu Duanduan with a solemn expression.

"Brother Su, you're out of touch now." Jiang Mu hastily helped Su Yun up.

"This is to respect the senior." Su Yun laughed.

Then Su Yun suddenly thought of something, his face immediately became serious, and asked: "Jiang Mu, you actually want to avenge the senior, right?"

"Naturally." Jiang Mu nodded heavily, and the hatred in his eyes grew stronger, "But I may be hopeless all my life by myself, but Brother Su certainly can!"

Then he gritted his teeth even more, "That man, damn it."

It's really scary for a person who looks like a child to show such an expression.

Su Yun didn't dare to promise something that Jiang Mu couldn't do because of the opportunity, but he still promised: "I can only say that I will try my best."

"Your words are enough!" Jiang Mu lay down on the ground and saluted Su Yun.

"What are you doing? Get up!"

Helping Jiang Mu up, Su Yun began to ask for advice about the soul crystal.

Soul crystal, as the name suggests, is a crystal that can interact with the soul.

The biggest use is naturally that it can be used to warm and nourish the remnant soul, and at the same time, it also has the magical effect of resonating with divine thoughts.

Inputting spiritual thoughts in a special way can keep the soul crystal in a state of resonating with the spiritual thought. Just inject Spirit Power, and the spiritual thought can be released from the soul crystal through resonance! !

After teaching the specific method, Jiang Mu asked puzzledly: "But what is Brother Su looking for this method for? I can't think of any use. The spiritual thoughts generated by resonance are weak and cannot be used to replace the divine thoughts from the cultivator. Arrange formations or implement other means."

"It has a magical effect!" Su Yun left a few words lightly, and then ran away in a hurry.

Back at Immortal Cave, Su Yun excitedly took out the soul crystal. According to Jiang Mu, a small particle of soul crystal smaller than a hair was separated.

Then slowly penetrated into the Divine Sense, with a slight movement of the mind, a divine thought was generated, and in an instant, a mysterious change occurred inside this soul crystal, and it began to echo Su Yun's divine thought.

And his idea is to let the universe bag store the refined Flying Sword.

Finding a Qiankun bag with a space of one zhang at the lowest level, Su Yun slightly modified its pattern, embedding the resonated soul crystal into the pattern.

Afterwards, Su Yun only injected a tiny wisp of Spirit Power, and did not use his divine sense.

As he wished, a Flying Sword that had just been refined was stored in the Cosmos Bag itself.

This is the Qiankun bag received a ray of spiritual thoughts from the soul crystal, and completed the whole process with the input of Spirit Power according to the guidance of the spiritual thoughts.

Then, based on the results of this experiment, Su Yun designed a brand new ware pattern. The core component is naturally the soul crystal, and the surroundings are other logic circuits matching the soul crystal, which are used to adjust the amount of Spirit Power and input frequency of the input soul crystal.

The whole structure is called by Su Yun - Programmable Mind Generator! Afterwards, Su Yun directly input the same spiritual thoughts on the soul crystal in the Qiankun bag, the two resonated, and Spirit Power overflowed from the soul crystal!

The whole process is actually reversible!

Su Yun used other thoughts to change the resonance state of the soul crystal, and after another experiment, he still got the same result.

That is, when the soul crystal receives the divine thoughts corresponding to the resonance state, it can generate a Spirit Power signal.

In this way, the soul crystal can also be used as a sensor!

Su Yun redesigned a device pattern and added a Spirit Power amplification circuit to detect extremely weak spiritual fluctuations.

This pattern is called - Programmable Spiritual Sense Detector.

The connection between Spirit Power and Divine Sense is now open in both directions, which is called the Internet of Everything! !

These two patterns can be of great use in the future!

Although Su Yun was inspired by "storage of Flying Sword products", in the end he did not add an automatic storage bag to the refining line.

Instead, he turned around and went out, carrying the industrial product Flying Sword that had already been refined, and headed straight to Luoyun Town.

Su Yun still took the old road through the Crane Valley, and there was nothing unusual along the way.

Luoyun Town in the morning mist is still calm, just an ordinary mountain town.

Chen Zhen didn't seem to be overwhelmed by Chen Yang's death.

In other words, Chen Zhen has not discovered the fact that Chen Yang and others have died.

Su Yun walked into Luoyun Town openly and without any scruples.

Occasionally bump into a Rogue Cultivators who recognize him, and have a polite chat.

"Brother, didn't you say you were going to sell Flying Sword? Why hasn't there been any movement?"

"The time has been set, just come and join us at that time." Su Yun cupped hands said.

Then he made up his mind, took out a Flying Sword of Yunzi No. 1, held it in his hand and showed it to the Rogue Cultivators.

"How about my sword?"

"Ouch! A middle-grade spiritual tool of excellent quality!" Rogue Cultivators stared straight at the eyes, and wanted to touch it, but Su Yun patted it away.

"Just look but don't touch, unless you buy it now." Su Yun hugged Flying Sword, with a vigilant expression on his face.

When Rogue Cultivators heard this, their eyes began to roll, "Is it really on sale at 40% off? Flying Sword of this level is a hot commodity in the market, and you need more than 200 Spirit Stones!"

"Seriously, do you want to buy it or not? If not, I'll leave." Su Yun said that he didn't have much patience and pretended to leave.

Seeing this, Rogue Cultivators grabbed Su Yun, gritted their teeth and stomped their feet, and began to bargain with Su Yun, and finally settled the deal with one hundred and fifty Spirit Stones.

Rogue Cultivators took out their own savings, paid Spirit Stones, and got the Flying Sword as they wished, stroked the blade, and instantly showed an excited expression on their faces, "Brother, I don't know what Spiritual Roots attribute this Flying Sword is ?”

"You bought Spiritual Roots without asking about its attributes?" Su Yun questioned. After thinking for a while, he suddenly realized that this person wanted to be a second-hand dealer and resell it!

He raised his eyebrows and reminded: "You run your own Spirit Power, input Flying Sword, and you will know it naturally!"

"Come on!" Rogue Cultivators operated their peak Qi Refining Spirit Power, and then poured the Spirit Power of the three attributes of gold, wood and soil into the Flying Sword.

He instantly noticed the changes in the Flying Sword. He was surprised and embarrassed, "This... this Flying Sword can be adjusted according to the user's Spiritual Roots attribute? Originally, it has all five attributes?"

"Exactly! Now this Flying Sword just perfectly matches your three attributes of Spiritual Roots, isn't it a surprise!" Su Yun said with a smile.

"Hehe! The surprise is greater than the joy..." Rogue Cultivators bit the bullet and said: "Brother, can I return the product?"

Originally, it was a pleasure to get a Magical Item with perfectly matched attributes, but he just wanted to be a second-hand dealer and speculate to earn some Spirit Stones. If he did this, the Flying Sword would be difficult to sell.

It is very difficult to find the next home with the same Spiritual Roots attribute, and if you insist on selling it, you may have to discount it.

"No, this Flying Sword has already changed into your shape, how can I sell it?" Su Yun sternly refused.

In the end, Rogue Cultivators could only accept this fact with hatred and keep the Flying Sword for their own use.

Rogue Cultivators was about to leave with a painful face, Su Yun called him, threw out ten low-quality Spirit Stones, and said with a smile: "You are my first customer, now forward this advertisement to your relatives and friends , you can get ten Spirit Stones as cashback, do you have any intention?"

Rogue Cultivators paused instantly, and obediently caught Spirit Stones, "Don't worry, I'll take care of the publicity! Good wine is not afraid of deep alleys. When everyone knows the amazingness of your Flying Sword, they will surely Come join us!"

"Excuse me." Su Yun cupped hands off.

Then go straight to the world's number one business.

Su Yun came early, just happened to see Mu Ling come out to pretend, she was sleepy, she opened her eyelids with her fingers, and looked at Su Yun with wide eyes.

"Su Yun, didn't you come here again?" Mu Yue yawned and said listlessly.

"I'm busy! I don't have time to compete with you." Su Yun put aside Mu Ling and went into the store, but saw a woman in red, "Yin Niang?"

Although Yin Niang's clothes had changed styles, she was still dressed in red. The style was much more conservative, but it still had a special charm.

She was holding a bowl of porridge in her hand, and was stirring it with a spoon. She kept blowing out of her mouth and chased it out, probably to feed Mu Ling the porridge.

Although the bowl is white porridge, but the spiritual qi is lingering, it must be boiled with good rice, perhaps it is the food tonic prepared by Mr. Qian for Mu Ling.

"Su Yun, why are you here?" Yin Niang was overjoyed, she put down her bowl, and was about to salute, but was stopped by Su Yun directly.

Su Yun asked confusedly, "What are you doing?"

Yin Niang looked up, suddenly feeling strange, "Are you going to salute?"

"I mean why are you here?" Su Yun thought about it, thinking that he didn't ask Yin Niang to come over to be Mu Ling's nanny!

At this moment, Mu Ling stretched and stepped across the threshold, Yin Niang picked up the porridge, squatted down, and fed the porridge to Mu Ling's mouth, "Ah~"

While feeding the porridge, she turned her head and smiled and explained: "You just said to let me wait, but I couldn't wait in vain, so I came to see if there was anyone who needed help, but I was caught by this little guy and cooked for her .”

When she said this, Yin Niang's tone was gentle, she didn't complain at all, and she was even very doting.

"Then I found out that Xiao Muling is not as scary as I thought earlier, except for being naughty. She is a cute and alert little girl!"

Su Yun was ashamed.

girl? No matter your age, you can be your mother! !

But it is also a good thing that they get along well, after all, they want to cooperate, and a strong relationship is naturally a good thing.

While drinking the porridge, Mu Ling did not forget to stare at Su Yun sideways, and said with a grimace, "If you don't cook for me, I will let you do it, and besides, I asked Mr. Qian to guide Yin Niang to practice! But Didn't treat her badly!"

"Very good!" Su Yun didn't have any objections, it was a good opportunity for Yin Niang to get Mr. Qian's advice.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yun took out the three top-grade spiritual weapons he had seized and placed them on the table aside, "See if there is one that suits your Spiritual Roots attribute? Pick it yourself, and I will change it for you later."

Without waiting for Yin Niang to speak, Su Yun went in directly and found Mr. Qian in the backyard.

He first took out a sample of the "Yunzi No. 1" Flying Sword. After introducing it, Mr. Qian showed a satisfied expression.

"In just a few days, so many high-quality middle-grade spirit weapons have been refined. Su Xiaoyou's refining methods are really extraordinary!"

"Hehe, it's awesome." Su Yun laughed, if Mr. Qian knew that these Flying Swords were only produced in a few hours, I don't know how surprised he would be!

Later, Su Yun asked Mr. Qian to keep these swords in the store for display only, and they will not be sold until one month later.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yun revealed the main purpose of the trip.

"Old Qian, please exchange some mid-grade Spirit Stones." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Zhongpin Spirit Stones?" Hearing this, Mr. Qian looked puzzled, and asked in confusion, "Does Xiaoyou Su need Zhongpin Spirit Stones for large transactions?"

Su Yun shook his head and uttered a word that Mr. Qian had never heard before, "Mr. Qian, have you heard of fire coverage?"

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