"Fire coverage?" Mr. Qian stroked his beard, thought for a long time, and slowly shook his head, "I've never heard of it."

Su Yun's eyes sparkled, and he began to draw the blueprint of his vision.

"In my hometown, there are two opposing combat strategies. If you are poor, you will strike with precision, and if you are rich, you will have full coverage!"

"I already have pretty good precision strike capabilities, but I'm missing some means of firepower coverage!"

"Mr. Qian, you might as well think about the scene of unleashing firepower on the enemy without sparing any energy-it can be said to make the world tremble, and the gods and ghosts are terrified! Even if thousands of troops invade, they can be wiped out in an instant!"

Mr. Qian sounded a little ambiguous, but he could roughly understand, "It was originally a kind of military art."

Then he said solemnly: "So... Su Xiaoyou, which sect or dynasty are you planning to destroy?"

"..." Su Yun scratched his head and said with a sneer, "Hehehe, that's what I'm just saying, no grudges, no grudges, why destroy people all over the house?"

"Some methods can be used, but they must be used!" As he said, a confident smile appeared on Su Yun's face, which was a kind of arrogance that Sect's arrogance never had!

"In short, Xiaoyou Su needs mid-grade Spirit Stones, right?" Mr. Qian said with some embarrassment, "It's just that there are only a few mid-grade Spirit Stones left in my hand."

Qian Lao took out a small bag of medium-grade Spirit Stones, only fifteen of them.

"In addition to being a currency for circulation, mid-grade Spirit Stones are also an important material and resource for cultivation. With my Realm, low-grade Spirit Stones can no longer be used for my cultivation, and these are the only mid-grade Spirit Stones left."

"If Su Xiaoyou is not too little, just take it, it's just..." Qian Lao paused, and said with some regret: "There is only so much, I am afraid it is far from the level of destroying a Sect! I want to invite a Gold Core It’s not enough for a real person to shoot.”

"Let me make an analogy... I didn't say that it must reach the level of extermination!" Su Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it turned out that Qian was always worried about this.

"That's good!" Mr. Qian immediately smiled happily, and generously agreed: "If Su Xiaoyou needs it in the future, I will keep more middle-grade Spirit Stones!"

Su Yun counted out 1,500 low-grade Spirit Stones, handed them to Qianlao, and said with a smile: "These are enough for now, but I'm afraid I will have to trouble Qianlao more in the future!"

"It's okay, it's just a trip!" Mr. Qian returned to his calm look, and the happy expression just now gradually faded, returning to peace.

After that, Su Yun asked Mr. Qian to buy some small space crystals, and left.

Back in the front hall of the store, Yin Niang was standing in front of the table with her arms down. Mu Ling had gone somewhere to play, and she only drank half of a bowl of porridge and threw it on the table.

The three swords on the table showed no sign of moving, Su Yun frowned slightly, "Does this sword not fit your Spiritual Roots attribute?"

"These swords are all top-grade spiritual weapons, so I'm really allowed to choose them at will?" Yin Niang asked in disbelief, looking very restrained.

"Otherwise? Take a look, I don't have much time to waste!" Su Yun said decisively, leaving Yin Niang with no room for refusal.

Yin Niang approached the table hesitantly, turned on the Spirit Power, and began to test the swords. After a while, she picked up one of the swords, waved it a few times, and said happily: "This sword is fine, and the shape is in hand! The dual attributes of gold and fire!"

"I am Spiritual Roots with the three attributes of metal, fire and wood. This sword is also suitable, and I am a sword repairer, majoring in the violent metal and fire attribute."

While speaking, Yin Niang suppressed her joy and asked cautiously like a kitten, "Are you really sending me?"

"Providing employees with productivity tools is the responsibility of every boss, so take them with peace of mind." Su Yun didn't care at all, but took the Flying Sword, took out the furnace and a smelting tool on the spot, and began to re-smelt and forge the hilt In order to perfectly fit Yin Niang's small palm, it can also erase some features of Flying Sword.

The jingling movement also attracted Mu Ling. She got out of nowhere and watched Su Yun's knocking movements raptly, without disturbing her.

Soon after, the hilt undergoes a final quench, leaving only some warmth.

Yin Niang took the sword, felt the temperature in her hand, swung it wantonly a few times, and saw Su Yun passing in front of her.

"You're leaving now, don't you have anything else to say?"

Hearing this, Su Yun was also taken aback for a moment, thinking about whether she had forgotten something important, but she had done everything she should do, so she just said casually, "By the way, children can't be fed, if she doesn't do it by herself If you want to eat, fight! If you can't fight, let me come!"

"Su Yun!" Mu Ling howled maliciously, "I suspect you are targeting me!"

"Whoever doesn't eat well will be targeted!" After Su Yun finished speaking, he ran out of the store.

Mu Spiritual Qi bulging, like an inflated puffer fish, chased after a few steps, and shouted unconvinced to Su Yun's back: "I don't want to eat well!"

Then he returned to the house and drank the half bowl of porridge that had been cooled down.

After it's over, I still feel disgusted, "White porridge is not as good as hot pot..."

Yin Niang on the side also murmured, "Is there really nothing for me to do to kill people... Then what kind of subordinate am I..."


Rushing back to Green Bamboo Peak without stopping, Su Yun arranged the Spirit Stones in the Immortal Cave, a total of 17 medium-grade Spirit Stones and 2,705 low-grade Spirit Stones.

Although not much, it was far from what Su Yun expected.

But he still nodded in satisfaction, "It's enough to deal with a small Sect mission no matter what!"

Su Yun plans according to the number of Spirit Stones.

The first plan is to refine twelve middle-grade spiritual cores for backup, and one hundred low-grade spiritual cores.

With his current technology strength and Divine Sense power, it still took three days to complete these refinements.

After all, it is better to build something as delicate as a spiritual core carefully, otherwise the spiritual core will explode out of control when used, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Afterwards, it took another three days for Su Yun to recast the silver moon and the wolf's fang with the Tianxuan iron as the material.

Different from manual reloading in the past, this time Su Yun arranged black technology!

The "Programmable Divine Sense Generator" developed last time is of great use!

When using firearms in the past, Su Yun suffered from the cumbersome manual reloading. Firstly, the fighter plane was delayed, and secondly, the rate of fire of the firearms could not be increased, which could not produce the effect of suppressing firepower.

But now with the "Programmable Divine Sense Generator", combined with the space spar, you only need to fill the storage space with ammunition. There is a steady stream of ammunition that is automatically loaded.

The refined parts are similar to magazines, and the opening of the space is precisely aligned with the magazine of the firearm.

Su Yun calls it "space magazine"!

This is the underlying technology that realizes the vision of "firepower coverage"!

The only disadvantage is that it cannot be put into the storage space and needs to be disassembled and stored separately, which is not a big problem.

In order to fit the space magazine, the silver moon and the wolf tooth have also been redesigned.

Although the gun barrel is still the old crane leg bone, the outer metal is made of Tianxuan iron, and the overall strength has been greatly improved.

Added a lower-tier Spirit Core to provide Spirit Power for autoloading.

The process from reloading to firing has been optimized, and two sets of firing systems, mechanical and spiritual, have been adopted to improve the reliability at high rates of fire. At the same time, the retention of the mechanical part also gives the firearm the kind of control feel when firing. More importantly, the heat dissipation design has been modified, and cooling patterns have been added to ensure the stable operation of the firearm.

Traditional ammunition relies on the explosion and expansion of chemical charges to do work, which inevitably produces a lot of waste heat.

The spiritual nuclear explosion is the same as the nuclear explosion. It releases energy in the form of pure energy, and the efficiency of converting it into kinetic energy is much higher. After a simple calculation by Su Yun, the data obtained is between 90% and 95%. , The energy conversion efficiency is several times that of ordinary bullets.

Even so, it will inevitably generate a lot of heat, so Su Yun modified the cooling system to increase the rate of fire.

Now that the rate of fire of firearms has been increased, it's time for real heavy firepower!

Gatling Bodhisattva has a saying: One breath of three thousand six hundred revolutions, great compassion to save the world.

The heavy machine gun is the magic weapon of physical superpower!

With the improvement of strength, Su Yun easily cut the four crane leg bones into eight neat and equal lengths. The leg bones were also refined to increase their strength, and then covered with a layer of Tianxuan iron to form a composite material, further enhancing their strength.

The rest of the steps are also easy to grasp. Su Yun refined the prototype according to Gatling's shape.

For heavy machine guns, pressing the gun is the difficulty.

Su Yun's solution is to use the aircraft pattern, let the heavy machine gun hang in the air like a Flying Sword, and then add the aircraft pattern whose action direction is opposite to the direction of the recoil force, and adaptively adjust the Spirit Power output according to the firing rate to perfectly offset the impact of the recoil force .

In this way, the heavy machine gun can also be as stable as an old dog, just like opening and hanging.

Adding some more details, another two days passed.

The refined heavy machine gun is black, long and tough, solid and reliable, with restrained killing intent, nicknamed - Thunder!

It is not enough to have firearms, ammunition is also the top priority.

Su Yun first unified the bullet caliber.

Among them, the warheads of Thunderbolt and Spike still use conventional refined iron warheads, and kinetic energy weapons are the most efficient means to deal with some low-level cultivators.

The propellant specifications of the two are also the same, both are one-twentieth of a low-grade spiritual core, which can guarantee medium and short-range firepower coverage.

This type of bullet is designated by Su Yun as "Type 1 Ammunition".

As for a long-range fixed-point sniper weapon like Yinyue, the propellant charge equivalent of the bullet can be larger, which is directly doubled compared to ordinary bullets, which is one-tenth of a low-grade spiritual core. This type is designated as "Type II Ammunition" by Su Yun.

In addition to conventional ammunition, Su Yun is also equipped with high-explosive warheads refined from one-tenth of a middle-grade Spirit Stones on the basis of Type II ammunition. power.

Ten low-grade spiritual cores exploded out of control at the same time, and it is likely that not only one mountain, but the entire Cuizhu Peak will be razed to the ground.

However, the medium-grade Spirit Stones at hand are limited. Su Yun only refined 50 rounds of this kind of ammunition, and the stock is also very luxurious. Detonate.

This is "Type II-Change"!

The addition of weapons of mass destruction completes the last link of the all-round three-dimensional firepower coverage network.

Let Su Yun have the long-range strike ability combining point and surface!

However, ammunition consumes extremely quickly. If it is artificially refined, the production capacity will not increase. Su Yun had to design and build a bullet production line for the production of conventional ammunition.

The bullet manufacturing process is complex, with more than 80 processes. From the cutting of Spirit Stones, the etching of the pattern, the assembly of metal parts to the casting and polishing of bullets, everything is fully automatic under the control of the logic module. .

It took only two weeks to complete the design and construction of the entire production line, and to break through each technology bottleneck one after another. Su Yun did not know how many hairs he lost.


Fortunately, the final result was satisfactory, and a production line with a daily production capacity of 500 rounds of conventional ammunition was born.

So far, Su Yun's real trump card is formed!

Actually is not to say how powerful these three firearms are, what is really powerful is a whole set of military industry system including firearm design, manufacturing, ammunition automatic production line and other technologies!

Firearms allow mortals to have the ability to kill a cultivator, but it's just a matter of bending a finger and pulling the trigger.

You know, mortals in the world are the majority!

This will subvert the pattern of repairing the Immortal World!

As long as there are enough Spirit Stones to spread this set of arms, not to mention the destruction of a mortal country, even a powerful cultivating sect can shake it!

Of course, Su Yun has no such crazy plans now.

If this step is really reached, there is no doubt that it will be an extremely tragic war!


Now that the "spear" is sharp enough, the "shield" also needs to be arranged immediately.

Su Yun first disassembled Chen Yang's damaged defensive Magical Item and researched it. After he was sure enough, he took out the Haipo crystal he found last time.

Defense Magical Item is different from Flying Sword, it is a consumable item, and the number of times it can resist attacks is limited.

Because the defense Magical Item uses the Spirit Power that already exists in the refining material as the energy for the defense method, once the Spirit Power in the material is exhausted, the Magical Item will be destroyed.

But it's different in Su Yun, he has such means as spirit core!

Defending Magical Items against attacks relies on the magic of the material itself, so Su Yun can simply use the Haiber Crystal as a shield generator and use the Spirit Core as the source of Spirit Power without consuming the naturally contained Spirit Power.

It can only withstand three attacks and can withstand countless attacks. It goes without saying how to choose.

Taking this as an idea, Su Yun quickly refined the Haipo crystal into a defensive Magical Item.

To put it vividly, this defensive Magical Item is like peeling off half of the longan, and half of the sea amber crystal is exposed inside. The white waxy background is colorful and very beautiful.

The metal skin is dark golden yellow, and it is covered with dense Spirit Power lines. In addition to the basic Magical Item pattern, there are more interfaces for inputting Spirit Power!

If only middle-grade spiritual cores are used as the source of Spirit Power, the shield supported may not be as strong as one-tenth of the shield strength under normal refining methods, but what if ten middle-grade spiritual cores are connected?

Hypercrystal is a fourth-order material, and the defensive Magical Item refined according to the standard shape can withstand three Gold Core-level attacks.

But with Su Yun's design, as long as there is enough Spirit Power, ordinary Gold Core cultivator can't even break the defense!

Of course, this does not mean that the Spirit Power contained in the Hypercrystal itself cannot be used. Su Yun still has a backhand on this Magical Item, and can release all the Spirit Power in it at the cost of breaking the Hypercrystal. The strength of the shield is even strong enough to withstand the full blow of the Gold Core cultivator.

It is definitely a life-saving hole card!

Afterwards, Su Yun injected a small amount of Spirit Power, and a layer of transparent spherical shield protected him in the center.

The shield is colorful, like a big bubble in the sun, it looks like it will burst when touched, but it is actually very solid.

Su Yun also instantly understood the source of this sea amber crystal.

The spirit beast skill of the deep sea merman is the bubble shield!

I didn't expect that after the merman inner alchemy was transformed into Haipojing, it could still retain the characteristics of the spirit beast inner alchemy releasing spirit beast skills, which is really miraculous.

Su Yun was thinking, is there a way to release the spirit beast skills directly through the spirit beast inner alchemy?

However, when Su Yun took out the inner alchemy to observe for a while, he still gave up this idea. No matter what means he used to investigate, he couldn't find even a trace of its magic, so he had to give up first.

And the Haipo Crystal Defense Magical Item at hand is actually only a semi-finished product, or in other words, just a component! !

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