However, since the five Elders have other missions, Su Yun is not good to ask.

After a while, the mithril flying boat landed on a mountain near a town from the clouds and mist.

Here, the forest is deep and secluded, the clear water is winding, it is quite quiet, and it can quietly hide its whereabouts.

"Proceed with caution, everyone, and I will wait for the news of your victory and return!" The five Elders stood on the tip of their swords, looking at the team members flying with their swords below.

"Thank you five Elders!" Everyone replied with cupped hands.

Immediately, the flying boat flew away through the clouds, coming and going without a sound.

"Let's go!" In the air, Su Yun jumped lightly, retracted the Five Elements sword, and fell to the ground.

"You want to walk?" Wen Bai asked, but he also jumped down without hesitation for a moment.

Su Yun stabilized his figure lightly, and said leisurely: "There is a villager's path ahead, let's go to the village and have a look."

Everyone didn't know what Su Yun meant, but half of the team, including Wang Fu, chose to follow Su Yun, and the remaining three had to follow.

Just suspicious.

On the trail in the forest, the eight people walked in two lines. The three at the end of the line, Huang Jianbing grabbed Wang Chong, and said suspiciously: "Brother Wang, what do you mean by this Su Yun? Get information and fly directly to the town Is it not good?"

"Oh, pretending to be mysterious!" Wang Chong snorted, then looked at Wu Siyue and asked, "What do you think?"

"It doesn't matter if you're playing tricks, or if you're serious, but senior brother Wang Fu is following Su Yun, what can we do?" Wu Siyue greeted Indistinguishable Dao.

Similarly, Yunyao in front also had a lot of questions, "Su Yun, why did you choose to take this country path and fly directly to the town, can you ask someone?"

Su Yun stopped in his tracks, turned and looked at the crowd, "Yunyao, you are a princess of a country; senior brother Wang Fu, you come from a family of cultivators; Wen Bai, although your family is not considered a family, it is also a famous family, which is why you came out of nowhere." You are so gentle and virtuous, dignified and beautiful, like a little fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world; and you, Jiang Mu, although you are a commoner, you also live in the town, and the elders in your family are at least working in the government."

"Only I come from a remote mountain village, and I know that only the people in the countryside are simple but ignorant, kind and at the same time small-minded, and love to chew their tongues."

"If I were the leader of a cult like Chaos Sect, I would definitely give priority to brainwashing such uncivilized villagers."

"But why don't you just fly into the village and ask someone to find out." Yun Yao spread her hands, expressing her incomprehension.

Su Yun smiled helplessly, "You, you, you have been the princess of Ruiguo for too long, and you have left the masses."

"When you fly over, it's a haughty, superior attitude. They don't want to talk to you! Can you still threaten and lure?"

"What we want is to go deep into the masses and communicate on an equal footing, you! You have to learn a little bit!"

In the end, Su Yun specially reminded: "When you meet someone later, you must restrain your breath, and don't let people see that you are a cultivator."

"It's still Junior Brother Su Yun who is well-informed!!" Wang Fu could also flatter him.

"Where is it? It's just some superficial experience, and I will act with winks later!" Su Yun waved his hand nonchalantly.

Afterwards, Wang Fu found the three people who were behind and explained to them, making them lose their temper.

After walking for a while, there are more paths in the fields, and blue smoke can be seen rising from the low tile-roofed farmhouses in the distance.

Occasionally, a few people were seen busy in the fields.

Such a familiar rural scene made Su Yun feel a sense of intimacy.

Su Yun found a gray-haired old woman. She was tending her own tea field. Her rickety body was not agile. After working for a while, she had to put down the hoe and rest for a while.

Without further ado, Su Yun picked up a hoe and began to work for the old woman.

"Oh, young man, what are you doing?" The old woman was extremely surprised, especially after seeing the other group of people, she felt terrified.

Although they didn't wear Sect clothes, and their aura was concealed, the ordinary clothes they wore were also luxurious and extraordinary, far from being comparable to the coarse linen clothes of ordinary people.

"Old ladies don't dare to bother you young masters!"

"Don't worry, ma'am, I'm also a commoner, and I'm just their servant. This time, I'm here as a guide to show them the scenery of the countryside!" Su Yun said with a smile: "I've been in the city for a long time, and occasionally I like to cultivate some sentiments."

"Oh, so it is like this!" The old woman nodded slightly, but her heart was still beating, and her brows were tightly frowned.

Then Su Yun said apologetically: "Actually, that's how it is. We are tired from walking, so we just want to find a place to ask for a drink, and then have a light meal. Don't worry, the reward will not be short of you!"

Although the old woman has no bad intentions, she was naturally happy when she heard that there was a reward, "It's easy to say, easy to say, if you don't dislike it, then go home with the old woman and deal with it."

"Success! Let's finish this first!" Su Yun agreed.

Su Yun reiterated again, "I'm talking about us... this is a rare farm experience project!"

Wen Bai was the first to understand, and stepped forward to pull weeds.

Then Wang Fu began to greet him: "Yes, yes, listen to him, didn't you all clamor to experience Life from the beginning!"

Many people are unwilling to work, but in the end they are forced to deal with it a few times at will.

The old woman's tea field is not big, only one-third of an acre of land, and it is not the season for tea production. She just clears the weeds and loosens the soil in order to have a good harvest in the coming year.

Several people finished their work quickly.

"Thank you all!" The old woman bent down and led everyone to the small courtyard of own farm.

Su Yun was carrying a hoe, and Wen Bai was following behind him, carrying a dustpan.

Taking advantage of the old woman's inattention, Wen Bai used a trick to take care of the Lingtian, cleaning up all the pests hidden in the tea field. When the tea is produced in Qingming next year, this tea field will definitely have an unexpected harvest.

Yun Yao and Jiang Mu also followed slowly, only the other four were left behind.

Wu Siyue has always been pampered and pampered. After working hard, she complained a lot. She pulled Wang Fu and complained: "Senior brother Wang Fu, what is this Su Yun doing? He is farming and eating at ordinary people's homes. Forget about our mission!"

"Look at his domineering appearance, it's really disgusting!" Wang Chong said dissatisfied.

Wang Fu frowned, and said emphatically: "Junior Brother Su Yun must have his reasons. If you are not convinced, you can go to him to make an argument yourself!"

Hearing this, several people fell silent. Firstly, they couldn't beat Su Yun. Secondly, Su Yun's current status is different from the past. Offending him, there must be no good fruit to eat.

After all, even Wang Fu of Xudan Realm is obedient to Su Yun.

In the end, Huang Jianbing said leisurely: "I think Su Yun has his reasons. After all, this kind of peerless genius, even if he doesn't touch Karma, Karma will naturally come to him!!"

Then, Huang Jianbing quickly chased after Su Yun.

Wu Siyue was stunned for a while, "Didn't Huang Jianbing regard Su Yun as a scourge and avoid it? Why is he actively chasing him now?"

Naturally, Huang Jianbing listened to these words, and he said in a loud voice: "Since some Karma cannot be avoided, it is better to enter the center of the storm. The center of the storm is calm!!"...

The old woman's small courtyard is not far from the tea field, which is the smoky house.

A group of people entered the small courtyard, and the next few people disliked the chicken cakes in the courtyard, but Su Yun and others didn't care.

The old woman brought everyone into the main room, placed a circle of bamboo stools beside the old table full of pits, brought a clay teapot, poured tea, and called everyone to sit down.

Su Yun looked around and found that there was a big red "囍" lettering on the door of a room, which was not even contaminated with much dust.

Then he noticed that there was a shrine in the middle of the main room, without incense and offerings, and it was covered by a red cloth, which was quite weird, so he couldn't help frowning.

Then sat down.

"Although the homemade tea is not expensive, it is also sweet and mellow. I hope you don't dislike it." The old woman said with a smile, treating them kindly.

Su Yun took a sip and felt the fragrance on his lips and teeth. Although the tea has no spiritual qi, the taste is acceptable.

"Good tea!"

"Haha, as long as you like it." The old woman smiled with satisfaction.

Putting down the teacup, Su Yun then asked: "Grandma, who is busy in the kitchen? Is it your son or daughter-in-law?"

"It's my wife. He has bad legs and feet, so he can't do farm work, so he can only do some housework." The old woman said bitterly.

"Your Junior is not around?" Su Yun asked urgently: "So unfilial? Let you live so hard!"

"I have a son who just got married not long ago. Now that the husband and wife are seeking immortality, they don't care about our old couple. When they attain enlightenment and ascend to immortality, our life will naturally be easier."

"Qiu Xian asked?" Su Yun's expression was serious. Since when did Spiritual Roots qualifications become so common, and even a new couple in a mortal family also possessed the qualifications?

Some of the nobles in Yanyun City don't have the Spiritual Roots qualification!

"Which immortal sect are you asking for, and what way are you asking?" Su Yun asked suppressing his emotions.

"Let me think about it." The old woman fell into deep thought, but her face was quite proud. After a while, she said slowly: "I don't know exactly what it is, old woman, but I remember it was an immortal master wearing a black hood and cloak. On the day of the wedding, I came to the door and said that my son and daughter-in-law both have the posture of Deva, and they are geniuses in spiritual practice! Before they could enter the bridal chamber that night, they were taken away."

"Although we left in a hurry, I have no objection after all because it is a fairy fate! I just hope that they can practice hard and become immortal masters as soon as possible, so that we can take our old couple to enjoy the happiness!"

Su Yun and Wen Bai looked at each other and looked at Wang Fu's eyes at the same time, everyone noticed something strange. Su Yun then asked: "Then congratulations to the old lady. I wonder what Spiritual Roots your son and daughter-in-law are? What about the specific qualifications?"

"Spiritual Roots?" The old woman looked suspicious while being happy, "What are Spiritual Roots?"

Su Yun's heart sank, the first step in accepting people from a serious sect is to take the test of Spiritual Roots, without Spiritual Roots, what kind of immortal is there, unless it is...

Maybe, their family really met that cult.

Seeing that everyone was silent, the old woman walked to the shrine proudly and attracted everyone's attention, "However, my son sent back a statue a few days ago, saying that he often worships, and maybe he can also get the favor of the five-eyed god. Give Xianyuan!"

"Old lady, I don't have any hope, you youngsters can still try!"

As she spoke, the old woman pulled down the red cloth on the shrine, and a black statue came into view.

The shape of this statue is a humanoid creature wrapped in a hooded robe. It is said to be a "humanoid creature" because its image is really weird. Like its name "Five-eyed True God", the face has long hair. The five crooked eyes and distorted facial features seemed to be scattered and arranged randomly.

The body is only vaguely human, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a doll made of internal organs stuffed into clothes and sewn.

An indescribable disgusting tentacle-like structure protruded from the cuffs and collar.

Looking at it, the san value is crazy.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, it seemed that they had indeed met the Chaos Cult, and the god worshiped by the Chaos Cult was the Five-Eyed True God!

Su Yun just wanted to ask the aunt for some information, to see if there were any clues.

As a result, by mistake, I really encountered the "missionary activities" of Chaos Cult.

Finally, Wang Fu couldn't help but asked, "Ma'am, do you know where your son has gone?"

"I don't know, I just came back last time, left behind the statue and left, and I don't know where I went, but those who seek immortals have their own Good Fortune!" The old woman smiled, her face full of happiness.

Seeing Su Yun, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

He smiled and said, "Ma'am, why don't you go to the kitchen and help the uncle, let's say goodbye here!"

"Okay, okay! Remember, sincerity leads to success! Be pious!" The old woman smiled kindly, turned and walked into the kitchen.

Immediately, with a solemn expression, Wang Fu unfolded a one-way sound-proof array, and looked at Su Yun in surprise, "Junior Su Yun, how do you know there are traces of Chaos Sect activities here!"

"Hehe... I don't know, I just want to inquire about some gossip in the village, there are rumors about Eight Trigrams." Su Yun scratched his head and said, without pretending to be ignorant of the credit.

"Let me just say, Su Yun is someone who has a big Karma around! Karma will naturally come to him!" Huang Jianbing said quite proudly.

Su Yun doesn't care about Karma, but thinks that Huang Jianbing is praising him.

At this moment, Wang Fu leaned in front of the statue of the Five-Eyed True God, looked at it carefully for a moment, and shook his head slightly.

"It's a very common obsidian. There's nothing strange about it, and it doesn't respond to divine thoughts. It's probably a souvenir that Chaos Sect gave to believers for worship."

"Not necessarily, didn't auntie say it? I want to worship, I want to be pious." As he spoke, Su Yun lifted up his robe, straightened his knees on the ground, kowtowed down, thinking of the name "Five-Eyed True God" in his heart, and Some ideas of intentionally converting to Chaos Sect came up.

For a moment, Jiang Mu frowned, raised the corners of his eyes, and looked at the weird statue in the shrine ahead.

Voice transmission to Su Yun Divine Sense: "Brother Su, there is a wave of spirit on this statue!"

"I don't know! It's absorbing my soul power!!" Su Yun replied in his mind: "But it's not strong, it's the level that ordinary people can bear. After a long time, it will be a little weak at most .”

"However, are you sure where the statue sent the power of the soul? It seems that it didn't exist in the statue, but disappeared directly!!"

Hearing this, Jiang Mu also knelt down devoutly, "Let me try."

"This is?" Seeing someone kneeling again, Wang Fu was puzzled and said, "Is it really possible to find something strange by kneeling?"

"Heh, bowing down in front of an inexplicable statue really embarrasses us Sect!" Wang Chong led Wu Siyue, stepped aside, and sarcastically said.

"Try it, try it and you will know, remember to be pious." Su Yun didn't say much.

Without saying a word, Wen Bai and Yun Yao knelt beside Su Yun.

Wang Fu and Huang Jianbing also knelt down one after another. Immediately, expressions of disbelief appeared on their faces.

At this moment, there were footsteps outside the house, and there were quite a few people listening.

Su Yun looked back and saw a group of men, women and children, all of whom were the nearest villagers.

"Hey, it's really lively today, so many people come to worship the Five-Eyed God!" said a dark-skinned young strong man.

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