The few people in the team who knelt down felt something was wrong, and there was no need to continue kneeling, not to mention that the room was not big, so they gave way to the new villagers.

With a one-way soundproof array, he retreated to the courtyard.

Looking at the men, women and children in the house who were kneeling devoutly, Su Yun showed a sad face.

"I thought the Chaos Cult was rare. At first, I was worried that I couldn't find it. I never thought that I could meet so many believers by just looking for a random family. I'm afraid that the Chaos Cult has sprung up like mushrooms after rain, sprouting everywhere!"

"Not necessarily, what if Su Yun is lucky and you just met him!" Huang Jianbing interrupted abruptly.

"Anyway, it's good to be able to find traces of the Chaos Cult!" Wang Fu also said in deep thought: "However, what kind of method is this statue of the Chaos Cult? I can't find out where the power of the soul has gone!"

Wang Chong and Wu Siyue didn't bow down, and they were a little surprised because they hadn't personally seen such a secretive method.

Su Yun looked at Jiang Mu, Jiang Mu also shook his head in denial, and said via voice transmission: "The spirit power that was sucked away is like a mud cow entering the sea, disappearing without a trace, even I can't find where it is going at all!"

"Perhaps this is the reason why the Chaos Cult wants to absorb so many congregants!" While analyzing, Su Yun replied with his thoughts: "They want to absorb a steady stream of divine and soul power, and they have a long-term plan, so we can't let them continue to absorb the teaching There are so many!"

And Wang Fu and Su Yun coincided with each other, and they also had the same idea. Standing in front of everyone, they said with great fighting spirit: "The Chaos Sect relies on this statue to absorb the power of people's souls. We can't let it add bricks and tiles to the leader of the Chaos Sect. Wait for me to smash it." over it!"

"Senior brother Wang Fu, calm down and observe for a while." Su Yun pulled away and stopped in front of Wang Fu.

Inside the house, more than a dozen people kneeled neatly on the dirt floor, their postures were humble, their bodies were close to the ground, they couldn't be lower, and they couldn't be more pious!

There are words in the mouth, but I can't hear the words and sentences clearly. I can only tell that everyone's chanting is different.

After a long while, the people who came to worship got up one after another, one by one, their faces were pale and their spirits were vain. When they came just now, they were still in high spirits, but after a while, they became so depressed, as if they had stayed up for several nights.

Although the divine soul power absorbed by the statue is not much, it is only for the cultivator, and it is not a small consumption for mortals.

At this time, the old woman came out with two plates of dishes, and when she saw the people in the room, she looked out of the room again, and she instantly showed embarrassment, and complained: "You have squeezed out all the distinguished guests, so where will I put my face! "

One of the strong men said dissatisfiedly: "I said, Mrs. Liu, why don't you just put the statue of the Five-Eyed God in the ancestral hall in the village, so that it will be convenient for everyone to worship? It will also prevent everyone from disturbing you!"

"My son said, the immortal master specially explained, please come back to the statue of the five-eyed true god, and you must not move it easily, otherwise you will anger the true god and condemn our village, and everyone can't bear it!" The old woman put down two Dishes, said anxiously.

Afterwards, a white-haired rickety old lady stood up with a cane, angrily knocked the ground with the cane a few times, and scolded: "Mr. Liu! I think you just don't want other people to be chosen by the true god, and you want to break our immortality!" way!"

But the old lady's body was already weak, and a lot of her soul power was sucked away. When she was so excited, her eyes turned black and she fell to the ground.

"Don't blackmail my old lady!" The old woman panicked and went up to take care of her.

Others also began to blame, and there was chaos in the house.

Immediately, the old lady woke up, cursed a few more words, and got someone to help her out.

A group of people left cursing and leaving, one by one inexplicably irritable, even the children who were well-behaved at first disobeyed their parents' discipline, and began to play mischievously, and the noisy voice continued until they walked away.

"It seems that this idol can also affect people's mind and arouse negative emotions." Su Yun pinched his chin and thought.

Based on his own knowledge, Jiang Mu added from the side: "Being absorbed by the gods and spirits will give people an illusion of communicating with the gods, so even if they know that they will work hard after worshiping, they still enjoy it."

At this time, the old woman apologized and welcomed everyone outside the house.

"I'm really sorry, I made you laugh. Ever since they learned that I have a five-eyed statue of a true god, they often come to worship, and they can't stop them."

"Haven't these believers been given god statues?" Wang Fu asked in a suspicious tone.

"I don't know much, but listen to me, only formal believers can reward a statue of the five-eyed true god! Perhaps their merits and virtues are not enough, and they have not been recognized by the five-eyed true god, so they cannot be regarded as formal believers." When saying this , the old woman is somewhat proud.

Wang Fu looked at Su Yun with a sad face, hesitated to speak, and finally shook his head helplessly.

While the old woman went back to the kitchen to continue her work, Wang Fu led the group to discuss, "This old woman doesn't know the movements of Chaos Cult, so it's useless to stay here. Why don't you follow another group of people and see if you can find any clues?" .”

"What do you think, Junior Brother Su Yun?" Wang Fu showed flattery, causing Wang Chong and Wu Siyue to be dissatisfied.

At this time, Su Yun's attention was still on the weird statue, and he couldn't help but pay attention to what the old woman said just now.

Afterwards, he murmured to himself: "What will happen if the statue is moved?"

"You mean?" Wang Fu narrowed his eyes slightly, and instantly understood what Su Yun meant.

"Yes." Su Yun amplified the volume a little, turned around and said to the crowd: "We will do things that are strictly prohibited by the evil cultivators of Chaos Sect."

"Understood!" Yun Yao, who was closest to the statue, nodded slightly, first glanced furtively in the direction of the kitchen, then tiptoed, and reached for the statue.

Suddenly, the house shook slightly, the tiles made clanking noises, and a few wisps of dust from the beams drifted down.

"The Five-Eyed True God discovered it before I even touched it? Is this his warning?" Yun Yao tilted her head in surprise.

Wen Bai covered his nose and smiled softly, "It was Su Yun who used a spell to move the entire courtyard."

"There are other methods like this?" Yun Yao was more surprised by Su Yun's strange method than being discovered by the five-eyed true god.

"If I could control it more delicately, there wouldn't be such a big shaking." Su Yun didn't care, but was a little disappointed.

"Cut~" Yun Yao said the same thing as Su Yun.

At this time, the old woman hurried out of the kitchen, first looked at the statue of the five-eyed true god, and then looked at the crowd with concern after the hanging heart fell: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Su Yun waved his hand slightly and smiled dryly.

"It's fine." The old woman smiled kindly, "For some reason, there was an earthquake suddenly. This area has never happened before!"

Su Yun put on a smile, "You are busy!"

The old woman returned to the kitchen and continued to work, and soon the smell came from the kitchen.

After the twists and turns just now, after a while, the old woman was ready to eat, coarse grain Steamed bun and a few light farm side dishes, and the only meat dish was fried bacon.

Su Yun helped take the bacon off the beams, there were only two pieces in total, Su Yun took one piece, cut it in half, and hung the other half back.

"Eat whatever you want, it's just plain food, I don't know if you people in the city are used to it." The old woman looked at the table, full of reluctance, but she still squeezed a smile and said, and then slowly retreated to the kitchen. It was also at this moment that Su Yun saw a white-haired old man poking his head out of the kitchen with a smile on his face.

He smiled back.

For a moment, Su Yun wondered if this is the Immortal World?

Although cultivating the Immortal World is exciting, it is only for cultivators with Spiritual Roots qualifications. Ordinary people, the humble, are still humble, and the poor are still poor.

Even if a cultivator has the ability to move mountains and fill seas, and call wind and rain, it may not have done anything for mortals.

It's no wonder that Chaos Cult can expand so rapidly in just a few years.

They are taking advantage of mortals' desire for immortality.

Because for the vast majority of mortals, being a cultivator is the only way to live a good life.

Looking at the table full of food, Su Yun felt very uncomfortable, but he still picked up the bowls and chopsticks and greeted at the same time: "Eat, why don't you eat?"

"This..." Wang Fu looked at Su Yun and said with a smirk: "After the Foundation Establishment, there is no need to eat anymore. What's more, we are just looking for an excuse, so we don't really need to eat."

Wen Bai picked up the chopsticks, ate it up and said, "Even if it's Foundation Establishment, you can still enjoy the food!"

At the same time, she ordered Jiang Mu to say: "Why are you standing still, you want to grow your body, eat more!"

"Okay, okay!" Jiang Mu was reluctant, but still picked up a Steamed bun, sandwiched vegetables, and started to eat.

But after the oily aroma of bacon exploded in his mouth, his eyes lit up, and he took a few more slices in.

As for the others, most of them despise this kind of mortal food without Spiritual Qi, so they have not moved their chopsticks for a long time.

Su Yun didn't care either, the three of them were enough to divide up the few dishes.

After dinner, Su Yun didn't plan to stay longer, after saying hello, he prepared to take everyone away, and before leaving, he left behind ten low-grade Spirit Stones.

And Wen Bai threw a Medicine Pill into it when passing by the well in the courtyard.

After the Medicine Pill is diluted with well water, it is just right for ordinary people.

After everyone left, the old woman stared at the shining stones on the table, and was stunned for a long time before suddenly realizing Sensing Dao: "This is... Spirit Stones?"

"There are so many, I can't bear it, old lady!" The old woman hurriedly chased her out, but when she reached the door, she looked around, but she could no longer see Su Yun and the others.

The people who left the yard stayed under a persimmon tree a hundred meters away, hiding their figures.

Wang Chong copied his hands and sneered inexplicably: "Heh, you are really kind, leaving Spirit Stones for mortals, but what's the use of kindness? Kindness is the most useless thing in the Immortal World!"

Su Yun pretended to be puzzled, shook his head and said, "Isn't it natural to pay for meals? I just don't have change."

In other words, I have money and I am happy!

Wang Chong: "..."

"Actually, I think Su Yun did the right thing. The people are poor, so they should be more sympathetic." Yun Yao nodded in agreement.

"But..." Su Yun frowned, "You are the princess of Ruiguo, and they are your subjects! Even at the foot of the imperial city..."

In the end, Su Yun didn't dare to say too much.

Yun Yao fell silent, and everyone present fell silent.

To ease the embarrassment, Wen Bai hugged Su Yun's arm and said with a sweet smile: "Su Yun, I guess you must have another purpose for leaving Spirit Stones for them!"

"You still understand me!!" Su Yun was overjoyed, and then raised the corner of his mouth, "I don't know if moving the position of the statue will attract the attention of the evil cultivators, but if the evil cultivators are hiding near the village, they will definitely come to them because of the Spirit Stones Come."

"Heh!" Wang Chong shook his head jokingly, "I thought you could have some brilliant tricks, is the evil cultivator a dog? You can find it by smelling the Spirit Stones? It's only ten low-grade Spirit Stones. "

"Hey, how old is he, so unstable." Su Yun spread his hands helplessly, "I haven't finished my sentence yet!"

In fact, among the ten low-grade Spirit Stones given to the old woman, a low-grade spirit core was mixed with the metal components and the Spirit Power output interface removed, but the main functions are still there, and the appearance is not much different from ordinary Spirit Stones.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers pretentiously, but in fact, with a thought, he caused a certain Spirit Stones in the distance to release Spirit Power to generate strong Spirit Power fluctuations.

This kind of pure Spirit Power fluctuation released by Spirit Stones is very attractive to cultivators, and it usually comes from Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, or a large number of Spirit Stones.

"This Spirit Power fluctuation..." Wang Fu closed his eyes and began to think, "At first glance, it might make people think that Heavenly and Mortal Treasures were born, but in fact there is no aura, just like the Spirit Power extracted from the Spirit Stones. Power."

"That's right, but for those evil cultivators in the Qi Refining period, the attraction is enough." Su Yun explained from the side.

Wang Fu nodded slightly, and couldn't help admiring, "This must be some kind of wonderful trick by Junior Brother Su Yun! Then what shall we do?"

"Don't just think about flattering!" Su Yun said angrily, "How did you become the team leader? Aren't you going to find information about that group of people just now? Go! Why are you all guarding here?"

Su Yun has a lot of opinions on Wang Fu, the team leader...

"Ah, yes, yes, yes!" Wang Fu slapped his forehead, and called Wang Chong, Wu Siyue, and Huang Jianbing to gather information.

The team was naturally divided into two factions.

Su Yun, who was staying in the same place, suddenly relaxed, picked a big yellow-orange persimmon from the tree with his mind, and gnawed on it.

"Let's just sit back and wait for the rabbit."

Also contented were Wen Bai and Jiang Mu.

Wen Bai sat down, leaning against the persimmon tree, took out an Inner Sect pill refining classic, and began to study, while Jiang Mu stared at the persimmons on the tree in a daze.

Only Yun Yao was full of preoccupations, standing behind Su Yun, twitching her posture, struggling with something.

"Just say what you have to say." Su Yun took a bite of a persimmon and said.

"Actually... what you just said is right. I am not competent as a princess. I have always been superior and failed to understand the people's sentiments. What I said about saving the people in dire straits is empty talk!" As she said, Yun Yao emphasized her tone, "Su Yun!"

"If possible, I would like to invite you to serve in the dynasty. You will definitely make Ruiguo a better place!! Let the people of the world live better! And you will not be treated badly, and the cultivation resources you will be given will not be less than Sect! "

"Is there an organization?" Su Yun turned his head and joked.

"What?" Yun Yao looked suspicious, and she couldn't help but tilt her head to look at Su Yun.

"Hahaha, it's nothing." Su Yun smiled awkwardly, then restrained his smile, casually threw away the half-gnawed persimmon, and said seriously: "However, I'm sorry, I'm already a gentle alchemist, naturally Be wholehearted."

"As for the people in this world, I have a way to make them live better, and I will do it."

For some reason, Yun Yao firmly believed in Su Yun's words, and believed that Su Yun would definitely be able to do it.

At the same time, there is loss.

And Wen Bai, who was reading a book at the side, suddenly blushed, raised his arms, and covered his own face with a book.

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