Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 110 Attack

Nanako was very familiar with those cold eyes. She reluctantly opened her eyes and looked directly at the figure in front of the door.

Why? She asked calmly, looking at her only relative in the world.

Danzo also looked at his only relative in the world and said coldly: I don't allow my subordinates to do things against my will. This is the fundamental reason.

The blood relationship between relatives is nothing more than an insignificant relationship to him, and there are many things more important than it. Therefore, Nanako's actions undoubtedly ruined herself, especially when the person involved was Konoha's little White Fang.

Little White Fang is a sharp sword that he is using, but now there is no way to return this sharp sword to his heart, so he cannot make Little White Fang sharper, otherwise he may hurt himself.

Nanako's behavior is a whetstone. It not only goes against his will, but also sharpens the little white teeth he has not yet controlled. He will not be angry or disappointed, because Nanako's existence is not unique and can be replaced. There are too many people.

Nanako looked at Danzo silently, feeling the coldness and ruthlessness coming from him. She closed her lips tightly, without any thought of speaking.

From the moment those eyes appeared, her heart became cold and she gave up.

Danzo seemed to be able to see Nanako's will to die, and said coldly: I will give you a chance to show your final value.

The iron door slowly closed, cutting off the coldness and ruthlessness from this man, and returning the dark room to darkness.


There is a person imprisoned in the roots of Konoha, just like a stone accidentally kicked away on the street and fell into the sewer, unable to attract anyone's attention.

Ye Zi, who was far away, had no way of knowing about this.

What would happen if you knew?

Danzo didn't know, Orochimaru didn't know, and Nanako didn't know either.

Therefore, Danzo did not want Ye Zi to know so soon, so the escort task came to Ye Zi.

Despite many thoughts, in the end the carriage traveled in the direction of the highway. Of course, it would pass through a capital city and stop again.

Unlike the rough waves the night before, this journey was eerily calm.

The bounty hunters who attacked crazily that night disappeared without a trace like water drops falling into the sea. This can be understood as the deterrent power of Konoha's Little White Fang made them give up decisively, but Ye Zi did not think that they could reach Kyoto peacefully. The black hand hidden behind the scenes would not give up for the sake of profit. Behind the calmness of the day, there may be waves that cannot be concealed.

The carriage drove slowly, with Ye Zi walking in front, Yan Ye behind, and Hong and Akai on both sides of the carriage.

The road was very wide, and weeds as tall as a person grew on both sides of the road. The strong wind blew and swayed like waves.

This is a very suitable place for an ambush, so Ye Zi asked the ninth team to be mentally prepared. He even had his own thunder fangs unsheathed and held in his palm, maintaining the easiest posture to take action.

Inside the carriage, Muzi quietly looked at the simple wooden board in front of her. The windows were closed. The light was very dark but she could not see anything. She could feel the vibration from the carriage, but she could not detect any danger from outside the carriage. .

This carriage heading to Kyoto has only two outcomes, one is that the carriage stops, the other is that the carriage moves.

She knew very well who the person who wanted to kill her was, and she knew even more about that person's temperament. Yes, she knew that person's ruthlessness better than anyone else, even better than her father.

Konoha Little White Fang...Ye Zi...heh.

In the dimly lit carriage, Muzi suddenly showed a beautiful smile, and her watery eyes flashed with complex meanings. It was undeniable that the man had really entered her eyes.

This is a man who cannot give her a sense of security, but paradoxically, she has every reason to believe that as long as she stands behind him, there will be no danger.

This road is very long, and it is difficult to see the edge at a glance. After walking this road, you will reach the nearest city to Kyoto. After that, it will be accessible by major roads, leaving half a day to travel. If the other party is still willing to take action, then this can be said to be the only chance.

Ye Zi knew this. He raised his eyes and looked ahead. The surroundings were very quiet.


At this moment, he suddenly noticed the aura coming from all directions. The speed was slightly faster, the movements were rough, and there was no hidden meaning. The sound was coming along the weeds.

Protect the target.

Ye Zi looked coldly at the person with the strongest aura, and thunder surged all over his body.

In the carriage, when Muzi heard Ye Zi still calling her a target, she couldn't help but curled her lips. She actually had no sense of the crisis outside the carriage.

She will be afraid, but not fearful.

If you don't care about some things, then it doesn't matter, including life.

However, now she no longer wanted to be passive.

She can bear what she should bear, so what belongs to her can only be hers and no one can take it away.

Muzi tilted her head slightly, her eyes slightly narrowed, as if she was looking through the wooden board, towards the family that was very close but far away. She is as calm as jade, and her expression is as calm as water. Even if a knife comes at this moment, her expression will not change at all.

I won't die, because he is Konoha's little White Fang. Wei Mi's eyes were filled with an icy chill.

So, you may be dear sister.


Violent body movements, rubbing against clumps of weeds, produced a lot of sounds.

From this alone, it was enough to judge that the person attacking was not a ninja.

Leave no one behind!

A cold voice came from a certain direction, and then the sound of sharp weapons cutting grass bundles rang out over and over again. Grass blades flew in all directions, and dozens of figures jumped out of the grass, with a clear target, pointing directly at the carriage.

They were strong men in samurai uniforms. Each of them held a long sword in his hand, and the sword was wrapped with abundant chakra.

The enemy came very openly and with great momentum.

The three members of Team 9 immediately approached the carriage and formed a standard 10,000-word formation to guard the carriage.


Looking at this group of samurai who possess chakra but are not ninjas, Ye Zi directly thinks that they are nothing more than officials or retainers of wealthy families.

Without any time to think, Ye Zi held Lei Ya and faced the leader who made the sound.

Thunder flow.

The galloping body radiated a large amount of lightning in all directions, like thunder snakes biting the attacking warriors. With screams, the encirclement formed by the warriors was instantly torn open by Ye Zi.

There may be strong warriors among the samurai, but most of them are weak. They just know how to use chakra to wrap around the weapons to increase the sharpness, or to infuse the limbs of the body to increase the strength and strength. If the sword skills are poor, Easier to deal with than ordinary ninjas.

Compared with the large number of bounty hunters who attacked that night, these warriors were simply scum, so Ye Zi could leave the carriage without any scruples and go straight to the strongest man, because in his opinion, Kai and the others were enough to deal with these people. A group of warriors.

This is also true. After that night of fighting, when faced with these warriors, not to mention Akai, even Hong did not feel the slightest pressure and easily knocked down several warriors.

This is the baptism of a tragic battle. It is not as good as the baptism of war, but it is an extremely precious experience.

Screams rang out in layers, and then fell silent.

Ye Zi's speed was so fast that the naked eyes of the warriors could not catch his figure, and he was knocked to the ground by the high-temperature electric current. It was not fatal, but it was enough to make the person who was electrocuted lose consciousness.

When the leader saw his subordinates being chopped down by just a few people, his expression suddenly became ugly. His body was trembling slightly, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him. There was even a look in his ugly triangular eyes. fear.

Ye Zi quickly came to this man and could easily see the fear in the eyes of the leading warrior, and a look of disdain appeared on his face.

Despite his fear, the leading warrior did not run away. He slowly pulled out the long sword hanging from his waist.

Ye Zi looked at this man, the disdain on his face gradually disappeared.

The samurai was afraid of his arrival, and his body showed it faithfully, but the hand holding the sword was as steady as a mountain, forming a clear contrast.

Ye Zi didn't move, but the warrior did. With a howl, he raised the long sword wrapped with chakra and pushed towards Ye Zi at a very fast speed.

The speed was actually not slow, but in Ye Zi's eyes, it really didn't matter.

Too weak. He who was very weak many years ago could kill Jiu Xiao, not to mention that there is no comparison between this warrior and Jiu Xiao.

He faced the samurai's attack, and there were too many ways to kill him with one blow.

Thunder surged and a thousand birds chirped.

Ye Zi turned into a bolt of lightning and killed the leading warrior.


An arm holding a long knife spun and flew into the air.

The leading warrior looked dazed and confused. He slowly lowered his head and looked at the smooth wound on his shoulder. His lips moved but he couldn't say anything.


The blood spurted out like a gushing spring water, as if it was free of charge.

The leading warrior turned his back to Ye Zi, knelt on the ground, and said in a hoarse voice: Why?

He understood Ye Zi's terror and knew clearly that the other party could easily take his life.

I ask, you answer, I will give you a happy death. Ye Zi's eyes were cold. He left this man alive just to ask for information.

The leading warrior smiled sadly and said coldly: Stupid ninja, don't underestimate martial arts...


The tip of the knife wrapped around Leisi penetrated from the back of the warrior's head, and with a tongue and a small black pill, it came out of the warrior's mouth.


The warrior let out a dull scream and suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Now, I ask and you write.

Ye Zi drew out his thunder fangs and came to the warrior with a very indifferent expression. The strength and accuracy of his sword would not kill the warrior, but it could prevent conventional suicide methods. Before taking action, he was not sure whether the warrior Will he commit suicide by taking pills? I just feel it is necessary to do so.

Ye Zi stared coldly at the warrior who was sweating. Criminal investigation was Genli's most basic skill, so he had many ways to pry information out of the warrior's mouth.

Don't be too optimistic. I have many ways to get you to talk. If you want to be happy, don't waste time.

The leading warrior opened his eyes in fear and made a whining sound. Blood mixed with some minced meat, flowed down the corners of his lips to his chin and chest, and soon his chest was stained red.

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