Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 111 The Beginning

There may be some tough-boned people, but Ye Zi has never met one so far, including this warrior.

The battle ended without any suspense. Dozens of warriors lay on the ground, radiating around with the carriage as the center point.

Ye Zi carried the leading warrior who was like mud and breathing weakly to the front of the carriage. He looked up at the warriors lying around and told Yan Ye: Go and mend the sword.

There was something strange in Yanye's eyes, he nodded, and walked towards the unconscious samurai with Qianben in hand.

She was not surprised by Ye Zi's instructions because she was familiar with Ye Zi's methods. However, she was very surprised that Ye Zi only ordered her to do this kind of thing. In her understanding, Akai and Hong should also be ordered Do this kind of thing.

Especially... Akai and Hong still have serious shortcomings in battle, that is, their attack methods are not lethal enough, and last-hitting is an excellent opportunity to adapt to this process.

I'm a little jealous of you, two lucky brats.

Yan Ye thought silently, unlike the previous push against her and the Uchiha siblings, the captain seemed to be more tolerant of Akai and Hong's growth rate.

Cruelty is an essential quality in this world.

You can be cruel to the cruel object, and you can control the degree of cruelty, but you cannot be without cruelty, especially for ninjas. If you are not cruel, then fall to the ground, bury your thoughts in the darkness, and bury your body in the soil.

People will die sooner or later, and ninjas who are not cruel will die earlier and faster.

Kai and Hongxin were slightly opposed to this approach of killing everyone. However, it was Ye Zi who made this decision, so for some reason, despite their inner resistance, they were not disgusted. They even felt that this was the way to go when encountering such a situation in the future. made.

The reason is simple. Ye Zi is their leading teacher, and his various performances along the way have conquered the hearts of both of them.

Ye Zi casually threw the weak-breathing leading warrior in front of the carriage. He obtained a lot of information from this man's mouth, and also learned some information about the person behind the scenes.

The door of the carriage was opened, Muzi got out of the car slowly, and looked at the samurai who collapsed on the ground, his eyes slightly cold.

The samurai half-raised his head with difficulty and looked at Muzi with fearful eyes.

She lost.

Muzi lowered his head and stared at the samurai coldly.

The warrior's lips trembled slightly, he tilted his head, looked at Muzi with pleading eyes, and whispered: Miss...

Do you think I will be merciful? Since this is your choice, you have to bear the corresponding price.

Muzi's expression was very cold, and she reached out to take Ye Zi's knife. The latter looked at her silently and had no intention of passing the knife to her.

Borrow me the knife and use it. Muzi looked at Ye Zi angrily.

Ye Zi took out a kunai from his ninja bag and handed it over.

Muzi's mouth twitched slightly, and after taking the kunai, she glared angrily at Ye Zi, who was unmoved.

The warrior lying on the ground had a gray expression on his face.

He was not afraid of death, so even though he knew that Ye Zi would be killed instantly, he was unwilling to retreat and even took the initiative to attack. Because he has a family, and the lives of his family are controlled by the Yunhe family. The eldest lady's previous words made it clear that she would not be merciful and would not spare his life, including that of his family, so he was completely hopeless and an aura of despair enveloped him.

Life is fragile, isn't it?

Familiar people who died before her eyes seemed to pass by. Muzi suddenly smiled, a smile.

She gently put down her hand and passed the sharp point of the kunai into the samurai's gray left eye, and then, with a sudden force...

Ye Zi looked at this scene expressionlessly, while Kai and Hong's expressions changed.

They deeply felt that Muzi had undergone tremendous changes, obvious changes.

This is growth.

Originally, Muzi gave up the most important thing, so she was very calm all the way. Since her life didn't matter anymore, what else could she care about? But now, starting from her leap, everything should be in place. Variety.

Muzi pulled out the blood-stained kunai, reversed it, and inserted it in front of the warrior's empty left eye. Then he stood up, looked at Ye Zi, and asked, Do you know?

Ye Zi nodded slightly and said calmly: I probably know everything I should know.

Muzi took a deep breath and said calmly: Then please send me home safely. As for the reward, I will make Konoha very satisfied.

I will escort you to your destination. This is my duty, nothing more. Ye Zi turned around and looked forward.

The information he pried out from the mouths of the samurai was very comprehensive. This was a struggle for power within a large family, and these samurai were the desperate effort of the person fighting for power. In other words, there might not be another attack. A wave.

The person behind the scenes is Muzi's biological sister...

Even if Muzi will become the wife of a daimyo of the Fire Country, the right to inherit the family will still remain in Muzi's hands.

This is the inheritance method of the Yunhe family, so in order to seize power, as Muzi's biological sister, she tried every means to get rid of Muzi.

No matter what, Ye Zi only needs to deliver the person home safely, and he doesn't want to get too involved in the rest, even if this big family named Yunhe is extremely wealthy...

Muzi looked at Ye Zi's back, a charming smile appeared on her delicate face.

Completely different.

The three members of the ninth team were thinking silently. When they first met Muzi and their subsequent interactions, they all thought that Muzi was a woman as quiet as water, and it seemed that nothing could cause any ripples in her heart.

Now, however, they need to change their minds.

The carriage moved on, leaving dozens of bodies abandoned on the road.

Ye Zi, who was walking in front, looked into the distance and all he could think about was to solve this task as soon as possible.

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